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Eighty years of research on hydraulic reciprocating

seals: review of tribological studies and related
topics since the 1930s
G K Nikas
Mechanical Engineering Department, Tribology Group, Imperial College London, Exhibition Road, London SW7 2AZ, UK.

The manuscript was received on 21 December 2008 and was accepted after revision for publication on 16 April 2009.
DOI: 10.1243/13506501JET607

Abstract: Hydraulic seals are complicated machine elements. The engineering research on
hydraulic reciprocating seals, which commenced roughly in the 1930s, has achieved a basic
understanding of performance issues. This article provides a review of the experimental and
theoretical research conducted over a period of eight decades, discussing more than 200 of the
most significant publications from the related literature. The topics discussed include recipro-
cating seal designs, materials, experimental methods, theoretical studies, elastohydrodynamic
lubrication, solid and contact mechanics, performance issues, and optimization.

Keywords: seal, reciprocating, elastomer, rubber, polymer, tribology, review

1 INTRODUCTION difficulty is attributed to seal flexibility, which pre-

cludes obtaining analytical solutions and complicates
Hydraulic reciprocating seals are critical machine any numerical solution process, particularly in tran-
elements used in a variety of industrial, automo- sient conditions. Moreover, typical seal materials such
bile, aerospace, and medical applications that involve as elastomers obey highly complex, non-linear stress–
linear and rotational motion such as in hydraulic strain laws of finite elasticity or thermoviscoelasticity,
actuators [1]. They are usually made of polymeric which are strongly affected by temperature. In fact,
or thermoplastic materials, including elastomers and basic mechanical properties of hydraulic seals such
rubber-like materials (rubber compounds with vul- as the moduli of elasticity and rigidity, Poisson’s ratio,
canized natural rubber as the prototype or synthetic hardness, and compressibility all depend strongly on
rubbers produced with sulphur or other additives), temperature. Additional influential factors such as
plastics, polyurethanes, as well as composites. These chemical interaction with hydraulic fluids, material
seals normally operate dynamically under broad oper- (e.g. elastomer or rubber) oxidation, and ageing play
ating conditions, with sealed pressures of up to 80 major roles in sealing performance.
MPa, sliding speeds of up to 15 m/s, and temperatures In spite of the difficulties in sealing performance
varying roughly between −70 and +250 ◦ C, depending evaluation, hydraulic seals are met in many critical
on application. Figure 1 shows typical hydraulic actu- applications with machinery costing hundreds to mil-
ators and some reciprocating seals of various shapes, lions of times more than the seals. A characteristic
including rod, piston, and rotary-vane seals [1–4]. It is example was the dramatic destruction of the NASA
characteristic that the depicted seal shapes are just a space shuttle Challenger in 1986, which was attributed
few of many complex designs that have evolved over to the loss of sealing ability of a static elastomeric
decades of theoretical and applied research. O-ring because of low ambient temperature the night
A hydraulic reciprocating seal is a rather neglected before the shuttle’s launch [5], an engineering error
machine element in the scientific literature, in spite that cost several human lives. Therefore, the correct
of its vital role in many applications. The neglect is engineering design and evaluation of hydraulic seals
partly attributed to the complexity of seal behaviour, is of paramount importance to avoid costly mistakes.
which is owed to the large number of variables sig- As far as the author is aware, the scientific research
nificantly affecting sealing performance. The major on hydraulic reciprocating seals was initiated before

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Fig. 1 Hydraulic actuators for linear and rotary motion, and some examples of rod seals (on the
right), piston seals (on the left), and rotary-vane seals (top, right) (from references [1] to [4])

World War II; it then rapidly progressed in the 1960s work on reciprocating seals, which remains a source
and 1970s. Following one of the early studies on the of reference. Denny [10–16] continued his pioneering
network theory of rubber elasticity by Meyer et al. [6] in work on reciprocating seals in the 1950s and 1960s,
1932, the doctoral thesis of Gronau [7] in 1935 was one dealing – mainly experimentally – with the issues of
of the earliest known publications on hydraulic seals. lubrication, leakage, and friction. Some other note-
However, the first breakthrough probably was the pio- worthy, early experimental studies during the 1950s
neering work of White and Denny [8, 9] from 1944 were those of Cheyney et al. [17] and Morrison [18]
to 1947, an exhaustive experimental and theoretical on static and dynamic O-rings, as well as the work

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Eighty years of research on hydraulic reciprocating seals 3

of some researchers in Germany [19, 20]. By the late arrangements such as back-up rings to avoid extru-
1950s, the foundations of the elastohydrodynamic the- sion. Their experiments on interfacial phenomena
ory of lubrication had been laid [21] and the theory was involving surface roughness effects are of great impor-
swiftly applied to reciprocating seals with increasing tance because they demonstrated, perhaps for the
success since the 1960s. first time in hydraulic seals, the relation between stic-
The progress in sealing research was continuous tion, static and dynamic friction on the roughness
between 1960 and 2000 with a variety of valuable value and texture. Furthermore, by measuring the fric-
experimental [22–29] and theoretical studies [30–46] tion force in reciprocating motion at various stroking
exploring fundamental issues of friction and leakage velocities, they realized the connection with the film
performance on a variety of seal shapes, including thickness at the sealing contact and the transition
rectangular seals, toroidal seals (O-rings), U-cups, from boundary or partial lubrication with roughness–
step-seals, tandem seals, and a few others. These are asperity interactions at low speeds to elastohydrody-
discussed in later sections of the article, together with namic lubrication at higher speeds. The latter was
more recent studies in 2000–2008. Very few reviews on much later explained by the Stribeck curve, although
reciprocating seals have been published over the past some differences exist between the Stribeck curve of
80 years, most notably the general reviews of Nau [47, hard-elastohydrodynamic contacts and that of flexi-
48] covering some of the work done up to the 1990s, the ble, reciprocating seals [56, 57]. White and Denny also
study of Field and Nau [49] on experimental research managed to measure the contact pressure at the seal-
up to the 1970s, the general discussions of Flitney ing interface and locate the zone of maximum seal
[50] in 1982, and Ramsdell [51] in 1986, the detailed strain. This provided two important observations:
reviews of Kanters [52] and Visscher and Kanters [53] (a) elastomeric seals are nearly incompressible (the
in 1990 (mainly on experimental issues), the presen- Poisson’s ratio is very close to 0.5), which means
tations of reciprocating-seal tribology and designs of that the hydraulic pressure exerted on (preloaded
Bisztray-Balku [54, 55], and, finally, the book chapter by radial interference) seals is readily transferred
in reference [1]. The present article is a review of the to the sealing contact, allowing seals to achieve
majority of the significant theoretical and experimen- automatic sealing (Fig. 2);
tal studies on reciprocating seals and related topics, (b) the mechanism of sealing is hidden in the inlet
discussing the major contributions in this field and zone of the contact and related to the gradient of
listing over 200 references for a complete bibliography the contact pressure distribution at the inflexion
on the subject. point (more on that later).
Four experimental studies from the classic sealing
2 REVIEW OF EXPERIMENTAL STUDIES ON conferences organized by the British Hydromechanics
RECIPROCATING SEALS AND RELATED TOPICS Research Association in the 1960s provided valuable
new information on seal lubrication and friction, using
Although the work of Gronau [7] in 1935 is one of a variety of measuring techniques. In 1964, Cnops [58]
the earliest recorded studies on hydraulic seals, the
work of White and Denny [8, 9] between Septem-
ber 1944 and December 1946 is probably the first
major research contribution on seals. Their 130-page
final report [9], containing over 110 figures and draw-
ings, was based on an exhaustive experimental study
amidst World War II. In fact, the study was sup-
ported by the Ministry of Aircraft Production and the
Royal Aircraft Establishment in the UK in the inter-
ests of improving hydraulic system reliability. The work
of Deny under the direction of Professor White at
Imperial College in London dealt with the experimen-
tal study of flexible packings, including rectangular,
toroidal, and U-cup seals of various polymeric mate-
rials. Their measurements at various sealed pressures,
speeds, and temperatures involved the friction coeffi- Fig. 2 Rectangular elastomeric seal with an anti-extru-
cient and force at the sealing contact, leakage rates, sion ring in a linear hydraulic actuator (only
seal wear, and failure mechanisms involving abra- the upper half of the seal, ring and housing depic-
sion and extrusion. They studied the effects of seal ted), demonstrating how the seal automatically
material hardness (which they showed to decrease adjusts to sealed-pressure variations by transfer-
abrasion and extrusion) and sealed-fluid properties on ring it to the sealing contact via its nearly incom-
leakage and friction, and came up with seal housing pressible material (see arrows)

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devised a spring-loaded piston in a hydraulic cylinder Another significant contribution from the 1960s is
containing brake fluid of harmonically varying volume the work of Dowson and Swales [25], who combined
to measure the friction of cup, piston, and elastomeric experimental work with theoretical predictions via the
seals. With that rig, Cnops observed the mechanism elastohydrodynamic lubrication theory. They devised
of oil film formation at the sealing contact, the thick- a rotating disc machine to test a cylindrical rubber
ness of which varied with the stroking speed from block, emulating reciprocating seals and very long
partially collapsed at low speeds to relatively thick at strokes. The sealing contact pressure was measured
higher speeds. In terms of friction, Cnops observed the by a piezo-electric transducer and the film thickness
effects of stiction and elastomer relaxation and creep, was measured via capacitance techniques. The theory,
which characterize the viscoelastic nature of rubber- generally, supported the experimental findings show-
like materials, particularly after long periods in static ing increase of film thickness with speed and decrease
conditions. In fact, these effects had been discussed with contact pressure. Moreover, the fundamental
years earlier by, for example, Denny [15] in 1959. sealing mechanism of reciprocating seals, i.e. the leak-
The friction and lubrication of natural-rubber, pis- age difference between outstrokes and instrokes, was
ton seals, were also studied by Lawrie and O’Donoghue revealed. The latter, obviously, resulted in concluding
[23] in 1964, who utilized displacement transducers for that seal leakage-per-cycle (in reciprocating seals, an
their friction and piston-velocity measurements. Their operating cycle consists of one outstroke followed by
sealing rig, which consisted of a pump-pressurized, one instroke) is zero if the fluid that leaked during
brake-fluid filled cylinder, allowed for simultaneous the outstroke is fully returned to the sealed chamber
measurement of contact pressure, friction force, and during the instroke.
stroking velocity for a complete operating cycle via Moving on to the 1970s, the experimental contribu-
a multi-channel recorder. The seal rubber used was tions of Field and Nau [24, 49], focusing on rectangular
conducting to allow for contact resistance measure- rubber seals, improved the understanding of seal-
ments and establishing whether the fluid film at the ing mechanisms and performance issues. By using
sealing contact had collapsed (zero resistance) or was optical interferometry and electrical transducers to
full (infinite resistance). It was thus possible to mea- measure the film thickness, they produced results
sure the sealing performance in transient conditions on leakage, friction, and contact pressure. However,
and identify potential problems with seal abrasive those results were characterized by some inconsisten-
wear for collapsed fluid film or, simply, observe film cies. The reason for the latter, apart from a probable
development and variation during an operating cycle. lack of high-precision instrumentation at that time,
The development of a fluid film at a sealing contact could be found in a study of Flitney and Nau [61]
and the transition from boundary (partially collapsed in the late 1980s, which revealed a scatter in results
film) to hydrodynamic (full film) lubrication was also obtained from seven laboratories located in different
the focus of Müller’s experimental work [22] in 1964. countries, yet based on experiments under controlled
His experiments with elastomeric toroidal seals and conditions. A possible explanation postulated in refer-
quad (X) rings revealed the effects of the stroking ence [61] was that the adherence to test specifications
velocity, seal preloading, and fluid viscosity on seal- was hindered by the lack of standardized methods in
ing performance in terms of leakage and friction. Of sealing technology.
particular importance was his discussion on the film- Another significant contribution from the 1970s was
thickness difference between instrokes and outstrokes the experimental work of Hirano and Kaneta [27]
(see Fig. 2 for the direction clarification), as well as on in 1971 who measured the friction force and leak-
the elastohydrodynamic film thickness of elastomeric age of nitrile-rubber D-rings in reciprocating motion.
reciprocating seals. They observed how the mixing of air bubbles with
In 1969, Aston et al. [59] made a significant con- hydraulic fluid in the sealing contact affected leakage
tribution by presenting their experimental work on and friction. (Similar observations about air bubbles
rubber seal friction at temperatures of up to 200 ◦ C. indicating cavitation at the edges of the contact and
The importance of that work was on the demon- leading to film depletion because of the oil obstruc-
strated relation between temperature and rubber- tion by the bubbles have been reported by Rana [62],
specimen dimensions, which affected the frictional although that was happening in low-load contacts
force. Moreover, Aston et al. studied the relaxation after long periods of operation (more than 30 min)
and subsequent recovery rate of rubber after peri- and the phenomenon was weak when the contact load
ods of inactivity, which caused a reduction of the was increased.) Hirano and Kaneta [27] also observed
frictional force in time. Such viscoelastic phenom- the now well-known phenomena of rubber stiction
ena are crucial in sealing performance and met in at the start-up and the reversal of motion, owing to
many hydraulic-seal applications such as those in the collapse of the fluid film at the sealing contact. They
aerospace sector. They are also related to the natural also showed how friction and leakage were related
ageing of elastomeric materials and can be explained to the stroking length and how it became unsta-
via the network theory of rubber [60]. ble in short stroking-length situations. In fact, they

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Eighty years of research on hydraulic reciprocating seals 5

discussed how the development of a stable hydro- In the first 40 or so years of sealing research (up
dynamic film in the sealing contact depends on the to and including the 1960s), the main parameters
ratio of the stroking length to the seal contact width. affecting sealing performance had been identified and
If the said ratio is >2, sealed fluid, which is trans- experimentally studied. Naturally, the quality of the
ported through the sealing contact at about half the experimental work was depending on the quality of the
speed of the contact counterfaces, can reach the out- laboratory equipment and the efficiency of the tech-
let zone of the contact and, thus, leakage takes place. niques used. From the oil weighing for leakage mea-
This observation is, obviously, of paramount impor- surements in the 1940s to the video-camera recording
tance in reciprocating-seal leakage, friction, and wear. of the sealing contact in the late 1990s, there has been
The same conclusion was reached in an equally sig- a long way of custom-built apparatuses and measure-
nificant study by Field and Nau [29] in 1975, who, ment techniques of variable success. Four variables
additionally, studied the effects of seal hardness and are of major importance in all of those studies, namely
preloading or initial interference, seal edge (or corner) the contact pressure distribution and width, the con-
geometry, and back-up clearance. These parameters tact film thickness, the seal frictional force, and the
were much later included in theoretical models by leakage rate.
other researchers and their effects quantified (more The measurement of static contact pressure distri-
on that later). What is perhaps most worthy of remem- butions [34, 63–70] has been performed by using strain
bering from Field and Nau [29] is their graphs on the gauges, piezo-electric force transducers [24, 25, 71],
variation of the minimum film thickness and friction photoelastic methods [72], as well as inductive trans-
force of a reciprocating rubber seal during a full cycle ducers for measuring displacements. The latter has
(see Fig. 3). The differences between outstroke and also been used in film-thickness measurements, in
instroke dictate the leakage-per-cycle and explain the addition to electrical capacitance [24, 25, 29, 49, 66,
seal behaviour during each stroke. 71] and resistance methods [23, 67, 73], as well as opti-
cal interference and fluorescence techniques [74–76].
Recently developed methods on film-thickness mea-
surements such as ultrasonic techniques have also
been used, although the latter has been applied to
mechanical seals [77] and not to reciprocating seals
yet as far the author is aware.
The measurement of friction of rubber-like recipro-
cating seals has been the focus of most experimental
studies. Lack of standardized methods and commer-
cial apparatuses dictated the construction of various
rigs and devices to fit specific purposes. The com-
plexity and individuality of those approaches make a
detailed discussion very difficult but a lot of informa-
tion can be found in the doctoral theses and related
publication of Kanters and Visscher [52, 53, 78] for
studies conducted up to 1990.
The measurement of leakage of reciprocating seals is
usually done by weighing the leaked fluid after remov-
ing it from piston rods. This is most likely the oldest
method and has been used by most researchers [9, 22,
24, 27, 71, 79, 80]. A few other methods have also been
used such as measuring the electrical capacitance of
leaked oil layers with one or two electrodes [81] as well
as by measuring the oil flow necessary to maintain a
constant sealed pressure [24, 71, 82, 83].
Other important variables such as the static and
dynamic extrusion of elastomeric seals into large
clearances [84] have also been measured but the
main focus was on the phenomena taking place at
a sealing interface. The use of optical interferometry
since at least the 1960s gave new results to con-
sider in the study of hydrodynamic films, involving
Fig. 3 The variation of the minimum film thickness of the contacts between polymers (including rubber),
a rectangular rubber seal during outstrokes and steel, and, especially, glass. In this respect, the work
instrokes (from Field and Nau [29]) of Blok and Koens [74] in 1965 was important because

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it addressed the problem of poor reflectivity of rub- original average roughness, which, in the case of elas-
ber surfaces (owed to high surface roughness and tomeric seals, is quite high (typical values in the order
dark colour) by using an externally aluminized, thin, of 1.5 µm [1]).
plastic-sheet cover on the rubber. The method was Apart from optical interferometry, direct observa-
applied to rubber lubrication a few years later by tion of lubricating films in sealing contacts was also
Roberts and Tabor [85], too. Optical interferometry in done by cameras and video recording. Schrader [88]
the study of sealing contacts has more recently been in the late 1970s and Kawahara et al. [67] at the begin-
used by Kanzaki et al. [86, 87] as well as Kaneta et al. ning of the 1980s used high-speed cameras to photo-
[26]. In the latter study, a mono-chromatic technique graph seals sliding on glass cylinders. More recently,
was used in D-rings and lip-shaped, nitrile-rubber, Rana [62], in collaboration with seal manufacturers
stationary seals on sinusoidally reciprocating glass. in England [89], developed a test rig for stationary
Unfortunately, in order to improve rubber reflectivity, elastomeric seals on a reciprocating glass plate, which
the specimens had to be specially moulded to improve was equipped with a microscope and computer data-
their smoothness, which destroyed their natural sur- logging of video-recorded images (Fig. 4(a)). Several
face roughness. A better solution to this problem (bet- tests of rectangular seals were performed with this rig
ter still than that in references [74] and [85] discussed under static, dynamic, dry, and lubricated conditions,
earlier) was used by Rana [62]: by applying a gold varying the contact load on the seal, the reciprocating
sputtering method, seal specimens were coated with frequency, and the stroking length [90]. Substitution
four layers of gold, each being 50 nm thick. This gave of different seals (of various dimensions and rough-
very high reflectivity without altering significantly the ness profiles) is straightforward. Apart from leakage

Fig. 4 Test rigs for reciprocating seals developed by Rana [62]: (a) the original, simpler version [62,
90] and (b) the final, advanced version [62, 91]

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Eighty years of research on hydraulic reciprocating seals 7

and friction results, this type of sealing-contact ana- in designing optimized seals and should complement
lysis offered real-time data on the dynamic varia- global optimization algorithms that normally take into
tion of hydrodynamic films, including cavitation from account only basic performance parameters [44, 93].
hydraulic-fluid starvation, air bubbles at the edges
of the sealing contact, as well as obstruction of fluid
replenishment by the accumulation of debris particles 3 REVIEW OF THEORETICAL STUDIES ON
(often fragments of seal material). RECIPROCATING SEALS, MATERIALS, AND
Rana’s rig [62, 90] was re-designed to allow for RELATED TOPICS
greater flexibility and experimental precision. The
advanced rig [62, 91] (Fig. 4(b)) consisted of a hol- The theoretical analysis of reciprocating seals began
low, transparent, and high-strength tube connected with the pioneering studies of the 1930s and 1940s (for
to a motor, which transferred reciprocating motion example, see references [7] and [9]) but was hindered
to the tube via a gear mechanism. Gland, elastomeric and delayed by the challenging nature of the elasto-
seals were accommodated by a steel casing envelop- hydrodynamics and contact mechanics problems of
ing and supporting the tube, whereas a hydraulic flexible seals. The challenges, which are detailed in ref-
circuit supplied red hydraulic fluid to the stationary erence [1] and briefly in reference [94], are explained
seals (refer to Fig. 4(b)) with pressures up to 7 MPa next for the sake of completeness, and blended with
(although the maximum sealed pressure in the tests the discussion of progression in the theoretical mod-
was kept below 1 MPa for safety reasons). A still, exter- elling of hydraulic reciprocating seals and their perfor-
nally mounted boroscope with integral lighting was mance evaluation. They concern both the mechanics
focused on a seal and signalled clear images to a CCD and the lubrication modelling of hydraulic seals.
camera and attached computer for data logging and The main problem is the flexible nature of recip-
subsequent processing. That rig provided an array rocating seals, which are made of either polymeric
of results on seal leakage, friction, extrusion, cavita- materials (including elastomers and, generally, rub-
tion, and wear, as well as results on surface-roughness ber compounds), thermoplastics such as polytetra-
deformation in dynamic conditions, fluid film devel- fluoroethylene (PTFE), ultra-high-molecular-weight-
opment and collapse, debris particle entrainment, and polyethylene (UHMWPE), polyurethanes, and com-
so on.Visual observation of the sealing interface shows posite materials such as bronze-filled PTFE in coaxial
that the entrainment of debris particles, including seal seals [95], PTFE with glass fibres bonded with elas-
fragments and foreign contaminants, increases leak- tomers as in rotary vane seals (Fig. 1) [4, 96, 97], or
age by distorting the seal surface. If the debris are PTFE filled with stainless steel or graphite. Even when
harder than the seal material, they stick to the seal the main sealing element is not really flexible, the
and may abrade the contact counterface (e.g. a piston supporting sealing element definitely is in order to
rod). The thus-created scoring grooves act like micro- allow automatic adjustment of the contact pressure
channels, allowing pressurized fluid to escape to the to sealed pressure variations (e.g. observe the glyd-
low-pressure side of the seal (similar grooves were ring rod seal at the bottom-right corner in Fig. 1).
artificially created by White and Denny [9] in their Polymeric and composite materials have a non-linear
experiments to test this hypothesis, which they ver- stress–strain behaviour, including viscoelasticity (as in
ified). In the experiments of Tanoue et al. [92] with elastomers), viscoplasticity (as in PTFE), and, gener-
used lubricating oils, it was found that shaft wear ally, finite elasticity, involving several experimentally
was significantly affected by sub-micrometre particles derived coefficients, which make their mechanics
(<0.25 µm) and was proportional to the concentra- modelling a complicated task.
tion of the particles. Remarkably, significant wear was
observed even for small particle concentrations, e.g. 3.1 Studies on hydraulic-seal materials and
0.2 per cent by weight. constitutive laws
Another important finding from the work of Rana
[62] was that, during the initial running-in period, Elastomers suit hydraulic seal applications because of
seals became smoother. Specifically, in Rana’s tests, their resilience. They accept large tensile, compres-
the average roughness was reduced from 1.8 to 1.1 µm sive, and shear strains without permanent deforma-
and skewness (a measure of the asymmetry of the tion, which is perfect for fitting in different housings
roughness profile about the mean line) reduced from and adapting to pressure variations. This is owed
1.07 to 0.23 µm, even though the seal was sliding on to their low elastic and shear moduli, as well as
an (ultra smooth) glass surface. Wear was reduced incompressibility (Poisson’s ratio very close to 0.5,
after the initial running-in period and was higher at normally >0.490). However, their mechanical prop-
the end of the strokes because of a reduction of the erties strongly depend on temperature, the imposed
film thickness caused by the lower sliding speed (or strain and strain rate, and change in time as they
instantaneously zero speed during the reversal of the age. Their Young’s modulus often exhibits up to two
entrainment velocity). Such results are of importance orders of magnitude change when the temperature

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elastomers (e.g. the glyd rings in Fig. 1) or twin-lipped

seals (Fig. 1), naturally retaining lubricant between
their lips and avoiding adhesion. In addition, elas-
tomer ageing [102] from oxidation, which is, naturally,
faster at higher temperatures, and (sometimes) chem-
ical degradation from incompatible hydraulic fluids,
cause material hardening and, eventually, embrittle-
ment and fragmentation. In fact, rubber ageing has
been found to reduce friction and increase abrasive
wear in lubricated conditions [102].
A realistic description of the thermomechanics of
elastomeric materials [60] such as those used for recip-
rocating seals is based on the statistical–molecular
or network theory of rubber elasticity [6], which is
quite old but has passed the test of time. According to
the theory, elastomers are compounds of chemically
Fig. 5 Stress–strain curves of an elastomer used in cross-linked macro-molecules (see section 1.5 in ref-
hydraulic reciprocating seals, with glass transi- erence [100]), which create a three-dimensional net-
tion temperature of −47 ◦ C (see, for example, work. The macro-molecules (long molecular chains)
references [1], [89], [94], [98], and [99]) are folded, kinked, and of three types: linear, branched,
and cross-linked. The linear chains move easily recip-
rocally, giving elastomers the characteristic softening
is changed between positive and sub-zero values [98, when heated or stiffening when cooled. The cross-
99], and is different in tension than in compression linked chains however resist reciprocal motion, giving
(see Fig. 5). The stiffening of elastomers with dropping elastomers resistance to flow when heated. Ther-
temperature is maximized near the glass transition mally agitated atoms from said macro-molecules can
temperature (usually between 0 and −70 ◦ C, depend- assume a variety of statistically determined confor-
ing on the particular material and signifying the tran- mations [103] (hence the ‘statistical-molecular’ title
sition from the rubbery to the glassy state), where of the theory), allowing for continuous variation of
potentially irreversible structural changes ensue [100], the free space between the molecular chains. This
which are characteristic of the molecular structure of neatly explains the extensibility of elastomers at tem-
elastomers. This fact, in combination with the typi- peratures higher than the glass transition temperature
cally high thermal expansion coefficient of elastomers and their stiffening at temperatures close to or below
(10−4 − 3 × 10−4 K−1 [95]) implying large dimensional the glass transition temperature when the transient
changes with temperature, is critical in aerospace chain motion is slowed down or almost ceases, making
applications and can cause sealing failure from loss elastomers behave like brittle solids.
of contact pressure at low temperatures [1, 4, 94], the Although in a few reciprocating-seal modelling
most dramatic example of which was the destruction studies the elastomer mechanics have been mod-
of the NASA space shuttle Challenger in 1986 [1, 5, 94]. elled in the frame of viscoelasticity (e.g. by using a
Dimensional changes of hydraulic seals in the form generalized Maxwell model), nearly all other pub-
of swelling are also met in cases where porous seals lished studies have been based on the linear theory of
absorb hydraulic fluid. elasticity. However, according to the present author’s
Further complications in the modelling of elastomer work [89, 98, 99] on comparing the linear and the
mechanics arise by the elastomer not following the most popular non-linear (Mooney–Rivlin) model in
same stress–strain path in loading/unloading (hys- reciprocating seals at temperatures between −54 and
teresis) and by responding to load depending on the +135 ◦ C, the linear theory of elasticity in reciprocat-
magnitude of past acquired strain (memory). Such ing elastomeric seals is adequate for maximum seal
non-linear effects are stronger at temperatures near strains up to 10 per cent; above that limit, models of
or lower than the glass transition temperature and finite elasticity should, ideally, be employed to give
become apparent when seals remain stationary (set) more accurate leakage and friction results.
for long periods of time. The latter leads to seals adher- The most popular phenomenological models on
ing to their metallic counterfaces and having high fric- rubber hyperelasticity can be found in some books
tion during the starting up of motion (see, for example, dealing with finite elasticity such as Holzapfel’s book
the transient frictional behaviour of the rotary vane [104]. A lot of related material can be found in reviews
seals in reference [4]; see also the study of Gibson [60, 103, 105–107], among which the papers of Treloar
et al. [101]). It also causes stick-slip and vibration, [103] in 1976 and Ogden [107] in 1986 (both pioneers
which is reduced by anti-extrusion rings (Fig. 2) or, in rubber thermoelasticity) are of lasting value. The
practically, avoided by using thermoplastics instead of models usually deal with incompressible, hyperelastic

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Eighty years of research on hydraulic reciprocating seals 9

(rubber-like) materials and express the mechanical with preference to the first two
properties in terms of the energy function. Specifi-

cally, the elastic strain energy per unit volume, W , is 
µn   ⎪

expressed as a function of the three strain invariants, Ogden : W = λα1n + λα2n + λα3n −3 ⎪

αn ⎪

that is W = W (I1 , I2 , I3 ), where n=1
⎫ µ1 µ2
I1 = λ21 + λ22 + λ23 Mooney−Rivlin : W = (I1 − 3) − (I2 − 3) ⎪

⎬ 2 2 ⎪

µ1 ⎪

I2 = (λ1 λ2 ) + (λ2 λ3 ) + (λ3 λ1 )
2 2 2
(1) Neo−Hookean : W = (I1 − 3) ⎭

⎭ 2
I3 = (λ1 λ2 λ3 ) 2
where λi (i = 1, 2, 3) stands for principal stretch (ratio
Having decided which constitutive model to use, the
of deformed to reference length). In the Ogden model
Cauchy (true) principal stresses are given by [104]
[108–110] in particular, the strain function is

µn   σi = λi − pc (i = 1, 2, 3) (4)
W = λα1n + λα2n + λα3n −3 (2) ∂λi
where pc is a hydrostatic pressure, calculated from
where µn and αn (n = 1, 2, . . ., N ) are constant shear equilibrium equations and boundary conditions (for
moduli and dimensionless constants, respectively, details, see references [1] and [98]). For the Mooney–
which are experimentally derived (for typical values Rivlin model, a standard engineering stress–strain
of these constants, see p. 236 in reference [104]). test of the material in question at the temperature
Additionally, for incompressible materials, λ1 λ2 λ3 = 1. of interest suffices to derive the necessary constants
According to Holzapfel (p. 239 in reference [104]), [98]. Nevertheless, in lack of such results, a reason-
Ogden’s model for N = 3 (equation (2)) excellently able approximation to use is µ1 = −4µ2 (see pp. 7–33
replicates the finite-strain behaviour of rubber-like in reference [121]). Combining the latter with the
materials as proved in references [108] and [111] to condition of consistency between the Mooney–Rivlin
[114] among others. However, it should be empha- and the classic linear (Hookean) model, expressed by
sized that the difference between Ogden’s model and G = µ1 − µ2 (see equation (6.120) in reference [104])
other phenomenological models becomes apparent where G = E/(2 + 2ν) is the shear modulus with E
only at high stretches. Based on the present author’s being the Young’s modulus and ν the Poisson’s ratio,
research (for example, see references [89], [98]), and and taking ν = 0.5 for incompressible materials, the
[99]), typical polymeric reciprocating seals are usu- following approximation is obtained: µ1 ∼ = 4E/15 and
ally not strained >15 per cent during operation. µ2 ∼= −E/15.
This normally justifies the use of the classic linear The phenomenological models discussed thus far
(Hookean) theory of elasticity [98], which, moreover, refer to rubber-like materials and are suitable for
is capable of directly accounting for thermal strains, polymeric reciprocating seals. The basic mechanics
a feature absent from the popular non-linear models analysis of such seals, consisting of calculating the
unless approximately (not rigorously) introduced as three principal stresses for known strains by equation
was done by the present author in references [89], [98], (4), is sufficient when the seals are of simple shape
[99], and [115] to [117] with a modified Mooney–Rivlin such as rectangular. As far as the author is aware (year:
model. 2008), it is surprising that there are no publications
Despite the effectiveness of Ogden’s model, the in the literature utilizing the non-linear models in
Mooney–Rivlin model based on the pioneering work reciprocating seals and all rely on the linear model,
of Mooney [118] in 1940 and Rivlin [119] in 1948 on except those of the present author [98, 99, 115–117]. In
finite isotropic elasticity is the most popular, followed cases of seal shapes other than simple, e.g. step seals,
by the simpler Neo–Hookean model. In fact, the afore- U-cups, and so on (Fig. 1), a simple mechanics analy-
mentioned models can be derived from Ogden’s model sis is unfeasible. In the latter case, the finite-element
(equation (2)) by setting (N = 2, α1 = 2, α2 = −2) for method has been utilized, which readily allows the
the Mooney–Rivlin model and (N = 1, α1 = 2) for use of non-linear models, even those that incorporate
the Neo–Hookean model. Several other constitutive thermal and compressibility effects. Unfortunately,
approaches for incompressible, rubber-like materials there are several other properties of rubber-like mat-
such as the Varga model [120] can be found in the lit- erials, particularly those filler- or particle-reinforced
erature and some are readily available to use in finite- composites, which make their mechanical analysis
element commercial software but the Ogden model even with commercial finite-element software prob-
with N = 3 in equation (1), the Mooney–Rivlin, and the lematic. Those properties include stress softening
Neo–Hookean model, as summarized in equation (3), in cyclic loading (Mullins effect), strain stiffening
are met most often and, in this author’s research expe- at large stretch, load-frequency-dependent response,
rience, are deemed sufficient in reciprocating seals, temporal softening at high temperature because of

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10 G K Nikas

scission of molecular cross-links that can even cause 3.2 Studies on hydraulic-seal mechanics and
permanent set of the material, and so on. Some con- elastohydrodynamics
stitutive models have been developed to deal with
some of the said effects as in references [122] to [126]. As is realized from section 3.1, the mechanical analysis
However, their applicability may be limited to very of hydraulic seals is a complicated task. The com-
specific cases and they always require experimental plexity of the available phenomenological models for
verification. rubber-like materials precludes (even approximate)
Even though the majority of published studies deal analytical solutions in the solid mechanics of hydraulic
with elastomeric seals, some studies have included reciprocating seals in all but the simplest geome-
PTFE, UHMWPE, polyurethanes, and composite seals. tries such as rectangular. This trend is clear in all
The main benefits of these materials over elastomers related literature studies. The older studies resorted to
are their increased wear resistance, avoidance of stick- either approximate analytical solutions for very sim-
slip motion and extrusion, lower friction, and broader ple geometries or numerical solutions for seal shapes
operating-temperature range. Zhang’s review [127] on other than rectangular, yet still rather simple (e.g.
polymer tribology and related book [100] (ch. 16) toroidal). Moreover, they all used the linear theory of
comprise an excellent source of reference. elasticity or elementary stress analysis to resolve seal
PTFE in particular has been used in hydraulic seal- stresses and strains in the context of solid mechan-
ing since the 1950s [128–132]. It is a thermoplastic ics. In most recent studies (after the year 2004 or so),
better known for its low-friction properties. It has a commercial finite-element software has been used to
very high resistance to ageing [129] and may be used deal with complex geometries such as for step and
in various compounds for temperatures in excess of U-cup seals.
250 ◦ C [133], i.e. temperatures much higher than those The simple, approximate analytical solutions of
allowed in elastomeric-seal applications. Its low fric- older studies remain valuable as they provide much
tional resistance, apart from its low surface energy, is clearer understanding of the sealing mechanisms and
also attributed to surface porosity, which results in ways to optimize seals. In chronological order, most of
a small contact area. Moreover, in hydraulic recipro- the significant contributions in this field can be found
cating seals, surface pores of PTFE act as lubricant in the publications of Hooke et al. [32, 43] (rubber
pockets. This results in exceptionally low friction and O-rings), Johannesson [34] (rubber O-rings), Drag-
avoidance of stick-slip and vibration, even after long oni and Strozzi [139] (rubber O-rings), Field and Nau
periods of inactivity or low stroking velocities. How- [31] (perfectly rectangular rubber seals), Strozzi [68]
ever, the porosity may increase leakage. Moreover, (rectangular-rounded, elastomeric seals), Johannes-
the low stiffness of PTFE leads to accelerated wear son and Kassfeldt [140] (elastomeric seals of arbitrary
because of delamination [134] when the material is cross-section), Nikas [89, 98, 99, 115–117, 141–143]
rubbed against metallic surfaces such as piston rods. (rectangular-rounded elastomeric seals), Nikas and
In fact, accelerated wear of the PTFE may occur even Sayles [97] (rectangular-rounded composite seals),
when piston rods are made very smooth (e.g. super and Nikas [4, 96] (rectangular-rounded, composite,
finished), which results in polishing the PTFE dur- and rotary vane seals in alternating rotation). In
ing extended periods of sliding and in a significant the aforementioned studies, the contact pressure at
increase of friction. For these reasons, PTFE is nor- a sealing contact is calculated by either assuming
mally met in compounds and composites, e.g. filled plane-strains conditions or via an elementary stress
with bronze in coaxial seals [95], filled with stain- analysis with strains calculated from the amount of
less steel, graphite, or glass fibres and elastomeric surface interference. Shear from contact friction is
compounds as in rotary vane seals [4, 96, 135]. Unfor- usually neglected, although shear stresses inside a
tunately, PTFE in its various compounds is, mechani- seal’s body can be taken into account – see for exam-
cally, a very complex material, with different response ple Nikas [141]. Simple analytical studies have also
in tension and compression, whereas its Young’s mod- been conducted by Karaszkiewicz [144] on O-rings
ulus, yield point, and Poisson’s ratio all greatly depend and composite seals with O-ring and PTFE parts [145].
on its composition [136–138]. Li and Mays [135] have For seal shapes other than rectangular and/or when
effectively demonstrated this complexity in their spe- numerical accuracy is of priority, the finite-element
cially adapted finite-element analysis of PTFE rotary method is used [46, 52, 68, 70, 82, 146–160]. A review
seals. Other materials used in hydraulic seals pose no of this method for the period 1976–2003 on rubber-
less complexity and may only suit particular applica- like materials with an extensive bibliography can be
tions. For example, UHMWPE cannot be used if the found in reference [161]. Various types of hydraulic
operating temperature normally exceeds 80 ◦ C [133]. seals have been analysed with this method including
Thus, matching the seals to their intended use and rectangular with rounded or chamfered ends [46, 52,
operating environment is the first priority in seal selec- 68, 147, 154, 156], O-rings [147, 149, 156, 158], X-rings
tion, as is realized by studying product catalogues of [148], U-cups [150, 151, 153, 155, 157, 159, 160], and
seal manufactures [2, 3]. step seals [160].

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Eighty years of research on hydraulic reciprocating seals 11

Naturally, the main goal of theoretical models is profile, which was different between outstrokes and
to evaluate sealing performance in terms of leakage instrokes. In fact, the Reynolds equation is normally
and friction. This requires accounting for the sealed- solved for the film thickness h because the contact
fluid effect at a sealing contact, which the previously pressure is calculated from a solid-mechanics analy-
mentioned computation of the pressure distribution sis as if the contact were dry. The latter is fully justified
is only a part of. It is established experimentally and [143] by the thinness of typical fluid films in recipro-
theoretically [1] that a lubricating film of nanometre cating seals, which imposes a radial strain negligibly
to micrometre thickness is present at a sealing con- small in comparison with the normal strains from seal
tact under reciprocating conditions. The calculation interferences and loading.
of that film thickness and its distribution in a contact The fact that the contact pressure can be con-
is based on the theory of elastohydrodynamic lubri- sidered known has been taken advantage of in the
cation [162], which is essentially represented by the literature in the so-called inverse hydrodynamic (IH)
Reynolds equation in its various forms, depending on theory [163]. According to that theory, the Reynolds
application. Reciprocating seals are normally axisym- equation (5) is developed to a cubic algebraic equation
metric, which means that leakage takes place along for the film thickness [162]. However, the applica-
the seal axis of symmetry. Thus, the one-dimensional tion of this method to elastomeric reciprocating seals
form of the Reynolds equation has been employed in met numerical obstacles caused by the flexibility of
almost all studies [143] the seals. Specifically, in calculating the roots of the
 cubic polynomial, imaginary roots should be correctly
∂ ρh3 ∂p ∂(ρh) ∂(ρh) identified and resolved, otherwise numerical instabil-
= 6V + 12 (5)
∂x η ∂x ∂x ∂t ity will quickly destroy the convergence to the correct
solution [37, 40]. Nevertheless, the method has been
where p = p(x, t) and h = h(x, t) are the local pres- extensively applied [30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38–41, 43, 52,
sure and the local film thickness at the sealing contact, 71, 72, 164–166].
respectively, V is the sum of the tangential velocities A modified version of the IH theory was developed
of the contact counterfaces, ρ = ρ(p) and η = η(p) are by Nikas [143] and applied in elastomeric and com-
the local mass density and the local dynamic viscos- posite rod and rotary-vane seals in references [4], [96],
ity of the sealed fluid at the sealing contact for a given [97], and [143] for reciprocating motion in curved
operating temperature, respectively, and t stands for contact geometries, including transient effects [4, 96].
time. A more general, two-dimensional (2D) form of Instead of analytically solving the cubic polynomial of
the Reynolds equation was used by Nikas [89, 141] the film thickness, the following first-order, ordinary
and in subsequent publications [98, 99, 115–117] deal- differential equation was derived [143]
ing with various issues of reciprocating seals, because
the intention was to account for fluid transporta- dH H 3 d2 q/dx 2
tion between roughness asperities transversely to the = (6)
dx 6V − 3H 2 dq/dx
direction of motion in an attempt to improve accuracy
in leakage calculations. However, this adds complex- where H ≡ ρh and dq/dx ≡ (dp/dx)/(ηρ 2 ). An inlet
ity to the solution process and is, generally, not really boundary condition was applied [143] (and an addi-
necessary. tional initial condition in the case of transient analysis
The usual simplification of equation (5) is to ignore [4]). Equation (6) was then solved with a robust numer-
the last term ∂(ρh)/∂t dealing with transient effects ical method, which allowed great numerical stability
and, thus, treat the lubrication problem for steady- and consistency with sub-nanometre precision in the
state conditions only. This is applicable only when film thickness [96, 97, 143], as well as extremely fast
the stroking length is significantly greater than twice (practically instantaneous) computation.
the sealing-contact size and, additionally, both the Apart from the IH method, other numerical meth-
beginning and the ending of strokes are ignored. The ods have also been applied, e.g. the Runge–Kutta
remaining Reynolds equation can be solved numer- method [167] and the Petrov–Galerkin method [168].
ically either for film-thickness or for the contact- These are iterative methods and vary in complexity.
pressure distribution with appropriate kinematical The simplest or most direct ones are those that derive
and boundary conditions, e.g. the no-slip and the the contact pressure from an elementary stress anal-
cavitation conditions [143]. ysis of the seal and solve the Reynolds equation for
The early solutions of the Reynolds equation for the film thickness iteratively, until the contact pres-
reciprocating seals were based on assumed film thick- sure and film thickness are in agreement. The study of
ness and/or measured contact pressure distributions. Field and Nau [31] is representative of this methodol-
For example, White and Denny [9] calculated film ogy. However, it is also characteristic of the numerical
thickness by assuming a tapered film profile and a instability of the method, which is reflected on the slow
parabolic pressure distribution. Müller [22] used mea- numerical convergence rate, the wavy pressure and
sured contact pressure distributions and a tapered film film thickness results, and the inability to derive results

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12 G K Nikas

for instrokes [31]. The cause of instability is the sensi- incorporated into the Reynolds equation to deal with
tivity of pressure to film thickness variations, which is rough contacts. So far, only the seal surface roughness
characteristic of the high non-linearity of the Reynolds has been considered; the other contact counterface
equation. Nevertheless, similar direct approaches can has been assumed to be perfectly smooth. Surface
be found in other studies [71, 141, 167]. roughness is treated approximately in the context of
In a series of papers [98, 99, 115–117, 141] that dealt the Greenwood–Williamson model [176], i.e. it is sim-
with the 2D form of the Reynolds equation for rod seals ulated, idealized roughness. Finite-element analysis
that included surface roughness effects [141], Nikas has been used to compute the contact pressure of
tackled the instability problem of the ‘direct approach’ the seals in dry, static contact, which gives freedom in
by separating the effect of pressure ripples created by dealing with complex seal shapes and utilizing models
the roughness asperities from the bulk contact pres- of finite elasticity.
sure. The bulk contact pressure was left out of the The main deficiency of previous studies is that the
convergence iterations and only the perturbations of ‘coupled’ elastohydrodynamic problem has not been
the roughness asperities were included. tackled, i.e. the deformation of the seals from friction
Continuing with the simpler methodologies in solv- in the sealing contacts is unaccounted. This means
ing the Reynolds equation for reciprocating seals, that the contact pressure is calculated for station-
the efficient techniques of Hooke on soft lubricated ary contact counterfaces. However, in hydraulic seals,
contacts [169–171] that dealt with the elastohydrody- normally, the motion of a counterface deflects the
namic inlet and exit zones provide a useful insight into seal because of contact friction and, thus, changes
the lubrication problem. His work is particularly rel- the pressure distribution at the contact inlet. This, in
evant in reciprocating seals because the average film turn, affects the development of the hydrodynamic
thickness in the contact is almost completely governed film and, consequently, the average film thickness and
by the conditions at the inlet zone [143]. This is of friction in the contact. The coupling between pres-
major importance in both leakage and friction, as well sure and film thickness or between stroking velocity
as during the reversal of the entrainment velocity (end and contact friction needs to be resolved iteratively.
of stroke and reversal of motion in reciprocating seals). If this is not done, the sealing performance is essen-
The latter causes film thinning [172] and increased seal tially evaluated only for unrealistic, idealized (static)
wear, as has been verified experimentally in several conditions. From a computational-fluid-dynamics or
studies (for example, see references [62] and [86]). finite-element point of view, the said coupling is
A method to avoid much of the numerical instability treated with the so-called fluid–structure interaction.
from the inherent coupling between contact pres- A couple of recent studies began to address this prob-
sure and film thickness in the Reynolds equation was lem for simple seal geometries, namely the study of
developed by Ruskell [46]. It was applied to rectangu- Öngün et al. [158] on O-rings, and Stupkiewicz and
lar rubber seals with chamfered ends under steady- Marciniszyn [156] on rectangular seals and O-rings.
state conditions and for perfectly smooth contacts. Needless to say that such studies are complicated and
Ruskell adapted the numerical technique developed still deal with steady-state conditions, i.e. they are
by Rohde and Oh [173, 174] who used a Newton iter- applicable only for very long strokes.
ation scheme. In Ruskell’s work [46], the elasticity
equation of the seal and the Reynolds equation were
combined into a single integrodifferential equation, 3.3 Transient lubrication effects
which was solved iteratively. Thus, convergence was In reality, reciprocating seals exhibit clearly transient
fast and consistent because the reciprocation between behaviour, particularly at the ends of strokes and
the separate contact pressure and film thickness equa- during the reversal of the entrainment velocity. The
tions to correct one with the predictions of the other transient elastohydrodynamic problem in reciproca-
was avoided. However, Ruskell’s method still lacked ting seals, as expressed by equation (5), has been
outright computational speed because the contact theoretically studied in around 1970 by Hirano and
pressure had to be calculated separately (for a static, Kaneta [36, 38] for idealized parabolic and Gaussian
frictionless contact) by a (naturally) time-consuming contact-pressure distributions. Their work confirmed
finite-element analysis. Prati and Strozzi [72] used a numerous experimental observations (for example,
similar method. see reference [27]) regarding the importance of the
In recent years (2006–2008), some more sophisti- ratio of the stroking length to the contact width in
cated numerical methods were developed to tackle the development of a full elastohydrodynamic film. As
the steady-state elastohydrodynamic problem of already explained, the said ratio must exceed two if it
hydraulic seals of various shapes. In the studies of is to allow sealed fluid, which is normally dragged at
Salant, Maser, and Yang [153, 155, 157, 159, 160, 175], half the sliding velocity of the contact, to travel from
which are essentially based on the thesis of Maser [153] the contact inlet to the outlet.
and built on past research experience of Salant and The value of a transient analysis is obvious when
co-workers on rotary seals, inter-asperity cavitation is dealing with seal friction, which is greatly affected by
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Eighty years of research on hydraulic reciprocating seals 13

minute changes (in the order of nanometres) in the presented by Ikeuchi et al. [180]. In fact, the solu-
average film thickness in the contact. Obviously, wear tion of the transient problem may be simplified by
is also significantly affected [62]. In fact, squeeze-film ignoring the left-hand side of equation (5). The result-
collapse during long periods of inactivity or during ing reduced equation is merely a classic, first-order
the reversal of entrainment motion can cause fric- differential equation of wave propagation. The latter
tion so high that seals may be rearranged in their approach has been verified by Chang [181]. It has
housings and subsequently fail. The experimental also been applied by the present author in recipro-
study of Nwagboso [177] on elastomeric-seal rolling cating, rotary vane seals [4, 96] as a means of fast
is characteristic in this respect. computations in parametric analyses.
As far as the author is aware (year: 2008), very
few other studies have so far dealt with solving the
3.4 Surface-roughness effects
transient elastohydrodynamic lubrication problem in
reciprocating seals, namely his own [4, 89, 96, 117]. Apart from transient effects, there are other aspects of
The problem belongs to the category of ‘soft elas- reciprocating seals that have not been given significant
tohydrodynamics’ in which there are several general emphasis in theoretical studies. Surface roughness is
studies in the literature (for example, see references one of those neglected aspects, except in the previ-
[178] and [179]). A simple approach, dealing with ously discussed studies of Salant, Maser, Yang, and
the transient elastohydrodynamics of compliant solids Nikas. It is worth mentioning that, according to the
(which could be applied to reciprocating seals), was work of Salant and his co-workers (for example, see

Fig. 6 Examples of film thickness maps at the sealing contacts of rectangular, elastomeric rod
seals. (a) Theoretical [141] and (b) experimental [62, 91]: (a) film thickness contour maps
of a rectangular, elastomeric rod seal, showing film collapse (left to right) as the sealed
pressure is reduced from 27.7 to 0.07 MPa. Patches of direct contact are seen to increase from
left to right (from the theoretical work of Nikas [141]), and (b) contact interface between
a rectangular, elastomeric rod seal and glass. High-pressure side is on the left side of both
images. Sealed pressure: 0.69 MPa on the left with moving rod and less than 0.34 MPa on the
right image with stationary rod (from the experimental work of Rana [62, 91])

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14 G K Nikas

reference [155]), a critical value of average roughness of dynamic seals is rarely in the state originally con-
is predicted to be the limit between a leaking and ceived and simulated: polymeric films from worn or
non-leaking seal, which, naturally, depends on the run-in polymers may be deposited onto hard metallic
operating conditions and seal geometry. It is also note- surfaces, effectively creating a coating with roughness
worthy that, according to the modelling work of Nikas different from that of the hard substrate [198–200].
[89, 141], reciprocating seals normally operate in the
mixed lubrication regime but roughness mainly affects
the maximum and the minimum film thickness, not 3.5 Other topics (seal extrusion, back-up rings,
so much the average film thickness. Figure 6 shows tandem seals)
the theoretical predictions of Nikas [141] on the film There are extremely few studies in the literature that
thickness distribution of a rectangular, elastomeric rod deal with specialized topics such as anti-extrusion
seal, and some related experimental results of Rana rings and tandem seals. This is so because, until
[62, 91] in accordance with the trend of the theoreti- recently, the analysis and evaluation of reciprocating-
cal predictions. It is characteristic that the lubrication seal performance was more empirical than scientific.
of the seal is improved at higher sealed pressures as However, such issues are known for decades.
predicted in reference [141] and verified in references White and Denny [8, 9] in the 1940s discussed seal
[62] and [91]. A further discussion on the roughness extrusion as a factor causing seal damage and sealing
effects can be found in section 4 of reference [143]. failure in the long run. Seal extrusion (Fig. 7) is the
Useful findings have also been reported in the exper- squeezing of a part of a seal into a narrow clearance
imental and theoretical work on rough, rectangular, such as the clearance between a seal housing and the
elastomeric, and reciprocating seals by Kanters and piston rod in a linear hydraulic actuator. It is caused by
Visscher [182], and Kanters [183]. In the latter study,
Kanters used the average-flow model of Patir and
Cheng [184, 185] (as has been done by Salant and co-
workers more recently) to analyse the effects of seal
roughness on seal leakage and friction. He found that
when the ‘lambda ratio’ (defined as the central film
thickness for an ideally smooth contact divided by the
composite RMS roughness of the real contacting sur-
faces) is >4, a full hydrodynamic film is developed and
seal roughness appears unsuppressed. When the ratio
drops below about 2, the seal operates in the mixed
lubrication regime as roughness asperities are partially
but not completely compressed and engage with those
of the piston rod.
However, roughness modelling remains simplis-
tic because several influential factors have yet to
be accounted, such as the transient elastohydrody-
namic inter-asperity interactions, asperity viscoelas-
ticity [186], and inter-asperity adhesive forces (such
as van der Waals forces) in mixed lubricated condi-
tions [187, 188]. Such parameters should be addressed
in order to simulate experimentally observed elas-
tomeric seal behaviour including stick-slip phenom-
ena [189] and instabilities in the transition between
dry and wet regimes [190], Schallamach waves [191,
192], and abrasive wear [100, 127, 193, 194]. The work
of Jalisi [195] on the contact mechanics of rough elas-
tomeric contacts gives a good idea of a numerical
approach via finite-element analysis. Further insight
is gained by the general studies of Jin and Dowson
[196] and Kim et al. [197] on the modelling of soft and
rough elastohydrodynamic contacts. Fig. 7 Extrusion of a rectangular, elastomeric, rod seal
Nevertheless, the omission of surface roughness (top picture). Shape of the extruded part and
in theoretical models as a first approximation may its contact pressure with the piston rod for two
be justified. This is so because elastomeric seals are corner radii of the seal (r = 0 and 0.2 mm) (bot-
smoothened during running-in, even when rubbed tom graph). Based on the analytical study of
against glass [62, 91]. Moreover, the typical contact Nikas [142]

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Eighty years of research on hydraulic reciprocating seals 15

the sealed pressure (static extrusion) and the friction

of the seal on its counterface (e.g. a piston rod) during
outstrokes (dynamic extrusion). When the localized
strain at the extruded part is repeated hundreds or
thousands of times in normal reciprocating motion,
permanent deformation may occur, accompanied by
sealing failure. The static and dynamic extrusion of
elastomeric seals have been studied by Reddy and Nau
[84] in 1984.
Apart from experimental investigations on the
causes and effects of extrusion, an analytical solu-
tion to the problem was presented by Nikas [89,
142] for elastomeric, rectangular rounded or cham-
fered, and reciprocating rod seals. The solution was
also applied to rotary vane seals under alternating
rotation [4, 96]. In the aforementioned analytical
study [142], algebraic equations were derived pre-
dicting the shape of the extruded part of a seal and
the pressure on it at its contact with its counterface
(piston rod). Moreover, simple criteria in the form
of algebraic inequalities were mathematically devel-
oped, involving the parameters affecting extrusion and
establishing exactly when extrusion commences. The
conclusion was that the best way to avoid extrusion is
to use anti-extrusion or back-up rings. Another poten-
tial solution was later investigated by the author [97]
and found to be viable, namely the replacement of a
given elastomeric seal with a composite seal of the
same dimensions, comprising a central elastomeric Fig. 8 Tandem seal arrangement (top) and an example
part bonded with two outer PTFE parts along the of its theoretical analysis (bottom diagram) show-
direction of reciprocation. The elastomer-PTFE vol- ing the interseal-pressure abrupt rise after about
umetric proportion was parametrically optimized to 1600 strokes (Nikas and Sayles [115])
produce a composite seal outperforming the origi-
nal elastomeric seal in terms of leakage, friction, and
extrusion resistance. primary seal and, also, prevents dirt ingression into the
With regard to anti-extrusion rings (see for exam- system in the absence of a scraping element.
ple the Polypac PHD seal in Fig. 1), they are used to The performance of tandem seals has been exper-
prevent not only seal extrusion but also roll defor- imentally investigated in very few studies [80, 201–
mation [177]. However, they normally interfere with 203]. All concluded that sealing is mainly controlled
the sealing of the supported seal. The author is not by the primary seal but it is influenced by the interseal
aware of any studies in the literature on the modelling pressure (Fig. 8) and, naturally, by the edge geometry of
of back-up rings except for his own modelling work both seals at their low-pressure sides. Moreover, leak-
[89, 116]. In the latter studies, which are computation- age and friction are also influenced by any back-up
ally complicated, parametric analyses were conducted rings present in the system [202]. Field and Nau [201,
to quantify the effect of back-up rings of rectangular 202] in the early 1970s discovered that in some tandem
cross-section and relatively low stiffness on the sealing seal arrangements (mainly those of identical seals), an
performance of rectangular, elastomeric rod seals. The abrupt pressure rise in the interseal space takes place
operating temperature was varied from −54 to +135 ◦ C after a number of operating cycles. This is caused by
and the sealed pressure from 1 to 35 MPa. Among some leaked fluid flooding the interseal space. They found
interesting conclusions of the study was that the con- that this phenomenon can cause seal extrusion and
tact pressure and the average surface roughness of even complete failure of the system if the interseal
the back-up ring can be optimized to minimize the pressure is not vented before abruptly exceeding the
leakage-per-cycle of the seal–ring pair. sealed pressure (see Fig. 4 in Field and Nau [201]).
Another interesting topic in sealing research con- The phenomenon of interseal-pressure rise has
cerns the use of tandem (dual) seal arrangements been theoretically analysed by Nikas and Sayles [115]
(Fig. 8). Those consist of a primary seal, which does by accounting for a compressible mixture of air and
the major sealing job at the sealed-pressure side, and leaked fluid in the interseal space, and using the van
a secondary seal, which wipes off fluid leaking from the der Waals equation of state for air to simulate the

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16 G K Nikas

temporal change of pressure with the leaking fluid to avoid a sealing failure at low temperatures, e.g.
and the number of strokes. A result of this simu- in aerospace applications.
lation is shown in the bottom diagram of Fig. 8, 3. Seal extrusion is a problem, which can and should
which depicts the interseal pressure rise and inter- be avoided. Anti-extrusion rings (separate or inte-
seal gas-volume reduction with the number of strokes. gral to the seals), composite (e.g. elastomeric/
This way, the number of strokes before the pres- PTFE-glass-fibre), and multi-component seals (e.g.
sure starts to peak is predictable. The simulation also the polypac PHD seal in Fig. 1) have been designed
included back-up rings on both elastomeric seals to avoid this problem based on past experience and
in a complex, quasi-steady elastohydrodynamic and research.
non-linear mechanics analysis with surface rough- 4. The corner geometry of reciprocating seals at seal-
ness effects on all elements, followed by performance ing contacts has the greatest influence on leak-
analysis in terms of leakage and friction for operating age, friction, and wear. Experimental research and
temperatures between −54 and +135 ◦ C, and sealed experience had already shown how this could
pressure between nearly 0 and 35 MPa. The tandem be improved before theoretical research showed
seal arrangement showed clear benefits in terms of mathematically that the corner geometry can be
leakage and friction and could be optimized for given optimized. See for example the application of this
operating conditions. research in the design of the step seal and the
The phenomenon of the interseal pressure rise is twin-lipped U-cup seal in Fig. 1.
also met in twin-lipped seals. Kanzaki et al. [204] 5. Seal materials have improved as a result of exper-
investigated this experimentally for sinusoidally recip- imental research. Material properties such as stiff-
rocating motion. They found that the interlip pressure ness, hardness, and general stress–strain mechani-
increases with the sealed pressure and the oil trapped cal behaviour have been under scrutiny in order to
between the seal lips lubricated the seal, reducing fric- produce seals that suit particular applications, i.e.
tion. This is a well-known benefit of twin-lipped seals specific range of operating conditions.
[2] and the stored lubricant not only reduces friction 6. As a final but probably most convincing example of
but also prevents the seal from running dry (even the gain from applied research is the evolution of
after periods of inactivity), thus eliminating stick-slip seal design based on tribological and mechanical
motion and vibrations [94]. The operation of scraping principles learned from research and experience.
elements [205] should also be seen under the same The seals depicted in Fig. 1, particularly the left-
light and as influential of the overall performance of a bottom two, utilize a number of innovations such as
sealing system. anti-extrusion rings, energizing O-rings, compos-
ite materials for low-friction and high-wear rate,
and asymmetrical corner geometry optimizations
4 EXPERIENCE GAINED FROM SEALING to minimize leakage. Such innovations are not
RESEARCH AND THE FUTURE products of imagination but of applied research.

The knowledge and experience gained from past With regard to future seal design, it can be pre-
research on hydraulic reciprocating seals has ben- dicted that this will be a matter of optimizing existing
efited the sealing industry immensely. The topics designs and selecting the best seal for a given appli-
discussed in the previous sections covered the fun- cation based on end-user requirements. For example,
damental aspects of sealing performance, i.e. leakage, different or conflicting requirements would be min-
friction, and wear. It was shown that seals can be imum leakage, minimum friction, and/or minimum
optimized to offer better sealing performance with wear. Unfortunately, scientific research has shown that
increased reliability and longer service lives. This con- the aforementioned constraints cannot be simultane-
cerns both existing seal designs and new, innovative ously satisfied. There will always be a compromise
designs for future applications. between leakage, friction, and wear. It is a matter of
With regard to existing seal designs (shapes), past end-user priorities which one performance variable
research has proved the value of paying attention to should be optimized. This is exactly where advanced
details. Some examples are listed next. theoretical research comes hand-in-hand with past
industrial experience to solve a problem, which is by
1. The values of surface-roughness parameters such all means, very complex. The days of empirical solu-
as the average and the RMS roughness are critical in tions in sealing research are numbered because the
achieving zero leakage under given operating con- competition is stiff and customers are intolerable (and
ditions. An ‘optimal’ seal roughness value exists and rightly so) to sealing partial or total failures. There-
it should be targeted to produce non-leaking seals, fore, sealing research will continue on a more scientific
at least in the first half of a seal’s life. basis, taking advantage of improved computing equip-
2. The effect of temperature on sealing performance is ment and numerical models capable of more realistic
major. Seal preloading has to take this into account predictions.

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Eighty years of research on hydraulic reciprocating seals 17

The fields where research is lagging and is more 6 Meyer, K. H., von Susich, G., and Valko, E. Die elastis-
urgently needed include those of surfacial (e.g. chen Eigenschaften der organischen Hochpolymeren
abrasive) wear of reciprocating seals, and estimation und ihre kinetische Deutung. Kolloidzeitschrift, 1932,
of life expectancy. Ideally, the latter should be in the 59, 208–216.
7 Gronau, H. Investigations on gland packings and seal-
form of a performance-degradation curve depicting
ing rings for high hydraulic pressures. Doctoral Thesis,
the temporal reduction of sealing ability (e.g. increase
University of Berlin, Germany, 1935.
of leakage in time). Given the complexity of seal design 8 White, C. M. and Denny, D. F. The sealing mecha-
and countless performance issues, it would be opti- nism of flexible packings. MAP Scientific and Technical
mistic to expect a reliable lifetime prediction method Memorandum No. 4/45 (interim report), London, UK,
such as that adopted in, e.g. the rolling-bearings indus- 1945.
try. Nevertheless, some form of prediction method 9 White, C. M. and Denny, D. F. The sealing mech-
may, eventually, be developed, even if it is restricted anism of flexible packings. Scientific and Techni-
to very specific operating conditions. In pursuit of this cal Memorandum No. 3/47, UK Ministry of Supply,
target, engineers may have to rely, once again, on semi- 1947.
empirical methods. In this authors’ experience, sealing 10 Denny, D. F. The friction of rubber sealing rings. British
Hydromechanics Research Association, Res. report No.
research has still a long way to go.
458, Harlow, UK, 1953.
11 Denny, D. F. The influence of load and surface rough-
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Soc. B, 1954, 66, 721–727.
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elements of complex mechanical behaviour and pre- British Hydromechanics Research Association, report
dicting their performance in real (variable) operating RR 595, August 1958.
conditions with satisfactory precision is a very chal- 14 Denny, D. F. Sealing characteristics of multiple-lip
lenging task. A significant amount of work remains to seals fitted to reciprocating shafts. British Hydrome-
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15 Denny, D. F. Time effects in the static friction of
and tribology, not suitable for the average user yet (this
lubricated rubber. Wear, 1959, 2(4), 264–272.
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contact counterfaces
W elastic strain energy per unit volume
x axial coordinate
α1 , α2 , α3 dimensionless constants
η local dynamic viscosity
E modulus of elasticity λ1 , λ2 , λ3 principal stretches
G shear modulus µ1 , µ2 , µ3 shear moduli
h local film thickness ρ local mass-density
H auxiliary variable, H ≡ ρh σ1 , σ2 , σ3 Cauchy principal stresses
I1 , I2 , I3 strain invariants (equation (1)) (equation (4))

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