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Although film exists advantages like that, the disavantages of the film still have and almost people

don’t realize potentil dangers.

Firstly, the wildspread situation among teenager is addiction to film. It is normal by the way of
thinking of many people but today it becomes a social disease which effect physicality and
mentality’s human. The exigency for excessive entertainment and relaxtion is the first reason leading
to this consequence. Istead of spending time on the necessary things, they burn up their time into
films and it is time-wasting. Next the reason is depressions in their life too much and they find film
like a way to escape reality in place of solving that problems, so it leads to many negative results
which is typically imballenced in real life. The delusions go beyond the truth and make teeanger just
immerse themselves in their fantasy world. Extremely, The imbalanced in real life also affects
mentality which can develop some illnesses of psycho such as psycotic disorder. And about addicting
to film influences human healthy is going to present avowedly on Thư’s part.
Secondly, the big problem leading to wrong knowledge of human is establish misconceptions. Some
movie potray subject that is far from real. Such potrayals establish false notions amongst the people.
This could even cause racism and other anti-social sentiments which is hinder the peace of the country
and the world. A exact example is that the “Wolf totem” was being criticized that giving false
information about the symbol of Mongolia.

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