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1. Ang pagsusulit na ito ay naglalaman ng 60 na mga tanong. 20 na identipikasyon at 40
IDENTIPIKASYON. Basahin at unawain ang bawat katanungan. Isulat lamang ang tamang
sagot sa sagutang papel.

1. Riovolt Josol was nominated by President Emmanuel Calaluan as Secretary of

Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG). His nomination has been
confirmed by the Commission on Appointments, and his appointment by President
Calaluan followed thereafter. Riovolt Josol have accepted the nomination with pride
and honor. The President reconsidered his appointment after discovering that Mr.
Josol has a criminal record. The President withdrew his appointment. Is this
a. Yes. This is a matter of presidential discretion, arising from the power of
b. No. The President can no longer withdraw the appointment because all the steps
have already been complied with.
c. Yes. The power to withdraw appointments is one of the residual powers of
the President.
d. No. Once the appointee accepts, President can no longer withdraw the

2. When the President dies, is permanently disabled, is impeached, or resigns, the

Vice-President becomes the President for the unexpired term. However, if both the
President and Vice-President die, become permanently disabled, are impeached, or
resigned, the Senate President shall act as President until the President or VP shall
have been elected and qualified. If the Senate President becomes disabled, who will
a. The Speaker of the House shall become the President.
b. There will be a special election specifically conducted for the filling up of the
vacant offices.
c. The Senate President shall submit to the Congress a declaration of his disability,
then a Senior Senator will be the acting President.
d. The Speaker of the House shall act as President until the President or VP shall
have been elected and qualified.

3. This principle holds that no man is above the law, so that every man, however high
or low, is equal.
a. Rule of majority c. Rule of law
b. Democracy d. Constitutional guarantee

4. What is meant by a bicameral legislature?

a. It means that the Congress is composed of two houses of representatives.
b. It means that the Congress is composed of two chambers: Senate and House
of Representatives
c. It means that the legislative power, the authority to enact and promulgate laws,
is vested in the Congress of the Philippines.
d. It means that the legislature is superior over the executive and judicial branches of
the government.
5. What is the main difference between a Senator and a Member of the House of the
a. A Senator is elected at large by qualified voters, whereas a member of the House
of Representatives is elected in his district.
b. Although both are legislators, a Senator is concerned with the National interest
of the people, while a member of the House of the Representatives is concerned only
with the regional interest of the people.
c. A Senator is trained to be the future leader of the country, whereas a member of
the House of the Representatives is not.
d. All of the above.

6. In this system or principle, the powers of the government are divided intro three
distinct classes: the legislative, the executive and the judiciary.
a. Tricameralism c. Parliamentary System
b. Presidential System d. Checks and Balances

7. When is the regular election of the Senators and the Members of the House of
Representatives held?
a. Every 4th Monday of July c. 2nd Monday of July
b. Every 1st Monday of July d. None of the above.

8. If there are 270 Members of the House of Representatives, what would constitute
the quorum?
a. 180 members c. 200 members
b. 136 members d. 202 members

9. How should one address the male President of the Republic of the Philippines in an
event or in any material?
a. “His Holiness” c. “His Majesty”
b. “His Excellency” d. “His Highness”
10. Which part of the 1987 Philippine Constitution stipulates the provisions for the
Executive Department?
a. Article V c. Article VII
b. Article VI d. Article VIII

11. Section 1 of Art. VI otherwise Legislative Department of the 1987 Philippine

Constitution provides that “The legislative power shall be vested in the ____________
of the Philippines which shall consist of a _____________ and a ____________, except
to the extent reserved to the people by the provision on initiative and referendum.”
Which of the following set of words will complete the provision?
a. House of Representatives, Congress, Senate
b. Senate, Congress, House of Representatives
c. Congress, Senate, House of Representatives
d. House of Representatives, Senate, Congress
12. While on the Congress session, the police arrested a Senator for the violation of the
R.A. 9165 otherwise known as “Comprehensive Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002” with
a penalty of imprisonment ranging from twelve (12) years and one (1) day to twenty
(20) years and a fine ranging from One Hundred Thousand Pesos (PhP 100,000.00)
to Five Hundred Thousand Pesos (PhP 500,000.00). Was the arrest justifiable
provided that congressional privileges is ascribed in Section 11 of Article VI of the
a. No. Because congressional privileges from arrest should be applied since the
Congress is in session.
b. Yes. Because no one is above the law, therefore, if warrant of arrest is issued
especially if the facts and evidence support it, anyone can be arrested regardless of
your position in the government.
c. No. Because as Senator, he must have privileges from arrest as warranted by the
d. Yes. Because Congressional privileges to arrest applies only to cases punishable
by not more than 6 years imprisonment.

13. Referenced to Section 1 of Article VII of the Philippine Constitution, who is vested
with the executive powers?
a. Chief Justice c. Senate President
b. Secretaries d. President
14. The term used to a situation that arises when legislations faces difficulties in being
passed due to different party control in the legislature?
a. gridlock c. due process
b. inquiry in aid of legislation d. judicial review

15. Taxation is one of the powers of the Congress as enumerated in the Philippine
Constitution which means, the Congress, subject to certain limitations, may impose
or increase taxes on a particular taxable item or transaction in order to increase
government revenues. The rule of taxation therefore shall be uniform and equitable.
Which situation shows that there is an equitability in the taxation?
a. As one goes up in income, the tax rate increases.
b. Anyone is subject to the taxes imposed by the government, either poor or rich.
c. Poor people receives greater assistance from the government through the
Conditional and Unconditional-Cash-Transfer Program.
d. Poor people are exempted by the government from paying taxes.

16. Under this doctrine, the signing of a bill by the Speaker of the House and the Senate
President and the certification of the secretaries of both Houses of Congress that it
was passed are conclusive not only of its provisions but also of its due execution.
a. Alter Ego Doctrine c. Doctrine of Judicial Supremacy
b. Enrolled Bill Doctrine d. Political Question Doctrine
17. Which of the following circumstances is most likely to happen for a bill to become a
a. When the President signs the bill as passed by the Congress.
b. When the Senate President vetoes the bill but the congress overrides the veto of
the Senate President.
c. In cases of the President’s inaction 31 days from receipt of the bill from the
Congress in which case the bill becomes a law as if he had signed it.
d. All are correct.

18. How many votes are required to override the veto of the President for a bill to
become a law?
a. ½ + 1 votes c. 2/3 votes
b. ¾ votes d. 4/5 votes

19. Which power of the Executive Department is being referred to as its “power to hire
and fire”?
a. Power of Appropriation c. Ordinance Power
b. Control Power d. Appointment Power
20. This doctrine explains that the acts of the heads of various departments are
presumed to be the acts of the Chief Executive unless disapproved or reprobated.
a. Alter Ego c. Judicial Supremacy
b. Political Question d. Enrolled Bill

21. These are rules of conduct or action prescribed or formally recognized as

binding or enforced by a controlling authority.
a. Laws c. Constitution
b. Substantive Laws d. Procedural Laws

22. Which of the following shows the correct process of budgeting as part of the
Power of Appropriation of the Congress?

I. DBM issues guidelines and programs for the release of funds.

II. The DBM announces a budget call to all government agencies,
departments and bureaus.
III. Congress deliberates on the proposed budget.
IV. Executive department conducts cabinet review of the proposed
V. DBM checks whether the government funds have been effectively
and efficiently utilized.
VI. DBM prepares budget documents.

a. II, IV, VI, III, I, V c. II, III, IV, VI, I, V

b. II, I, III, IV, VI, V d. II, IV, VI, III, I, V
23. One of the most important legislations that Congress annually passes. It defines the
annual expenditure program of the National Government and all of its
a. Salary Standardization Law
b. Civil Service Circular
c. General Appropriations Act
d. Administrative Code of the Philippines

24. It has the sole jurisdiction to decide and try all cases of impeachment.
a. House of Representatives c. Congress
b. Senate of the Philippines d. Supreme Court

25. Below are the jurisdictions of the Regional Trial Courts except for one. Which
is which?
a. actions involving the contract of marriage and marital relations.
b. exercise jurisdiction over all civil actions incapable of pecuniary
estimation (like complaints for expropriation)
c. hears and decides cases involving violations of city or municipal
d. handle criminal cases not falling within the exclusive jurisdiction of any
other court, except those within the jurisdiction of the

26. What are phases involved in the budget process?

a. Budget Preparation, Budget Legislation, Budget Presentation and
Evaluation of the DBM.
b. Budget Presentation, Budget Planning, Budget Allocation and
Accountability measures of DBM.
c. Budget Preparation, Budget Legislation, Budget Allocation and
d. Budget Preparation, Budget Legislation, Budget Execution, and

27. Defined as a body of individuals selected to formulate, amend, or repeal laws.

a. Judiciary c. Legislature
b. Executive d. Constitutional Commissions

28. The power of appropriation is also known as?

a. Power of the purse c. Power of the sword.
b. Power to hire and fire. d. Power of supervision.
29. A graft and corruption complaint were filed against Ombudsman Ador by
Bayan Muna. All evidence and testimonies strongly support the complaint. Who
may initiate the impeachment case?
a. Sandiganbayan c. Supreme Court
b. Congress d. Ombudsman

30. The power to propose amendments to the Constitution is one of the

jurisdictions of which branch of the government?
a. Legislative Branch c. Judicial Branch
b. Executive Branch d. Constitutional Commissions

31. The words “pork barrel” originally referred to the ritual of rolling out a barrel
full of pork in front of hungry black slaves who would then feast on the food. This
term was later used to pertain to the practice of American lawmakers who would
allocate part of the Federal budget to their districts. Legally speaking, “pork barrel”
means an appropriation of government spending meant for local projects and
secured solely or primarily to bring money to a representative’s district. In a bold and
unprecedented move which will forever enshrine the Sereno Court in the hearts of the
Filipino people, it has, through Madam Justice Perlas – Bernabe, declared
unconstitutional the pork barrel, now known as the Priority Development Assistance
Fund (PDAF). According to the Supreme Court, the pork barrel system has violated the
principle of separation of powers, the principle of non- delagability of legislative
power, denied the President the power to veto items, impaired public accountability,
and subverted genuine local autonomy. Article X of the 1987 Philippine Constitution is
otherwise known as?
a. Article X - Local Autonomy
b. Article X - Local Government Units
c. Article X - Local Government Units and Autonomous Regions
d. Article X - Local Government

32. What is the composition of the Supreme Court?

a. 1 Chief Justice, 15 Associate Justices
b. 1 Chief Justice, 14 Associate Justices and 4 Court Clerks
c. 1 Chief Justice, 15 Associate Justices and 2 Court Clerks
d. 1 Chief Justice, 14 Associate Justices

33. Which of the following is TRUE about the Regional Trial Court?
a. It investigates issues and alleged violations of human rights.
b. It is a quasi-judicial body.
c. It exercises jurisdiction over all civil actions incapable of pecuniary
d. It hears and decides on cases involving violations of city or municipal
34. Which of the following is not considered as the powers of the Supreme Court as
stipulated in Section 5, Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution.
a. Hear and decide cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and
consuls, and over petitions for certiorari, prohibition, mandamus, quo warranto and
habeas corpus.
b. Order a change of venue or place of trial to avoid miscarriage of
c. Revoke or extend the privilege of the writ of habeas corpus or
declaration of martial law.
d. Promulgate rules concerning the protection and enforcement of
constitutional rights, pleading, practice, and procedure in all courts, the
admission to the practice of law, the integrated bar, and legal assistance to the
under-privileged, and review rules of procedure of special courts and quasi-
judicial bodies.

35. Although the Congress is recognized as the lawmaking body under the
Constitution, the following entities also have lawmaking powers except for one.
Which is which?
a. administrative agencies, whose rules and regulations have the force
and effect of law.
b. the people, through the provision on initiative and referendum in
Section 1, Article VI of the 1987 Constitution.
c. the President, through his ordinance power, and in time of war or other
national emergency when authorized through law by the Congress, can
issue rules and regulations.
d. any members of the United Nations and other international
organizations to which the Philippines is a member of.

36. Republic Act No. 10524, “An Act Expanding the Positions Reserved for Persons
with Disability…” is an example of a?
a. Substantive Law c. Special Law
b. General Law d. Procedural Law

37. A member of the House of Representatives is called?

a. Justice c. Ombudsman
b. Senator d. Congressman

38. One of the purpose of the R.A. 8172 also known as the ASIN Law or an Act for
Salt Iodization Nationwide require all producers manufacturers of food-grade salt to
iodize the salt that they produce, manufacture, import, trade or distribute. What
would be the reason of the state for the passage of the law?
a. the State promotion of nutritional fortification of food to combat
micronutrient as a priority health program for the nation.
b. the State promotion of accessible, relevant, and quality education to all
Filipino regardless of age, class and disabilities.
c. the State promotion of patriotism and love for the country.
d. the State promotion for the protection of life, liberty and property.

39. Which of the following is TRUE about the tenure of office of Congressmen?
a. He shall serve for a term of six years.
b. He shall serve for three years.
c. He shall serve until the age of 70.
d. He shall serve for a term of 5 years.

40. The two kinds of members of the House of Representatives are the?
a. Senators and Congressmen
b. Senators and District Representatives
c. District Representatives and Party-list Representatives.
d. District Representatives and Senators

41. The courts and quasi-judicial bodies cannot just decide cases without complying
with a standard which is necessary in the administration of justice. What constitutional
right is being referred in the above-statement?
a. right to adequate legal assistance
b. right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
c. right to speedy, impartial, and public trial.
d. right to due process of the laws.

42. Arrange the following procedures in handling criminal cases into order.
I. Render judgment based on the evidence presented and the
applicable law.
II. Prosecutor conducts a preliminary investigation of the complaint
against the accused, where the latter will be given an opportunity to
file a counter-affidavit.
III. During the trial the court will receive the evidence of the prosecution
and the defense.
IV. If there is a finding of probable cause against the accused, the
investigating prosecutor will file an information against the accused.

a. II, IV, III, I c. I, II, III, IV

b. II, III, I, IV d. I, III, II, IV

43. Before a government entity can file an expropriation case against the landowner,
what requirements must be met?
a. the expropriation must be for the business interest of the government and
must be a fair and just equivalent compensation to the owner of the land being taken of.
b. the case must be heard and decided by the court and there must be a
confirmation from the Congress on the expropriation.
c. the expropriation or taking must be for a public purpose and there
must be written offer to pay the landowner a specific amount which the
latter refused to accept.
d. None of the above.

44. On the process of appointing a member of the Judiciary, who screens and
determines the competence of the applicant or recommendee for appointment of
the would-be-judges?
a. Judicial and Bar Council
b. Integrated Bar of the Philippines
c. Supreme Court
d. Office of the Ombudsman

45. The Check and Balance power used by the Judicial Branch to look at a law to see
if it is constitutional is called?
a. Presidential Veto c. Alter Ego Doctrine
b. Judicial Review d. Judicial Supremacy

46. Which newspaper headline shows the operation of the system of checks and
a. “Batangas Province To Gain Two Seats in the Philippines House of
b. “Governor Abdon Convicted by the Ombudsman Guilty of Graft and
c. “7 out of 10 Filipinos are Satisfied with Drug War under Mendoza
d. “Congress Impeached Chief Justice Fadero”

47. The Commander-in-Chief of all armed forces of the Philippines this 2018 is?
a. Air Force Commanding General Jeffrey Delgado
b. President Duterte
c. Vice-President Robredo
d. AFP Chief Lieutenant Gen. Emmanuel Bautista

48. It is the power of the State to take properties for the purpose of public use upon
payment of just compensation.
a. Police Power c. Power of Eminent Domain
b. Power to Impeach d. Power of Taxation

49. Who shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment?
a. House of the Blue Ribbon Committee
b. House of Representatives
c. House of the Senate
d. Speaker of the House

50. This law promotes responsible family planning and proper use of reproductive
methods to eliminate over-population growth.
a. Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Law
b. RH Bill
c. Reproductive Law
d. Family Planning Law

51. PAGASA is the official government agency for weather forecasting, flood
control, astronomical observations, and time service. PAGASA stands for
a. Philippine Atmospheric Geographical and Astronomical Services
b. Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services
c. Philippine Atmospheric Geological and Astronomical Services Association
d. Philippine Atmospheric Geophysical and Astronomical Services Association

52. The duty of the courts to settle actual controversies involving legally
demandable and enforceable rights, and to determine whether or not there has
been grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on any
governmental branch or instrumentality.
a. Judicial Supremacy c. Judicial Review
b. Judicial Power d. Judicial Doctrine

53. What is the age of retirement for justices of the Supreme Court and judges of the
lower courts?
a. 65 years old or until they become incapacitated to discharge their
official duties.
b. 70 years old or until they become incapacitated to discharge their
official duties.
c. 75 years old or until they become incapacitated to discharge their
official duties.
d. 80 years old or until they become incapacitated to discharge their
official duties.

54. The Office of the Ombudsman is also known as?

a. Tanodbayan c. Sandiganbayan
b. Sangguniangbayan d. Tanggapang Bayan

55. Who may propose amendment and revisions to the Constitution?

a. By congress, upon ¾ vote of all members.
b. By a constitutional convention
c. By the people, through initiative (upon petition by at least 12% of the
total number of registered voters, with at least 3% of the registered votes
of every legislative district being represented.
d. All of the above.

56. In the exercise of executive clemency, which of the following requires the
concurrence of the Congress to be effective and valid?
a. Amnesty c. Reprieve
b. Commutation d. Pardon

57. Which of the following public elected officials is not legible for any reelection?
a. Senator c. President
b. Congressman d. Vice President

58. Mr. Garcia was convicted and the penalty imposed was life imprisonment. The
President reduced his penalty to six months imprisonment. What power of the
President was exercised?
a. Veto Power c. Pardoning Power
b. Control Power d. Military Power

59. President Emmanuel Calaluan declared the month of October of every year as
“National Children’s Month” through an Executive Issuance. What executive power
and issuance is manifested in the actions of the President?
a. Borrowing Power – Memorandum Order
b. Military Power – Special / General Order
c. Ordinance Power – Presidential Proclamation
d. Control Power – Executive Order

60. Which best defines the Memorandum Orders issued by the President?
a. Acts of the President on matters of administrative detail or of
subordinate or temporary interest which only concern a particular
officer or office of the Government.
b. Acts of the President on matters relating to internal administration,
which the President desires to bring to the attention of all or some of the
departments, agencies, bureaus or offices of the Government, for information or
c. Acts of the President fixing a date or declaring a status or condition of
public moment or interest, upon the existence of which the operation of a specific
law or regulation is made to depend, shall be promulgated in
proclamations which shall have the force of an executive order.
d. Acts of the President providing for rules of a general or permanent
character in implementation or execution of constitutional or statutory

ENUMERATION AND IDENTIFICATION. Identify what is being asked in each

statement. Write your answers on the space provided on the answer sheet.

61- 65. Cite at least 5 powers of the legislative branch.

66 - 70. Cite at least 5 powers of the executive branch.
71 - 72. Kinds of laws according to their scope.
73 – 77. Qualifications of the Senator.
78 – 82. Qualifications of the President

83. Write the name of your district representative and indicate your legislative district.
84. Write the name of your city/municipal major and indicate your municipality/city.
85. Write the name of the President of the Republic of the Philippines.
86. Write the name of the Vice President of the Republic of the Philippines.
87. Write the name of the Senate President of the Republic of the Philippines.
88. Write the name of the Speaker of the House of Representatives of the Republic of the
89. Write the name of the Governor of the Province of Batangas.
90. Write the name of the Chief Justice who replaced Former CJ Sereno.
91 – 100. Out of 24 Senators of the Congress, recall and list at least 10 Senators.
101 – 103. Qualifications of the justices of Supreme Court and other lower collegiate
104 – 106. Qualifications of the justices of Regional Trial Court.

ESSAY: Explain the following briefly in one to two sentences each.

107 - 110. Explain how the three branches (executive, legislative and judicial) of the
government works and differ from each other.

111 - 115. Explain. “Laws are meaningless if they are not enforced.”

116 – 120. Assume that you are a lawmaker. What legislation would you propose to
resolve or address a specific problem/need/area of concern. Indicate the name of the bill
and the problem/need/area of concern being addressed or resolved.

Inihanda ni: Binigyang pansin: Pinagtibay ni:


Guro sa Filipino SHS Koordineytor Punongguro

I. Identipikasyon
1. ____________________________ 11. ____________________________
2. ____________________________ 12. ____________________________
3. ____________________________ 13. ____________________________
4. ____________________________ 14. ____________________________
5. ____________________________ 15. ____________________________
6. ____________________________ 16. ____________________________
7. ____________________________ 17. ____________________________
8. ____________________________ 18. ____________________________
9. ____________________________ 19. ____________________________
10. ___________________________ 20. ____________________________
1 O O O O 24. O O O O
2 O O O O 25. O O O O
3 O O O O 26. O O O O
4 O O O O 27. O O O O
5 O O O O 28. O O O O
6 O O O O 29. O O O O
7 O O O O 30. O O O O
8 O O O O 31. O O O O
9 O O O O 32. O O O O
10 O O O O 33. O O O O
11 O O O O 34. O O O O
12 O O O O 35. O O O O
13 O O O O 36. O O O O
14 O O O O 37. O O O O
15 O O O O 38. O O O O
16. 39. O O O O
17. 40. O O O O

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