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Peripheral and Central Adaptations After a

Median Nerve Neuromobilization Program
Completed by Individuals With Carpal Tunnel
Syndrome: An Exploratory Mechanistic Study
Using Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging
and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
Philippe Paquette, PT, PhD, Johanne Higgins, OT, PhD, and Dany H. Gagnon, PT, PhD

Objective: Neuromobilization exercises are increasingly advocated in the conservative management of individuals
with carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), as they may mitigate CTS-related signs and symptoms via potential peripheral (ie,
musculoskeletal) and central (ie, neurophysiological) adaptations. However, the mechanisms underlying these
adaptations have not been studied extensively. Hence, this exploratory and mechanistic study aims to evaluate the
potential peripheral and central adaptations that may result in individuals with CTS who have completed a
neuromobilization program.
Methods: Fourteen individuals with CTS were evaluated before and 1 week after the completion of a 4-week
neuromobilization program that incorporated median nerve sliding exercises. Pain and upper limb functional abilities
were assessed using standardized questionnaires. The biological integrity and mechanical properties of the median
nerve and the corticospinal excitability were quantified using musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging and transcranial
magnetic stimulation, respectively.
Results: Upon completion of the program, participants reported both large and moderate improvements in pain (P  .03)
and upper limb functional abilities (P = .02), respectively. The biological integrity and mechanical properties of the median
nerve remained unchanged (P  .22), whereas a small significant increase in corticospinal excitability (P = .04) was
Conclusion: The proposed neuromobilization program appears promising to improve pain and upper limb functional
abilities in individuals with CTS. These improvements may be preferentially mediated via central, rather than
peripheral, adaptations. Future studies, especially with a larger sample size, longer intervention duration, and
additional measurement times, are needed to strengthen current evidence. (J Manipulative Physiol Ther 2020;00;1-13)
Key Indexing Terms: Carpal Tunnel Syndrome; Pain; Exercise Therapy; Wrist; Physical Therapy Modalities

TAGEDH1INTRODUCTIONTAGEDEN the United Kingdom.1-4 In these countries, the prevalence

rates are estimated to range between 3.8% and 16% among
Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), a complex condition
the general population.1-4 Individuals with CTS typically
affecting the median nerve, is the most common entrap-
experience sensorimotor impairments, such as pain and
ment neuropathy encountered in industrialized countries
paresthesias in the thumb, index finger, middle finger, and
such as the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States, and
radial side of the ring finger (ie, sensory territory of the
median nerve). Some individuals with CTS also report a
School of Rehabilitation, Universite de Montreal, Montreal, decreased pinch or grip strength, which can be associated
Quebec, Canada. with atrophy of the abductor pollicis brevis and opponens
Corresponding author: Philippe Paquette, PT, School of Reha- pollicis muscles. All these sensorimotor impairments may
bilitation, Universite de Montreal, Pavillon 7077 Avenue du Parc,
PO Box 6128, Station Centre-Ville, Montreal, Quebec, Canada prompt a progressive loss of wrist and hand function alter-
H3C 3J7. ing everyday activities, such as difficulties while writing,
(e-mail: typing, or drawing. Hence, conservative treatments are rec-
Paper submitted January 26, 2019; in revised form October 11, ommended for individuals with mild to moderate symp-
2019; accepted October 22, 2019. toms of CTS, whereas surgical treatment is reserved for
© 2020 by National University of Health Sciences. those with persistent or severe symptoms.5 However, a variety of conservative treatment options are available (eg,
2 Paquette et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Neuromobilization Exercises for Individuals With CTS 2020

wrist orthoses, ergonomic modifications, manual therapy, individuals with CTS.22,23 Transcranial magnetic stimula-
nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications, or steroid tion has been used to examine the cortical excitability of
injections). Thus, selecting the best option for each individ- individuals with lower back pain, and offers an alternative
ual with CTS may prove challenging.6 method to examine the modulation of corticospinal excit-
Neuromobilization exercises are frequently advocated by ability in individuals with CTS.24
rehabilitation professionals to improve sensorimotor impair- Characterizing these effects is crucial to gain a better
ments and functional abilities in chronic musculoskeletal understanding of the multidimensional mechanistic effects
conditions, although further investigation is needed to sup- of neuromobilization exercises. The aim of the present
port their effectiveness among individuals with CTS.7 Neu- study is to gain a better understanding of the potential
romobilization exercises incorporate a broad spectrum of immediate peripheral and central adaptations that may be
techniques aiming to mobilize peripheral nerves and their observed following a home-based neuromobilization pro-
surrounding structures via single- or multi-joint movement gram incorporating sliding exercises completed by individ-
(s).8-10 When joints are moved, the direction and the magni- uals with CTS. To do so, peripheral and central adaptations
tude of the movements inherently induce tensile stresses will be characterized using ultrasound imaging and trans-
along a nerve segment that translate into varying levels of cranial magnetic stimulation, respectively. It is hypothe-
nerve elongation and excursion.11 There are 2 main catego- sized that individuals with CTS will report improvements
ries of neuromobilization techniques—“tensioners” and in pain and upper limb function after completion of the
“sliders”—based on their capability to elicit nerve elongation neuromobilization program, and that changes in median
or excursion, respectively.12 Tensioners promote a nerve nerve integrity (ie, decreased size, increased echogenicity,
elongation, whereas sliders promote an excursion, and thus smoother texture), mechanical properties (ie, increased lon-
expose the nerve to less strain (ie, considered less aggres- gitudinal nerve excursion), and increased corticospinal
sive), which may be more suited for individuals with excitability will be observed.
CTS.10,12 To evaluate the effectiveness of neuromobiliza-
tion, previous studies have primarily used self-reported pain
measures, and only a few studies have highlighted clinical TAGEDH1MATERIALS AND METHODSTAGEDEN
effects such as increased fluid dispersion, reduced intraneu- Participants
ral edema, improved median nerve distal motor latency, and Using the registry of a local physiotherapy clinic, invita-
normalized thermal hyperalgesia,7,13-16 This evidence sug- tion letters were sent to potential participants who had con-
gests that both peripheral and central adaptations may result sulted for CTS or other wrist-related conditions over the past
from neuromobilization exercises. Today, these effects can 2 years. Potential participants were included if they had (1)
be characterized using musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging electrodiagnostic findings consistent with median mononeur-
and transcranial magnetic stimulation, respectively. opathy, (2) symptoms for at least 3 months, and (3) at least 2
Musculoskeletal ultrasound imaging is increasingly used clinical signs consistent with CTS (see Table 1).54 Potential
to characterize median nerve impairments at the wrists participants were excluded if they (1) had previous surgery
among individuals with CTS.17 In CTS, the biological integ- to the evaluated hand or wrist; (2) had comorbidities associ-
rity of the median nerve is altered owing to a complex cas- ated with CTS including rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and
cade of pathophysiological processes, initially involving hypothyroidism; (3) had impaired upper limb range of
impaired blood flow and ischemia, then blood-nerve barrier motion (eg, shoulder abduction <90°) or any other condition
breakdown, and eventually the formation of intraneural limiting the completion of the exercise program; (4) had a
edema.18 This complex cascade may convert into distinctive contraindication to transcranial magnetic stimulation (eg,
features on ultrasound images of the median nerve, such as metal implants, pacemaker, familial and personal history of
an enlargement or swelling of the nerve, a hypoechoic (ie, seizures, usage of antiepileptic drugs); or (5) were pregnant.
darker) appearance, and the loss of the distinctive honey- Before being evaluated at the Pathokinesiology Laboratory,
combing pattern of the nerve at or proximal to the compres- eligible participants signed an informed consent form,
sion site.17,19 In addition, free excursion of the median nerve approved by the research ethics committee of the Centre for
is required to accommodate joint motions during daily activ- Interdisciplinary Research in Rehabilitation of Greater Mon-
ities and minimize the risk of median nerve damage. In fact, treal (CRIR 1073-0414).
a recent systematic review suggests that a restricted median
nerve longitudinal excursion is a determinant of CTS.20
Transcranial magnetic stimulation is regularly used to Assessments and Outcome Measures
characterize changes involving the central nervous system Participants’ sociodemographic and history information
by measuring both corticospinal and intracortical excitabil- (including prior treatments received for CTS) and relevant
ities.21 Corticospinal excitability modulations are associ- anthropometric measurements were obtained upon entering
ated with hand function and pain intensity in individuals the study. Clinical and laboratory assessments were com-
with various chronic wrist and hand conditions, including pleted before the initiation of the home-based exercise
Volume 00, Number 00
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Table 1. Demographics, History, and Physical Examination of Participants
Reports of Nocturnal 2-Point Discrimination
Participant Sex Age (year) Symptomatic Side Duration of Symptoms (mo) Exacerbation Pinprick Evaluation Evaluation Tinel’s Test Phalen’s Test
1 F 58 R>L 11  2 0 + +

2 F 58 R 120 + 1 0  

3 F 46 R>L 36 + 0 0  +

4 M 31 R>L 10 + 0 1  +

5 M 49 R 84 + 0 1  

6 F 41 R 22 + 1 1  +

7 F 31 L>R 60 + 1 0  +

8 M 31 R>L 23 + 1 0  

9 F 50 R>L 96 + 1 1  

10 M 34 R 96 + 1 1  

11 F 64 L>R 48 + 0 0  +

12 F 68 R>L 48 + 0 1  +

Neuromobilization Exercises for Individuals With CTS

13 M 28 R 24  2 0  

14 M 46 L 9 + 0 0 + +
Participants were sorted in decreasing order based on their improvement in upper limb functional abilities after completion of the neuromobilization program. Clinical features consistent with carpal tunnel syn-
drome were nocturnal exacerbation of symptoms, impaired cutaneous sensitivity in the median nerve territory, and a positive Phalen’s test or a positive Tinel’s test. Pinprick was performed using a standard pin.
The sharp and blunt ends were randomly placed at the base of the thenar eminence and the distal phalange of the first and third fingers. Rating was as follows: 0 = normal, 1 = hyposensitivity, 2 = marked hypo-
sensitivity of anesthesia. Two-point discrimination was performed with a commercial caliper graduated with 1-mm increments on the same location as pinprick. Discrimination was assessed by the smallest dis-
tance between 2 points the participant could correctly identify 5 times out of 6. Rating is based on Magee et al25: 0 = normal, 1 = diminished, 2 = impaired, 3 = anesthesia.
F, female; L, left; M, male; R, right.

3 Paquette et al
4 Paquette et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Neuromobilization Exercises for Individuals With CTS 2020

program (T0), and within 1 week after completion of the abduction with elbow extended and forearm supinated.
program (T1). The clinical assessment included a standard- Three static images of the median nerve were acquired in
ized physical examination and questionnaires. Laboratory the transverse and longitudinal planes at the carpal tunnel
assessment included ultrasound imaging and transcranial inlet. Thereafter, 3 10-second videos were acquired in the
magnetic stimulation measures. longitudinal plane 5 cm proximal to the wrist crease, while
3 different mobilizations were passively performed to elicit
nerve excursion: (A) isolated wrist extension, (B) wrist
Pain and Upper Limb Functional Abilities Evaluation extension combined with 30° ipsilateral neck side flexion,
The West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory and (C) wrist extension combined with 30° contralateral
(WHYMPI) was used to evaluate different pain-related dis- neck side flexion. The decision to acquire videos at the dis-
abilities and cognitive-behavioral factors involved in the tal forearm was informed by previous research investigat-
experience of pain.26 The WHYMPI includes 52 items ing longitudinal median nerve excursion in response to
encompassing several domains related to pain experience wrist extension.33,34 Images and videos were exported to a
(5 domains). Scoring ranges from 0 (eg, no pain, no inter- desktop computer. The static images were analyzed using
ference, not at all severe) to 6 (very intense pain, extreme custom software developed in the MATLAB environment
interference, extremely severe), where a higher mean score (Image Processing Toolbook, The MathWorks, Natick,
(range 0-6) represents higher impairment. The Disabilities Massachusetts). Briefly, this software provides an interface
of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand (DASH) scale was used to allowing one to calibrate, magnify, and manually trace
evaluate the impact of the CTS on upper limb functional regions of interest (ROIs) for each static image. The ROIs
abilities. The DASH scale includes 30 questions covering were defined by tracing the inner contour of the perineu-
participation and performance of daily activities with the rium of the nerve. From these ROIs, the median nerve’s
upper limb, in addition to symptom severity. Scoring biological integrity outcomes (ie, geometry, grayscale dis-
ranges from 1 (eg, no difficulty, not limited, strongly dis- tribution, and texture-related measures), as previously
agree) to 5 (eg, unable, extremely limited, strongly agree), described, were extracted.19,35,36 Moderate to good reliabil-
where a higher weighted score (range 0-100) represents ity (0.58 < f < 0.99) and good accuracy (standard error of
substantial disability.27 Both scales have good psychomet- the mean  13%) have been reported for the geometrical
ric properties (WHYMPI: repeatability intraclass correla- and grayscale distribution and texture measures of the
tion coefficient [ICC]  0.75; DASH: repeatability median nerve, respectively.19 From the videos, the median
ICC = 0.91) when tested in adults with chronic musculo- nerve’s mechanical properties were analyzed using a com-
skeletal pain, and have an adapted and validated French puterized frame-by-frame decisional algorithm that quanti-
version.26,28-30 Additionally, the relative minimal detect- fied the amplitude and direction of longitudinal nerve
able change (MDC) was previously estimated for the excursions.37 Very good reliability (f = 0.84) and good
DASH scale (MDC90% = 10.7).31 For the WHYMPI, the accuracy (standard error of the mean  15%) have been
MDC was estimated (see Equation 1) for each of the 5 pain previously reported for these measurements.34
experience domains based on published reliability data and
ranges from 15.43% (pain interference) to 29.47% (affec-
tive distress).26,32 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation Evaluation and Analysis
pffiffiffi A single investigator (P.P.) performed transcranial mag-
1:6 5  2  SEM netic stimulation assessments. Participants were seated in a
MDC 90% ¼  100 ð1Þ
Meanpooled chair with their forearms resting on a pillow. After careful
skin preparation, surface electrodes were applied over the
abductor pollicis brevis muscle, with the reference elec-
trode on the first metacarpophalangeal joint. Maximum
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging Evaluation and Analysis compound muscle action potentials (Mmax) were elicited
The median nerve biological integrity and mechanical using a bipolar electrode connected to a current stimulator
properties were assessed using a linear transducer (12- (Digitimer DS7A, UK). Transcranial magnetic stimulation
5 MHz, 55-mm footprint) connected to a Philips HD11 XE was delivered using a magnetic stimulator (Magstim BiS-
ultrasound system (Philips Medical Systems, Bothell, tim2, Whitland, Wales, UK) connected to a figure-of-eight
Washington) by the first author. The ultrasound parameters coil (lateral wing diameter 70 mm). The coil was oriented
(ie, 3-cm depth, 80 gain, focus zone adjusted to the median approximately 45° to the central sulcus, with the tail
nerve) were kept constant across all participants. Partici- pointed dorsally. The hotspot was identified as the area
pants were positioned in a supine position on an adapted where a motor-evoked potential (MEP) could be elicited
examination table, with the head resting on a pivoting sup- with minimal stimulation intensity, and the location was
port in the horizontal plane equipped with adjustable stabil- marked using the neuronavigation system Brainsight
izers limiting scapula elevation, and arms placed at a 45° (Rogue Research Inc, Montreal, Quebec, Canada). The
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Paquette et al 5
Volume 00, Number 00 Neuromobilization Exercises for Individuals With CTS

resting motor threshold (rMT) was subsequently defined by after completion of the exercises. Alongside the exercises,
the minimum stimulator intensity required to elicit MEPs a weekly video conference with each participant was orga-
amplitude > 50 mV in 5 of 10 trials.21 Recruitment curves nized by the first author to provide personalized feedback
were assessed using 10 MEP delivered randomly at 90%, and optimize exercise progression. In addition, participants
100%, 110%, 120%, 130%, 140%, 150%, or 160% of the were asked to keep a logbook to document exercise perfor-
rMT. A single investigator (P.P.) analyzed off-line the elec- mance and compliance.
tromyography signals recorded. Pre-processing of raw sig-
nals was conducted to detect stimulation artifacts using
custom software developed in LabVIEW (National Instru- Statistical Analysis
ments Corporation).38 Signals were amplified (£ 1000) Descriptive statistics were calculated for all participants’
and sampled at 1 to 1000 Hz, and then a Butterworth filter characteristics and outcome measures. The symptomatic
set at 20 Hz was applied. Peak-to-peak MEP amplitudes side, or most symptomatic side when bilateral CTS was
were measured for each of the 10 trials. The median of 10 diagnosed, was retained for analysis, and the asymptomatic
MEPs for each stimulation intensity (ie, 90% to 160%) was or least symptomatic side could not serve as a control
normalized as a ratio of the Mmax to account for potential because both wrists are unlikely to be independent.42 The
focal median nerve conduction block due to CTS.39 sample size was selected based on prior studies reporting
Recruitment curves were drawn using the average of the data for longitudinal excursion measurements (Coppieters
MEP/Mmax amplitudes across participants plotted against et al 2009,12 N = 15) and transcranial magnetic stimulation-
each intensity. The data were fitted with a sigmoidal func- related measurements (Masse-Alarie et al 2013,43 N = 13).
tion (R2 > 0.983), using the MATLAB sigm_fit function A convenience sample was used because no prior study
(see Equation 2), where X50 is the coordinate on the x-axis had provided data for both peripheral and central measure-
associated to one-half Ymax: ment after neurodynamic exercises. The statistical analyses
used were chosen based on the relatively small sample size
ðxÞ ¼ Min þ ððX50X Þ  slopeÞ
ð2Þ and the observation that some outcomes (ie, grayscale and
1 þ 10 texture measures, and corticospinal excitability) were not
The slope was estimated using linear regression of the normally distributed, as assessed by the Shapiro-Wilk test.
steepest part of the recruitment curve (ie, 120% to 140%). Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used to verify if the inter-
Good repeatability (ICC = 0.75) has previously been vention had a significant effect (ie, T0 vs T1 measures) on
reported when using this method, although the accuracy pain, upper limb function, median nerve integrity, mechani-
was not reported.40 The MDC was estimated based on pre- cal properties, and corticospinal excitability. Effect sizes
viously published data.40 Thus, a positive or negative values (r) were also estimated by dividing the z-statistic by
change in the slope greater than 32.82% exceeded the mea- the square root of the number of observations and inter-
surement error and was considered true change. preted as follows: 0.1 = small, 0.3 = moderate, and
0.5 = large effects.44,45 A P value of < .05 was consid-
ered statistically significant. Statistical analyzes were per-
Intervention formed using IBM SPSS version 25.
Participants completed a 4-week home-based neuromo-
bilization program encompassing sliding exercises, devel-
oped according to the work of Butler.41 The program was
further validated by consensus during an iterative 2-round A convenience sample of N = 14 participants completed the
process, involving the research team members and 2 addi- neuromobilization program. The baseline characteristics of
tional expert physiotherapists with extensive experience participants are presented in Table 1. As reported in the log-
with both performing and prescribing neuromobilization books, half (50%) of the participants complied perfectly with
exercises. The program included isolated and coupled the suggested program parameters (ie, 45 daily repetitions),
upper limb and neck movements. A specific neuromobili- whereas 29% and 21% performed additional (ie, 50-60) and
zation exercise was elaborated for each week of the pro- fewer (ie, 40) daily repetitions, respectively. Boxplot diagrams
gram, allowing for a gradual increase in the range of of pain and upper limb functional ability measures are pre-
movement and inter-joint coordination (see Fig 1). Partici- sented in Figure 2. Overall, participants reported moderate to
pants were instructed to perform 3 series of 15 repetitions large statistically significant improvement in the pain interfer-
of each recommended neuromobilization exercise daily. ence and support domain subscores of the WHYPMI scale,
Participants were encouraged to perform their exercises in after completion of the neuromobilization program (r = 0.56, P
the morning, at noon, and in the evening. Participants were < .01, and r = 0.40, P = .03, respectively). More specifically,
further instructed to expect “deep tension” or “pulling” sen- for the pain interference domain, 13 of 14 participants reported
sations during the movements, and that although mild pain a decrease in relative pain interference, ranging between 2.5%
and paresthesia could occur, they were not expected to last and 38.7%. Among these 13 participants, 6 reached relative
6 Paquette et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Neuromobilization Exercises for Individuals With CTS 2020

Fig 1. Neuromobilization program. Note that the starting positions for weeks 1 and 2 are identical.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Paquette et al 7
Volume 00, Number 00 Neuromobilization Exercises for Individuals With CTS

Fig 2. (A) Upper limb disabilities and (B, C, D, E, F) pain domain measurement showing scores before and after completion of the
neuromobilization program. Significant differences (marked by asterisks) were found for the upper limb disabilities (DASH: z =
2.41, ES = 0.46, P = .02), pain interference and support (WHYMPI: interference z = 2.98, ES = 0.56, P < .01; support z = 2.12,
ES = 0.40, P = .03), and pain severity, life-control, and affective distress measures remained similar. Plain dots represent outliers.
DASH, Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder and Hand; ES, effect size; WHYMPI, West Haven-Yale Multidimensional Pain Inventory.

changes exceeding MDC (MDC90%  15.43%). Only 1 par- MEP amplitudes did not change significantly after completion
ticipant reported a relative increase in pain interference by of the neuromobilization program (P = .53). For the recruit-
4.5%. For the support domain, 8 of 14 participants reported ment curves, a moderate significant increase in MEP ampli-
relative improvement in support, ranging between 8.3% and tude was observed at 160% of the rMT (r = 0.39; P = .04),
75%. Among these 8 participants, 4 reached relative changes whereas changes at other intensities were not statistically sig-
exceeding MDC (MDC90%  23.83%). Five participants did nificant (P > .30) after completion of the neuromobilization
not report any change, and 1 participant reported a relative program. Graphical presentation of the recruitment curves
worsening in the support domain by 8.3%. As for upper limb highlights a mean absolute rise in the recruitment curve slope
functional ability measures, participants reported a moder- (slopeT0 = 6.58; slopeT1 = 9.43; relative change = +35.58%),
ate statistically significant relative improvement on the which exceeds the measurement error (MDC90% = 33.82%)
DASH scale after completion of the neuromobilization pro- (Fig 3A).
gram (r = 0.46; P = .02) on the DASH scale. Specifically,
11 of 14 participants reported relative improvements rang-
ing from 1.1% to 29.2%. Among these 11 participants, 6
reached relative changes exceeding the MDC (MDC90% Neuromobilization Exercises Alleviate Pain and Optimize Upper Limb
 10.7%). One participant did not report any change, Functional Abilities
whereas 2 participants reported a relative worsening by Our results confirm the hypothesis that individuals with
0.8% and 14.2%, respectively. CTS will report improvements in pain and upper limb dis-
Median nerve biological integrity and mechanical property abilities after completion of the proposed neuromobiliza-
measures, in addition to cortical excitability measures, are pre- tion program. Specifically, 6 participants (1, 2, 3, 6, 9, and
sented in Table 2. Geometry and grayscale and texture meas- 12) reported significant and important improvement in the
ures did not change significantly after completion of the pain interference domains of the WHYMPI, and 6 partici-
neuromobilization program (P > .18), although some gray- pants (1-6) reported significant and important improvement
scale and texture-related measures showed a small effect size. in upper limb functional abilities, after completion of the
Longitudinal excursion measures of the 3 mobilizations did program. These results are in line with a previous study
not change significantly (P > .22), although a small effect reporting that 6 sessions of neuromobilization, based on
size was found when only extending the wrist. The median sliding exercises, improved upper limb functional ability
8 Paquette et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Neuromobilization Exercises for Individuals With CTS 2020

Table 2. Summary of Outcome Measures

T0 T1
Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Imaging Median (interquartile range) Median (interquartile range) Diff (%) P Value Effect Size

Cross-sectional area (mm2) Trans 11.09 (3.15) 11.32 (2.48) 1.04 .64 0.09

Thickness mean (mm) Long 3.13 (0.70) 3.08 (0.96) 0.80 .33 0.18

Grayscale distribution

Echogenicity Trans 44.51 (9.61) 45.19 (4.79) 0.75 .64 0.09

Long 51.42 (13.64) 52.59 (13.14) 1.13 .68 0.08

Variance Trans 118.66 (59.79) 144.55 (54.18) 9.84 .88 0.03

Long 177.51 (73.79) 191.41 (110.50) 3.77 .98 0.01

Skewness Trans 1.01 (0.60) 1.20 (0.43) 8.83 .73 0.07

Long 0.94 (0.46) 0.78 (0.49) 9.27 .51 0.12

Kurtosis Trans 5.00 (2.33) 5.27 (1.95) 2.69 .36 0.17

Long 4.45 (1.45) 3.90 (1.62) 6.70 .73 0.07

Entropy Trans 5.26 (0.27) 5.32 (0.19) 0.55 .43 0.15

Long 5.53 (0.29) 5.61 (0.29) 0.71 .68 0.08


Contrast Trans 1.82 (0.66) 1.87 (0.75) 1.46 .68 0.08

Long 1.82 (0.56) 1.80 (0.49) 0.32 .78 0.05

Homogeneity Trans 0.64 (0.05) 0.63 (0.05) 0.60 .68 0.08

Long 0.64 (0.03) 0.63 (0.04) 0.20 .73 0.07

Longitudinal excursion (mm)

Technique A: wrist only 5.71 (2.81) 5.11 (2.22) 11.03 .22 0.23

Technique B: tensioner 4.88 (3.25) 5.11 (3.29) 4.67 .93 0.02

Technique C: slider 5.02 (3.07) 4.88 (2.52) 2.85 .78 0.05

Transcranial magnetic stimulation

assessment T0 Median T0 Median Dif % P Value Effect size
rMT (% of capacitor output) 35.50 (8.75) 35.50 (4.50) 0.00 .53 0.12

Recruitment curve slope Mean = 6.58 Mean = 9.43 35.58 N/A N/A

Stimuli intensity (% of rMT)

90% 0.52 (0.98) 0.56 (0.62) 8.65 .64 0.09

100% 1.46 (2.44) 1.45 (1.31) 0.61 .59 0.11

110% 5.55 (5.08) 4.22 (9.35) 27.22 .30 0.20

120% 10.33 (11.87) 8.70 (16.31) 17.19 .51 0.12

130% 11.94 (12.85) 14.75 (13.14) 21.05 .88 0.03

140% 17.55 (19.40) 16.84 (25.03) 4.09 .93 0.02

150% 22.13 (18.55) 24.85 (32.93) 11.57 .51 0.12

160% 22.91 (14.93) 28.27 (26.63) 20.98 .04* 0.39

Data are median and interquartile range unless otherwise stated. Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used to verify for statistically significant differences after the intervention (ie, T0 vs T1
measures). Effect sizes values were estimated by dividing the z-statistic by the square root of the number of observations and interpreted as follows: 0.1 = small, 0.3 = moderate, and
0.5 = large effects.
Diff, relative difference [(T1-T0)/T0]*100; N/A, not applicable; rMT, resting motor threshold.
Statistically significant result is outlined by an asterisk.
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Paquette et al 9
Volume 00, Number 00 Neuromobilization Exercises for Individuals With CTS

Fig 3. (A) Recruitment curves showing motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) expressed as a ratio between MEP amplitude and maximal
compound muscle action potential (Mmax) plotted against different stimulus intensity proportional to the resting motor threshold. A
significant increase in MEP amplitude is noted after completion of the neuromobilization program identified by an asterisk. (B) Inter-
individual differences for each transcranial magnetic stimulation intensity after completion of the neuromobilization program. Individ-
uals who reported significant improvement in upper limb function and pain are identified with black dots. Note that some points may

among participants with CTS by 4.9% on the DASH scale Neuromobilization Exercises May Alter Median Nerve Integrity and
(compared to 8.5% averaged improvement in this study).15 Longitudinal Excursion
Overall, these results validate our rationale to further inves- Our results do not confirm the hypothesis that median nerve
tigate the underlying effects of our neuromobilization pro- integrity and mechanical properties are significantly and mean-
gram on peripheral and central adaptations. ingfully improved after completion of the neuromobilization
10 Paquette et al Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics
Neuromobilization Exercises for Individuals With CTS 2020

program. The absence of adaptation for the geometry meas- extent because we did not observe significant peripheral
ures, coupled with the potential adaptations for the grayscale adaptations of the structural integrity and mechanical proper-
and texture measures, indicates that our intervention had lim- ties (ie, longitudinal excursion) of the median nerve after
ited effects on the median nerve’s integrity. Likewise, our completion of the neuromobilization program. In contrast,
intervention also had limited effects on longitudinal nerve central adaptations of the central nervous system in individu-
excursion. Our results suggest that neuromobilization exercises als with symptomatic CTS remain highly plausible in light of
induce transient biomechanical effect, which may not translate the present findings. Hence, these adaptations deserve addi-
into lasting changes (eg, increased longitudinal excursion). To tional attention, as they may be a strong predictor of clinical
our knowledge, this is the first study to report the isolated progression and should be reported as an outcome in research
effect of neuromobilization exercise on the median nerve’s protocols and clinical practice whenever possible.9 Unfortu-
integrity. For comparison, prior studies investigating the effects nately, neurophysiological measurements obtained by trans-
of neuromobilization exercises also included the use of wrist cranial magnetic stimulation are not readily available in the
splints, which is a potential confounding variable.13,15,46 clinic. In this context, clinicians could consider using tests
Although we did not measure longitudinal excursion directly such as the 2-point discrimination, which can serve as a
within the carpal tunnel, previous research suggests that the proxy for somatosensory cortices plasticity.51,52 Specifically,
values of median nerve excursion measured at the forearm identifying individuals with a deficit in 2-point sensation
likely represent values found in adjacent nerve segments (ie, should prompt clinicians to include interventions promoting
carpal tunnel) when the wrist is extended.33,47 Future studies corticospinal adaptations. Likewise, adopting a multimodal
should aim to verify if different types of neuromobilization approach combining other interventions such as graded
(eg, tensioners) could induce changes in the median’s nerve motor imagery, pain education, or cognitive-targeted inter-
integrity or mechanical properties. ventions that have also been shown to produce central adap-
tations could potentiate the efficacy of neuromobilization
exercises in individuals with CTS.53,54
Neuromobilization Exercises Modify Corticospinal Excitability
Our results confirm the hypothesis that corticospinal
excitability increases after completion of the neuromobili- Limitations
zation program. The increase in the recruitment curve slope In this study, for pragmatic reasons, a home-based exercise
indicates stronger intracortical and corticospinal connec- program with weekly supervision was favored over sessions
tions, likely resulting from median nerve neuromobiliza- of neuromobilization performed by rehabilitation professio-
tion. Mechanical stimuli of the median nerve may share nals (eg, a physiotherapist). In addition, different outcomes
similarities with electrical stimulations of the peripheral are to be expected in response to different types of neurody-
nerve, which have been shown to induce motor cortex reor- namic techniques (ie, sliders vs tensioners). Thus, the present
ganization.48 Our program encompassed repetitions of findings may not generalize to other types or delivery modes
movements involving progression in complexity and feed- of neuromobilization exercises. Nonetheless, we consider that
back, 2 elements associated with motor cortex changes.49 the proposed home-based program has qualities (eg, safe, low
Therefore, motor cortex reorganization is a plausible mech- cost, easy to teach) that make it readily applicable in the clinic
anism that can be triggered by neuromobilization of the and future studies investigating the efficacy of different types
median nerve. There is evidence that improvements in of neuromobilization exercises for CTS. Considering these
function linked to plastic changes of the motor cortex, program attributes, the duration of the program may also need
including increased corticospinal excitability, occur after to be extended to potentiate long-term musculoskeletal and
an upper limb rehabilitation program among individuals central adaptations. Other limitations in this study were the
who have sustained a stroke.50 Those findings may general- relatively small sample size and the lack of multiple pre-inter-
ize to some extent into the CTS population. vention measures (ie, self-controlled design), or of a distinct
control group. In the context of this exploratory study, the
small sample size confirms the relevance of the constructs
Clinical Significance investigated (ie, the neuromobilization program appears to
In their daily practice, most rehabilitation professionals improve functional abilities and pain and, at least, promotes
focus on the biomechanical properties of neuromobilization central adaptations), despite uncertainties remaining regarding
exercises in their assessments and recommendations to their the clinical importance of these effects. Moreover, it confirms
patients, following the assumption that they promote healing the need for a large confirmatory study to strengthen the cur-
of the median nerve at the wrist (ie, peripheral effects). How- rent evidence. For example, a further study could assess the
ever, despite self-reported improvements in pain and upper recruitment curve, which includes 8 different intensities (ie, 1-
limb functional abilities (with large and moderate effect sizes, factor repeated-measures analysis of variance). If using a basic
respectively), our findings challenge this assumption to some rule of 10 participants per iteration, a sample size estimate of
Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics Paquette et al 11
Volume 00, Number 00 Neuromobilization Exercises for Individuals With CTS

80 participants would be required. Also, we acknowledge that Critical review (revised manuscript for intellectual content,
the use of controls could have provided relevant insights on this does not relate to spelling and grammar checking):
factors such as patient expectancy and placebo effect, which J.H., D.H.G.
have been shown to influence cortical plasticity.9 Nonetheless,
these limits do not alter our main findings that the proposed
neuromobilization program has little effect on the median
nerve biological integrity and mechanical properties, but mod-
ulates corticospinal excitability of individuals with CTS. Practical Applications
 Neuromobilization exercises alleviated pain
and optimized upper limb functional abilities.
 Neuromobilization exercises may alter median
nerve integrity and longitudinal excursion.
This exploratory mechanistic study indicates that a 4-  Neuromobilization exercises modified corti-
week neuromobilization program encompassing sliding cospinal excitability.
exercises may reduce pain and improve upper limb func-
tional abilities among individuals with CTS. These
improvements may be preferentially mediated via an
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