Lobal Form Fill Up Survey: Features and Benefits

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G lobal Form Fill up Survey

Regt. Date:-……./……./………...


Work Process : No Target

Contract : Stamp paper

Total Assignment : Unlimited

Volume : 1 Assignment per month

Time Period : 28 Days (Next Day Submission Time12:00pm)

Work Volume : 5000 form

Full payment : 50,000/-


O/S Supported: Windows 7, 8 and 10

RAM Required: Minimum 2GB
Hard Disk: Minimum 5 GB free space
Software: Provided by our team.
Compatibility: 64/32 bit (.net framework 4.5)
Business & training Fee: INR 10,000/- (Refundable 50% Refund User Earn 5000/-Every Ass, Done Next Ass. Free
Of Cost)*

Signatures User

1. This job on software based.

2. Cut, Copy, Paste is not allowed on the excel file. If the user tries to do it, the software might get
locked and company will not take the assignment.
3. The Spelling, Numbers or punctuation should be exactly same as those are in the scanned or
Html files. It might happen that spelling may be wrong in the original files also however the
user should type the true of the scanned files.
4. There should not be any missing, Extra or duplicate text. If it there, then it will be counted as
errors as well.
5. There should not be any mismatch upper and lower case (Small/ Capital letters).
6. The row dump should be true copy of the scanned file any deviation from that will be
considered as an error.
7. Without locked software will not be accepted.


1) If the user successfully did not earn the 1st assignment with Rs. 5000/- payout.
2) Use of any third party software or any version of from.
3) Use of a font\color other than specified.
4) Not submitting the file in mentioned time\deadline.
1) Back up Submission should be made only on the “Google Drive” or “Office” data copy paste Pen Drive”
whatever you want if not then ID will be rejected.
2) Submission should be made exactly on or before the deadline given by the company time (BEFORE 12.00 pm
Next day of time)


The payment will be given after the quality check report. The user collects report
respective through Office/ Branch after 04/07 days. On the basis of errors, the
user will get payment
The payment structure is mentioned below.

Form Payment per Form

1 To 200 Rs 1/-
201 To 500 Rs 2/-
501 To 1000 Rs 3/-
1001 To 1500 Rs 4/-
1501 To 2000 Rs 5/-
2001 To 2500 Rs 6/-
2501 To 3000 Rs 7/-
3001 To 3500 Rs 8/-
3501 To 4000 Rs 9/-
4001 To 5000 Rs 10/-
Signatures User
Accuracy level: One field missing in a row that means his row is mistake. Than
Your whole work is wrong. And your ID will be rejected.

Whole Work Error Cell Mistakes (One Column 1 Cell Error)

1 % Error Is Consider

2 % Error Is 40% Deduct

3 % Error Is 50% Deduct

4 % Error Is 70% deduct

5 % Error Is 90% Deduct

6 % Error Is 95% Deduct

Above Reject.

Example Error: - Payment -1000X3=3000 Whole Work %

Error: - 1000X1% = 10 error Full Payment

1000X2% = 20 error 60% Payment

1000X3% = 30 error 50% Payment

1000X4% = 40 error 30% Payment

1000X5% = 50 error 10% Payment

1000X6% = 60 error 5% Payment

Above Whole Work Reject No Re-Work

Typed Of Error

1> Punctuation error/Extra

2> Spelling error
3> Word Missing/Extra
4> Space/Extra (last Extra Space)
5> Form Missing/Extra
6> Blank Cell
7> Form Mis-Match Small &Capital
Note: - If user successfully done the 1st assignment with Rs. 5000/- payout, then, he will get next assign
Signatures User

1. Any one wants to take up the GSF Entry work from company should make sure that he/she is capable enough to
accomplish task successfully.

2. Company will check the skills of the user before providing him/her work. The skill test will be based on typing test.

3. Should have a minimum knowledge about Computer.

4. Company will not take any ownership if the task is not completed within the time line given to the user.

5. If the user unable to complete within the stipulated time, then the remaining assignment will be cancelled; the
registration fee will be forfeited.

6. इस वक मै Form का पेम ट दया जाये गा से ल का पेम ट नह दया जाता है/ य द कोई भी Form िम टेक कर दी तो सारा वक गलत हो जायेगा /
और जो अपने फ स जमा करी है वो फ स वापस नह क जाती है और न ही वक आगे दया जाता है /

7. Processing fee Rs 10000/- is not refundable.

8. Rs 5000 Refundable to the user, if the user able to complete 1st assignment with and you have to earn Rs 5000/-.

9. At any point of time if it is found that the user is involved in any criminal activity then the company can cancel the
10. इस वक मै फ स वापस नह क जाती है/ बापस फ स 50% होती है / जब आप इस वक मै 5000/- पये कमा लेते है तो ही आप को वक आगे
िमलता है / और आपको 5000/- वापस कर दए जाते है ऐसा न होने पर आप का ए ीमट किसल हमेशा के िलए कर दया जाये गा

11. Processing fee Rs 5000/- refundable, if user earns Rs 5000/- in 1 assignment, then, the user will get free assignment and
refund of Rs 5000/-.

12. in the condition if company fails to pay work amount of 2nd party, then 1st party is liable to pay only security amount to
2nd party. If 1st party cancel the contract agreement before due date, then, only processing fee will be fully refundable to
2nd party.

13. User can get token key only one time. If they have any problem like windows (OS) corrupted then no other key will not
be provided. If the don’t activated is Software within 2 days than ID will be rejected.


Name ………………………………………………………………………………….......................

Father Name / Husband Name:-……………………………………………………………….…

Address:-………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Photo

Mobile No:-+91…………………………………………./…………………………………………….

Georgian Mobil No:-…………………………………………Land Line No:-....................

Email ID:- …………………………………………………………@.......................................

I have Read, understand and accepting the above Terms and condition. I am ready to work with your company

Signatures User
यह ए ीमट Form Fillup डेटा एं ी (सव का वक है) ऑउटसो सग वक है सॉ टवेयर बे ड डेटा है
थम पाट को दूसरी पाट ने इस वक को पूरा सही डंग से डेमो समझने के बाद ही अपनी इ छा से वक लेने के िलए ो सग फ स 10000/-जमा
करी है थम पाट यह फ स वापस नह देगी/ इस वक म फ स वापस 50% वापस क जाती है/ बो भी जब बापस होगी जब दूसरी पाट वक म
सही वक करके देगी कम से कम 5000/ पये कामना होगा / अगर दूसरी पाट ने यह 5000/- का सही काम भी नह कर पाया तो प्रथम पाट
दूसरी पाट को 1/- भी वापस नह देगी /इस ि थित म ए ीमट हमेशा के िलए किसल कर दया जायेगा/

१) सबसे मह व पूण बात कं पनी आपको मेहनत का पेमट नह देती है / आप पूरी रात दन करे इससे कं पनी को कोई लेना

देना नह है / य क यह वक आप को घर के िलया दया जा रहा है/ कं पनी आपको सही वक का ही पेमट जो कं डीशन

बताई गई है उसीके आने पर पेमट दे दया जायेगा/ जो क कं डीशन आप को पेपर म िलख कर दी जा रही है /

२) यह वक सॉ टवेयर बे ड है / इसमे कसी भी कार क छेड खानी न करे / ऐसा करने पर आपक वक क रपोट जनरे ट

नह हो पायेगी /शक होने पर कं पनी आपको ऑ फस म भी वक करवा सकती है/ और आपको कं पनी कोई भी पेमट नह
देगी आपक जो फ स जमा है/ इस ि थित म वो आपको थम पाट फ स भी वापस नह देगी / और आपका ए ीमट

हमेशा के िलए किसल कर दया जायेगा / End Session करने क गार टी वयं क होगी अगर गलती से End

Session हो गया तो कं पनी से कोई लेना देना नह होगा/

३) कसी भी कार क गलत भाषा का योग न करे / ऐसा करने पर आप के िखलाफ मानहािन का दबा भी कया जा

सकता है /

य क आप ने सारी बातो को यान म रख कर ही अपनी मज से फ स जमा करी है/

||घोसणा प ||
.िनवास.................................................................... ……..का रहने बाला ँ इन सब बातो को मने भलीभांित पढ़ िलए है/ तभी मने

अपनी मज से इस वक के िलए फ स जमा करी है / म यह वक अपनी िज मेदारी से पूरा करके दुग

ँ ा/ िजस टाइम पर मुझे बताया गया उसी टाइम पर
सही समय पर अपना वक जमा करके दुँगा/अगर मने ऐसा नह कर पाया तो म वम िज मेदार ँ / इस बात पर थम पाट क कोई गलती नह
रहेगी /

ह ताछर दनांक
Personal information Form
Entry Form Date:-………/……../……… Inquiry No:-…………. Photo

Ref. By:-……………………. Counselor: -……………………

(Home Based computer work)

(First Name) (Middle Name) (Last Name)

Sex: - M …….. F……….Age:-…… Cast: - SC/ST/OBC/GEN/EX.s……….Marital Status……………….

Qualification:-…………………E-Mail ID (Capital Letter only)……………………………………………@………

Mobile No. ……………………………………

Father Name:-…………………………………………………………………………………………………………...

Personal Address:-………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Ward …………………City:-…………………………..State:-……………………………………….

Contact No.:-………………………………….Res.:-………………Mob. No.:-……………………………………..

Project Name:-……………………………………….. Works Process:-…………………………………………..

Date Of Project Taken:-……………………………..

Fee Of Project:-……………………………………. Due fee:-……………………….

Terms & conditions

1. The fee will be not refundable.

2. If candidate take a work Project, then candidate will be responsible for all the work of the project
3. The work of Project should be completed on time otherwise company not be responsible for the same.
I,……………………………………………………………………..S/O, W/O, D/O ………………………………………………………………do
hereby declare that I have read all the t & c of the company & after that I take the work to the best of my
knowledge & belief.

Date:-…........... Signature of the candidate

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