GED - Assignments

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GED – Assignments

However, this law makes problematic and worrisome to most of the Filipinos because the anti-terror
council does not provide an evidence of proof on the process of how a person can consider a ‘suspect’
or be part of the said terrorists, thus, the suspected individuals could by spied of for 60 days. The
process on the law works, if the ATC proves that a person or a group of persons is part of the said
terrorism, then they could arrest and detained a person without a warrant.

1. Choose one National or Local isse / Problem

2. Discuss : A. In terms of the four components of governance, how did the concerned
office/department deal with the given issue.
                 B. Do you think, in terms of good governance, did the concerned office/department
satisfactorily managed to address the issue?                           Why?
3. Format :   Issue/Problem : ____________________________
                    A. 1.

1. Choose one National or Local isse / Problem


The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 or Republic Act No. 11479 is the most recent Philippine Law signed by
President Duterte and its constituents, whose intent is to prevent, prohibit and penalize terrorisms in
the Philippines. However, they broadly expand the definition of “terrorism”, where in Section 4 of the
said act there are six definitions that defined the terrorism: intimidate the general public or a segment
thereof, create a message of fear, provoke or influence of intimidation the government or any
international organization, or seriously destabilize or destroy the fundamental political, economic, or
social structures of the country, or create a public emergency, or seriously undermine public safety.
Where it also criminalizes the "threat, planning, training, facilitating of" and "proposal" and "inciting" to
terrorism activities by means of speeches, proclamations, writings, banners and emblems. This law also
extends the period of surveillance, a warrantless arrest and detention up for 24 days. (Venzon, 2020).

2. Discuss : A. In terms of the four components of governance, how did the concerned
office/department deal with the given issue.

1. Public Sector Management:

The bill was introduced by 71 original authors and prepared by Committees on National Defense and
Security; Peace, Unification and Reconciliation; and Finance. These are the senate committees are the
core of congress lawmaking, investigating, and oversight functions. The senate followed a process
before they approved the bill and should passed in both house of congress and signed the law by the
president. However, it was fast tracked through Congress despite concerns or “strong cautionary
comments” over its provisions.

2. Accountability:
Although the senate are held for their action since the bill goes through a process where it is already
discussed and debated. The bill is not accountable to the public because of the creation of Anti-
Terrorism Council, where it is composed of cabinet officials that would also have the power and
authority to designate a person or an organization as a terrorist. The senate didn’t provide a certain
guideline on how the ATC would determine a terrorist. If this will not be cleared, then it may lead to
prejudice judgements. This only means that it is not accountable for the public but for only the ATC.

3. The Legal Framework for Development:

The anti-terror council does not provide an evidence of proof on the process of how a person can
consider a ‘suspect’ or be part of the said terrorists, thus, the suspected individuals could by spied of for
60 days. Furthermore, the ATC is created where it is composed of political appointees and not a judge.
This means we don’t know whether the ATC is bias or not.

4. Information and Transparency

The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 or Republic Act No. 11479 goes through a legislative process, and the bill
is publicized. The bill can be downloaded and shared to the public, to freely discuss the bill and debated,
however, by giving critics will not change the fact the bill is already passed. Thus, this can use as a
document of proof of the act. The information is provided for everyone, the sections are discussed and
given, but lacks on providing information about the procedure on how the ATC would designate a
certain person or organization as a n terrorist.

 B. Do you think, in terms of good governance, did the concerned office/department satisfactorily
managed to address the issue? 

No. Out of the eight major characteristics of good governance, it failed the four characteristics to fulfill
the good governance. First, the rule of law, where the human rights is step aside and change of law is
given. The act allows the warrantless arrests, detention without charge for up to 24 days and 90 days of
surveillance and wiretaps. Second, equity and inclusiveness, because of the ATC that have the powers
to determine the terrorist the people would not be ensured if the given judgements are fair or
prejudiced. Third, transparency, the law didn’t provide a detailed information on the procedure of how
the ATC could the determine if a certain person is a terrorist or not. Lastly, effectiveness and efficiency,
according to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, because of the vague definition
of terrorism It may violate the principle of legality. Nevertheless, the bill could be improved by two
constitutional provisions, to inform the cause of accusations, and providing a certain standards and
quantum of proof of warrant issued by a judge not a political appointee (Chiz Escudero, 2020). Terrorism
must be stop but having the broad power of the government to stop terrorism is not needed, a good
governance is what we need and our country.


The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 or Republic Act No. 11479 is the most recent Philippine Law signed by
President Duterte and its constituents, whose intent is to prevent, prohibit and penalize terrorisms in
the Philippines

The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 or Republic Act No. 11479

The bill was introduced by 71 original authors and prepared by Committees on National Defense and
Security; Peace, Unification and Reconciliation; and Finance. These are the senate committees are the
core of congress lawmaking, investigating, and oversight functions.

1. Although the senate are held for their action since the bill goes through a process where it is
already discussed and debated. The bill is not accountable to the public because of the creation
of Anti-Terrorism Council, where it is composed of cabinet officials that would also have the
power, the senate didn’t provide a certain guideline on how the ATC would determine a
terrorist. If this will not be cleared, then it may lead to prejudice judgements. This only means
that it is not accountable for the public but for only the ATC.
2. The anti-terror council does not provide an evidence of proof on the process of how a person
can consider a ‘suspect’ or be part of the said terrorists, thus, the suspected individuals could by
spied of for 60 days. Furthermore, the ATC is created where it is composed of political
appointees and not a judge.
3. The Anti-Terrorism Act of 2020 or Republic Act No. 11479 goes through a legislative process, and
the bill is publicized. The bill can be downloaded and shared to the public, to freely discuss the
bill and debated, however, by giving critics will not change the fact the bill is already passed.
Additionally, it lacks on providing information about the procedure on how the ATC would
designate a certain person or organization as a n terrorist.


No. Out of the eight major characteristics of good governance, it failed the four characteristics to fulfill
the good governance. First, the rule of law, where the human rights is step aside and change of law is
given. Second, equity and inclusiveness, because of the ATC that have the powers to determine the
terrorist the people would not be ensured if the given judgements are fair or prejudiced. Third,
transparency, the law didn’t provide a detailed information on the procedure of how the ATC could the
determine if a certain person is a terrorist or not. Lastly, effectiveness and efficiency, according to the
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, because of the vague definition of terrorism It
may violate the principle of legality. The act allows the warrantless arrests, detention without charge for
up to 24 days and 90 days of surveillance and wiretaps. Nevertheless, the bill could be improved by two
constitutional provisions, to inform the cause of accusations, and providing a certain standards and
quantum of proof of warrant issued by a judge not a political appointee (Chiz Escudero, 2020). Terrorism
must be stop but having the broad power of the government to stop terrorism is not needed, a good
governance is what we need and our country.
Sadly, the bill had already passed, however, as a citizen we should be aware on our rights, so that we
can fight for our rights as a citizen.

the effectiveness and efficiency,

These three neglects our human rights, since

If the ATC have only the power to determine who is/are a terrorist then

The warrantless act is changed because of the bill, since according to the bill a simply a suspect can be
arrested without a warrant.

warrantless is allowed, even under the constitution

Example of this, that in the bill even if a certain person is just a simple a suspect they can

the governance failed in passing the bill.                  

The law expands its definition of “terrorism” , a certain violet acts that could intimidate the public and
spread a message of fear.

The ATC are political appointees where the president senate didn’t give the description on

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