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‘The nation that leads in renewable energy will be the nation that leads the world ’- James Cameron

The new era of this world needs more and more clean energy for
achieving the desired result in our day to day life to have a clean and
safe environment. Earlier man used to do work physically to do his
chores in day to day life. Now In the 21st century there has been a lot
of progress done in science. The industrial revolution in the 20th
century has brought a lot of changes in the surroundings and in our
life. We use modern appliances to do work, big machines to produce
products to do humongous amount of work in a short duration of
time for e.g. Washing machines for washing clothes, vacuum
cleaners to clean house, microwaves, ovens, refrigerators, air
conditioners etc. Thus indirectly for making our life comfortable we
are consuming per capita energy more than man used to consume in
the past. So to suffice this excess requirement; more energy is
required. This quantum of energy requirement is increasing with
leaps and bounds due to increasing in global population and per
capita consumption.


renewable Petroleum natural gas coal Nuclear

9% 10%




Source:-DK Encyclopedia
From the above graph most energy consumed in USA is from non-
renewable sources, with more than 80% deprived from fossil fuels.
Despite research just 10% comes from renewable sources .We use a
lot of energy in industrialized world, business, industry, transport etc.
In developed countries the most energy used are in industry and
transport sector. The main energy sources are broadly classified as
renewable and non-renewable sources. The non-renewable sources
create toxic substances and greenhouse gases which can be
threatening to the environment and health .e.g. Crude oil, coal,
nuclear energy etc. These are formed over millions of years by heat,
pressure and remains of plants and animals.
The disadvantages of the non-renewable sources are:-
a) They will exhaust in period of time
b) Consumption of this energy releases a lot of poisonous amount of
emissions in the atmosphere which causes harm to the environment
c) Various emission gases leads to global warming and causing a
disastrous life. This leads to various types of disasters like global
warming, forest fires, floods etc. The recent forest fires in Europe
and North America have led to a huge climate emergency. So the
scientists and the researchers are trying to build a machines which
are eco-friendly, cheap, less carbon footprints in the surrounding
areas, good sustainability and long lasting. So altogether we have to
produce “clean energy” which will be ecofriendly and also increases
the efficiency of the machine. This is nothing but other source of
energy i.e. achieved through renewable sources.
Energy produced by resources that cannot be exhausted of its
availability in the nature. Examples of renewable energy are:-i) solar
energy ii) Magnetic energy iii) hydropower energy iv) Wind power
Solar energy is the cleanest, cheapest source of energy. Sun is the
main source of this energy. It can be converted to thermal (using
solar panels, black surface, lenses and mirrors) and electrical energy
(using photo voltaic cells). It uses the sunlight and transfers it into
electricity with the help of EV cells; it stores energy so that it can be
used during night time. 2) Hydropower energy can be formed with
the help of flowing water which transforms that energy into various
forms, it is used as a backup power for production of electricity,
irrigation etc.3) Wind energy is nothing but indirect solar energy
caused due to flowing of air from high pressure area to low pressure
area caused by uneven heating and cooling of land surface of
different places.

Clean energy has a lot of advantages i.e. it can produce least amount
of greenhouse gas emissions, reduces chemical, radioactive and
thermal pollution. It diversifies energy supply into various forms,
making it cost effective and reasonable. Clean energy will make the
world a better place in the next few decades by releasing less
emission to make world cleaner place to live in. With the help of
technology, machine power and renewable resources. We can make
a career on clean energy because a lot of government organizations
and private sectors have a lot of job opportunity in area of research,
manufacturing project execution etc. As each coin has two sides
there are also disadvantages too like- it takes time to generate
electricity and needs huge amount of resources like sunlight, water
to convert it into various energies. But it is best to use these rather
than non-renewable energy sources which are limited and not eco-
friendly. As per the statistics it maybe said that by 2030 half of
global energy would be formed through clean energy resources.
Currently the production of clean energy is 10 % in the world (by
graph shown above) so we should increase the generation of energy
through renewable sources.
All the institutions, industries, homes, co-operative societies, offices
should contribute and do their bit in generation of clean energy by
installing solar panels, windmills, rain water harvesting, Bio gas etc.
in their premises to protect our mother earth.

Name: - Aditya Vivekanand

Age:-15 years
School – VidyaNiketan,Dombivili
Date:12th August 2021

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