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Name ……………………………………………………… Index NO…………………………

School: ................................................................................. Center No: .....................................

Subject: Additional Mathematics


Republic of South Sudan

National Examinations Council
Certificate of Secondary Education
Subject: Additional Mathematics Time: 2 hours


Read the instructions carefully before answering any question.

1. Answer all questions.

2. Write your answers in the space provided.
3. No extra paper is allowed

This table is for examiners only

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Answer all questions

Question one:

A-(1) Define the unit

(2) Find the value of x and y.

(x y) ( 28 42)=( 8 2)

( n+2 ) ! ( n−1 ) !
B- (1) simplify:
( n ! )2
(2) prove That: C nr =C nn−r
(3) Solve =42
( x−2 ) !
5 8
(4) In the expansion of 3 x− 3 Find:
x )
(i) The general term. (ii) The fourth term (iii) The term independent of x.

c) (1) Using the principle of mathematical induction show that:

3+5+7 +⋯+ (2 n+1 ) =n2 +n

(2) How many two-letters words can be formed from the word set BUKWA if:

(i) Repetition is not allowed

(ii) Repetition is allowed

Question Two:

f ( x+ a )−f (x )
1)A- If f ( x )=ax+ b find where e ≠ 0

B- An object falls from a height 576ft above the ground and after t seconds the height of the
object above the ground is equal to s=f ( t )=576−16 t 2 calculate:

(i) f ( )

(ii) f (6)

(iii) After how long is the object at a height of 320ft above the ground?


C- If f ( x )=4 x−3 , g ( x ) =x2 −5 x +1 find fog( 2).

2)A- Find the limits of the following:

27 x 3−1
(i) lim 1 3 x−1 (Hint z=3 x)

( 1+ x )2−1
(ii) lim
x →0 x
B-(1) Find for the function y=f ( x )=2 x 2 from the first principle.

(2) If y=sin x cos x prove that =cos 2 x.

(3) If x 2+ y 2−2 x −4 y =5 find at the point ( 2 ,−1 ) .

C- Prove that ( tan x )=sec 2 x

D- An object moves on x-axis such that its distance (s) in meters after (t) seconds from the point
of origin (o) is given by: s=t 3−2t 2+ 3t calculate:

(i)The velocity after 3 seconds.

(ii) Acceleration after 3 seconds.

Question Three:

A. Evaluate the following integrations.

(1) ∫ sin x dx
(2) ∫ 4 sin x dx
3 2
(3) ∫ cot x cosec x dx

B. (1) Calculate the area between the two curves y=x 2 +2 x , y=x + 4.

(2) Find the equation of the curve of the function y=f (x ) that passes through the point (2,3)
and its gradient is 3 x 2+2 .

(3) Integrate the following by parts: ∫ x sin x dx

Question Four:

A-(1) Define the following:

(i)Mean deviation

(ii) Standard deviation

(2) From the set of values: 15, 17, 20, 23, 25 calculate:

(i) Arithmetic mean (ii) Standard deviation B- From the frequency distribution table below:

x 0-6 6-12 12-18 18-24 Sum

f 7 3 14 6 30
Calculate the standard deviation.

C- (1) P(z ) is called the probability function if the following conditions are fulfilled:

(2) Show which of the following is a probability function?

3 3 1
(i) P ( A 1 )= , P ( A 2 ) = , P ( A 3 )=
10 5 5

2 3 1
(ii) P ( A 1 )= , P ( A 2 ) = , P ( A 3 )=
10 5 5

(3) A box contains 10 cards numbered from 1 to 10, a card was chosen at random from the box,

A: the event of getting odd number.

B: the event of getting a number divisible by 3.

Write the sample point for each of the following events:

(i) A (ii) B (iii) A−B

(iv) A' (v) A ∩ B

(4) If A , B are two events in a sample space of random experiment and

6 1 1
P ( A )= , P ( B )= , P ( A ∩ B )= find
10 4 5

(i) P( A ∪ B)

(ii) P ( A ' )=¿ (iii) P ( A−B )

Question Five:

A-(1) Find the equation of the circle whose center is at the origin and its radius is r units.

(2) Find the equation of the circle given the ends of diameter in it, are the two points
A ( x 1 , y 1 ) , B( x2 , y 2).

(3) Find the equation of the circle passing through the two points ( 5 ,−2 ) , (−2,1 ) and its center
lies on the straight line3 x+ y+ 2=0.

B-(1) Find the equation of the circle passing through the two points ( 8,0 ) , ( 6,4 ) and its center lies
on the straight line y=4.

(2) Prove that the straight line 5 x−12 y−9=0 is tangent to the circle x 2+ y 2−8 x−4 y+ 19=0
Question Six:

8 √2
A-(1) Express the quantity in the polar form and represent the resulting number on the
1+ i
Argand diagram.

π π π π
3 (
(2) Find the result of the following 6 cos +isin ×2 cos +i sin
3 2 ) (
2 )
B- (1) Find the two square roots of number z=−5+12 i (2)
Solve the equation z 2+ ( 2i−3 ) z + ( 5−i )=0
(3) Reduce into partial fraction 2
( x 2+1 )

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