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Curcumin and Alzheimer’s Disease

Tsuyoshi Hamaguchi,1,2 Kenjiro Ono1 & Masahito Yamada1
1 Department of Neurology and Neurobiology of Aging, Kanazawa University Graduate School of Medical Science, 13-1 Takara-Machi, Kanazawa, Japan
2 Department of Cellular Neurology, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, University of Tübingen, Otfried-Müller Strasse 27, Tübingen, Germany

Keywords Curcumin has a long history of use as a traditional remedy and food in Asia.
Alzheimer’s disease; Curcumin; Many studies have reported that curcumin has various beneficial properties,
Amyloid-β-protein; Tau.
such as antioxidant, antiinflammatory, and antitumor. Because of the reported
effects of curcumin on tumors, many clinical trials have been performed to elu-
Professor Masahito Yamada, Department of cidate curcumin’s effects on cancers. Recent reports have suggested therapeu-
Neurology and Neurobiology of Aging, tic potential of curcumin in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD).
Kanazawa University Graduate, School of In in vitro studies, curcumin has been reported to inhibit amyloid-β-protein
Medical Science, 13-1 Takara-Machi, (Aβ) aggregation, and Aβ-induced inflammation, as well as the activities of
Kanazawa 920-8640, Japan. β-secretase and acetylcholinesterase. In in vivo studies, oral administration of
Tel.: +81-76-265-2290;
curcumin has resulted in the inhibition of Aβ deposition, Aβ oligomerization,
Fax: +81-76-234-4253;
and tau phosphorylation in the brains of AD animal models, and improve-
ments in behavioral impairment in animal models. These findings suggest that
curcumin might be one of the most promising compounds for the develop-
ment of AD therapies. At present, four clinical trials concerning the effects of
doi: 10.1111/j.1755-5949.2010.00147.x curcumin on AD has been conducted. Two of them that were performed in
China and USA have been reported no significant differences in changes in
cognitive function between placebo and curcumin groups, and no results have
been reported from two other clinical studies. Additional trials are necessary to
determine the clinical usefulness of curcumin in the prevention and treatment
of AD.

cumin’s nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug-like activity

is based on the inhibition of nuclear factor κB (NFκB)-
Curcuma longa is a member of the ginger family and mediated transcription of inflammatory cytokines [4], in-
is indigenous to South and Southeast Asia; turmeric ducible nitric oxide synthase [5], and cyclooxygenase 2
is derived from the rhizome of this plant. Turmeric (Cox-2) [6]. Many studies concerning the antitumor ac-
has a long history of use in traditional medicines in tivity of curcumin have been conducted, and the clinical
China and India [1], where it is also used as a curry benefits of curcumin against tumors are being actively in-
spice in foods. Curcuminoids are the active components vestigated, although clinical trials are still in a relatively
responsible for the majority of the medicinal proper- early phase [1]. Curry consumption in old age has been
ties of turmeric, and they consist of a mixture of cur- recently reported to be associated with better cognitive
cumin (75–80%), demethoxycurcumin (15–20%), and functions [7]. Furthermore, some reports have suggested
bisdemethoxycurcumin (3–5%) (Figure 1) [2], which is possible beneficial effects of curcumin on the experimen-
available commercially [3] (e.g. Wako Pure Chemical tal models of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) [8–13]. On the ba-
Industries, Ltd, Japan). Much of evidences supporting sis of these results, four clinical trials have been initiated
the beneficial properties of curcumin has been reported, [1,14,15].
including antiinflammatory, antioxidant, chemopreven- In this review, recent studies concerning the effects of
tive, and chemotherapeutic properties [1]. Part of cur- curcumin on the pathophysiology of AD are summarized

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Curcumin and AD T. Hamaguchi et al.

Figure 1 Chemical structures of curcumin (A),

demethoxycurcumin (B), and
bisdemethoxycurcumin (C).

with a focus on potential candidate compounds suitable tations associated with familial AD and hereditary cere-
for use in the development of preventive and therapeutic bral hemorrhage with amyloidosis have been identified
agents for AD. within or near the Aβ region of the coding sequence
of the APP gene [29–33], and these mutations cluster
at or very near to the sites within APP that are nor-
mally cleaved by proteases called α-, β-, and γ -secretases
Amyloid β is a Key Molecule
(Figure 2) [34]. Furthermore, other genes implicated in
of Alzheimer’s Disease familial AD include presenilin-1 (PS1) and presenilin-2
AD is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder charac- (PS2) [35–37], which alter APP metabolism through a di-
terized by the deterioration of cognitive functions and rect effect on γ -secretase [38,39]. These facts support the
behavioral changes [16]. Senile plaques, neurofibrillary notion that aberrant APP metabolism is a key feature of
tangles, and extensive neuronal loss are the main his- AD.
tological hallmarks observed in AD brains. Main disease Mutations in the gene encoding the tau protein cause
mechanism-based approaches are dependent on the in- frontotemporal dementia with parkinsonism, which is
volvement of two proteins; amyloid-β-protein (Aβ) and characterized by severe tau deposition in neurofibrillary
tau. Aβ is the main constituent of senile plaques and tau tangles in the brain, but no Aβ deposition [40, 41]. Thus,
is the main component of neurofibrillary tangles. genetic and pathological evidence strongly supports the
High levels of fibrillary Aβ are deposited in the AD notion that the Aβ accumulation in the brain is the first
brain that is associated with loss of synapses and neu- pathological event leading to AD (amyloid cascade hy-
rons and impairment of neuronal functions [17–20]. Aβ pothesis; Figure 3), and neurofibrillary tangles observed
was sequenced from the meningeal vessels and senile in AD brains are likely to have been deposited after
plaques of AD patients and individuals with Down’s syn- changes in Aβ metabolism and initial plaque formation
drome [21–23]. Subsequent cloning of the gene encod- [42].
ing the β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) and its lo- Aβ deposited in the brain consists of two major species,
calization to chromosome 21 [24–27], coupled with the Aβ40 and Aβ42, which differ depending on whether the
earlier recognition that trisomy 21 (Down’s syndrome) C terminus of Aβ ends at the 40th or 42nd amino acid,
invariably leads to the neuropathology of AD [28], set respectively (Figure 2) [43–45]. In the brains of AD pa-
the stage for the proposal that Aβ accumulation is the pri- tients, Aβ42 is the predominant species deposited in the
mary event in AD pathogenesis. In addition, certain mu- brain parenchyma [46]. In contrast, Aβ40 appears to be

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Figure 2 Diagram of APP and of its principal metabolic derivative, amyloid β (Aβ). Aβ is generated from APP by two proteases (β-secretase and
γ -secretase), whereas a third protease, α-secretase, competes with β-secretase for the APP substrate.

Figure 3 The amyloid cascade hypothesis.

This hypothesis proposes a series of
pathogenic events leading to AD. Cerebral
amyloid β (Aβ) accumulation is the primary
factor in AD, and the rest of the disease process
results from an imbalance between Aβ
production, accumulation, and Aβ clearance.

the predominant species deposited in the cerebral vas- In Vitro Studies with Curcumin
culature (cerebral amyloid angiopathy; CAA) [43]. There
is a strong correlation between Aβ40 and mature senile
Anti-Aβ Aggregation Effect
plaques [43]. In the brains of Down’s syndrome patients, Inhibition of Aβ aggregation, especially Aβ42, in the
Aβ42 can form numerous diffuse plaques as early as at brain (antiamyloidogenic therapy) is the primary strat-
the age of 12 years, whereas Aβ40 is first detected in egy for the development of AD therapies and is cur-
plaques almost 20 years later [47]. Further experimen- rently the most active area of investigation. Furthermore,
tal studies indicate that Aβ42 aggregates more easily than it has been reported that Aβ fibrils are not the only toxic
Aβ40 [48], and Aβ42 is essential for amyloid deposition form of Aβ implicated in the development of AD. Smaller
in the parenchyma and vasculature [49]. species of aggregated Aβ, known as Aβ oligomers, may

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Curcumin and AD T. Hamaguchi et al.

curcumin concentration, because small molecules might

have concentration-dependent multiphasic behavior on
modulating protein aggregation [61]. Additional studies
are required to investigate the precise activity of cur-
cumin on Aβ aggregation.

Antioxidative Effect
The evidences to support a role of oxidative stress in
AD with increased levels of lipid peroxidation, DNA
and protein oxidation products (4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, 8-
HO-guanidine, and protein carbonyls, respectively) are
increasing [62]. Aβ can efficiently generate reactive oxy-
gen species in the presence of the transition metals cop-
per and iron, and will form stable dityrosine cross-linked
dimmers, which are generated from free radical attack
under oxidative condition [62]. Alanine-2 carbonyl is an
Figure 4 A nucleation-dependent polymerization model [54,55]. This oxygen ligand in Cu2+ coordination of Aβ, which may ex-
model consists of two phases; (1) nucleation phase and (2) exten- plain the presence of N-terminally truncated Aβ3-40/42
sion phase. Nucleus formation requires a series of association steps of
and the cyclized pyrogltamate Aβ3-40/42 species in both
monomers representing the rate-limiting step in amyloid fibril formation.
Once the nucleus has been formed, further addition of monomers be-
diffuse and cored AD plaques [63]. Because Aβ-induced
comes thermodynamically favorable, resulting in rapid extension of amy- oxidative stress in neuronal cells may be a cause of AD
loid fibrils in vitro. pathology, one of the pharmacological approaches for
AD is antioxidant therapy [64–66]. Therefore, the nat-
ural oxidant curcumin has been investigated as a po-
represent the primary toxic species in AD [34,50–53]. tential compound for the prevention and cure of AD.
Some studies have been reported about the anti-Aβ ag- Curcumin has been reported to protect PC12 (ED50 val-
gregation effect of curcumin in vitro. ues = 7.1 μg/mL = 19.3 μM) and human umbilical vein
Over the past decade, various compounds have been endothelial cells (ED50 values = 6.8 μg/mL = 18.5 μM)
demonstrated to interfere with Aβ aggregation in an from Aβ42 insult because of its strong antioxidant
in vitro model, a nucleation-dependent polymerization properties, as measured by 3-[4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl]-
model (Figure 4), which is thought to represent the 2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide reduction assay [10].
mechanism of Aβ aggregation that leads to the forma- Furthermore, pretreatment of PC12 cells with 10 μg/mL
tion of Aβ fibrils [54,55]. The formation of Aβ oligomers (= 27.5 μM) curcumin reduced Aβ(25–35) induced in-
would also be consistent with this model [56,57]. We creases in the level of antioxidant enzyme, DNA damage
used this system to investigate anti-Aβ aggregation effects and attenuated the elevation of intracellular calcium lev-
[12,58,59]. In our study, curcumin dose-dependently in- els and tau hyperphosphorylation induced by Aβ(25–35)
hibited the formation of Aβ fibrils from Aβ40 and Aβ42 [67].
and their extensions, as well as destabilized preformed
Aβ fibrils (EC50 = 0.19–0.63 μM) (Figures 5 and 6) [12].
Similarly, the other group reported that curcumin inhib-
Inhibition of β-secretase
ited Aβ40 aggregation, disaggregated fibrillar Aβ40, and
prevented Aβ42 oligomer formation and toxicity at con- One of the key steps in Aβ generation is cleavage
centrations between 0.1 and 1.0 μM [13]. Furthermore, of APP by β-secretase, β-site APP-cleaving enzyme 1
in the other group, curcumin had the strongest inhibitory (BACE-1). In a neuronal cell culture study, 3–30 μM
effect on Aβ fibril formation of 214 compounds tested of curcumin suppressed Aβ-induced BACE-1 upregula-
in an in vitro assay (IC50 = 0.25 μg/mL = 0.679 μM) tion [68]. Furthermore, 1–30 μM curcumin attenuated
among 214 tested compounds [60]. However, the other the production of Aβ-induced radical oxygen species,
group reported that curcumin inhibited Aβ oligomeriza- and 20 μM curcumin prevented structural changes in
tion (IC50 = 361.11 ± 38.91 μM) but did not inhibit fibril- Aβ toward β-sheet-rich secondary structures [68]. In an-
lization in vitro at concentrations between 30 and 300 μM other study, 20 μM curcumin almost completely sup-
[61]. One possible explanation for the discrepancy be- pressed the up-expression of APP and BACE-1 mRNA
tween these results may be attributed to the differences of levels, which was increased by copper or manganese ions

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Figure 5 Effects of curcumin on the kinetics of

amyloid β (Aβ) fibril formation from fresh Aβ40
(A) and Aβ42 (B), of the extension of Aβ40
fibrils (C) and Aβ42 fibrils (D), and of the
destabilization of Aβ40 fibrils (E) and Aβ42
fibrils (F) [12]. Reaction mixtures containing
50 μM Aβ40 (A), 25 μM Aβ42 (B), 2.3 μM
sonicated Aβ40 fibrils and 50 μM Aβ40 (C),
2.3 μM sonicated Aβ42 fibrils and 50 μM Aβ42
(D), 25 μM Aβ40 fibrils (E), or 25 μM Aβ42 fibrils
(F), 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.5), 100 mM
NaCl, and 0 (filled circles), 10 (open circles), or
50 μM (open squares) curcumin were
incubated at 37 ◦ C for the indicated time.
Curcumin dose-dependently inhibited the
formation of Aβ fibrils from Aβ40 and Aβ42 and
their extensions, as well as destabilized
preformed Aβ fibrils.

(50–100 μM) in a time- and concentration-dependent 67.69 μM, but curcumin had no significant effect in the
pattern [69]. ex vivo AChE assay [71].

Inhibition of Aβ-induced Inflammation

Inhibition of Acetylcholinesterase Activity
Some studies have shown that inflammation plays a role
Although various new therapeutic approaches for AD in AD pathogenesis [72,73], and therapy with antiin-
have been reported, acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in- flammatory drugs, such as nonsteroidal antiinflamma-
hibitors remain the major class of drugs approved for tory drugs, reduces the incidence and progression of AD
AD, providing symptomatic relief [70]. Curcumin inhib- [74]. A study using PBM and THP-1 cells reported that
ited AChE in the in vitro assay, with an IC50 value of curcumin (12.5–25 μM) suppressed early growth

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Figure 6 Electron micrographs of extended

(A, B, C) and destabilized (D, E, F) Aβ(1–40)
fibrils [12]. Reaction mixtures containing
10 mg/mL (2.3 μM) Aβ(1–40) fibrils, 50 μM
Aβ(1–40), 50 mM Phosphate buffer, pH 7.5,
100 mM NaCl, and 0 (B) or 50 μM curcumin
(A, C), were incubated at 37◦ C for 0 (A), or 6 h
(B, C), and 25 μM Aβ(1–40) fibrils, 50 mM
phosphate buffer, pH 7.5, 100 mM NaCl, and
50 μM curcumin was incubated at 37 ◦ C for 0
(D), 1 (E), or 4 h (F). Scale bars = 250 nm.

response-1 (Egr-1) activation, which increased the ex- translation of TLR2-4 [76]. These results suggest that bis-
pression of cytokines (TNF-α and IL-1β) and chemokines demethoxycurcumin may correct immune defects in AD
(MIP-1β, MCP-1, and IL-8) in monocytes by the interac- patients and provide an immunotherapeutic approach for
tion of Aβ1-40 or fibrillar Aβ1-42 [75] and reduced the AD [76].
expression of these cytokines and chemokines [75]. The
inhibition of Egr-1 by curcumin may represent a potential
therapeutic approach for AD.
In Vivo Studies with Curcumin
In a majority of AD patients, macrophages do not
transport Aβ into endosomes and lysosomes, and AD Curcumin has been remarkably well investigated, but its
monocytes do not effectively clear Aβ from the sections bioavailability is poor. In rats, only negligible amounts
of the AD brain, although they do phagocytize bacteria were detected in the blood and urine after oral ad-
[76]. Defective phagocytosis of Aβ may be related to the ministration (1 g/kg [2.7 mmol/kg] body weight), and
down-regulation of β-1,4-mannosyl-glycoprotein 4-β-N- 75% of the amount detected was recovered in the feces
acetylglucosaminyltransferase (MGAT3), as suggested by [77]. High doses of curcumin (400 mg [1.09 mmol], or
the inhibition of phagocytosis by MGAT3 siRNA and cor- 3.6 mmol/kg body weight) are required to obtain de-
relation analysis [76]. Transcription of Toll-like recep- tectable tissue levels in rats [77]. This is attributed to ex-
tor (TLR)-3, bditTLR4, TLR5, bditTLR7, TLR8, TLR9, and tensive metabolism of the compound in the gastrointesti-
TLR10 is severely depressed in mononuclear cells of AD nal wall, glucuronidation in the liver, and enterohepatic
patients on Aβ stimulation in comparison with those of circulation [77]. In a study using liquid chromatography
control subjects [76]. The curcuminoid compound bis- technique coupled with tandem mass spectrometry, the
demethoxycurcumin may enhance defective phagocyto- maximum concentration (C max ) and the time to reach
sis of Aβ, the transcription of MGAT3 and TLRs, and the maximum concentration (T max ) of plasma curcumin in

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rat were 0.06 ± 0.01 μg/mL (0.16 ± 0.03 μM) and In our recent study using Tg2576 mice [83], oral
41.7 ± 5.4 min after curcumin (500 mg/kg) adminis- administration of 5000 ppm (13.6 μmol/g) curcumin
tration orally [78]. The elimination half-life (t 1/2,β ) were did not reduce Aβ deposition in the brain, as reported
28.1 ± 5.6 and 44.5 ± 7.5 min for curcumin admin- in a previous study [11]. However, the level of TBS-
istration orally (500 mg/kg [1.36 mmol/kg]) and intra- soluble Aβ monomers in the brain increased (P < 0.01),
venously (10 mg/kg [0.03 mmol/kg]) [78]. There are few wheareas that of oligomers, as probed with the A11
reports on central nervous system penetration of cur- antibody, which recognizes a significant and important
cumin [77]; however, it has been reported that curcumin class of oligomers associated with AD pathogenesis, de-
crosses the blood–brain barrier and labels senile plaques creased (P < 0.001) [83]. One possible explanation is
and CAA in AD model mice using in vivo multiphoton mi- that curcumin inhibits the pathway from Aβ monomers
croscopy [9]. to Aβ oligomers, but accelerates the pathway from Aβ
In Tg2576 AD model mice, which express a 695- oligomers to Aβ deposition; this explanation is supported
aa residue splice from of human APP modified by the by other in vitro findings, which report that curcumin in-
Swedish FAD double mutation K670N-M671L [79], cur- hibits oligomerization and not fibrillization [61].
cumin has been shown to suppress indices of inflamma- Concerning tau pathology, oral administration of
tion and oxidative damage in the brain, and a low dose 500 ppm (1.36 μmol/g) curcumin reduced phospho-
(160 ppm [0.43 μmol/g]) of curcumin orally adminis- rylated tau in the detergent lysis buffer-extracted hip-
tered for 6 months decreased the levels of insoluble and pocampal membrane pellet fractions [84] using 3xTg-
soluble Aβ and plaque burden in many affected brain re- AD transgenic mice which harbored PS1M146V , APPSwe ,
gions; however, a high dose (5000 ppm [13.6 μmol/g]) and tauP301 transgenes [85]. Furthermore, curcumin also
did not change Aβ levels [11]. Lim et al. speculated reduced phosphorylated c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)
that mechanisms underlying inhibition of Aβ deposi- and insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1), which are phos-
tion are mainly based on the inflammation-related tar- phorylated in the animal model of AD brain [84]. This
gets such as inhibition of NFκB-induced inducible nitric was accompanied by an improvement of behavioral
oxide synthase, Cox-2, and inflammatory cytokine pro- deficits in Y-maze performance [84]. These data indicated
duction [11]. In a study that used Sprague-Dawley rats the potential use of curcumin for the treatment of tau
which infused both Aβ40 and Aβ42 to induce neurode- pathology in AD patients.
generation and Aβ deposits, dietary curcumin (2000 ppm The summary of these in vivo studies of curcumin for
[5.43 μmol/g]) suppressed Aβ-induced oxidative dam- AD showed in Table 1.
age and synaptophysin loss, but increased microglial la-
beling within and adjacent to Aβ deposits [80]. Low
doses of dietary curcumin (500 ppm [1.36 μmol/g]) pre- Human Studies with Curcumin
vented Aβ-infusion-induced spatial memory deficits in
Safety Studies
the Morris water maze and loss of postsynaptic density-95
(PSD-95) and reduced Aβ deposits [80]. PSD-95 is a post- In patients with cancer or pre-cancerous lesions, some
synaptic marker that plays a key role in synaptic trans- safety and pharmacokinetic studies of curcumin have
mission by anchoring NMDA receptors, and a PSD-95 been reported. A prospective phase I trial of curcumin in
loss could be related to spatial memory deficits because patients with high risk or premalignant lesions was per-
mice lacking PSD-95 have severe spatial memory deficits formed in Taiwan [86]. A total of 25 patients were en-
[81]. Another study conducted in Tg2576 mice showed rolled, and curcumin was taken orally at dosages rang-
that curcumin inhibits the formation of Aβ oligomers ing from 500 to 8000 mg/day (1.36–21.7 mmol/day)
and fibrils, binds to plaque, and reduces plaque burden for 3 months [86], and no toxicity was observed at
[13]. In a study using in vivo multiphoton microscopy any dose [86]. Serum concentrations of curcumin usu-
[9], curcumin (7.5 mg/kg/day [0.02 mmol/kg/day]) ad- ally peaked 1–2 h after the oral intake of curcumin
ministered for 7 days intravenously in a tail vein crossed and gradually declined within 12 h, and average peak
the blood–brain barrier and labeled senile plaques and serum concentrations ranged from 0.51 ± 0.11 μM at
CAA and cleared and reduced existing plaques in APP- 4000 mg/day (10.9 mmol/day) to 1.77 ± 1.87 μM at
swe/PS1dE9 mice, which generated with mutant trans- 8000 mg/day (21.7 mmol/day) [86]. A dose-escalation
genes for APP (APPswe: KM594/5NL) and PS1 (dE9: study in healthy subjects was conducted in the United
deletion of exon 9) [82]. In another study conducted in States [87]. Twenty-four healthy volunteers were ad-
Tg2576 mice, 500 ppm (1.36 μmol/g) curcumin adminis- ministered a single dose of curcumin ranging from 500
tered orally for 4 months reduced amyloid plaque burden to 12,000 mg (1.36–32.6 mmol) [87]. Seven of the
and insoluble Aβ [8]. 24 subjects (30%) experienced only minimal toxicity

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Curcumin and AD T. Hamaguchi et al.

Table 1 Summary of the in vivo studies of curcumin for Alzheimer’s disease

Author Model animal Dose and duration Neuropathological and biochemical Behavioral
of curcumin investigation investigation

Lim et al. [11] Tg2576 160 ppm (0.43 μmol/g) Insoluble Aβ, soluble Aβ and Aβ N.D.
administered orally for plaque burden were significantly
6 months decresed. Oxidized proteins and
proinflammatory cytokine (IL-1β) in
the brain were lowered.
5000 ppm (13.6 μmol/g) Insoluble Aβ, soluble Aβ and Aβ N.D.
administered orally for plaque burden were unchanged.
6 months Oxidized proteins and
proinflammatory cytokine (IL-1β) in
the brain were lowered.
Frautschy Sprague-Dawley 500 ppm (1.36 μmol/g) Aβ deposition were reduced and loss Aβ-infusion induced
et al. [80] rats administered orally for of PSD-95 were prevented. spatial memory
2 months deficits in the Moris
Water Maze were
2000 ppm (5.43 μmol/g) Oxidative damage and synaptophysin N.D.
administered orally for loss were significantly suppresed.
3 months
Yang et al. Tg2576 500 ppm (1.36 μmol/g) Reduced amyloid levels and Aβ N.D.
[13] administered orally for plaque burden
5 months
Garcia-Alloza APPswe/PS1dE9 7.5 mg/kg/day (0.02 Crossed the blood–brain barrier and N.D.
et al. [9] mmol/kg/day) labeled senile plaques and cerebral
administered for 7 days amyloid angiopathy and cleared
intravenously in a tail and reduced existing plaques
Begum et al. Tg2576 500 ppm (1.36 μmol/g) Reduced amyloid plaque burden and N.D.
[8] curcumin administered insoluble Aβ
orally for 4 months
Ma et al. [84] 3xTg-AD 500 ppm (1.36 μmol/g) Reduced phosphorylated tau in the Improvement in Y-maze
curcumin administered detergent lysis buffer-extracted performance.
orally for 4 months hippocampal membrane pellet
Ours [83] Tg2576 5000 ppm (13.6 μmol/g) Aβ deposition in the brain were not N.D.
administered orally for reduced, TBS-soluble Aβ monomers
10 months in the brain were increased, and
A11-positive oligomers were

N.D., not described.

(diarrhoea, headache, rash, and yellow stool), which fects have been reported [1]. However, some studies re-
was not dose-related [87]. Low levels of curcumin ported that curcumin might exhibit carcinogenic poten-
(29.7–57.6 ng/mL [0.0806–0.156 μM]) were detected tial through oxidative DNA damage in vitro [88–90] and
only in two subjects administered 10,000 or 12,000 mg in vivo [91–94], and this adverse effect needs to be care-
(27.1 or 32.6 mmol) over 1–4 h after administration fully monitored in future studies.
[87]. These studies showed that curcumin can be admin-
istered safely to patients at a single dose of 12,000 mg
(32.6 mmol) and at dosages of up to 8000 mg/day Clinical Trials with Curcumin for AD
(21.7 mmol/day) for 3 months [87]. Currently, 4 clinical trials concerning the effects of cur-
Many clinical trials to study the effects of curcumin cumin on AD has been conducted (http://clinicaltrials.
on cancer have been performed and few adverse ef- gov/ct2/results?term=alzheimer+and+curcumin), and 2

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Table 2 Current status of the clinical studies of curcumin for AD

Title Study design Place Dose of Other drugs Duration Patients Current
curcumin of the status

A pilot study of curcumin Treatment, Hong Kong, 1 g/day, 4 g/day All patients also 6 months Possible or Completed
and ginkgo for treating randomized, China received 120 probable AD
AD [14]. double-blind, mg/day
placebo standardized
control ginkgo leaf
A Phase II, double-blind, Treatment, California, 2 g/day, 4 g/day No 24 weeks Probable AD Completed
placebo-controlled randomized, USA
study of the safety and double-blind,
tolerability of two placebo
doses of curcumin C3 control
complex versus
placebo in patients
with mild to moderate
AD [15].
Phase II study of Treatment, Maharashtra, 2 g/day, 3 g/day No 60 days Probable AD Recruiting
curcumin formulation randomized, India
(Longvida) or Placebo double-blind,
on Plasma Biomarkers placebo
and Mental State in control
moderate to severe AD
or Normal cognition
Early intervention in mild Diagnostic, Louisiana, 5.4 g of curcumin + bioperine/day 24 months MCI Active, not
cognitive impairment Open label USA recruiting
(MCI) with curcumin +

of them have been completed and another 2 studies are [15]. Till July 2008, 11 subjects who received placebo,
still active (Table 2). A study of the results of these studies 9 who received 2 gm (5.43 mmol/day), and 10 who re-
has been published [14], and one study has been reported ceived 4 gm (10.9 mmol/day) of curcumin completed the
in the abstract of the conference [15]. In a clinical trial in study [15]; no significant differences in cognitive function
China, 34 patients with probable or possible AD random- or in plasma or CSF biomarkers were observed between
ized to 4 (10.9 mmol), 1 (2.7 mmol) (plus 3 g placebo), or placebo and curcumin groups, and no adverse events
0 g curcumin (plus 4 g placebo) once daily showed no sig- were reported [15]. It is premature to give the conclu-
nificant differences in changes in Mini-Mental State Ex- sion of the effect of the curcumin for AD in these clinical
amination scores or plasma Aβ40 levels between 0 and studies, and additional analyses using data from a larger
6 months [14]. Curcumin appeared to cause no side ef- number of patients and that obtained after a long dura-
fects in AD patients in this study [14]. It is necessary tion of treatment are needed.
to observe these patients for a longer duration. A 24-
week, randomized, double-blinded, placebo-controlled
study on the effects of two dosages of curcumin (2000 Conclusion
and 4000 mg/day [5.43 and 10.9 mmol/day]) in patients Curcumin has been shown to have the following prop-
with mild-to-moderate AD was performed in the United erties: anti-Aβ aggregation, antioxidative, and inhibi-
States [15,77]. Cognitive examinations are being per- tion of β-secretase, AChE, and Aβ-induced inflamma-
formed and plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) sam- tion in vitro. Oral administration of curcumin inhibits Aβ
ples are being collected at baseline and at 24 week [15]. oligomerization and tau phosphorylation in the brain in
Aβ40 and Aβ42 are being measured in plasma and CSF, vivo. Furthermore, 160–500 ppm (0.43–1.36 μmol/g) of
and total tau and p-tau 181 are being measured in CSF orally administered curcumin inhibits Aβ deposition in

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Curcumin and AD T. Hamaguchi et al.

the brains of AD model mice. These findings suggest that curcumin, a cancer preventive natural product with
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