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What is OLPC?

One Laptop per Child (OLPC) is a project of the One Laptop per
Child Association Inc. (OLPC) is a U.S. non-profit
organization. The organization is led by the Foundation's
Chairman Nicholas Negroponte and the Association's Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer Rodrigo Arboleda Halaby. OLPC is
a non-profit organization funded by member organizations such as AMD, eBay, Google, News
Corporation, Red Hat, and Marvell. Its currently focus is on the development, construction and
deployment of the XO-1 laptop .


The XO-1 is designed to be low-cost, small, durable, and efficient. It is shipped with a slimmed-
down version of Fedora Linux and a GUI called Sugar that is intended to help young children
collaborate. The XO-1 includes a video camera, a microphone, long-range Wi-Fi, and a hybrid
stylus/touch pad. In addition to a standard plug-in power supply, human power and solar power
sources are available, allowing operation far from a commercial power grid. The XO-1 listed
the design goals of the device as follow

 minimal power consumption, with a design target of 2–3 W total power consumption
 minimal production cost, with a target of US$100 per laptop for production runs of
millions of units
 a "cool" look, implying innovative styling in its physical appearance
 e-book functionality with extremely low power consumption
 open source and free software provided with the laptop

Technology used in xo-1

The XO-1 is previously known as the "$100 Laptop" or "Children's
Machine" and it is an inexpensive laptop computer designed to be distributed
to children in developing countries around the world to provide them with
access to knowledge and opportunities to "explore experiment and express
themselves" . The laptop is manufactured by the Taiwanese computer
company Quanta Computer.
The rugged, low-power computers use flash memory instead of a hard drive, run a Fedora-based
operating system and use the Sugar user interface. Mobile ad-hoc networking based on the
802.11s wireless mesh network protocol allows students to collaborate on activities and to share
Internet access from one connection. The wireless networking has much greater range than
typical consumer laptops. The XO-1 has also been designed to be lower cost and much longer-
lived than typical laptops.

Sugar Learning Platform

The laptop user interface the software that children navigate to interact with the
Computer is called Sugar. It doesn’t look like Microsoft Windows, Apple OSX, or any
flavor of Linux, but it is Open Source software where any user can customize the code.
Based on the Linux operating system Sugar’s every aspect is designed to encourage

Mesh Networking
OLPC is implementing a new wireless Internet protocol called 802.11s which allows each XO-1 to
directly and instantly connect with another. This mesh network eliminates the need for a traditional
central computer router - each laptop automatically becomes a router - and allows every computer access
to any other computer’s Internet connection without a lengthy or complicated network formation process. 9
The mesh network is further enhanced by its connection through antennas on the top of the laptop, its
signature bunny ears, which allow the XO-1 to talk to XOs up to a kilometer away. \

Energy Efficiency
The XO-1 takes the greatest challenge of rural community computing, reliable electricity and makes it an
asset. The XO-1 is one of the world’s most power-efficient computers using only 3-6 Watts of power in
normal operation. This compares to 100+ Watts for traditional computers. 13 With such a low power draw,
the XO-1 can be recharged with small solar panels or other alternate energy sources. Combined with a
multi-battery charger, an entire classroom of XOs can be recharged for home use even if homes donot
have electricity


OLPC has produced and distributed the XO-1 laptop which is designed for children to learn in the
developing world - the XO-1 is rugged, easy-to-use, and should improve educational experiences for
teachers and students. The computers could open a window onto the world for the children and by
extension their families and community. The OLPC organization has abdicated the design of the
systematic change and educational infrastructure required to the implementing countries, which have
responded with varying degrees of success. In fact, it’s the opinion of OLPC News that there is a
misplaced impression that the XO-1 is a finished product or that OLPC delivers a "school in a box"
through XO-1 deployments. OLPC deployments are more like experimental projects, requiring long-term

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