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An electrically neutral  semiconductor
(i) has no majority carriers
(ii) has no minority carriers
(iii) has no free charge carriers
(iv) has equal amounts of positive and negative charges.

2.The process by which impurities are added to a pure semiconductor is

(i) Diffusing
(ii) Drift
(iii) Doping
(iv) Mixing

3. When holes leave the p-material to fill electrons in the n—material the process is called
(i) Mixing
(ii) Depletion
(iii) Diffusion
 (iv) Depletion

4. JCBO current is
(i) Small in silicon than in germanium transistors
(ii) increases with temperature
(iii) depends on base doping
(iv) depends on eb jn bias

5. Atomic bonding most common in semi conductor is

(i) Metallic
(ii) Ionic
(iii) Covalent
(iv) Chemical

6. When thermally generated holes & electrons gain enough energy from the reversed biased source of a

Zener diode to produce new current carriers it is called

(i) Avalanche Breakdown
(ii) Reverse Breakdown
(iii) Zener Breakdown
(iv) Low voltage eakdown

7. Depletion region in a pn diode is due to

(i) reverse biasing
(ii) forward biasing
(iii) An area created by  crystal doping
(iv) An area void of  current carriers
8. Conventional biasing of a bipolar transistor has
(i) EB forward biased & CB forward biased
(ii) EB reversed biased & CB forward biased
(iii)EB forward biased & CB reverse biased
(iv)EB reverse biased & CB reverse biased,
9. The emitter region in the NPN transistor is more heavily doped than base region so that
(i) flow across the base region will be mainly of holes
(ii) flow across the base regions will be mainly of electrons
(iii) base current is low
(iv) base current is high.

10. Barrier potential for silicon diode

(i) .3V
(ii) .4 V
(iii) .1 V
(iv) .7 V

11. When an atom either gains or loses an electron it is said to be

(i) ionized
(ii bonded
(iii) Excited
(v) an acceptor

12. A strong electric field across a p-N junction that causes covalent bonds to break apart
(i) It is called avalanche breakdown
(ii) It is called reverse breakdown
(iii) It is called Lever breakdown
(iv) It is called Low voltage breakdown

13. Depletion regioin in a pn junction diode

consists of
(i) Mobile donor ions
(ii) Mobile acceptor ions
(iii) Mobile donor & acceptor ions
(iv) majority cairiers
14. The largest current flow of a bipolar transistor occurs
(i) In the emitter
(ii) In the base
(iii) In the collector
(iv) through the collector base

15. Any semiconductor material has a valence of electrons V

(1) 4
(iv)3 or 5
1 iv
4. iii
5 iii
6. i
7 ii
8 iii
9 ii
10 iv

11 i
14. i
15 i

1.Consider two samples of silicon semiconductor identical in all respects except that one is uniformly
doped with1015 cm10-3 donor impurity atoms (Sample A) and the other is non-uniformly doped with donors
from one side such that Nd(x) = N0 e -ax (sample B). Let a = 1 hm-1 and N0= 1017 cm-3 . Consider the
following sample B.
1. Sample A will not have any current at equilibrium but current will flow out of sample B
2. Both samples will have built-in electric, field
3. Sample A will have zero built-in electric field whereas sample B will have a constant built-in electric
4. No current will flow at equilibrium from either sample A or sample B
Select the correct answer using the codes given below:
(a)1 and 2
(b) 1 and 3
(c) 1 and 4
(d) 3 and 4
2. Consider the following statements:
The temperature dependence of resistivity of a sample of N-type silicon is based upon carrier
concentration and carrier mobility variations with temperature
1. the resistivity of silicon increases with temperature.
2. the mobility decreases with temperature
3. the carrier concentration increases with temperature
4. the resistivity of silicon decreases with temperature
Which of these statements are correct?
(b) 2,3and
(c)1 and2
(d) 3and 4
3. The unit of mobility is
(b) mV-1s-1
(d) Vms-1
4. The Haynes-Shockley experiment enables one to determine the
(a) diffusion coefficient of majority carriers
(b) effective mass of the minority carriers
(c) mobility of the minority carriers
(d) lifetime of the majority carriers
5. The Hall constant in p-Si bar is given by 5 x 103 cm35/Coloumb The hole concentration in the bar is
given by
(a) 1.00 x 1015/ cm3
(b) 1.25 x 1015/ cm3
(c) 1.50 x 1015/ cm3
(d) 1.60 x 1015/ cm3 -
6. In an extrinsic semiconductor, the Hall coefficient RH
(a) increases with increase of temperature
(b) decreases with increase of temperature
(c) is independent of the change of temperature
(d) changes with the change of magnetic field
7. Consider a semiconductor bar having square cross-section. Assume that holes drift in the positive x-
direction and a magnetic field is applied perpendicular to the direction in which holes drift. The sample will
(a) a negative resistance in positive y-direction
(b) a positive voltage in positive y-direction
(c) a negative voltage in positive y-direction
(d) a magnetic field in positive y-direction
8. The change in barrier potential of a silicon p-n junction with temperature is
(a)0.025 Volts per degree C
(b) 0.250 Volts per degree C
(c)0.030 Volts per degree C
(d) 0.014 Volts per degree C
9.Moor’s law relates to
(a) speed of operation of bipolar devices
(b) speed of operation of MOS devices
(ç) power rating of MOS devices
(d) level of integration of MOS devices
10. The colour T. V. picture signal is a
(a) single-channel, one-dimensional signal
(b) single-channel, three-dimensional signal
(c) three-channel, one-dimensional signal
(d)three-channel, three-dimensional signal
11 Consider the following statements:
1. Fourier transform is special case of Laplace transform.
2. Region of convergence need not be specified for Fourier transform.
3. Laplace transform is not unique unless the region of convergence is specified.
4. Laplace transform is a special case of Fourier transform.
Which of these statements are correct?
(a)2 and 4
(b) 4 and 1
(c)4, 3 and 2
(d) 1, 2 and 3
12. The units of the spectrum obtained by Fourier transforming the covariance function of a stationary
stochastic process is?
(a)power per Hertz
(b) energy per Hertz
(c)power per second
(d) energy per second
13. The maximum power that a 12 V d.c. source with an internal resistance of 20 Ohms can supply to a
resistive load is ?
(b) 18W
(d) 48W
14. Consider the following statements associated with the Superposition theorem:
1. It is applicable to d.c. circuits only.
2. It can be used to determine the current in a branch or voltage across a branch.
3. It is applicable to networks consisting of more than one source.
4. It is applicable to networks consisting of linear and bilateral elements.
Which of these statements are correct?
(a)1, 2 and 3
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c)3, 4 and 1
(d) 4, 1 and 2
15. Which one of the following statements is NOT a property of R-L driving point
(a) The first critical frequency at the origin is a zero
(b) The last critical frequency is a pole
(c) The impedance at S =infinity is always less than the impedance at S = zero
(d) The slope of the impedance curve is positive at all points
16. In a network containing resistances and reactances the roots of the characteristic
equation give for the circuit
(a)the forced response
(b) the total response
(c)the natural response
(d) the damped response
17. Consider the following:
Energy storage capability of basic passive elements is due to the fact that
1. resistance dissipates energy
2. capacitance stores energy
3. inductance dissipates energy
Which of the above is/are correct?
(a)1, 2 and 3
(b) 1 and 3
(c) 3 alone
(d) 1 and 2
18. ?L/C has the dimension of
(b) capacitance
(d) resistance
19. A network N’ is dual of network N if
(a) both them have same mesh equations
(5) both of them have the same node equations
(c) mesh equations of one are the node equations of the other
(d) KCL and KVL equations are the same
20. The input impedance of a short circuited quarter wave long transmission line is
(a) purely reactive
(b) purely resistive
(c) dependent on the characteristic impedance of the line
(d) none of the above
21. For a wave propagating in an air filled rectangular waveguide
(a) guided wavelength is never less than the free space wavelength
(b) wave impedance is never less than the free space impedance
(c) TEM mode is possible if the dimensions of the waveguide are properly chosen
(d) Propagation constant is always a real quantity
22. Consider the following statements with reference to Brewster angle:
1. For oblique incidence at a boundary, there is no reflected wave when the incident wave is vertically
2. Brewster angle can occur only at the boundary of a perfect conductor.
3. For a horizontally polarized wave, there is no Brewster angle.
4. When the incident wave is not fully vertically polarized, there will be a reflected component which is
horizontally polarized.
Which of these statements are correct?
(b) 2,3and4
(c)3, 4 and 1
(d) 4, 1 and 2
23. When a particular mode is excited in a wave-guide, there appears an extra electric component in the
direction of propagation. The resulting mode is
(a) transverse-electric
(b) transverse-magnetic
(c) longitudinal
(d) transverse-electromagnetic
24. The most suitable primary standard for frequency is
(a)Rubidium vapour standard
(b) Quartz standard
(c)Hydrogen maser standard
(d) Caesium beam standard
25. Horizontally mounted moving iron instruments employ
(a)Eddy current damping
(b) Air friction damping
(c)Fluid friction damping
(d) Electromagnetic damping
26. There are four types of controlled sources, namely VC VS, VC CS, CC CS, CC VS.
It is required to select a proper controlled source configuration for interfacing
the output of a high-impedance microphone to a low impedance loudspeaker.
The proper source will be
(a) VC VS (Voltage Controlled Voltage source)
(b) VC CS (Voltage Controlled Current Source)
(c) CC CS (Current Controlled Voltage Source)
(d) CC VS (Current Controlled Voltage Source)
27. Some of the functional building blocks of a measurement system are:
Primary Sensing Element (PSE)
Variable Conservation Element (VCE),or Transducer
Data Transmission Element (DTE)
Variable Manipulation Element (VME)
Data Presentation Element (DPE)
The correct sequntial connection of the functional building blocks for an
electronic pressure gauge will be
28. According to Guassian statistical analysis, if the confidence level is 0.80, then the values lying outside
the confidence interval are
(a)1 in 5
(b) 1 in 10
(c)1 in 20
(d) 8 in 10
29. The true rams. voltmeter employs two thermocouples in order to
(a) prevent drift
(b) increase the accuracy
(c) increase the sensitivity
(d) cancel out the nonlinear effects of first thermocouple
30. A certain oscilloscope with 4cm by 4cm screen has its own sweep output fed to its input. If the x and y
sensitivities are same, the oscilloscope will display a
(a) saw-tooth wave
(b) triangle wave
(c)diagonal line
(d) horizontal line
Answers :

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electronics Solved MCQ For Electronics and

Telecommunication Engineering (ETE)
electronics Solved MCQ
For Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering (ETE)
1. An ideal amplifier has
a) Noise figure of 0 db
b) Noise figure of more than 0 db
c) Noise factor of unity
d) Noise figure of less than 1 db
Ans : (c)
2. Fidelity represents
S1: Reproduction of signal
S2: Reproduction of phase relation
a) S1 and S2 are true
b) S1 and S2 are false
c) S1 false and S2 true
d) S1 true and S2 false
Ans : (d)
3. The decibel is a measure of
a) Current
b) Voltage
c) Power
d) Power level
Ans : (d)
4. Power gain in decibels is equal to voltage gain in decibels only when
a) Input impedance is equal to output impedance
b) Output impedance is zero
c) Never
d) Input impedance is zero
Ans : (a)
5. If the current gain of the amplifier is X, its voltage gain is Y, then its power gain will be
a) X/Y
b) X*Y
c) X+Y
d) X-Y
Ans : (b)
6. In an amplifier, the coupling capacitors are employed for
a) Limiting the bandwidth
b) Matching the impedance
c) Preventing of Dc mixing with input or output
d) Controlling the output
Ans : (c)
7. The amplifier which has no drift is called as
a) Differential amplifier
b) DC amplifier
c) Single ended amplifier
d) Chopper amplifier
Ans : (d)
8. The amplifier gain varies with frequency. This happens mainly due to
a) Miller effect
b) Presence of external and internal capacitance
c) Logarithmic increase in its output
d) Inter stage transformer Ans : (b)
9. The outstanding characteristics of a D.C. amplifier is its
a) Ability to amplify Dc and low frequency signals
b) Temperature stability
c) Utmost economy
d) Avoidance of frequency sensitive components
Ans : (a)
10. Isolation amplifier actually operates on the principle of
a) Filtering
b) Attenuation
c) Clipping
d) Amplification
Ans : (b)
11. Isolation amplifiers are also called as
a) DC amplifier
b) Output amplifier
c) Inverting amplifier
d) Iso-amps
Ans : (d)
12. The improper response time of the amplifier in the biomedical recorders
a) Affects the gain of the amplifier
b) Delays the signals
c) Changes the shape of the waveform of the signal
d) Attenuates the signals
Ans : (c)
13. To reduce common mode interference during recording of bio signals one can use__________
a) Buffer amplifier
b) Differential amplifier
c) Single ended amplifier
d) Chopper amplifier
Ans : (b)
14. Resistively generated inference arises through incorrect __________________
a) Grounding
b) Current density at the electrodes
c) Supply voltage
d) Input impedance
Ans : (a)
15. CMRR is more in_______________
a) Single ended amplifier
b) Differential amplifier
c) Inverting operational amplifier
d) Chopper amplifier
Ans : (b)
16. For biomedical applications the mostly used amplifier is
a) Single ended amplifier
b) Differential amplifier
c) Inverting operational amplifier
d) Chopper amplifier
Ans : (b)
17. ___________ amplifier is used to drive the recorder.
a) Power amplifier
b) Pre amplifier
c) Operational amplifier
d) Differential amplifier
Ans : (a)
18. When a number of components are fabricated on same IC chip it is necessary to provide isolation
between two different components for input interconnection is called __________
a) Input amplification
b) Input differentiation
c) Common mode rejection
d) Input isolation
Ans : (d)
19. A chopper amplifier
a) Converts AC signal from low frequency to high frequency
b) Converts DC signal from low frequency to high frequency
c) Converts AC signal from low frequency to DC high frequency
d) Converts DC signal from low frequency to high frequency
Ans : (b)
20. Power amplifier is provided with
S1: Cross over distortion compensation
S2: Offset control
a) S1 is true & S2 is false
b) S2 is true & S1 is false
c) Both S1 & S2 are true
d) Both S1 & S2 are false
Ans : (c)
21. Pre amplifier isolation in ECG circuit is to
a) Increase input impedance
b) Decrease input impedance
c) Increase output impedance
d) Decrease output impedance
Ans : (a)
22. Raising input impedance of pre amplifier reduces
a) Input current
b) Output current
c) Stray current
d) Grid current
Ans : (c)
23. Common mode rejection ratio is defined as ratio of
a) Common mode gain to differential mode gain
b) Differential mode gain to common mode gain
c) Common mode gain at input to differential mode gain at input
d) Common mode gain at output to differential mode gain at output
Ans : (b)
24. An electrometer amplifier has high input impedance of
a) 1010?
b) 105?
c) 1020?
d) 1015?
Ans : (d)
25. When the input of differential amplifier V1 = 0, then the differential amplifier is said to be operated in
a) Common mode
b) Differential mode
c) Non inverting mode
d) Inverting mode
Ans : (c)
26. When either one of the inputs to the differential amplifier is equal to zero then it is said to be operated
a) Single ended mode
b) Differential mode
c) Non inverting mode
d) Inverting mode
Ans : (a)

27. The negative feed back in an amplifier

a) Reduces voltage gain
b) Increases the voltage gain
c) Increases the gain band width product
d) Reduces the input impedances
Ans : (a)
28. Feedback in an amplifier always helps in
a) Increasing its input impedance
b) Increasing its gain
c) Controlling its output
d) Stabilizes its gain
Ans : (c)
29. Using mechanical chopper we cannot achieve high chopping rates due to their
a) Input impedance
b) Output impedance
c) Response time
d) Inertia
Ans : (d)
30. The CMRR of a typical IC OPAMP is
a) 70 dB
b) 80 dB
c) 85 dB
d) 75 dB
Ans : (b)
31. A -------------- is usually a display device used to produce a paper record of analog wave form.
a) Graphic pen recorder
b) Electron microscope
c) X-Y recorder
d) Oscilloscope
Ans : (a)
32. The _________ of a recording system is the magnitude of input voltage required to produce a
standard deflection in a recorded trace.
a) Accuracy
b) Linearity
c) Sensitivity
d) Resolution
Ans : (c)
33. A recorder is said to have good frequency response when the sensitivity of the system is _________
for all frequencies present in the signal.
a) Unity
b) Zero
c) Infinity
d) Constant
Ans : (d)
34. In phase response of a recorder noise level ___________ with the band width of a system
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Reaches unity
d) Reaches infinity
Ans : (a)
35. Function of microscope is
S1: To magnify object, under observation
S2: To resolve the object
a) S1 is true & S2 is false
b) S2 is true & S1 is false
c) Both S1 & S2 are true
d) Both S1 & S2 are false
Ans : (c)
36. In electron microscope the projection of the motion on a plane normal to magnetic
induction (B) will be a circle of radius (r) =
a) mVsin?+eB
b) mVsin?/eB
c) mVsin?-eB
d) mVsin?*eB
Ans : (b)
37. Match the following
1. Electron microscope – (A) Electron gun
2. Oscilloscope – (B) Condensing magnetic lens
3. Galvanometric recorder – (C) Recording head
4. Magnetic recorder – (D) Drive motor
a) 1-A, 2-B, 3-C, 4-D
b) 1-D, 2-C, 3-B, 4-A
c) 1-B, 2-A, 3-D, 4-C
d) 1-C, 2-D, 3-A, 4-B
Ans : (c)
38. In PMMC writing system, the magnitude of pen deflection is proportional to
S1: Current flowing through the coil
S2: Voltage in the coil
a) S1 is true & S2 is false
b) S2 is true & S1 is false
c) Both S1 & S2 are true
d) Both S1 & S2 are false
Ans : (a)
39. Duration of rotation of pen in the PMMC system depends upon ___________
a) Phase angle
b) Frequency
c) Magnitude
d) Direction
Ans : (d)
40. The shorter wave length of the electron permits the detailed examination of tiny objects due to
reduction of ___________ effects
a) Reflection
b) Diffraction
c) Refraction
d) Polarization
Ans : (b)
41. Which of the following recorder gives slow response
a) X-Y recorder
b) Oscillographic
c) Galvanometric
d) Magnetic
: (c)
42. The use of storage oscilloscope
S1: Viewing rapidly changing non repetitive wave forms
S2: Recording average values
a) S1 is true & S2 is false
b) S2 is true & S1 is false
c) Both S1 & S2 are true
d) Both S1 & S2 are false
Ans : (b)
43. In X-Y recorders, the self balancing potentiometers plot emf as a function of
a) Another emf
b) Frequency
c) Time
d) Pressure
Ans : (a)
44. In strip chart recorders, the self balancing potentiometers plot emf as a function of
a) Another emf
b) Frequency
c) Time
d) Pressure
Ans : (c)
45. The slewing speed of X-Y recorder is
a) 1.6 m/s
b) 1.3 m/s
c) 1.4 m/s
d) 1.5 m/s
Ans : (d)

46. The resolution limit of electron microscope is

a) 2 A.V
b) 1 A.V
c) 1.5 A.V
d) 1.2 A.V
Ans : (b)
47. _____________ is also known as halftone storage or mersh storage.
a) Variable persistence storage
b) Bistable storage
c) Flat storage
d) CRT
Ans : (a)
48. Storage oscilloscope operates on the principle of
a) Primary emission
b) Deflection
c) Secondary emission
d) Diffusion
Ans : (c)
49. Stress and strain curves are plotted using
a) Magnetic tape recording
b) X-Y recording
c) Galvanometric
d) PMMC writing systems
Ans : (b)
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Electronics Engineering practice test

Electronics Engineering practice test
Free Online Electronic Engineering Practice and Preparation Test
1. In synchronous counter,speed is
b)very low
2.In shift register,CLR input is
a)to make all o/ps are one
b) to make all o/ps are zero
c) to make all o/ps are high
d)none of these
3. In shift register, input is transformed to output during
a)zero edge triggering
b)negative edge triggering
c)positive edge triggering
d) none of these
4.In counter,each filp flop will toggle when its clock receives a
a)zero edge clock
b)negative edge clock
c)positive edge clock
d) none of these
5.Which is D/A Converter
a)Binary weighted type
b)comparator type
c)Ramp type
d)none of these
6. Which is A/D Converter
a)Binary weighted type
b) Ramp type
c) either (a) or (b)
d)none of these
7.In A/D Converter, analog input is given to
a)ground of OPAMP
b)virtual ground of OPAMP
c)inverting of OPAMP
d)non inverting of OPAMP
8. In A/D Converter, reference input is given to
a)ground of OPAMP
b)virtual ground of OPAMP
c)inverting of OPAMP
d)non inverting of OPAMP
9.Dual slop converter is
a)DC converter
b)A.C Converter
c)D/A Converter
d)none of these
10.R-2R Converter is
a)DC converter
b)A.C Converter
c)D/A Converter
d)none of these
11.A/D Conversion used in
a)D.Cl machines
b) A.Cl machines
d)none of these
12. If one of the inputs is high ,then output is also low in
a) NOR
b) AND
13. If both inputs are low ,then output is high in
b) AND
c) NOR
Ans: c
14..NAND is a contraction of
d) None of these
15.NOT gate performs
a)no operation
d)complement of A
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Basic Electronics and Comm Questions Objective

Basic Electronics and Comm Questions Objective
Electronics Communications Interview Questions and Answers
1.Communication is a process of
a) transfer of information
b) transfer of energy
c) transfer of channel
d) none of these
2. An example of communication service
a) printer
b) television
c) both(a)&(b)
d) none of these
3. Channel is
a) medium
b) signal
c) carrier
d) none of these
4. Analog signal varies with
a) sampling time
b) time continuously
c) sampling frequency
d) none of these
5. Discrete signal is represented by
a) coding
b) modulation
c) demodulation
d) sequence of samples
6. Carrier signal has
a) constant magnitude
b) constant frequency
c) variable frequency
d) variable time
7.Modulating signal has
a) low frequency
b) low modulation
c) high frequency
d) none of these
8. Modulation index is
a) Vm/Vc
b) Vc/Vm
c) Vm/Ic
d) None of these
9. fc +fm is
a) upper band frequency
b) lower band frequency
c) mid band frequency
d) none of these
10. fc –fm is
a) upper band frequency
b) lower band frequency
c) mid band frequency
d) none of these
11.In amplitude modulation, frequency is
a) constant
b) zero
c) variable
d) one
12. In amplitude modulation, amplitude is
a) constant
b) zero
c) variable
d) none of these
13.In frequency modulation, frequency is
a. constant
b. zero
c. variable
14. In frequency modulation, amplitude is
15. frequency modulation has
a) one carrier
b) one carrier with two side band frequencies
c) one carrier with infinite frequencies
d) none of these
16. Amplitude modulation has
a) one carrier
b) one carrier with two side band frequencies
c) one carrier with infinite frequencies
d) none of these
17.FM signal is less affected by
a) loss
b) temperature
c) frequency
d) noise
18. FSK is
a) frequency shift keying
b) frequency shine keying
c) frequency shine keyboard
d) none of these
19. ASK is
a) Amplitude shift keying
b) Amplitude shift keyboard
c) Amplitude shine keying
d) none of these
e) Ans:a
20. HPA is
a) high power audio
b) high port audio
c) high power amplifier
d) none of these
21. Word ‘SCANNING’ is used in in
a) telecost
b) telephone
c) radio
d) TV
22. The frequency range of 1GHZ to 30GHZ are referred as
a) sound waves
b) micro waves
c) mini waves
d) none of these
23 . IF is
a) interference frequency
b) interconnection frequency
c) intermediate frequency
d) none of these
24. Low pass filter attenuates
a) high frequencies
b) low frequencies
c) medium frequencies
d) none of these
25 . high pass filter attenuates
a) high frequencies
b) low frequencies
c) medium frequencies
d) none of these
26. Low pass filter allows
a) high frequencies
b) medium frequencies
c) zero frequency
d) low frequencies
27. High pass filter allows
a) high frequencies
b) medium frequencies
c) zero frequency
d) low frequencies
28. Primary component of uplink section of satellite is
a) transformer
b) transistor
c) earth station transmitter
d) power station transmitter
29. Micro wave communication is used in
b) telephone networks
c) industries
d) none of these
30. Non electric signal is converted into electrical signal by
a) transmitter
b) receiver
c) line
d) none of these
31. In order to reduce interference, the signal should be
a) amplified
b) multiplied
c) demodulated
d) modulated
32. An example for an analog signal
a) Sine wave
b) impulse signal
c) sample signal
d) None of these
33. Messages travel from transmitter to receiver with help of
a) Transmitter
b) Receiver
c) channel
d) antennas
34. Bandwidth of FM signal is ---than AM signal
a) lesser
b) either lesser or larger
c) larger
d) none of these
35. In AM modulation ,when the modulation index increases, transmitted power is
a) constant
b) increased
c) decreased
d) none of these
36. In FM modulation ,when the modulation index increases, transmitted power is
a) constant
b) increased
c) decreased
d) none of these
37. Sound signalsin TV are
a) amplitude modulated
b) dc modulated
c) frequency modulated
d) a and c
38. Video signals in TV are
a) amplitude modulated
b) de modulated
c) frequency modulated
d) none of these
39. In optical communication, carrier is
a) electromagnetic waves in optical frequency
b) electromagnetic waves in maximum frequency
c) electromagnetic waves in minimum frequency
d) none of these
40. Optical detector is
a) diode
b) PIN photo diode
c) transistor
d) none of these
41.Optical fibre has---diameter
d.none of these
42. Optical fibre is fabricated by
a) glass
b) copper
c) aluminium
d) none of these
43.An earth station receiver consists of
a.RF to IF down converter
b. IFto RF converter
c.either (a)&(b)
d.none of these
44. An earth station transmitter consists of
a.RF to IF down converter
b. IFto RF converter
c. either (a)&(b)
d.none of these
45.VHF is
a.very low frequency
b.very high frequency
c.very hot frequency
d.none of these
46. TRF is nothing but
a.TV radio frequency
b.Tuned radio frequency
c.Tube radio frequency
d.none of these
47.which one of the following is the type of ‘superheterodyning’
a.Radio transmitter
b.TV receiver
48.AFC is nothing but
a.Audio frequency control
b.Automatic frequency control
c.Amplitude frequency control
d.none of these
49.The maximum power in AM,when modulation index is
50.Primary colours are,,,red.yellow
d.none of these
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Tough Electronics engineering questions

Tough Electronics engineering questions
Electronics and communication engineering core questions
1. If the height of transmitting and receiving antennas in a LOS system are 49 m and 9 m respectively
then the distance up to which communication may be possible is about
(a) 40km
(b) 110 km
(c)400 km
(d) 1100 km
2. The skip distance is
(a) same for each layer
(b) independent of frequency
(c) independent of the state of ionisation
(d) independent of transmitted power
3. Match List I (Instrument) with List II (Property/use) and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the Lists:
Listi List II
A. PMIVIC 1. Square law type scale
B. Moving iran 2. Very good high frequency response
C. Thermocouple 3. Linear scale over the entire range
D. Electrostatic type 4. Voltmeter
(a) 4 1 2 3
(b) 3 2 1 4
(c) 4 2 1 3
(d) 3 1 2 4
4. A coil would behave as
(a) an inductor at high frequencies
(b) a capacitor at very low frequencies
(c) a capacitor at very high frequencies
(d) a resistor at high frequencies
5. An ammeter of range 0—25 A has a guaranteed accuracy of 1% of full-scale reading. The current
measured by the ammeter is 5A. The limiting error in the reading is
(a) 2%
(b) 2.5%
6. An inductor tunes at 200 KHz with 624pF capacitor and at 600 KHz with 60.4pF capacitor. The self-
capacitance of the inductor would be
(a) 8.05 pF
(b) 10.05 pF
(c) 16.l0 pF
(d) 20.l0 pF
7. “The current internationally recognised unit of time and frequency is based on the cesium clock, which
gives an accuracy better than 1 micro s per day.” This statement is related to
(a) Working standards
(b) International standards
(c) Primary standards
(d) Secondary standards
8. The bandwidth of a CR0 is from 0 to 20 MHz. The fastest rise time which a square wave can have, in
order that it is accurately reproduced by the CR0 is
(b) 17.5ns
(c) 35ns
(d) 52.5ns
9. A dc voltage of 1 V is applied to the X-plates of a CR0 and an ac voltage 2 sin 100 t is applied to the Y-
plates. The resulting display on the CR0 screen will be a
(a) vertical straight line
(b) horizontal straight line
(c) sine wave
(d) slant line
10. In a distortion factor meter, the filter at the front end is used to suppress
(a) odd harmonics
(b) even harmonics
(c) fundamental component
(d) dc component
11. Wagner’s earth in ac bridge circuits is used to eliminate the effect of
(a) stray electrostatic fields
(b) stray electromagnetic fields
(c) inter-component capacitances
(d) parasitic capacitance to earth
12. Radiation pyrometers are used for the measurement of temperature in the range
(a) 2000 to 500°C
(b) 0°C to 500°C
(c) 500°C to 1200°C
(d) 1200°C to 2500°C
13. Magnetic flux can be measured by
(a) capacitive pick-up
(b) inductive pick-up
(c) resistive pick-up
(d) Half-effect pick-up
14. A semiconductor based temperature transducer has a temperature coefficient of
-2500 microV/ C. This transducer is indeed a
(a) thermistor
(b) forward-biased pn junction diode
(c) reverse-biased pn junction diode
(d) FET
15. The function of the reference electrode in a pH meter is to
(a) produce a constant voltage
(b) provide temperature compensation
(c) provide a constant current
(d) measure average pH value
16. The most light sensitive transducer for conversion of light into electrical power
is the
(a) Photodiode
(b) solar cell
(c) Photoconductive cell
(d) photovoltaic cell
17. In an amplitude modulated system, if the total power is 600 W and the power in
carrier is 400 W, then the modulation index is
(a) 0.5
(b) 0.75
(c) 0.9
(d) 1
18. Time division multiplexing requires
(a) constant data transmission
(b) transmission of data samples
(c) transmission of data at random
(d) transmission of data of only one measurand
19. The dual of a parallel R-C circuit is a
(a series R-C circuit
(b) series R-L circuit
(c) parallel R-C circuit
(d) parallel R-L circuit
20. The function s+2+ 3/s can be realized
(a) both as a driving, point impedance and as a driving point admittance
(b) as an impedance, but not as an admittance
(c) as an admittance, but not as an impedance
(d) neither as an impedance nor as an admittance
10 c
11 b
12 d
13 d
14 b
15 a
16 d
17 d
18 a
19 b
20 a
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Electronics Objective Solved Questions

Electronics Objective Solved Questions
Electronics & Communication Engineering Solved Questions
1.In which of the following base systems is 123 not a valid number?
(a) Base 10
(b) Base 16
(d) Base 3
2. Storage of 1 KB means the following number of bytes
(a) 1000
(d) 1064.
3. What is the octal equivalent of the binary number:
(c) 572
(d) 573.
4. Pick out the CORRECT statement:
(a) In a positional number system, each symbol represents the same value irrespective of its position
(b) The highest symbol in a position number system as a value equal to the number of symbols in the
(c) It is not always possible to find the exact binary
(d) Each hexadecimal digit can be represented as a sequence of three binary symbols.
5.The binary code of (21.125)10 is
(a) 10101.001
(b) 10100.001
(c) 10101.010
(d) 10100.111.
6.A NAND gate is called a universal logic element because
(a) it is used by everybody
(b) any logic function can be realized by NAND gates alone
(c) all the minization techniques are applicable for optimum NAND gate realization
(d) many digital computers use NAND gates.
7. Digital computers are more widely used as compared to analog computers, because they are
(a) less expensive
(b) always more accurate and faster
(c) useful over wider ranges of problem types
(d) easier to maintain.
8. Most of the digital computers do not have floating point hardware because
(a) floating point hardware is costly
(b) it is slower than software
(c) it is not possible to perform floating point addition by hardware
(d) of no specific reason.
9. The number 1000 would appear just immediately after
(a) FFFF (hex)
(b) 1111 (binary)
(c) 7777 (octal)
(d) All of the above.

10. (1(10101)2 is
(a) (37)10
(b) ( 69)10
(c) (41 )10
(d) — (5)10
11. The number of Boolean functions that can be generated by n variables is equal to
(a) 2n
(b) 22 n
(c) 2n-1
(d) — 2n
12. Consider the representation of six-bit numbers by two’s complement, one’s complement, or by sign
and magnitude: In which representation is there overflow from the addition of the integers 011000 and
(a) Two’s complement only
(b) Sign and magnitude and one’s complement only
(c) Two’s complement and one’s complement only
(d) All three representations.
13. A hexadecimal odometer displays F 52 F. The next reading will be
14. Positive logic in a logic circuit is one in which
(a) logic 0 and 1 are represented by 0 and positive voltage respectively
(b) logic 0 and, -1 are represented by negative and positive voltages respectively
(c) logic 0 voltage level is higher than logic 1 voltage level
(d) logic 0 voltage level is lower than logic 1 voltage level.
15. Which of the following gate is a two-level logic gate
(a) OR gate
(b) NAND gate
(d) NOT gate.
16. Among the logic families, the family which can be used at very high frequency greater than 100 MHz
in a 4 bit
synchronous counter is
(b) CMOS
17. An AND gate will function as OR if
(a) all the inputs to the gates are “1”
(b) all the inputs are ‘0’
(c) either of the inputs is “1”
(d) all the inputs and outputs are complemented.
18. An OR gate has 6 inputs. The number of input words in its truth table are
(c) 64
(d) 128
19. A debouncing circuit is
(a) an astable MV
(b) a bistable MV
(c) a latch
(d) a monostable MV.
20. NAND. gates are preferred over others because these
(a) have lower fabrication area
(b) can be used to make any gate
(c) consume least electronic power
(d) provide maximum density in a chip.
21. In case of OR gate, no matter what the number of inputs, a
(a) 1 at any input causes the output to be at logic 1
(b) 1 at any input causes the output to be at logic 0
(c) 0 any input causes the output to be at logic 0
(d) 0 at any input causes the output to be at logic 1.
22. The fan put of a 7400 NAND gate is
23. Excess-3 code is known as
(a) Weighted code
(b) Cyclic redundancy code
(c) Self-complementing code
(d) Algebraic code.
24. Assuming 8 bits for data, 1 bit for parity, I start bit and 2 stop bits, the number of characters that 1200
BPS communication line can transmit is
(a)10 CPS
(b)120 CPS
(c) 12CPS
(d) None of the above.
25. Indicate which of the following three binary additions are correct?
1.1011 + 1010 = 10101
II. 1010 + 1101 = 10111
III. 1010 + 1101 = 11111
(a) I and II
(b) II and III
(c) III only
(d) II and III
Posted by The Guru at 11:27 AM No comments: 
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Thursday, May 14, 2015

BHEL Engineer Trainees Sample paper Electronics

BHEL Engineer Trainees Sample paper Electronics
BHEL engineer trainee model question paper of electronics
BHEL Question Paper Answer free Sample Paper

1. IC 74121 TTL one shot IC is used without connecting any external capacitor between Cext, and Rext /
pin. The Rint pin is connected to Vcc On triggering, one would expect
(a) No output pulse
(b) An output pulse of duration of the order of seconds
(c) An output pulse of variable duration
(d) an output pulse of duration of the order of 30-35 nanoseconds


2. An npn transistor connected as -a common emitter switch has ICBO = 1 ? A and h FE = 100. The OFF
state current of this switch is of the order of
(a) 0.1 ? A
(b) l .0 ? A
(c) 10.0 ? A
(d) 100.0 ? A


3. A D/A converter has 5 V full-scale output voltage and an accuracy of ±0.2 %. The maximum error for
any output voltage
(a) Will be 5 mV
(b) Will be 10 mV
(c) Will be 20 mV
(d) Can be of any value depending on input

4. An 8-input multiplexer is to be built with a tree - network of 2-input multiplexers. The number of 2-input
multiplexers required is
(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 6
(d) 7


5. The contents of the control world register of INTEL 8253 (Programmable Interval Timer) is given below:
D7 D6 D5 D4 D3 D2 Dl D0
This control word sets
(a) Counter 0 to Mode 0
(b) Counter 1 to Mode 0
(c) Counter 2 to Mode 0
(d) Counter 0 to Mode 1


6. RMS noise voltage at the input of a TV RF amplifier at the ambient temperature of 27° C is 30? V. The
noise voltage at 90°C will be
(a) Zero
(b) 30 ? V
(c) 33 ? V
(d) 36.3 ? V


7. A transmission line is distortion less f

(a) LC = RG
(b) LR = CG
(c) L = GCR
(d) LG = CR


8. Consider the following statements regarding transmission lines transmitting high frequency (HF)
HF transmission lines
1. Have appreciable ohmic and dielectric losses.
2. Have small physical length.
3. Are loss-free line
Of these statements:
(a) 1 and 2 are correct
(b) 2 and 3 are correct
(c) 3 alone is correct
(d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct


9. Consider the following statements about SSB (Single Side Band) transmission:
1. It requires less power.
2. Transmitter and receiver needed are simple.
3. There is no interference.
4. Bandwidth required is less.
Of these statements
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(b) 1,2and4arecorrect
(c) 1 and 4 are correct
(a) 3 and 4 are correct


10. In the narrow band FM system, the bandwidth is (fm is the modulating frequency)
(a) fm
(b) 2fm
(c) 3fm
(d) Of the same value as that for the wide band FM system


11. In a double conversion AM receiver, the adjacent channel selectivity is determined mainly by
(a) The preselector and he RF stages
(b) The higher frequency IF stages
(c) The lower frequency IF stages
(d) Both the higher and lower frequency IF stages


12. Consider the following statements regarding digital communication systems:

1. Pulse code modulation (PCM) is used
2. Quantisation noise occurs in PCM
3. In PCM, companding is used to protect small signals from quantisation distortion.
4. The Shannon-Hartley law describes signaling rates.
Of these statements:
(a) 2, 3 and 4 are correct
(b) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
(c) 1,2and4arecorrect.
(d) 1, 2 and 3 are correct


13. With three geostationary satellites placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle, what will the
minimum lime that elapses (approximately), between the lime one earth station sends a message to
another earth station located on the opposites side of the globe and the moment it receives a return
(a) 2 seconds
(b) 1.5 seconds
(c) 1 second
(d) 0.5 second


14. Doppler effect is used in

(a) Pulsed radar
(b) CW radar
(c) MTI (moving target indicator)
(d) Both CW radar and MTI

15. In a Wheatstone bridge, the known resistances are correct to within ±0.1%. The accuracy to which an
unknown resistance can be measured is
(a) 0.4%
(b) 0.3%
(c) 0.2%
(d) 0.1%


16. Match List (Unit) with List-II (Equivalent un it) and select the correct answer using the codes given
below the lists:
A. Weber
B. Coulomb
C. Farad
1. Ampere-second per volt
2. Volt-second
3. Ampere-second
4. Volt per second
(a) 1 2 3
(b) 2 3 1
(c) 2 3 4
(d) 3 1 4


17. A special purpose diode which uses metals like gold, silver or platinum on one side of the Junction, n-
type doped silicon on another side and has almost no charge storage in the junction, is a
(a) Schottky diode
(b) Tunnel diode
(c) Varactor diode
(d) zener diode


18. Consider the following statements:

1. BJT needs bias stabilization because its I co increases with increase in VBE and temperature.
2. Thermal runaway may be avoided by choosing VCE < 1/2V CC
3. FET and BJT both need bias stabilization because both are semiconductor devices.
4. By increasing RE, bias stabilization improves.
Of these statements:
(a) 1 and 2 are correct
(b) 3 and 4 are correct
(c) 2 and 3 are correct
(d) 2 and 4 are correct


19. Consider the following statements about Loran.

1. it is also known as hyperbolic system of navigation.
2. Standard Loran operates in the frequency range of 1.8 to 2.0 MHz.
3. In Loran, the synchronism between the master and the slave stations is achieved with the help of
coaxial links.
4. The range of Loran can be enhanced to about 3500 km over the sea by using a frequency range of
90to 110 kHz
Of these statements:
(a) 1, 2 and 3 are correct
(b) 1, 3 and 4 are correct
(c) 1, 2 and 4 are correct
(d) 2, 3 and 4 are correct


20. Match List I with List II and select the correct answer using the codes given below the lists:
List I
A. AM radio broadcast
B. FM radio broadcast
C. Microwave radio
D. Short wave radio and ratio telephony
List II
1. 2000 to 12000 MHz
2. 80 to l50 MHz
3. 300 Hz to 4 kHz
4. 500kHz to 3 MHz
5. 3 to 30 MHz
(a) 3 4 1 5
(b) 4 2 1 5
(c) 2 4 5 3
(d) 4 2 5 3


1.. The characteristic impedance of an air dielectric co-axial line is 77Ω If the air is replaced by a dielectric
with E r = 2.28, the characteristic impedance will be
(a) 33.8Ω
(b) 51Ω
(c) 116Ω
(d) 175Ω


2. The core diameter of a step index optical fibre ranges from

(a) 300 μ m to 500 μ m
(b) 300 mm to 500 mm
(c) 30nm to 40 nm
(d) 2 μ m to 200 μ m


3. An infinitely long dielectric cylinder of relative permitivity, ε r is placed in air in a uniform electric field of
magnitude E directed perpendicular to its axis. The stress within the cylinder is
(a) 2 / (1+ ε r ) E
(b) 2 / ( l + 2ε r ) E
(c) 3 / 2+ ε r E
(d) 2ε r / 1+ ε r E


4.. If the E field in a plane electromagnetic wave travelling along the z-axis is given by
E = (a x + a y) f (ω t—β z ) + (ax + ay) f (ω t + β z )
The H field associated with the wave is (z 0 is the characteristic impedance)
(a) (a x + ay) f (ω t – β z) /z 0 (ax + ay) f (ω t + β z )/z0
(b) (a x— ay) f (ω t — β z) /z 0 + (ax—ay) f (ω t + β z) / Zo
(c) (ay — a x) f (ω t — β z) /z o + (-ay + ax) f (ω t + 3z)/z
(d) (a x—a y) f (ω t — β z) / z 0 +  (ay – ax ) f (ω t + β z )/z


5. The Laplace transform of current In an RLC series circuit with

R = 2 Ω, L = 1H and C = 1/2 F is
I(s) = 1/ s2 +2s+2
The voltage across the Inductor ‘L’ will be
(a) e-t sin tu (t)
(b) e-t cos t u (t)
(c) e-t (sin t + cos t) u (t)
(d) e-t (cos t — sin t) u (t)

Ans:- B

6. The Fourier transform of unit Impulse function (t) would be

(a) 1 / (2 + ω2)
(b) (2 + ω2)
(c) 1
(d) ½


7. The response of a system by d2i / dt2 + i = v. If the excitation is v = ke2t, then the forced response of i for
t > 0 will be
(a) K / 3 et
(b) K / 5 e -t
(c) K / 5 e 2t
(d) K / 3 sin t + k / 5 cost


8. Consider the following data in respect of a certain digital gate:

I OH = 0.2 mA, I OL = 16 mA, I IH = 40 μA and I IL = 1.6 mA
The symbols have their usual meanings. The ‘fanout’ will be
(a) 80
(b) 40
(c) 10
(d) 5


9. Which one of the following statements regarding the state transition matrix is correct?
(a) φ (0) = 0
(b) φ (0) = φ (1/t)
(c) φ (t1 + t2) = φ (t1) + φ (t2)
(d) φ (t1 — t2) φ (t1 — t0) = φ (t 2— t0)


10. The average value of dc voltage of a single-phase semi converter under continuous conduction is
(a) √2V (1+ cos α) / π
(b) √2V (1— cos α) / π
(c) √2V (1+cosα) / π
(d) √2V (l—cos α) / π


Electrical Engineering MCQ Sample Practice Questions

With Assertion Reason Type
Electrical Engineering MCQ Sample Practice Questions
Electrical Engineering Questions and Answers With Assertion Reason Type
Electrical Engineering Solved MCQ
Directions: The following 11 (eleven) items consist of two statements, one labelled the ‘Assertion A’ and
the other labelled the ‘Reason R’. You are to examine these two statements and decide If the ‘Assertion
A’ and the ‘Reason R’ are Individually true and If so, whether the Reason is a correct explanation of the
Assertion. Select your answer to these items using the codes given below and mark your answer sheet
(a) Both A and R are true and R Is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false
(d) A is false but R is true

1. Assertion (A): In dc to dc step Dow chopper, free-wheeling diode is mandatory for RL loads.
Reason (R): A part of energy fed to the RL load is dissipated in the resistance.

2. Assertion (A): In the slip test for determining the d-axis and q-axis synchronous reactances ‘X d’ and ‘X
q’ respectively of a salient pole machine, the stator has to be fed with suitably reduced voltage at the
rated frequency and the rotor (with the field circuit open) has to be rotated at a speed slightly different
from the synchronous speed, and the fluctuating terminating voltage and armature current are to be
recorded for computing X d and X q
Reason (R): during the slip test, a slip frequency - voltage is induced across the open field circuit
terminals that could be measured by connecting a voltmeter across these terminals.


3. Assertion (A): Phase comparison pilot relaying for the protection of a transmission line is a blocking
Reason (R): The pilot signal is not required from the other end to permit tripping.


4. Assertion (A): Thyristorised current source inverters do not operate at high switching frequency.
Reason (R): Thrystorised current source inverter is capable of four-quadrant operation.


5. Assertion (A): A piezoelectric crystal is used for measurement of varying force only.
Reason (R) The equivalent circuit of a piezoelectric transducer has a shunt capacitor at its output.


6. Assertion (A): Lag compensation permits a high gain at low frequencies.

Reason (R): Lag compensation is basically a low pass filter.


7. Assertion (A): Stability is a major problem in closed loop control systems.

Reason (R): Introduction of feedback affects the location of poles of open-loop system.


8. Assertion (A): The auto increment and auto decrement modes are seldom found in modern processors.
Reason (R): Using two instructions instead of one provides flexibility in implementing a pipeline.

9. Assertion (A): Surface charge density is considered a physical possibility for either dielectrics or perfect
Reason (R): Surface current density is assumed only in conjunction with perfect conductors.


10. Assertion (A): For continuous communication purposes, satellites are normally placed in geostationary
Reason (R): In satellite communication, uplink and downlink frequencies are different.


11. Consider an SSB signal where the modulating signal is a speech signal.
Assertion (A): Its envelope detection will not recover the modulating signal.
Reason (R): The envelope of an SSB is constant.


12. Consider the following statements: Phase-controlled converters

1. do not provide smooth variation of output voltage.
2. inject harmonics into the power system.
3. draw non-unity power factor (Pf) current for finite triggering angle.
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1 and 2
(c) 2 and 3
(d) l and 3


13. A single-phase circulating current dual converter is supplying a load. If the triggering angle of one
converter is 30°, then the other converter operates at a triggering angle of
(a) 300
(b) 600
(c) 90°
(d) 150°


14. The purpose of free-wheeling In a thyristor controlled ac to dc converter is to

(a) reduce the current of its associated thyristor to zero so that commutation can take place
(b) share the ‘load current of its associated thyristor
(c) conduct the load current when its associated thyristor is turned off
(d) maintain voltage across load at constant value


15. Opto couplers are used In transistor base drive circuit for
(a) amplification of base drive signal
(b) isolation between control and power circuits
(c) fast switching of power transistor
(d) protection against over current


15. Given that N is the actual number of instructions executed and CPI is the average number of cycles
per instruction, then
(a) both CISE (Complex instruction set computer) and RISE (Reduced instruction set computer)
processors aim to reduce N at the expense of CPI
(b) CISE processors aim to reduce N at the expense of CPI whereas RISC processors aim to reduce CPI
at the expense of N
(c) RISC processors aim to reduce N at the expense of CPI whereas CISC processor aim to reduce CPI
at the expense of N
(d) both CISC and RISC processors aim to reduce CPI at the expense of N


16. Considers the following statements:

As compared to Si single crystal grown by the
CZ method, the Si single crystal grown by the
FZ method should have
1. lesser oxygen contamination.
2. uniforms doping throughout length of the crystal.
3. more substitutional carbon atoms in the crystal
When of these statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 3
(d) l and 2


17. If a 3-phasor induction motor and a 1-phase induction motor of the same kW rating and same winding
voltage are compared, then
(a) both will be of same size and efficiency
(b) the 3-phase induction motor will be bigger in size and less efficient
(c) the 3-phase induction motor will be smaller in size and more efficient
(d) the 3-phase induction motor will be bigger in size and more efficient

18. In the slip power recovery method of speed control of a 3-phase wound rotor induction motor, to
operate it in the subsynchronous region of speed, a voltage has to be injected across the rotor terminals
(a) in phase with the rotor induced emf
(b) in phase opposition to the rotor induced emf
(c) leading the rotor induced emf by 90°
(d) lagging the rotor induced emf by 90°


19. Two transformers X and Y with Identical ratings and dimensions have 0.8mm and 1.2 mm thick
laminations respectively. If R m and X m are the magnetizing branch parameters in the equivalent
circuit, then
(a) R m values in both are likely to be equal, but X m of X is likely to be higher than X of Y
(b) X m values in both are likely to be equal, but R m of X is likely to be higher than R m of Y
(c) X m values in both are likely to be equal, but R m of X is likely to be lower than R m of Y
(d) R m values in both are likely to be equal, but X m of X is likely to be lower than X m of Y


20. Consider the following statements in respect of important features of IGBT:

1. It has a high impedance gate as that of a MOSFET.
2. It has a low ON state voltage as that of a BJT.
3. It can block negative voltages as in the case of GTO.
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) l and 2
(b) l and 3
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3


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