Instructions Cause and Consequence TEXT English Year 9 Version2

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ENGLISH & GEOGRAPHY, Autumn semester 2015 9A/9B/9C

Värner Rydén School, Malmö

HotSpots in Africa –
TEXT cause & consequence/effect

You have chosen an African country with English as a first or second language.
You have also chosen a HotSpot to focus on. This is what you are going to do

Carefully read the instructions in the LPP about sambandsmodellen och

analysmodellen (see illustrations and explanations below as well!)
Translate ALL the keywords / Kkey concepts in the world list in the LPP
– these are very important to use when writing your text!
Identify your HotSpot and the causes (orsak) and consequences
of this.

START planning your text: use the mind map below. Find causes by
searching the Internet for information. REMEMBER to write down ALL
the source you use. These have to be presented in your text and listed in
your reference list (källförteckning).

HotSpot – e.g.
CAUS(ES) poverty in South
Africa, corrupted CONSEQUENCE(S)
governments etc.
This is how you write your text:

 In the introduction: Tell the reader which country you have chosen.
Write briefly – not more than ½ (half) a page - about the country –
population, geography, history, language, religion (FACTS).
 Describe the HotSpot you have decided to focus on. Talk about the event
and its causes and consequences/effects. Here you use the information
from the mind-map! Write approx. 1 – 1 ½ pages.
 In the last part of the text you make a summary/conclusion of what you
have written AND you discuss what you think is going to happen next.

 This is how you structure the text – follow this template when writing.

1. Country – introduction of the assignment (1/2 a page).

2. HotSpot – here you write about the HotSpot, its cause(s) and its
consequence(s)/effect(s) (1 – 1 ½ pages).
3. Conclusion where you discuss what is going to happen next (1/2 a
4. Sources – here you list ALL the sources you have used in your text!
5. Reflection of sources used– use concepts such as credibility / perspective /
angle / primary & secondary source (1/2 a page).
Sambandsmodellen - för att utveckla ditt resonemang!

Analysmodellen - hjälper dig att analysera tex varför en

händelse har inträffat.

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