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Job Attitudes: An Introduction

Prof. Rajiv Kumar
IIM Calcutta
• A variable on which individuals differ
– Other variables could be:
• Traits
• Values
• Definition:
– Evaluative statements about people, objects, or
• Latent nature of attitudes
ABC Model
Attitude-Behavior Relationship
• Attitude may not always lead to behavior
• Moderating variables:
– Direct experience with attitude
– Specificity of attitude
– Importance of attitude
– Social pressure
Cognitive Dissonance
• Incompatibility between two or more
attitudes or between behavior and attitude
• People try to reduce it.
Important Job Attitudes (1)
• Job Satisfaction:
– Collection of positive feelings that an individual
holds toward his or her job
• How to measure?
– Global vs. facets
• Organizational Commitment
– Attachment with an organization and its goals
– Willingness to continue with the organization
Important Job Attitudes (2)
• Perceived organizational support: The extent
to which my organization:
– Cares about my well-being
– Values my contribution
• Perceived support from manager/supervisor
– Level of supervisor/manager
• Employee engagement
Consequences of Job Satisfaction
• For satisfied employees:
– Performance: A weak, positive correlation
– Absenteeism: A weak, negative correlation
– Turnover: Trigger; weak to moderate negative correlation
– Customer service
– Employee well-being
• For dissatisfied employees
– Exit
– Voice
– Loyalty
– Neglect
Consequences of Commitment
• Performance: A weak, positive correlation
• Turnover: Trigger; weak to moderate negative
Summing Up
• Overall Meta-Analytic Correlation:
– Job attitudes (satisfaction and commitment)
– Behaviors (performance, OCB, lateness,
absenteeism and turnover)
– Correlation of 0.59

Harrison, Newman, & Roth, 2006

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