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Absenteeism regarding the labour of a garments industry is selected
for study. By absenteeism the absentee loses his wages, which affects the
economic status of his family and the indulges chronic absenteeism he
endangers his own standard of having and his family as well.
The study was concerned in Palani Vijay CottSpin Private Limited,
Bommanallur. The main objective of the study is to find out t he factors
influencing absenteeism and identify the needs of the workers.
Statement of the Problem
Information regarding absenteeism among workers in an industry or
an industrial establishment on account of reasons other than strikes,
lockouts, lay-off weekly rest or suspension, provide a sound database for
gauging the employee’s morale, commitment and level of job satisfaction
which have a direct bearing on productivity of establishment. It is one of
the indicators to monitor and evaluate various employees welfare programs
and labour policies. With this aim in view, statistics on absenteeism
amongst the direct employed regular workers are collected as a part of the
Annual Survey of Industries.
The absentee loses his wages, which affects the economic status of
his family and the indulges chronic absenteeism he endangers his own
standard of having and his family as well. This study was concerned in
Palani Vijay CottSpin Private Limited, Bommanallur, The main objective
of the study is to find out the factors of influencing absenteeism and
identify the needs of the workers.

Unit of the Study
The study was concerned in Palani Vijay CottSpin Private Limited,
Bommanallur. It is one of the big garments industry in export market. It
started in the year of 1989.
A company has five departments and each department have the
individual manager to control the workers activities. The company has
fully equipped with all the modem machinery for producing its best quality
products. The national highway reaches within 10km from company.
And also it is on near Railway stations for smooth export.

Objectives of the Study

1. To find out the factors influence the workers for absent in Palani
Vijay CottSpin Private Limited, Bommanallur To know the
economic background and socio conditions of workers.
2. To find the reasons for absenteeism.
3. To know the physical and mental condition of the workers
specially in an absenteeism.
4. To give feasible suggestions to reduce the absenteeism rate.

Source of Data
A) Primary Data
Primary data were collected from respondents through direct
communication with questionnaire.
B) Secondary Data
Secondary data were collected from company files; records, journals,
magazines and websites etc.

Tools and Technique Used
There were 100 samples selected and these 100 samples were spread
over the entire company. Samples were selected through simple random
The simple percentage methods of tool used for tabulate. Bar charts,
pie diagram used for clear explanation.

Limitation of the Study

1. Most of the respondents hesitate to give personal details related to
2. Respondents were biased towards there information or opinion.
Any how cross checks were made to minimize the biasness.
3. The lack of time was also one of the limiting factor for the study.
4. Results were only on the basis of samples and the whole of the
employee in the unit was not taken for study.
5. The results of the analysis are confined to Palani Vijay Cottspin
Private Limited, Bommanallur and it’s labour’s absenteeism
Chapter scheme:
Chapter – I : Deals with the introduction, objective and
Chapter – II : Deals with the profile of the study area &
Chapter – III: Deals with theoretical aspects of absenteeism.
Chapter – IV: Deals with data analysis and interpretation.
Chapter – V : Deals with finding, suggestions and conclusion.

Profile of the Study Region

The area of study in Dharapuram Taluk in Thirupur District,

Bommanallur. Dharapuram Taluk is one of the seven taluks in
Thirupur district. A brief description of the study area regarding location,
population, occupation, size of the holding, climate and rainfall,
agriculture, Education, Industry and financial institutions is given below.
Dharapuram Taluk is in Thirupur district in Tamilnadu. Dharapuram
is located at 10°32′N 77°57′E10.53°N 77.95°E It has an average elevation
of 219 metres (718 feet) of the East longitude. It is surrounded by Palani-
22 km Karur -98 km Trichy -188 km.
As of 2001 India census, Dharapuram had a population of 10,813.
Males constitute 51% of the population and females 49%. Dharapuram has
an average literacy rate of 75%, higher than the national average of 59.5%:
male literacy is 81%, and female literacy is 70%. In Dharapuram, 17% of
the population is under 6 years of age. In population, more than 70% are
Hindus and second most population is Muslims and 3 to 4% are Christians
As most part of Dharapuram Taluk is surrounded by villages, nearly
1,44,513 of the total population live in villages and their main occupation
is agriculture. About 8,060 hectares are used for growing variety of crops.

Size of the Holding
As most part of Dharapuram Taluk is surrounded by villages nearly
1,44,513 of the total population live in villages and their main occupation is
agriculture nearly 8,060 hectares are used for growing variety of crops.
The distribution of house holds by size of holding reveals that over
83 percent to the farmers in marginal and small farmers, who cultivate less
than half of the cultivable area. The remaining 17 percent of the farmers
are medium and large who cultivate more than half of the cultivable area.
Climate and Rainfall
The climate of this Taluk is always moderate. It gets rain through
the southwest monsoon. The northeast monsoon also brings during
September, October and November every year. It has both cool and hot
climate because this region is surrounded by water stagnated area of
Amaravathi and Varadhama, Dharapuram and its surrounding areas are
setting rainfall from two monsoon seasons.
This taluk economy is based on agriculture. The intensity of
cropping and productivity are found to be rather low Paddy, Cholam,
Cumbu, Maize, Ragi, Grams, Sugar Cane, Groundnut and Cotton are the
important crops grown in this taluk. Fruits and vegetables are also
cultivated in this taluk.
Agriculture and Allied Activities
Due to vast grazing land and hills available in this taluk the people
are engaged is calf sheep and goat rearing. These activities are particularly

suited to the small and marginal farmers and labourers in hills area for
generating additional income.
Literacy Rate
Literacy rate varies among male and female population, male literacy
rate of 68% and female 32% literacy rate is 49% as against the All India
literacy level for female of 31%. Three colleges, Two polytechnic, One
Engineering College and computer training centers in Dharapuram Taluk
here. Besides 9 many schools are also situated to provide education at the
primary level and higher secondary level in the study area.
Medium and large scale Industries are located in Dharapuram Taluk.
Main Industries are spinning, weaving printing and transport equipment.
Co-operative sector is functioning here.
Apart from agriculture, the main occupation of this Taluk is
household industries textile mills, paper mills flourmills, sugar mills, small
textile mills, and a number of waste cotton mills, spinning mills, poultry
firm and Bamboo making units are also functioning well in this town.
Financial Institutions
In Dharapuram Taluk, there are 23 Primary agricultural co-operative
banks are providing short – term, Medium Term loans to its members.
Further, commercial banks, Urban Bank, Indian Bank, Canara Bank, State
Bank of India give many types of loans to the people.
Service Sector
Service sector, which forms part and parcel of daily life, meats the
day to way news of the people, public conveyance, lorry transport, mini –
tempo, minibus, taxi and auto services, Tonga services are sufficiently

available in Dharapuram Taluk. Based on these services, the activities are
grouped under three heads.
 Transport Operation
 Retail Trade and Small Business
 Professional and Self Employment
A part from this panchayat roads are connecting all the nook and
corner of this taluk. It also enjoys is situated at 3 Km from busstand.
Realizing the importance of Dharapuram Taluk the researcher has
selected Dharapuram Taluk as a research area for this study.
About Garments Industry
In this context, we find that Garment Industry has “become a
dynamic growth area in exports, and it will be worth while to well a little
on its growth and prospects.
The Garment Industry in India has developed mainly through export
efforts. The exports which were of the order of Rs.12 crores in 1970 – 71,
have increased to RSAO12 crores in 1990 – 91 and Rs.8112 crores in
1993-94. Indian garments are being exports to various parts of the world.
Yet our share in the world trade in clothing is less than 2%. To under
standing this phenomenon it would be necessary to comprehend the
international setting in which trade in textiles and clothing takes place.
International trade in textiles and clothing has been regulated since
1974 under the aegis of the Multifibre Arrangement (MFA). An important
provision in the MFA is the provision for regulating exports through
bilateral textile pacts between the exporting and importing countries.
India has bilateral trade agreements with USA, EEC, Austria,
Sweden, Norway, Finland and Canada under the multi fiber agreement.The

bulk of India’s exports of garments (80%) is to the countries with which
India has entered into bilateral agreements under MFA.
The Indian readymade garment industry has many advantages over
its counterparts in other countries. It fits nearly into the Indian economic
scene, as it consists of a large number of its in the small scale and cottage
industries sector. And is consequently labour intensive providing
employment to millions of workers. Its basic raw material, namely, fabric,
comes mostly from the decentralized power loom sector which in turn
sustains a large number of weavers.
In the coming years the garment industry, given the vast labour force
in the country and the country and the cotton edge, can expand its export
The company has the General Manager to manage the five
departments. The departments were,
1. Purchase Department
2. Production Department
3. Marketing and Sales Department
4. Personnel Department and
5. Accounts Department
Each department has the individual manager to control the worker
activity. Palani Vijay CottSpin Private Limited, Bommanallur product has
a total work of Two hundred and twenty people involved in the production
process an office. Understanding the pulse and trend of the export market
Palani Vijay CottSpin Private Limited, Bommanallur got equipped with all
the machinery’s to meet the challenging export market of unit garments.

The company is fully equipped with all the moderns machinery’s for
producing its best quality products.








8.30 – 10.45 - Work.
10.45 - 11.00 - Tea Time.
11.00 - 12.30 - Work.
12.30 - 1.30 - Lunch.
1.30 - 2.45 - Work.
2.45 - 3.45 - Tea Time.
3.45 - 5.30 - Work.
Night Shift
Same time in morning shift but lunch time of morning shift is taken
as a rest time of night shift. Some persons take meals at the time of rest.
Shift Name
Morning 8.30 to Evening 5.30 1 Shift
Night 8.30 to Morning 5.30 1 Shift.
Morning 8.30 to Night 8.30 1 and ½ Shift.
Morning 8.30 to Night 12.30 Full Night.
(IN Rs.)
Fabric Processing
 Knitting labours 120
 Dyeing labours 50
 Tumble dry 60
 Steam calendaring and compacting 80
 Printing, fusing and curing
o Master 120

o Helper 65

(IN Rs.)
 Tailoring 115
 Sewing
 Power table
o Pad lock 120
o Over lock 95
 Singer 150

Welfare Activities
 Rest rooms
 Toilet facilities
 Quarters with nominal rent
 Lunch Room
 Loan facilities
 First aid facilities.

Review of Literature
India is one of the fast developing countries in the world. We can
establish ourselves and compelled with west, only when we are
economically strong. Most of our people invaded in agriculture, next to
agriculture, majority of the populations induced in the industrial sector.
We have not given much attention to the working class till recently.
The problems of industrial labour deserves a mention because they are
directly responsible for the speedy and steady growth of the nation. In the
industrial sector it is increasingly significant that absenteeism is one of the
important problems, which has to be seriously deals with the workers
himself is not affected by absenteeism by his act his family also suffers.
Concept of Absenteeism
“Absenteeism is the practice or habit of being an absence and an
absentee”, is one who habitually stays away”.
According top Labour Bureau, “Absenteeism is the total man shifts
lost because of absences as percentage of the total number of man shifts
scheduled to work”.
The US department of labour defines “absenteeism as the failure of
workers to report on the job when they are scheduled to work, that is when
they are actually on the payroll”.

As per view of S.Bhaba, “Absenteeism is, a failure of an employee
to report the work when their scheduled to work”. Dr. K.S. Desai
explains, “when a worker’s fail to report for duty when he is expected to
report may be regarded as an absentee.

Index of Absenteeism
The index of absenteeism is calculated as follows
Man – Shift lost in hours
____________________________________ x 100.
Absenteeism =Total man – shift scheduled to work in hours.

Effect of Absenteeism
The adverse effect of absenteeism is to be listed. The high role of
Absenteeism in India is a serious two – hold problems effecting both
employers and workers they are described as below :
1. On industry.
2. On workers.
On Industry
Absenteeism in industry stops machines, disturbs processes, creates
production hampers smooth flow or continuity of work, upsets production
targets results in production losses, increases direct overhead costs,
increase work load by inexperienced workers are creating problem of
recruitment, training job adjustments, moral attitudes, increasing the
machine working time, rejection of finished products, breakdown
machinery and consequent idle Machine hours.
Absenteeism in one hand directly contributes to the rise in
production costs while on the other it deprives the industry of its hand

earned reputation due to the deterioration in quality of goods produced and
the delay in supply to valued customers.
On Workers
Frequent absenteeism adversely affects the economy of the workers
himself. If reduces his earning and adds to his induces his earning and
adds to his indebtedness, decreases his purchasing power, makes it difficult
for him to meet necessities of life, leading to personal problems of an
attitude of moral.
General Causes of Absenteeism
Absenteeism has become amore serious problem in developing
country like India, some its causes are
Personal Factors
Personal factors such as age, marital status, health, education vice
and extra curricular activities.
Social and Religious Ceremonies
Social and religious ceremonies and festivals, which divert the
workers from the work, even the Indian workers to stay away from the
Bad Working Condition
Irritating and intolerable heat and moisture, noise and vibrations in
the factory, bad lighting condition, dust and turns and over crowding all of
these affect the workers health, causing him to remain absence for long
Industrial Fatigue
The virtually of the Indian worker is very low because of
malnutrition, poor housing, unsanitary and unhealthy conditions of life.

Due to dry climate and working nature of the workers result fertileness of
the workers to seek home part time job to earn some side income.

Most of workers suffer from high degree of indebtness workers are
always worried about financial matters such as workers absent themselves
or ever resign to escape the money lenders. As a absenteeism is high.
Inadequate Leave Facility
The leave sanctioned by the department is not adequate to the labour,
it will create the absenteeism.
Lack of Transport Facilities
The reason is applicable to the industries particularly those which
are, away from the urban area. Because of this reason, the workers will
present to the working place lately and following this habit due to industry
regulation and due to some other reasons they absent themselves.
Special Causes of Absenteeism
In the book “Industrial Relations and Personnel Management”
written by Dr. M.V. Pylee, A. simon George was listed the important
factors leading to absenteeism can be listed
1. Long working hours
2. Bad working conditions
3. Boredom (Boring Job / Uninterest work)
4. Lack of Co-operation and understanding between management
and workers.

5. Sickness
6. Accidents
7. Occupational Diseases
8. Fatigue
9. Problem of transport facilities
10. Low wages
11. Lack of proper medical and health programmer
12. Lack of canteen service, rest rooms etc.
13. Bad housing conditions
14. Evil of drinking
15. Social or religious festivals
16. Harvest seasons
17. Marriages
18. Domestic problems and consequent worries etc.

Data Analysis

In this chapter collected data are analysed and interpreted with the
help of following tables.
Table No.1: Age of the Respondents
Age Percentage of Respondents
20- 25 36
26 – 30 28
31 – 35 20
36 -40 10
41 and above 6
Total 100
The above table reveals that, 36% of the respondents are
belongs to the age group of 20 -25 years, 28% of the respondents belongs
to 26 – 30 years, 20% of the respondents fall in between 31 – 35 years,
10% are in the age group of 36-40 and 6% are 41 and above years.
Majority of the respondent are below 30 years (4%).

Table No.2: Sex of Respondents

Sex Percentage of Respondents
Male 60
Female 40
Total 100

The above table reveals that, the male respondents are 60% and
female respondents are 40%. In this analysis more no. of male workers are
participator is the production function. Female worker is participation in
production is very low.

Table No.3: Educational qualification of Respondents

Qualification Percentage of respondents
Illiterate 10
Upto S.S.L.C. 52
Upto H.S.C 30
U.G. 6
P.G 2

It is clear from the above table that 52% of the respondents have
studies up to S.S.L.C., 30% of respondents have studied up to H.S.C. 6% of
the respondents have studied under graduate course, 2% have studies post
graduate courses and the remaining 10% of respondents were illiterate.
The most of the respondent education are at only school level. (82%).

Table No.4: Experience of Respondents

Experience Percentage of Respondents
(in years)
1–5 60
6 – 10 30
11 and above 10
Total 100

It is clear from the above table, that 60% of the respondents are
having 1-5 years experience, 30% of the respondents are having 6-10 years
and 10% are having 11 and above years experience. Only 40% of the
employees having above five years experience.

Table No.5: Opinion about the Family Budget

Family Budget Percentage of Respondents
Deficit 64
Adequate 34
Surplus 2
Total 10

From the sample, 64% of the respondents are having deficit budgets,
34% of them are enough to meet their requirements and 2% have a surplus
budget. The lost of the respondents were saying their family budget is
deficit (64%).

Table No.6: Other Sources of Income of Respondents

Sources of Income Percentage of Respondents

Have 42

Does not Have 58

Total 100

Out of the sample, 42% have other sources of income and 58% do
not have any other sources of income. The most of the respondents does
not have any other source of income.
Table No.7: Opinion about the Present Wage Structure

Response Percentage of Respondents

Satisfied 28

Not Satisfied 72

Total 100

The above table shows that 72% of the respondents are not satisfied
with the present wage structure and the remaining 28% of the respondents
are satisfied with the present wage. Most of the respondents are not
satisfied with the present wage structure.
Table No.8: Indebtedness of Respondents

Response Percentage of Respondents

Yes 64

No 36

Total 100

Out of the samples of 64% of them are having debts and 36% of
them are not having any debts. Majority of the respondents are having
debt. Most of the workers suffers from high degree of indebtedness
workers are always worried about financial matters such as workers absent
themselves or ever resign to escape the money lenders. As a absenteeism is
Table No.9: Respondents Opinion about the Present job

Response Percentage of Respondents

Very much satisfied 4

Satisfied 42

Dissatisfied 52

Very much dissatisfied 2

Total 100

From the above table it is clear that 52% of the respondents are not
satisfied with their work, 42% of the respondents are satisfied, 4% of the
respondents are fully satisfied and 2% are strongly dissatisfied with their
present job work. Majority of the respondents says they have
dissatisfaction on their job (52%).

Table No.10: Mode of Transport Used by Respondents

Mode of Transport Percentage of Respondents

Bicycle 18

Motor cycle 34

Bus 40

Any other 8

Total 100

The above table shows that 18% of the respondents come with
bicycle, 34% of the respondents are come with motor cycle, and 40% are
reach the company by bus, 8% is come under any mode of transport
category. Most of the respondents using bus for their transport (40%).

Table No.11: Transport Facility Towards Absent

Response Percentage of Respondents

Affected 18

Not – Affected 46

Occasionally 36

Total 100

The above table show that 18% of the respondents are affected by
mode of transport to reach the work spot, 46% of the respondents are not
affected and 36% of the respondents are absent occasionally if the mode of
transport gets disrupted. Because of this reason, the workers will present to
the working place lately and following this habit us to industry regulation
and due some other reasons they absent themselves.

Table No.12: Relationship affect being Absent

Particulars Percentage of Respondents

Yes 30

No 60

Sometime 10

Total 100

From the above table, 30% of the respondents says, they have to
absent due to their co-worker and supervisors relationship, 60% are says
the above factor don’t affect them, 10% are says sometime take absent due
to their relationship.

Table No.13: Opinion of Respondents about the Leave Benefits

Leave Benefits Percentage of respondents

Satisfied 28

Dissatisfied 72

Total 100

The above table shows that 72% of the respondents are not satisfied
and 28% of the respondents are satisfied with the leave benefits. Most of
the respondents are not satisfied about the leave benefits (72%). Most of
the respondents are not satisfied about the leave benefits. The leave
sanctioned by department is not adequate to the labour, it will create the
absenteeism. The virtuality of the Indian worker is very low. Because of
malnutrition, poor housing, unsanitary and unhealthy conditions of life.

Table No.14: Working Conditions of the Company

Response Percentage of Respondents

Satisfied 86

Dissatisfied 14

Total 100

The above table indicates 86% of the respondents have satisfied with
working condition and only 14% of the respondents have not satisfied with
the working condition. Majority of the respondents are satisfied their
working condition (86%). Due to dry climate and working nature of the
workers result fertileness of the workers to seek home part time job to earn
some side income.

Table No.15: Respondents Opinion about the Shift Timing

Shift Timing Percentage of Respondents

Convenient 74

Not - convenient 26

Total 100

The above table shows that, 74% of the respondents are says their
shift timing is convenient and other 26% of the respondents are says it is
not convenient. In this analysis, majority of the respondents says that
present shift timings is very convenient to work. Because the workers are
coming with in the limits of 5km from the company.

Table No.16: Respondents Responses about Work Load

Work Load Percentage of Respondents

Heavy 68

Normal 32

Total 100

The above table shows that 68% of the respondents feel that the
work load is heavy, 32% of the respondents feel that the workload is
normal. Most of the respondents are says that their work load is heavy
(68%). Irritating and intolerable heat moisture, noise and vibrations in the
factory, bad lighting condition, dusts and dums over crowding all these
affect the workers health, causing home to remain absence for long time.

Table 17: Inducement of Illness Towards Absent

Particulars Percentage of Respondents

Yes 78

No 22

Total 100

The above table show that 78% of respondents or says that illness
will induce them for absent. Remaining 22% of respondents are says no
for inducement op illness towards absent.

Table No.18: Reasons for Applying Leave by Respondents

Reasons Percentage of Respondents

Domestic Affairs 54

Ill health 36

Work environment 4

Others 6

Total 100

The above table shows that 54% of the respondents are taking leave
for their domestic affairs, 36% of the respondents take leave due to the ill
health, 4% are take leave due to work environment and 7% are take leave
for other purpose. Majority of the respondents are take leave for domestic
affairs (54%).

Table No.19: Respondents Involvement in Different Activities
Activities Percentage of Respondents
Religions 26
Political 34
Sports 12
Others 28
Total 100

The above table shows that 34% of the respondents involved in the
political activities, 26% of the respondents involved in the religious
activities, 12% are involved in the sports activities and 28% of the
respondents involved in other activities. Majorities of the respondents are
involved in political activities. (34%).

Table No.20: Long Leave taken by Respondents

Response Percentage of Respondents

Yes 12
No 88
Total 100

The above table shows that 88% of the respondents are say that they
did not take any leave. Remaining 12% of the respondents have taken long

Table No.21: Respondents Opinion about Leave Sanctioning by
Response Percentage of Respondents
Satisfactory 66
Dissatisfactory 24
No Command 10
Total 100

The above table reveals that, 66% of the respondents are satisfied,
24% are dissatisfied and others are says no command toward leave
sanctioning by higher authority. Majority of the respondents are, satisfied
about leave sanctioning by their department (66%).

Table No.22: Absenteeism on Different Categories

No. of days
S.NO. Category Division %
25 – 30 5 5.5
1. Age Group
36 And above. 8 8.8

Male 6 6.6
2. Sex Group
Female 8 8.8

Educational Illiterate – SSLC 4 4.4

Qualification HSC – Degree 5 5.5

1-5 4 4.4
4. Experience
6 and above 7 7.7

Bachelor 4 4.4
5. Marital Status
Married 7 7.7

Other Source Of Have 6 6.6

Income Not have 3 3.3

Present Wage Satisfied 5 5.5

Structure Not Satisfied 4 4.4

Opinion About Satisfied 4 4.4

Present Job Not Satisfied 6 6.6

Upto 10KM 5 5.5

9. Distance
More than 10 KM 7 7.7

Affection Yes 5 5.5

Relationship No 3 3.3

Transport Facility Affected 5 5.5

Towards Absent Occasionally 4 4.4

Satisfied 4 4.4
12 Leave Benefit
Not Satisfied 6 6.6

Satisfied 4 4.4
13. Working Condition
Not Satisfied 5 5.5

Convenient 5 5.5
14. Shift Timing
Not – convenient 6 6.6
15. Work Load Heavy 7 7.7

Normal 5 5.5

Yes 8 8.8
16. Illness
No 5 5.5
Domestic & Ill
7 7.7
17. Reason for Leave
Work Environment
5 5.5
& Others
Religion &
6 6.6
18. Activities Involved Political
Sports & Others 4 4.4

Satisfied 5 5.5
19. Leave Sanction
Not Satisfied 7 7.7

The above table describes the absenteeism rate of labours on Palani

Vijay CottSpin Private Limited, Bommanallur. The number of days absents
were labour’s past three months absent figures.

Findings and Suggestions

 36% of the respondents are belongs to the age group of 20-25 years.
 60% of the respondents are the male respondents.
 Most of the respondents (52%) have studied upto S.S.L.C.
 60% of the respondents are having 1-5 years experience.
 38% of the respondents are Bachelor.
 Most of the respondents (64%) having deficit Budget.
 58% do not have any other source of income.
 72% of the respondents are not satisfied with the present wage
 64% of the respondents are having debts.
 52% of the respondents are not satisfied with their works.
 Most of the respondents (70%) are using with in 10KM from the
 34% of the respondents come with Motor cycle.
 46% of the respondents are not affected by the transport facilities.
 Most of the respondents (94%) are have good relationship with co-
 62% of the respondents have good relationship with supervisors.
 60% of the respondents says no for that relationship affect being
 72% of the respondents are not satisfied for leave benefits.
 Most of the respondents (92%) are not involved in any accident
inside the company.

 86% of the respondents have satisfied with working condition and
also most of the respondents (90%) says working condition can’t
induce them for absent.
 74% of the respondents are says their shift timing is convenient.
 Most of the respondents (68%) are feel that the work load is heavy.
 Majority of the respondents (54%) are taking leave for their domestic
 58% of the respondents are says medical facilities not satisfied.
 34% of the respondents involved in the political activities.
 12% of the respondents are having the habit of smoking.

 8% of the respondents are having the habit of drinking, on it’s 25%

of the respondents says that habit induce them for absent.
 82% of the respondents do not have any illness.
 There are 24% of the respondents take long leave.
 66% of the respondents satisfied regarding leave sanction by head.
1. The company must need its own transport facility.
2. The management should frame the job content through
detailed analysis.
3. The management should take decision regarding to change the
shift timing.
4. The company should provide quarters facilities to employees,
it avoid the problem of labour turnover.

5. The management should allow the workers to participate
management or otherwise ask ideas from there. It will reduce
the absenteeism.
6. The company give a small gift to good attendance holder in
every month, the problem of absenteeism can reduce.
7. The company should improve the welfare facilities and its
qualities, for getting more job satisfaction.
8. The management should know the labour were their assets of
the company, Because they can also create goodwill.
9. Most of the workers were not satisfied by the present leave
system. So, the company could take steps to modify the
present leave system.
10. Seminars will take to labours regard how to maintain good
health and avoid illness.
11. When an employee who was absent without leave on a
working day, and after returns to work, send him to personnel
department and make an investigation.
12. Personnel department must be give oral or / and written
warning to workers at the time of absent.
This study analysed the causes for absenteeism and drawn some
Measures to minimize the absenteeism. A summary of conclusion
arrived at on the basis of simple statistical analysis. The analysis describes,
the age group of the respondents are 36 and above were taking more
percentage (8.8%) of leave when compare to the low age respondents.

In sex group, the female labour’s leave percentage is 8.8%. When
compare to the male respondents it is high. So female respondents are
highly absenting the job. In educational qualification, the educated
respondents have high rate of absenteeism.(5.5%).
When comparing the inexperienced respondents, the experienced
respondents are having high rate of absenteeism (6.6%). In marital status
the married people have more number of absent percentage (7.7%).
The respondents who having other source of income were take more
leaves (6.6%). The respondents who have satisfied level of wages were
take 5.5% of leaves with in a three months. The respondents who have
says not satisfied for the opinion regarding present job were highly
absented their works (5.7%).
The respondents who came from more than 10 K.M. are 7.7% of
absenteeism and the transport facilities induce the absent for 4.4%.
The unsatisfied nature of working condition creates more
absenteeism (4.4%) and the inconvenient shift time of working have high
percentage of absenteeism.(5.5%).
The respondents who say work load is heavy have the highest rate of
absenteeism (7.7%). The majority of the respondents take leave for the
purpose of domestic affairs and Ill health the absenteeism rate is (7.7%).
The respondents who were involved religious and political activities
are high percentage of absenteeism. (6.6%). The respondents who says not
satisfied for the leave sanction by their departments having 7.7% of
The problem of absenteeism has three sides. It is a problem to both
the individual as well as to the industry. The loss of productivity to the

industry and income to the individual make absenteeism a problem to the
national economy.
The study describes that most of respondents feel that, they are not
satisfied with their wage structure and the transport facilities which are
provided by the company and most of the people say that work load is
heavy which affect their health.
The management could take proper action based on the suggestion.
Since the respondent themselves as well as the researcher have given this
suggestion based on the data collected in the Palani Vijay CottSpin Private
Limited, Bommanallur can progress greatly an eliminate of the problem of
absenteeism by adopting measures suggested above.
The study may be helpful to take the measures to control rate of
absenteeism. It will prove good industrial climate of improve the corporate
image of the organization.

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