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P1 Analysis of Print Advert.


Paper 1- Print Advert Analysis

The above advertisement is unique and vibrant and works to endorse biodegradable sanitary
pads. The first thing that the viewers notice upon their first glance is the sanitary pad itself,
which is in the background laid with Roses. Roses often symbolize love and beauty;
therefore, they also symbolize ladies or femininity as a whole, thus establishing the target
audience of the advertisement. To gain a viewer’s attention the advertiser has used bright
colors with bolded and catchy headlines and slogans. The advertisement also uses the three
persuasive techniques of Ethos, Pathos and Logos.

Firstly, the primary aim of this advertisement is to spread awareness about the existence of
the company “SPEAKIT” and to endorse their biodegradable sanitary pads. It also tries to
spread the humanitarian message that sanitary pads are a necessity and that they must be
provided to each woman. This is also backed up with the use of logos by stating ‘only 15% of
the girls had access to sanitary pads in India during lockdown’. Such use of logos not only
helps in persuasion but also helps outline the context of the advertisement which are reveled
to be the current times by stating ‘lockdown’.

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P1 Analysis of Print Advert. In

Further, the advertisement also uses the persuasive techniques of ethos and pathos, so as to
persuade the audience to choose their product instead of any other substitute. Ethos is used in
the advertisement by stating the company’s partnership with a world-renowned United
Nations organization UNICEF, which signifies the credibility of the advertiser. The
advertiser also uses pathos and stimulates the emotions of the target audience by the various
written clauses in the advertisement.

The slogan of this advertisement says, ‘our lives are on hold, Periods are not’ and this slogan
specifically targets the emotions of women by intriguing them with feminism and in making
them realize that sanitary pads are a necessity and are symbolized with an essence of pride.
The advertisement also states out that they donate a set of sanitary pads to the UNICEF for
each couple of ‘SpeakIt’ pads bought, thus bringing out an emotion and showing why as a
woman it is their duty to buy their product to help other women in need during their
menstrual cycle. This way the advertiser creatively uses pathos.

The advertiser has thoughtfully used colors and the placement of the written clauses is
appropriate. The advertisers have used bright colors like teal and pink which help to bring out
the femininity form this advertisement and thus appeal to its target audience. The bright
colors are also eye catching and help to gain viewership by drawing attention and thus
fulfilling its purpose of advertising the product. Apart from that, the advertisers have used a
grey background which symbolizes the seriousness and the gravity of this topic. The use of
grey shows that what they are trying to put forward is serious and not something to be
ignored. There is a fine contrast between the bright colors and the grey background, this helps
to elevate the effect of the bright colors and it almost feels like that the advertisement is
shouting out its agenda to the viewers, stating that this matter is not to be taken lightly and
that the product being endorsed is not a luxury but a necessity for all women.

The most striking thing that viewers first notice is the oddness in the placement of the
advertising company’s name. There is a speech balloon in the background, and the name of
the company extends out of the cloud. This is done to symbolize that menstruation is a wide
topic and one which is not to be taken lightly. This is also done to symbolize the wide
number of women who suffer from illness and disease caused from using rough or
unsanitized napkins during the mensural period. The word ‘period’ has also been
intentionally misspelt so as to draw attention towards that one word. There has also been a
play of words with the word ‘period’, since it means both the menstrual cycle and the
punctuation mark, which signifies that there are no further arguments required and that they
have stated enough reasons for their target audience (women) to buy their product.

All in all, this advertisement successfully fulfills its purpose while using various persuasive
techniques and devices. The advertisement is aesthetically pleasing and draws attention
through using its various graphical attributes. The advertisers successfully use all three
persuasive techniques of ethos, pathos and logos to put fourth their points and make the
viewers engrossed in their product. The advertisers have chosen the slogans carefully and
they help create the overall impact on the target audience. The advertisement has been placed
in a modern-day context and has been beautifully portrayed by the advertisers.

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