KLELC Internal Assessment Manual (Even Sem.2020-21)

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(For internal circulation only)


The guidelines for internal assessment for the even semester 2020-21 are as follows:
1. The course teachers shall identify the topics for the assignment for their respective subjects
and provide the same to students on or before 1st June 2021.
2. The hard and soft copies of the list of assignment topics allocated to the students shall be sent
to the respective class teachers by 11th June 2021.
3. Students shall prepare the synopsis of the assignment and submit it to their course teacher for
approval on or before 12th June 2021 through Google Classroom.
4. The course teachers shall suggest changes (if any) and approve the synopsis on or before
20th June.
5. The last date for submission of the scanned copy of the written assignment to the course
teacher is 15th July2021
6. In addition to scanned copy, the student must preserve the hard copy of
handwritten assignments and submit the same whenever instructed.
7. Course Coordinators shall announce the schedule for assignment presentation on or before
15th July 2021.
8. Assignment presentations (5 Marks) are scheduled from 16th July 2021.
9. The presentation shall be conducted online through the Zoom/Google Meet platform.
10. The course teacher shall maintain the recording of the presentation as a mark of attendance.
11. The test for 10 Marks is scheduled online from 3rd July 2021. The detailed instructions
regarding the test are as follows:
a) The test will be conducted online on Google Forms.
b) Portions for the test will be the first two units of the prescribed syllabus.
c) Format of the test will be as follows:
i. Part A - 10 Multiple Choice Questions
ii. Part B - Two Short Answer Questions
iii. Part C - One Problem-Based Question or Short Note
d) All students must complete the online registration in order to appear for the test by
filling the internal test registration form online.
2 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)
e) The internal test registration form will be released on 22nd June 2021 on Google
Classroom and WhatsApp groups. The students must fill the registration form on or
before 24th June 2021.
f) The question paper (Google form link) will be shared on Google Classroom at 10 A.M.
on the scheduled dates.
g) Once the question-paper is shared, the students must submit their response within 1 and
half hours i.e., before 11.30 A.M. on the same day.
h) Submission of answers will not be accepted after the 1 and half hour duration. Late
submissions shall be rejected, and students shall be marked absent for the test.
i) Late submission due to technical issues shall be communicated before 1 P.M. on the
same day. Such issues may be permitted at the discretion of the course teacher. Claim for
acceptance of late submission shall be considered ONLY if the student provides
sufficient evidence of technical issue.
j) In addition to Google Classroom, the question paper link will also be shared on
WhatsApp Group; however, the Google Classroom shall be the primary mode of sharing
the link for all purposes.
k) Students are instructed to make sure they have access to Google Classroom and their
KLE Law College e-mail id.
l) Any student not able to access Google Classroom and/or their KLE Law College e-mail
id must immediately bring it to the notice of their class teacher.
m) Students intending to answer the tests in Kannada shall convey the same to the
concerned course teacher at least one week before the date of the test.
12. Teachers shall submit the question papers to the scrutiny committee on or before 26th June
a. All the course teachers shall submit the marks to the respective class teachers on or
before 12th July 2021.
b. The class teachers shall consolidate the marks of all subjects of their respective classes
and submit the same to Course Coordinators by 31st July 2021.
Important Dates

Allocation of Topics 1st June 2021

Last date for submission of the synopsis 12th June 2021

Last date for submission of written(scanned) assignment 15th July 2021

Assignment presentations begin 16th July 2021

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Last date for submission of question papers by teachers 26th June 2021

Release of the internal test registration form 22nd June 2021

Last date to fill the internal test registration form 24th June 2021

Internal tests begin 3rd July 2021

Submission of marks of tests by course teachers 12th July 2021

Submission of consolidated marks by class teachers 31st July 2021

3rd Test of Kannada Kali 2nd August 2021

Note: As per the Notification of Karnataka State Law University the pattern for Internal
Examination of Kannada Kali is as given below :
1. Two Tests of 30 Marks each.
2. One Test for 20 Marks.
3. Viva for 20 Marks.

4 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)

Internal Examination Timetable (Even Sem 2020-21)
3 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July

Kannada Kali Kannada Kali

I BA (1st Test - 30 Law of Torts History II Economics II (2nd Test -
Science II
marks) 30 Marks)

Kannada Kali Entrepreneurs Economic Kannada Kali

I BBA (1st Test - 30 PPM Law of Torts hip Development (2nd Test -
Marks) Development in India 30 Marks)

Kannada Kali Kannada Kali

Macro Corporate
I BCom (1st Test - 30 PPM Law of Torts (2nd Test -
Economics Accounting
Marks) 30 Marks)

Kannada Kali Kannada Kali

I LL.B. (1st Test - 30 Property Law Labour Law I Family Law II Contract II (2nd Test -
Marks) 30 Marks)

Law of Crimes Political Constitutiona Political

II BA Contract I
I Science V l Law II Science VI
Law of Crimes Financial Constitutiona International
& Contract I
I Management l Law II Business
Human Rights Professional
II st
Banking/ RTI Law/Insurance ADR (1 Test) Ethics (1st PIL
Law Test)

5 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)

Internal Examination Timetable (Even Sem 2020-21)
3 July 5 July 6 July 7 July 8 July 9 July 10 July

III B A Company Law Labour Law II Family Law II
BBA & Company Law Labour Law II Family Law II

6 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)



(For internal circulation only)
Objectives: In order to ensure the uniformity, certainty, and transparency in the conduct of the
internal assessment of components of Clinical Course – I PROFESSIONAL ETHICS AND
PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTING SYSTEM the following standard operating procedure is laid
1. Two internal tests shall be conducted carrying 40 marks each.
2. Viva Voce shall be conducted for 20 marks.
3. The first test is scheduled on 8th July 2021 and the second test is scheduled on 16th August
4. Portion for the first test shall be Unit I and II of the syllabus.

5. Portions for the second test shall be Unit III, V, and the first five cases from IV Unit of the
6. The question paper for both tests consists of three parts.
i. Part A - 11 Multiple Choice Questions carrying 1 mark each (11 X 01=11 marks)
ii. Part B - Three short descriptive answers carrying 5 marks each (answer any three out of
four questions) (03 X 05= 15 marks)
iii. Part C - Two short note question/Problem-based Questions carrying 7 marks each
(answer any two out of three questions (02 X07= 14 marks)
7. Both tests shall be conducted online through Google Forms, the link of the form shall be
shared on Google Classroom.
8. Students shall join the respective Google Classroom of Professional Ethics using their KLE
Law College email to take the tests.
9. All students must complete the online registration in order to appear for the test by filling
the internal test registration form online.
10. The internal test registration form will be released on 22nd June 2021 on Google Classroom
and WhatsApp groups. The students must fill the registration form on or before 24th June
11. The question paper (Google form link) will be shared on Google Classroom at 10 A.M. on
scheduled days. Answers have to be handwritten, scanned, and uploaded.
12. In addition to scanned copy, the students must preserve the hardcopy of handwritten test
papers ( first test and second test) and submit the same whenever instructed.
7 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)
13. Submission of answers shall not be accepted after the 02.30 hours duration.i.e., before 12.30
P.M. on the same day. Late submissions are not permitted.
14. In addition to Google Classroom, the question paper link will also be shared on WhatsApp
Group; however, the Google Classroom shall be the primary mode of sharing the link for all
15. Students are instructed to make sure they have access to Google Classroom and their KLE
Law College e-mail id.
16. Any student not able to access Google Classroom and/or their KLE Law College e-mail id
must immediately bring it to the notice of their course teacher.
17. Students intending to answer the tests in Kannada shall convey the same to the
concerned course teacher at least one week before the date of the test.
18. Course teachers shall submit the question papers to the scrutiny committee on or before 26th
June 2021 for the first test and 10th August 2021 for the second test.
19. Copying/sharing of answers is strictly prohibited. If it is found that any student has copied
their answer directly from a website or shared their answer, then they shall be disqualified,
and their submission shall not be considered.

20. If it is found that two or more students have identical answers, both or all of them (as the
case may be) shall be disqualified and their submission shall not be considered.

21. The viva-voce shall be conducted online through the Zoom platform.

22. All the teacher-in-charge shall maintain the recording of the viva-voce on Google Drive as
a mark of attendance.
23. The assessment panel shall consist of two faculty members finalized by the head of the
24. Course teachers shall submit consolidated marks to the Principal by 30th August 2021.

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Important Dates

26th June 2021

Last date for submission of first test question paper by course

10th August 2021

Last date for submission of second test question paper by

course teachers

Release of the internal test registration form 22nd June 2021

Last date to fill the internal test registration form 24th June 2021

First Test 08th July 2021

Second Test 16th August 2021

Release of schedule for Viva Voce 13th August 2021

Viva Voce 17th and 18th

August 2021

Last date for submission of consolidated marks to the 30th August 2021

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(For internal circulation only)

Objectives: In order to ensure the uniformity, certainty, and transparency in the conduct of the
internal assessment of components of Clinical Course – II Alternative Dispute Resolution
Systems the following standard operating procedure is laid down

1. Components of Internals
1.1 Two tests for 30 marks each – 2x30=60 Marks

1.2 Four simulation exercises, one each on Negotiation, Mediation, Conciliation, and
Arbitration carrying 10 marks each. – 4x10 = 40 marks

1.3 Total maximum marks 60+40 = 100

1.4 Minimum passing marks 40

2. Internal Tests
2.1 Two internal tests shall be conducted carrying 30 marks each

2.2 First test shall be conducted for I and V Units of the syllabus on 7th July 2021

2.3 Second test shall be conducted for II, III, and IV Units of the syllabus on 14th August

2.4 Both tests shall be conducted online through Google form, the link of the form shall be
shared on Google Classroom of ADR

2.5 Question Paper Pattern: Question paper for both tests consists of three parts.

Part–I, 10 MCQs carrying 1 mark each (1x10=10)

Part -II Answer two questions requiring short descriptive answers carrying 3 marks each
(answer any two out of three questions – 2x3=6)

Part- III Answer two questions requiring short notes carrying 7 marks (answer any two out
of three questions – 2x7=14).

2.6 Two hours of time shall be given to answer each test from the time of release of the
online question paper in the form of Google Form on Google classroom.

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2.7 Students shall join the respective Google Class of ADR with E-mail id issued by the
college to take the tests.

2.8 Students intending to answer the tests in Kannada shall convey the same to the
concerned course teacher at least one week before the date of test.

2.9 The question paper (Google form link) will be shared on Google Classroom at 10 A.M.
on the scheduled dates.

2.10 The hand written answers (on white sheet or ruled sheet) shall be scanned and
submitted on the Google Class Room in PDF format before 12.30 P.M. on the same
day. Students shall mention Name, KSLU Reg No., Subject and Test Name on the
paper before scanning.

2.11 Late submissions are not permitted. Late submission / Failure to submit due to
technical issues shall be communicated before 12.30 P.M. on the same day. In Such
circumstances submission may be permitted at the discretion of the course teacher.
Claim for acceptance of late submission shall be considered only if the student provides
sufficient evidence of technical issue.

2.12 The internal test registration form will be released on 22nd June 2021 on Google
Classroom and WhatsApp group of the class. The students must fill the registration
form on or before 24th June 2021.

2.13 The students shall preserve the hardcopy of handwritten test papers ( first test and
second test) and submit the same whenever instructed by the college.

2.14 Any student not able to access Google Classroom and/or their KLE Law College e-
mail id must immediately bring it to the notice of their course teacher.

2.15 Copying/sharing of answers is strictly prohibited. If it is found that any student has
copied their answer directly from any website or shared their answers, then such
student shall be disqualified, and his/her submission shall not be considered.

2.16 If it is found that two or more students have identical answers, both or all of them (as
the case may be) shall be disqualified and their submissions shall not be considered.

2.17 Teachers shall submit the question papers to the scrutiny committee 26th June 2021
for the first test and 10th August 2021 for the second test.

3. Simulation Exercises
3.1 Simulation exercise on Negotiation shall be assessed for 10 marks

3.1.1 Negotiation Simulation Exercise (NSE) shall be done by a team of 4 students and each
student's performance shall be assessed individually based on their participation in the

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3.1.2 To conduct NSE course teachers shall divide the class into different teams consisting
of 4 students each.

3.1.3 Course teacher shall give a hypothetical set of facts of a legal dispute to each team to
negotiate and settle the dispute. There shall be a minimum of two parties in a
hypothetical problem given by the course teacher.

3.1.4 Out of 4 students team, 2 students shall represent one party and another 2 students
shall represent another party to the dispute.

3.1.5 Course teacher shall give common hypothetical set of facts of a legal dispute to
students representing both parties and shall give confidential set of facts to students
representing two sides separately without revealing to each other sides.

3.1.6 On giving a common set of facts and confidential facts to both sides, students shall be
given 10 min. time to study the same and to prepare strategy for negotiation.

3.1.7 After the preparation both sides shall participate in negotiation and follow the stages
of negotiation and make efforts to arrive at an amicable settlement between the parties.

3.1.8 Whole team gets 20 min time to conduct negotiation.

3.1.9 On completion of the negotiation exercise all the students shall collectively prepare a
negotiation settlement agreement in the format provided in Schedule -I and submit it
individually to the course teacher on Google Classroom.

3.1.10 On submission of negotiation settlement agreement course teacher shall allot marks
to individuals based on their participation and performance in the exercise.

3.1.11 NSE is scheduled from 20th June 2020 the detailed schedule shall be published by
the course teacher before 20th June 2021.

3.2 Simulation exercise on Mediation shall be assessed for 10 marks

3.2.1 Simulation Exercise on Mediation (SEM) shall be done by a team consisting of 5


3.2.2 Course teacher shall divide the whole class into different teams consisting of 5
students each

3.2.3 Out of 5 students of each team one shall be assigned the role of Mediator and two
students shall represent one party to the dispute and another two students shall represent
another party to the dispute.

3.2.4 Course teacher shall share a common set of facts of hypothetical legal dispute to all
the five members of the team and shall give confidential set of facts to students
representing two sides separately without revealing to each other sides.

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3.2.5 Students representing two different parties are at liberty to share the confidential set of
facts with the student playing the role of mediator.

3.2.6 On sharing of common and confidential set of facts to both the teams, 10 min time
shall be given to prepare for mediation.

3.2.7 Once both the teams complete their 10 min time for preparation, the mediation process
shall be started by the student playing the role of mediator and shall conduct the process
by following the standard phases of the mediation. The mediation process shall be
completed within 30 min.

3.2.8 On completion of the mediation process all the five members shall collectively draft a
settlement agreement in the format provided in Schedule - II and shall submit the same
to the course teacher individually on Google Classroom within 24 hours from the
completion of simulation exercise.

3.2.9 Course teacher shall evaluate the agreement and simulation exercise and shall allot
marks to all the five members based on their individual performance.

3.2.10 The SEM is scheduled on 19th July 2021- the detailed schedule would be shared by
the course teacher on 19th July 2021.

3.3.1 Simulation Exercise on Conciliation shall be assessed for 10 marks

3.3.1 Simulation Exercise on Conciliation (SEC) shall be done by a team consisting of 5


3.3.2 Course teacher shall divide the whole class into different teams consisting of 5
students each

3.3.3 Out of 5 students of each team one shall be assigned the role of Conciliator and two
students shall represent one party to the dispute and another two students shall represent
another party to the dispute.

3.3.4 Course teacher shall share a common set of facts of hypothetical legal dispute to all
the five members of the team and shall give a confidential set of facts to students
representing two sides separately without revealing to each other sides.

3.3.5 Students representing two different parties are at liberty to share the confidential set of
facts with the student playing the role of Conciliator.

3.3.6 On sharing a common and confidential set of facts to both the teams, 10 min. time
shall be given to prepare for Conciliation.

3.3.7 Once both the teams complete their 10 min time for preparation, the Conciliation
process shall be started by the student playing the role of Conciliator and shall conduct

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the process by following the procedure prescribed under the Arbitration and
Conciliation Act, 1996. The Conciliation process shall be completed within 30 min.

3.3.8 On completion of the Conciliation process all the five members shall collectively draft
a settlement agreement in the format provided in Schedule -III and submit the same
individually on Google Classroom within 24 hours from the completion of simulation

3.3.9 Course teacher shall evaluate the conciliation settlement agreement and simulation
exercise and shall allot marks to all the five members based on their individual

3.3.10 The SEC is scheduled on 2nd August 2021- the detailed schedule would be shared by
the course teacher on 2nd August 2021.

3.4 The Simulation exercise on Arbitration shall be assessed for 10 marks

3.4.1 The course teacher shall divide the whole class into different groups, consisting of 5
students each.

3.4.2 Among the 5 students group two teams shall be constituted consisting of two students

3.4.3 The Course teacher shall issue a hypothetical set of facts of a legal dispute (Arbitration
exercise proposition) that could be resolved through arbitration to each group and
assign the sides to each team of the group to represent the parties to the dispute.

3.4.4 Each time shall prepare the written argument for the party it is representing in the
arbitration and submit the same on the Google Classroom of the course.

3.4.5 Each side gets 15 min. time to present their oral arguments. Both students representing
shall share the issues and make oral presentations. The course teacher shall assess the
written arguments and oral presentations of each student individually.

3.4.6 The course teacher shall allot Arbitration exercise proposition to each group before
31st July 2021

3.4.7 Students shall submit the written arguments on or before 13th August 2021.

3.4.8 The student playing the role of Arbitrator shall submit Arbitral award on prescribed
date on Google Classroom and same along with his performance as Arbitrator shall be
assessed for 10 marks

3.4.9 The written argument shall be submitted in typed form in PDF format, as per the
standard format provided in the Schedule – IV

3.4.10 The oral presentation of Arbitration shall commence from 19th August 2021 and
schedule for the same shall be released before 19th August 2021
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4. Submission of Marks and Records :

4.1 The course teacher shall maintain all the marks list of all components and related videos and
documents and same shall be produced for verification whenever required by concerned

4.2 All the marks of all the components shall be tabulated in prescribed format according to
KSLU Exam Registration Number of students and shall be submitted to the class teacher in
triplets after obtaining the signature of course coordinator and Principal.

4.3 All the simulation exercise shall be conducted either on Zoom or Google Meer platform and
properly recorded and indexed.

4.4 Consolidated Statement of Marks shall be submitted in the below given format only.

Format for Submission of Consolidated Statement of Marks

S Na KS Fi Se Negot Med Concil Arbit T T

l. me LU rs co iation iatio iation ratio ot ot
N of Reg t nd 10 n 10 10 n 10 al al
o the . No T Te Mark Mar Mark Mark 10 M
Stu es st s ks s s 0 ar
den t 30 M ks
t 30 M ar in
M ar ks W
ar ks or
ks ds

1 XYZ 12345 20 25 8 7 8 7 75 Seve

6789 nty

Signature of Signature Signature of Signature of Principal

Course of Class Course
Teacher Teacher Coordinator

15 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)

Important Dates

Sl.No Particulars Date


1 First Internal Test 7th July 2021

2 Second Internal Test 14th August 2021

3 Negotiation Simulation Exercise 20th June 2021

4 Mediation Simulation Exercise 19th July 2021

5 Conciliation Simulation Exercise 2nd August 2021

6 Arbitration Simulation Exercise 19th August 2021

7 Submission of Consolidated Statement 31st August 2021

of Marks

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Format for Settlement Agreement on Negotiated terms

Brief set of facts of the dispute :

Parties involved in the dispute:

Claims and Demands of the Parties to the Dispute

Styles and Approach adopted by the parties :

Terms of the settlement:

Name of the representatives of the parties (students name ) in the Negotiation:

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Format for Mediation Settlement Agreement

Brief set of facts of the dispute :

Parties to the Mediation process:

Claims and Demands of the Parties to the Dispute:

Terms of the Mediation Settlement:

Name of the Students representing parties in Mediation process :

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Format for Conciliation Settlement Agreement

Brief set of facts of the dispute :

Parties to the Conciliation process:

Claims and Demands of the Parties to the Dispute:

Proposed terms of settlement by the Conciliator:

Terms of the settlement

Name of the Students representing parties in Conciliation process :

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Format for Written Arguments for Arbitration

Formatting Requirements :

1. Times New Roman font style

2. 12 size font for the content and 14 size font for headings

3. One inch margin on all four sides

4. Arguments shall not exceed 10 pages

5. Arguments shall be submitted in PDF format

Contents of the Written Arguments

1. Title page – indicating cause title

2. Brief set of facts of the dispute

3. Issues before the Arbitral tribunal

4. Detailed arguments

5. Prayer

6. Name of the Counsels ( students ) representing the parties

7. Name of the Arbitrator ( Student)

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This course is designed to hone advocacy skills in the students. Moot Courts are simulation
exercises geared to endow students with the facility in preparation of written submissions and
planning, organizing, and marshaling arguments in the given time to convince the presiding


Each student shall participate in three moot court exercises. They shall participate representing
the Petitioner/Appellant or Defendant/Respondent as prescribed respectively in the schedule.

Split of Marks:

1) Moot Court : (10 X 3 = 30Marks)

2) Court Observation : 30 Marks
3) Client Interviewing and Pre-Trial Preparation : (15 X 2 = 30 Marks)
4) Viva Voce : 10 Marks

Subject for Moot Court Exercise:

The following shall be the subject matter for allotting problems for three moot court exercises:

1. I Assessment (1st Moot Court Exercise): Constitutional Law

2. II Assessment (2nd Moot Court Exercise): Civil Law
3. III Assessment (3rd Moot Court Exercise): Criminal Law

Marking criterion:

Total marks allotted for the moot court component under clinical course – IV paper is 30 marks.
There shall be three moot court exercises carrying 10 marks each. The following shall be the
marking criterion for each moot court exercise:

1. Oral presentation of arguments: 5 Marks

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2. Memorial Submission: 5 Marks

Team Composition:

Each team consists of only two students. One shall represent the Petitioner/Appellant, and
another shall represent the Defendant/Respondent.

Moot Court Problem Allotment:

One moot court problem shall be allotted to not more than 7 teams i.e. 14 students out of which 7
shall represent Petitioner/Appellant and 7 shall represent Defendant/Respondent.

Release of Problems for Moot Court Exercise:

The problems for each moot court exercise shall be released at least 12 days in advance to the
schedule for oral presentations of arguments and final submission of memorials. The following
shall be the dates for the release of problems for moot court exercises:

● I Assessment: 14th June 2021.

● II Assessment: 26th June 2021.

● III Assessment: 5th July 2021.

Oral Presentation of Arguments:

Each team shall get 20 minutes to present their oral arguments i.e. each student shall get 10
minutes to present his side of the arguments. Further, out of 10 minutes allotted to each student
representing each side, they shall sum up the arguments in 7 minutes and reserve 3 minutes for
rebuttals and responses.

Schedule for Oral Presentation:

The schedule for oral presentation shall contain the following:

1. Student Name
2. Registration Number
3. Moot Problem Number
4. Representation (Petitioner/Appellant or Defendant/Respondent)
5. Venue (Classroom/Hall)
6. Time

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7. Teacher in-charge

The following shall be the scheduled dates for oral presentation:

● I Assessment: 21st to 24th June 2021..

● II Assessment: 12th to 15th July 2021..
● III Assessment: 2nd to 5th August 2021..

Release of Schedule for oral presentation:

The schedule for oral presentation shall be released at least 7 days in advance. The following
shall be the dates for the release of schedule:

● I Assessment: 18th June 2021..

● II Assessment: 5th July 2021.

● III Assessment: 26th July 2021.

Mode of Presentation:

The following shall be the mode of presentation followed by the teacher-in-charge for moot court

● Online presentation through Zoom platform. The teacher-in-charge shall invite only the
presenters of a 20 minutes slot to the Zoom session by sending them the link to join.

Assessment Criteria:

The following yardsticks shall be followed to assess the oral presentation:

1. Knowledge of facts
2. Logic and reasoning
3. Persuasiveness
4. Body Language
5. Legal Knowledge and use of legal resources

Memorial Submission:

The student shall submit the memorial representing the side allotted for each moot court exercise
within the last date prescribed. The memorials shall be handwritten in A4 size white sheets(both
sides). The students shall submit the handwritten scanned memorials (pdf format) online through
23 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)
Google form link as provided by the respective teacher-in-charge. The following shall be the last
dates for the memorial submission:
● I Assessment: 19th June 2021.
● II Assessment: 3rd July 2021.
● III Assessment: 16th July 2021.
Mode of Submission:

After submission of the scanned copy of handwritten memorials, the same need
to be preserved by the students for binding and submission at the end of the semester
on the date as prescribed by the college.

Maintenance of records:

The following records shall be maintained by the teacher-in-charge:

● Soft copy of scanned handwritten memorials submitted by students online through

Google form and video recording of all oral presentations on Google Drive and so
organised to retrieve it easily for showing it to scrutiny committee of the

Teachers in-charge for Moot Court are as follows:

Class Teacher In-Charge

Ms. Anusha
V B.A.LL.B. (A & B) Ms. Simona
Ms. Zeenia
Mr. Varun
Mr. Tanmay
V B.B.A.LL.B. (A & B) Mr. Rudragouda
Dr. S G Goudappanavar

III LL.B. Mr. Vivek

Ms. Ankita

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The students should familiarize themselves with the various stages of trial in civil and
criminal cases. They should be exposed to real court experience. Further they should
imbibe the skills of client interviewing. This component may be planned to be part of the

1. This component shall be assessed for 15 marks.

2. Two online lectures on the pre-trial preparation shall be organized by the teacher-in-charge
on 16th and 17th July 2021.
3. All the students are required to attend these lectures compulsorily.
4. The students shall prepare reports of the two lectures separately in not less than two pages.
(Proforma attached as Annexure)
5. The teacher-in-charge shall share two problems, one each on Criminal and Civil matter, and
submit the same on 17th July 2021.
6. The students shall prepare a list of documents, one for each problem required for the
preparation of the trial/ suit. The students shall mention the utility and purpose of each
document in detail.
7. The students shall submit the two reports and the list of documents on or before 28th July
8. All the submissions shall be in the handwritten form on A4 sheets(both sides), scanned, and
uploaded in pdf format to the Google form link shared by the teacher-in-charge.
9. Teachers in-charge for Pre-Trial Preparation are as follows:

Class Teacher In-Charge

Mr. Harsh Pratap

Ms. Tilaka

Mr. Ashwary
V B.A.LL.B. (A & B)
Ms Meghana

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Ms Sharada
V B.B.A.LL.B. (A & B)
Dr.Sunitha B H


Name of the student :

Class and section :
KSLU Registration No. :



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The students being the budding lawyers must get to know practically the working environment of
Courts. So Court visit and observing the proceedings becomes necessary to inculcate pro-
activism among the students.

1. The students shall prepare two reports of the cases observed during their court visits,
one each on a civil and a criminal matter while interning with lawyers or courts.
(Proforma attached as Annexure)
2. Each report will be assessed for 15 marks. (15X2= 30)
3. The report shall consist of a general observation of the case including the following:
i. Name of the court
ii. Name of the Advocate
iii. Details of parties
iv. Facts of the case
v. Nature of suit/trial
vi. Issues involved
vii. Relevant laws involved
viii. The stage of the case
ix. A summary of arguments presented by the counsels, if available.
x. The judgment and decree/ sentence, if available.
4. The above list is inclusive, and the students can add any other detail which they
observed during the case proceedings.
5. All the submissions shall be in the handwritten form on A4 sheets(both sides),
scanned, and uploaded in pdf format to the Google form link shared by the teacher-in-
6. The students shall submit both reports on or before 2nd August 2021.
7. The statement of marks shall be submitted by the teacher-in-charge of the respective
class teachers on or before 8th August 2021.
Teachers in-charge for Court Visit are as follows:

27 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)

Class Teacher In-Charge

Dr. Mahesh R S

V B.A.LL.B. (A & B)

Dr.Anita MJ
V B.B.A.LL.B. (A & B)


Name of the student :

Class and section :
KSLU Registration No. :


i. Name of the court
ii. Name of the advocates
iii. Details of parties
iv. Stage of the case
v. Facts of the case
vi. Nature of suit/trial
vii. Issues involved
viii. Relevant laws involved
ix. A summary of arguments presented by the counsels, if available.
x. The judgment and decree/ sentence, if available.

28 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)




The students should imbibe the skills of client interviewing because if they know the case
well they have won half of the case. This component may be planned to be part of the

1. The Client Consultation and Interviewing component are assessed for 15 marks.
2. The students shall prepare a report of client consultation observed during their visits to the
Advocate’s office during the internship. Pro-forma for the same is given in Annexure.
3. The report shall consist of the following details:
i. Name and place of the Advocate where the client interview was observed
ii. Advocate establishing a professional relationship with the client
iii. Facts of the case
iv. Problem analysis
v. Relevant laws involved
vi. Advice and solutions suggested by the lawyer to the client
vii. Ethical behavior of the advocate
viii. General Observations
4. Students shall prepare the report in handwritten form on A4 sheets(both sides) and upload
the scanned copy of the same in pdf format on the Google form link shared by the teacher-in-
charge The last date for submission of the report is 4th August 2021.
5. The last date for submission of marks by the teacher in charge is 9th August 2021.
6. On the receipt of the report from the students, the teacher-in-charge shall assess the same and
submit the marks list to the concerned class teacher for consolidation.

29 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)

Teachers in-charge for Client Counselling are as follows:

Class Teacher In-Charge

Mr. Harsh Pratap

Ms Tilaka
Mr. Ashwary
V B.A.LL.B. (A & B)
Ms Meghana
Ms Sharada
V B.B.A.LL.B. (A & B)
Dr.Sunitha B H

30 | KLELC Bengaluru – Internal Assessment Manual (2020-21)


Name of the student :

Class and section :
KSLU Registration No. :


1. Name and place of the Advocate where the client interview was observed
2. Advocate establishing a professional relationship with the client
3. Obtaining relevant information from the parties (ex: Facts of the case etc.)
4. Problem analysis
5. Relevant laws involved
6. Advice and solutions suggested by the lawyer to the client
7. Ethical behavior of the advocate
8. General observations

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The viva-voce component is designed for the assessment of knowledge acquired by the students
for practical application. Following are the subjects which have viva-voce component:

● Clinical Course - I for IV Semester of II year 3-Year LL.B.,

● Clinical Course - IV for IV Semester of III year 3-Year LL.B.,
● X Semester of V year B.A.LL.B. and B.B.A.LL.B., and
● Kannada Kali for II Semester of I year 3-Year LL.B., 5-Year B.A.LL.B., B.B.A.LL.B.,
and B.Com.LL.B.


All students shall attend viva-voce for the clinical course – I for IV Semester of II year 3-Year
LL.B., clinical course – IV for IV Semester of III year 3-Year LL.B., X Semester of V year
B.A.LL.B. and B.B.A.LL.B. and Kannada Kali for II Semester of I year 3-Year LL.B., 5-Year
B.A.LL.B., B.B.A.LL.B. and B.Com.LL.B. as per the schedule notified by the teacher-in-charge.



Clinical Course – I 20
Clinical Course – IV 10
Kannada Kali 20

Schedule for Viva-Voce:


Clinical Course – I 17-08-2021 & 18-08-2021
Clinical Course – IV 23-08-2021 & 24-08-2021

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Kannada Kali 06-08-2021 & 07-08-2021

Release of Schedule for Viva-Voce:

The schedule for viva-voce for any of the paper shall be released at least 5 days in advance
to the scheduled date. The following shall be the dates for the release of schedule:


Clinical Course – I 13-08-2021
Clinical Course – IV 13-08-2021
Kannada Kali 30-07-2021

Mode of Conduct:

The viva-voce for all the papers shall be conducted online through the Zoom platform. The link
for students to join the Zoom shall be circulated through the Google Classroom platform.

Maintenance of records:

All the teacher-in-charge shall maintain the recording of the viva-voce conducted online on
Google Drive as a mark of attendance.

Assessment Panel:

The assessment panel shall consist of two faculty members finalized by the head of the

Note: Since the college remains closed due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic,
the viva-voce for the above-mentioned papers shall be conducted online as per the
instructions of Karnataka State Law University.

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