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Group 04:


Bùi Thái Minh Hy 2182130 100%
Nguyễn Vũ Thanh Ngân 2180458 100%
Vũ Minh Quân 2180778 80%
Thái Bảo Trân 2182102 100%
Lương Nguyễn Thanh Vân 2180477 100%

Instructor: Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa

Subject : Performance Management
Class : 0100
Semester: 2033


TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................... 1

PART 01: OVERVIEW ..................................................................................... 2
PART 02: CONTENTS...................................................................................... 3
1. Generate a list of competencies for the position described ........... 3
2. Identify a list of critical behavioral indicators for each
competency ................................................................................................... 3
3. Generate critical incidents for each behavioral indicator ............. 4
4. Graphic rating scales using BARS to measure each competencyG
PART 03: CONCLUSION ................................................................................ 7
REFERENCES ................................................................................................... 8
Performance Management – Semester 2033 Midterm Project


The behaviors of employees in the workplace have a direct correlation to the

business' operations, and concurrently, its success. Therefore, almost companies build
evaluation form to assess employees and make them know their weaknesses in order to
improve themselves.

This report is about the steps to build BARS (Behaviorally Anchored Rating
Scales) to evaluate teamwork skills of a service staff of a restaurant. This method is
behaviorally based, easy to use, equitable, fully individualized and action-oriented

Performance Management – Semester 2033 Midterm Project


1. Generate a list of competencies for the position described

No matter what business or job title you are in, teamwork skills are critical to your
success at work. Working well with clients, colleagues, bosses, and others in your office
can help you execute things more effectively while also creating a fun environment for
yourself and others. A workplace that stresses good cooperation skills is usually a
healthy, well-functioning one.

We evaluate teamwork skills base on:

- Solve problems with alliances

- Participate and contribute new ideas in team meetings

- Provide interaction within the team that contribute to a supportive enviroment

2. Identify a list of critical behavioral indicators for each competency

Solve problems with alliances: Problems solving in teamwork is a process that

increases a group’s capacity for problems solving and decision making, increasing
group effectiveness and productivity. If the group isn’t well organized, well managed
and has no method, and then the work groups are difficult to complete and time

- Understand the problem.

- Participate and solve with other members.

Participate and contributes new ideas in team meetings: This is a process where
members need to participate and directly exchange and discuss to come up with ideas
and solutions to be implemented after the meeting effectively and in the right direction.

- Confident in giving opinion.

- Listen, absorb and build ideas with the members.
- Create ideas right away, speak to other members and reconsider the idea.

Provide interaction within the team that contribute to a supportive environment:

The interaction in teamwork helps attract people to work, creates a friendly working
environment, stimulates members to work effectively.

- Contribute, develop on the available things.

Performance Management – Semester 2033 Midterm Project

- Help the team members and create a harmonious, comfortable atmosphere to the
- Interact with other members and tell stories for others to interact back to us.
- Always listen and pay attention the members in order to assist them when they are
in trouble.
3. Generate critical incidents for each behavioral indicator

High Average
Indicator Poor Performance
Performance Performance
Understand and
analyze the cause
of the problems
Understand the
and know how to
problems and the Passive in
solve it, put
cause, search and discussion ,
solution into
Solve problems provide useful understand 50% the
reality, share and
with alliances information and problem and just
guiding to the team
participate and watch how others
members to help
solve with other solve it.
them understand
the problem and
solve it
Capturing and
delivering content
in the right focus, Participating in the Passive in giving
Participate and being proactive in meeting, provide opinion, waiting for
contributes new finding and constructive reminder, lack of
ideas in team providing personal opinions self-discipline and
meetings information in and help the team just agree with
meetings, listen members. opinion of others.
and respect the
opinions of others.
Mutual help and
respect among
team members,
Be passive, do not
understanding each
seek to give
of the strengths
Provide opinions, refuse to
and weaknesses to
interaction within Give own clear interact and
divide the work
the team that opinions about contribute with
with the right
contribute to a agreeing or others, late in the
people, give
supportive disagreeing. meetings or only
environment interact with the
feedback and
one who close to
create a

Performance Management – Semester 2033 Midterm Project

4. Graphic rating scales using BARS to measure each competency

“Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS) is a scale used to rate the

performance of employees. It is an appraisal mechanism that seeks to combine the
benefits of narratives, critical incidents and quantified ratings by anchoring a quantified
scale with specific narratives of performance ranging from good, satisfactory and poor
performance.” (Team, 2019)

Solve problems with alliances

Understand thoroughly and analyze the root cause of the problems

and know how to solve it, put solution into reality, share and guiding
to the team members to help them understand the problem and solve

it completely.

Grasp the situation quickly, have the ability to solve the problem,
offer and choose solutions.

Understand the problems and the cause, search and provide useful
information and participate and solve with other members.

Solve problem according to instructions and provide useful

information to alliances.

3 Understand, give some advices but deploy work slowly.

Understand and discuss the problem but just watch how others solve


1 Do not understand the problem, passive in discussion or do nothing.

Participate and contributes new ideas in team meetings

Create ideas right away, capturing and delivering content in the right
focus, being proactive in finding and providing information in
meetings, carefully record and give personal opinion and overview of

each point raised during the meeting.

Giving personal opinions in the meeting, finding information, share

with the team members, listen and respect the opinions of others.

5 Provide constructive personal opinions and help the team members.


4 Confident in giving opinion.

3 Participating in the meeting but just give sketchy contribution.


Passive in giving opinion, waiting for reminder and just agree with
opinion of others.

Performance Management – Semester 2033 Midterm Project

1 Do not participate in comments, lack of self-discipline.

Provide interaction within the team that contribute to a supportive environment

Mutual help and respect among team members, create a comfortable

7 environment, understanding each of the strengths and weaknesses to
divide the work with the right people.

Help the team members, give opinions on the right or wrong of the
6 problem, give constructive feedback and create a harmonious,
comfortable atmosphere.

Consider all sides of the problem and give own clear opinions about
agreeing or disagreeing.

Contribute, develop on the available things or only interact when

agree with the ideas.

3 Only interact when mentioned and give opinion but don't stand out.

2 Only interact with the one who close to us, who easy to talk with us.

Be passive, do not seek to give opinions, refuse to interact and

contribute with others, late in the meetings.

Performance Management – Semester 2033 Midterm Project


It can be challenging to discover your own areas for development. Finding a

partner or mentor who can provide you with honest feedback on your team's strengths
and faults will help you improve them. Using your own observations as well as feedback
from others to create attainable, meaningful, and time-constrained goals will help you
improve one collaboration skill at a time. Like any method, BARS isn’t perfect. BARS
also has disadvantages:

• The process of creating and implementing BARS is time-consuming,

difficult, and expensive. Each BARS form must be created from scratch for every
position in the company.

• Sometimes the listed behaviors still don’t include certain actions required
of the employee, so managers can have difficulty as signing a rating.

• It’s high maintenance. Jobs change over time, which means that BARS
requires a high degree of monitoring and maintenance.

• It’s demanding of managers. In order to successfully conduct BARS

evaluations, managers need detailed information regarding the actions of their
employees. Gathering such data can be quite time-consuming, and many managers end
up letting this slide. (Lloyd, August 18, 2009)

Developing teamwork skills can help you in your career and when looking for
new chances. Take the time to assess your existing skill set and find opportunities for
development. You can begin to develop a strong set of collaborative abilities with time
and practice.

Performance Management – Semester 2033 Midterm Project


Lloyd, K. (August 18, 2009). Performance appraisal and phrases. For

Dummies; 1st edition (August 18, 2009).

Nguyenbahoangnam. (Tháng sáu 12, 2020). Đánh giá nhân viên phục vụ: Bản
mẫu và Checklist chấm điểm

Team, M. S. (2019, February 28). Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale

(BARS). Retrieved from MBA SKOOL:

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