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1. X became enraged with Y. X was so mad he wanted to get even with Y.

At the spur of the moment Y took the clothes of Y from the drawer and
burned them to ashes. What crime was committed by X?

a. theft c. malicious mischief

b. robbery d. arson

2. X slapped the face of Y in front of a lot of people (presumably to

humiliate Y in front of the crowd). What crime did X commit?

a. unjust vexation
b. libel
c. slight physical injury
d. slander by deed

3. This refers to the act of taking away of a woman from the place where
she might be to another place with the intent to marry or corrupt her.
a. abduction b. seduction c. attempted rape d. kidnapping

4. All of the following are ways of committing concubinage EXCEPT:

a. keeping a paramour in the conjugal dwelling

b. keeping a mistress in the conjugal dwelling
c. having sexual intercourse with a mistress under scandalous
d. cohabiting with a mistress in any other place

5. It is defined as any human conduct which, although not productive of

some material or physical harm would however, unjustly annoy or vex an
innocent person.
a. unjust vexation c. provocation
b. light coercion d. unlawful aggression

6. X got irate with Y. X was so mad he wanted to get even with Y. At the
spur of the moment Y took the clothes of Y from the drawer and burned
them to ashes. What crime was committed by X?

a. theft c. malicious mischief

b. robbery d. arson

7. X and Y are next door neighbors. X became irritated by the constant
barking of Y’s dog so one night he shot the dog causing the dog to die.
What crime was committed by X?

a. homicide b. murder c. malicious mischief d. physical injuries

8. In relation to question number 7, supposing after killing the dog, X

realized that he missed dinner that night and that he was so hungry so
he took the dog’s carcass and cooked it and thereafter ate it. What crime
was committed by X?

a. theft b. malicious mischief c. complex crime d. cruelty to animals

9. X a taxi driver, saw a bag left by one of his passengers which when he
opened contained valuables amounting to thousand of pesos. Assume
that he deliberately fail to restore the bag and its contents to the
passenger would X be held liable and for what crime?
a. yes, for theft
b. no crime he did not take the money by force
c. yes, for qualified theft
d. no crime he did not have criminal intent

10. X saw a car parked on the street with a lap top left therein. X broke
the windows of the car and entered therein and took the lap top. What
crime was committed by X?

a. theft only
b. robbery
c. grave coercion
d. carnapping
e. malicious mischief

11. X, entered the house of Jose thru an open window and once inside
took the cell phone of Jose. X exited the house by means of the front
door. Jose never noticed X’s presence therein, until the CCTV camera
was reviewed. What crime was committed by X?

a. robbery
b. theft only
c. trespassing
d. robbery with tresppassing

Note: The next three (3) questions are related

12. X wanted to kill Y. One night he saw Y deep in his sleep in his room.
X went out of the house bought gasoline pour it on Y’s house and set it
on fire. As a result of the fire Y died. What crime was committed by X?

a. arson
b. murder
c. arson with homicide
d. qualified arson

13. Assume that X did not know that Y was inside the house. He poured
gas to Y’s house and set it on fire. His only intention was to burn the
house. But again, as earlier stated Y was inside the burning house
(which is unknown to X) which caused his death.What crime was
committed by X?

a. arson
b. arson with homicide
c. murder
d. technical arson

14. Assume that X entered Y’s room and while the latter was sleeping,
stabbed him to death. X in order to hide any traces of the crime decided
to burn the house. What crime was committed by X?

a. complex crime of murder with arson

b. heinous crime
c. murder
d. murder and arson

15. Which among the following relationship is not covered in the

absolutory causes of property crimes?

a. spouses
b. brothers and sisters
c. common law relationships
d. best friends

16. Which among the following is not grave coercion?

a. Forcing a student to eat “tae” for being late in school
b. A teacher forcing the student to sing the National Anthem one Monday
morning in school

c. Preventing another person by means of violence from taking a
bath/shower because the supply of water in the comfort room is running
d. A driver, threatening a beautiful girl that if she would not come with
him, he would bump the car in which the girl was riding into a concrete

17. Interpreting dreams, telling fortunes in exchange for some

consideration may be a crime of:

a. other deceits b. malicious mischief c. theft d. no crime

18. A man is facing charges of rape. The man interposed the defense
that he and the supposed rape victims are lover since high school. What
do you call that plea in rape cases that the accused and the alleged
victim are lovers and therefore any sexual encounter most probably is

a. sweetheart defense c. consensual rape

b. girlfriend defense d. insanity defense

19. This is committed by any married woman who shall have sexual
intercourse with a man not her husband and by the man who has carnal
knowledge of her knowing her to be married.

a. concubinage b. adultery c. fornication d. sin

20. This is committed by any husband who shall keep a mistress in the
conjugal dwelling, or shall have sexual intercourse, under scandalous
circumstances, with a woman who is not his wife, or shall cohabit with
her in any other place.

a. concubinage
b. adultery
c. fornication
d. sin

21. This is committed by having sex a woman who is single or a widow of

good reputation, over twelve but under eighteen years of age, committed
by means of deceit.

a. forcible abduction
b. consented abduction
c. simple seduction
d. qualified seduction

22. Committed by any person who shall promote or facilitate the
prostitution or corruption of persons underage to satisfy the lust of

a. white slave trade

b. trafficking in persons
c. corruption of minors
d. all of the above

23. Committed by any person who, in any manner, or under any pretext,
shall engage in the business or shall profit by prostitution or shall enlist
the services of any other for the purpose of prostitution.

a. white slave trade

b. trafficking in persons
c. white slave trade
d. all of the above

24. Committed by any person who shall abduct any woman against her
will and with lewd designs shall be punished by reclusion temporal.
a. forcible abduction b. consented abduction c. simple seduction d.
qualified seduction

25. This is committed by any person who abducts a virgin over twelve
years and under eighteen years of age, carried out with her consent and
with lewd designs.
a. forcible abduction b. consented abduction c. simple seduction d.
qualified seduction

26. Which among the following is a civil liability of a person guilty of

rape, seduction or abduction?
a. to indemnify the offended woman.
b. to acknowledge the offspring, unless the law should prevent him from
so doing.
c. in every case to support the offspring.
d. all of the above

27. Committed by any person who shall contract a second or subsequent

marriage before the former marriage has been legally dissolved.

a. bigamy b. adultery c. concubinage d. acts of lasciviousness

28. Committed by any widow who shall marry within three hundred and
one day from the date of the death of her husband (which as of 2012 is
no longer punishable).

a. premature sex
b. premature falling in love
c. premature marriage
d. all of above

29. This is a public and malicious imputation of a crime, or of a vice or

defect, real or imaginary, or any act, omission, condition, status, or
circumstance tending to cause the dishonor, discredit, or contempt of a
natural or juridical person, or to blacken the memory of one who is dead.

a. slander b. slander by deed c. oral defamation d. libel

30. All of the following are modes of committing libel except:

a. writing b. printing c. radio d. verbal

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