Water Treatment Plant, Group Assignment Report

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06 JULY 2021


1.a) Background
Lake Manyame has a full capacity surface area of 81 km2 with a maximum water depth of 22.6 m compared
(ZPWMA, 2005). The lake has a drainage area of 3792 km2 (Nhapi, 2007). The Gwebi River, a major
tributary to Lake Manyame, originates in the Mazowe and Manyame catchment area before eventually
uploading into Lake Manyame. The activities around the area are a mixture of land use patterns in both
catchments, with the main land uses comprising agricultural, industrial, residential and recreational
practices (Beaven Utete, 2013).

b.) Possible sources of contamination

Intermetallic correlation and the ameliorative effects of metals (Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb and Zn) were
determined in water and sediments in the Gwebi River, which is a source of potable water to the City of
Harare. Water and sediment were sampled at four selected sites in the wet (December-March) and dry
(April-November) seasons and metal concentrations were analysed by flame atomic absorption
spectroscopy (FAAS). It was concluded that a significantly high concentrations of zinc and copper were
observed in water in both the wet and dry season. Concentrations of chromium, copper, zinc iron and nickel
in water in both the wet and dry seasons surpassed World Health Organization (WHO) thresholds (Beaven
Utete, 2013).

According to an Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) software and GeoServer based
study, the minimum value of the turbidity increased from 1.2 NTU in 1986 to 3.6 NTU in 2015, whilst the
maximum parameter value increased from 3.2 to 5.8 NTU throughout the study period (Ronald Muchini,
2018). The minimum values of total phosphorus varied from 0.00 to 0.91 mg L−1 from 1986 to 2015. In the
same vein, the maximum total phosphorus varied from 0.04 to 6.82 mg L−1. This variation shows that the
water quality (with respect to TP) has been deteriorating with time from 1986 (Ronald Muchini, 2018).
Total Suspended Solids were actually retrogressive in that from 1986 to 2015 the maximum and minimum
values varied from 3.25 to 1.77 mug L−1 and 0.39 to 0.37 mug L−1 respectively. However, the retrogression
was not gradual, an increase is noted from 1995 to 2005 on the maximum values as well as a slight increase
to 2015 (Ronald Muchini, 2018)

Lake Manyame is situated in an intensive agricultural farming area where use of fertilizers and pesticides
is high. The Upper Manyame River Basin is however 90 % rural and 10 % urban (Nhapi, 2007).) There are
eleven major land use categories, established Munzwa (1982) which are currently expanding, in the Upper
Manyame catchment which are: lakes and dams; sewage farms; hospitals; industrial areas; Central Business
District (CBD) and avenues; residential areas; cultivation and rural subsistence farming; cultivation and
commercial farming; grassland and vlei; shrubland and woodland (including plantations). This land use
pattern has a direct bearing on water pollution.

c.) Possible Solution

One solution lies in developing an inter-organizational, cooperative management plan which ensures that,
through the many institutional authority bodies, a long-term sustainable strategy for the management of the
catchment area is developed. A prerequisite for sound environmental management and sustainable
development is good governance. No amount of technological prowess can circumvent bad governance
(Magadza, 2003).

Many seasonal and permanent streams within the Manyame catchment have attendant wetlands which used
to be left as ecological lungs for the city. It is recommended that the authority re-examine its current policy
of converting wetlands into residential or industrial areas, or condoning cultivations on such wetlands
(Magadza, 2003).

It is further recommended that wetlands of streams associated with the residential areas should be managed
for surface run-off, and where possible, wetlands should be constructed for this purpose. Such wetlands,
when properly managed and landscaped, can serve both as recreational and nature conservation areas while
performing valuable services in water quality management (Magadza, 2003).

There is an urgent need for sustained public awareness campaigns to impress on the residents of the Lake
Manyame environs of the close linkage between their activities and the waters they drink. Many residents
are unaware of the fact that what they perceive as dirty street water eventually ends up on the meal table.
Wastewater treatment plants and water abstraction plants have been traditionally out of bounds from the
public. Whatever the reasons for this, it reinforces public ignorance of the state of the water resources while
providing an excuse for the local authorities to be unaccountable to their ratepayers. (Magadza, 2003). Lake
Manyame is situated downstream of the discharge point of the residues from Morton Jaffray waterworks.
There are limited studies concerning aluminium pollution from waterworks’ residues. However, the
residues discharged by Morton Jaffray water treatment plant have been linked to fish kills in Lake Manyame
though these are still assertions(Magadza, 2003).

2. Proposal of a technical solution for water treatment.

Figure 1: Water Treatment Plant Flow Diagram (United States Environmemental Protection Agency, 2011)

Water intakes at Lake Manyame will be retrofitted with screens to minimize the amount of large sediments
that will be allowed into the intake structure prior to pumping water from the lake to the Water Treatment

Coagulation, Flocculation and Sedimentation

Chemicals used for coagulation:

Aluminum Sulfate (Most Common), Sodium Aluminate, Aluminum chloride, Ferric Sulfate, Ferrous
sulfate, Ferric chloride, Ferric chloride sulfate, Hydrated lime, Magnesium Carbonate and Aluminum

The principal advantages of pre-polymerized inorganic coagulants are that they are able to function
efficiently over wide ranges of pH and raw water temperatures. They are less sensitive to low water
temperatures; lower dosages are required to achieve water treatment goals; less chemical residuals are
produced; and lower chloride or sulfate residuals are produced, resulting in lower final water TDS. They
also produce lower metal residuals.

Aluminum Sulfate was chosen as the chemical for treatment because it is the easiest to procure due to its
wide use within the industry, it is cheaper than pre-polymerized coagulants and pre-polymerized inorganic
coagulants are prepared with varying basicity ratios, base concentrations, base addition rates, initial metal
concentrations, ageing time, and ageing temperature. The highly specific nature of these products makes
their formulation best when based on a particular water since it is case specific, and needs to be determined
by jar testing. Therefore, in some applications alum may outperform some of the polyaluminum chloride
formulations. (Bratby, 2006)
Sand Filters
Two types of sand filters are in use: slow and rapid. Slow filters require much more surface area than rapid
filters and are difficult to clean.

Mixed Media Filters

A dual-media filter consists of a layer of anthracite coal above a layer of fine sand. The upper layer of coal
traps most of the large floc, and the finer sand grains in the lower layer trap smaller impurities. This process
is called in-depth filtration, as the impurities are not simply screened out or removed at the surface of the
filter bed, as is the case in slow sand filters. In order to enhance in-depth filtration, mixed-media filters are
used in some treatment plants. These have a third layer, consisting of a fine-grained dense mineral called
garnet, at the bottom of the bed.

Rapid filters are housed in boxlike concrete structures, with multiple boxes arranged on both sides of a
piping gallery. A large tank called a clear well is usually built under the filters to hold the clarified water
temporarily. A layer of coarse gravel usually supports the filter media. When clogged by particles removed
from the water, the filter bed must be cleaned by backwashing. In the backwash process, the direction of
flow through the filter is reversed. Clean water is forced upward through the media, expanding the filter
bed slightly and carrying away the impurities in wash troughs. The backwash water is distributed uniformly
across the filter bottom by an underdrain system of perforated pipes or porous tile blocks.

Because of its reliability, the rapid filter is the most common type of filter used to treat public water supplies.

Pressure Filters and Diatomaceous Earth Filters

Pressure filters and diatomaceous earth filters are used most often for industrial applications or for public
swimming pools.

A pressure filter has a granular media bed, but instead of being open at the top like a gravity-flow rapid
filter, it is enclosed in a cylindrical steel tank. Water is pumped through the filter under pressure.

In diatomaceous earth filters, a natural powder like material composed of the shells of microscopic
organisms called diatoms is used as a filter media. The powder is supported in a thin layer on a metal screen
or fabric, and water is pumped through the layer.

The addition of chlorine or chlorine compounds to drinking water may be done through liquid and solid
forms—for instance, liquid sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite in tablet or granular form.
However, the direct application of gaseous chlorine from pressurized steel containers is usually the most
economical method for disinfecting large volumes of water.
Taste or odour problems are minimized with proper dosages of chlorine at the treatment plant, and a residual
concentration can be maintained throughout the distribution system to ensure a safe level at the points of
use. Chlorine can combine with certain naturally occurring organic compounds in water to produce
chloroform and other potentially harmful by-products (trihalomethanes). The risk of this is small when
chlorine is applied after coagulation, sedimentation, and filtration.

Classification of water treatment plants

▪ Conventional water treatment

Most common treatment carried out in stages from coagulation to chlorination and storage

▪ Advanced Water Treatment

Covers all aspects which are not regarded as biological or mechanical

Procedure for water treatment

River Water/ Lake


Many water treatment plants utilize water from more than one source. Blending groundwater with surface
water is a method often used to improve the quality of the final product. The basic function of the intake
structure is to help safely withdraw water from the water source and to discharge this water into the
withdrawal conduit (normally called intake conduit). The water is diverted through a raw water gravity pipe
into the wet well (intake)

The average discharge (Q avg.) used in the design of the intake is described as follows:

(Q avg.) =0.23 m3/s

When four pipes were used to convey raw water.

Q per one gravity pipe = Q/4 =0.058 m3/s

Velocity inside the gravity pipe = 1 m/s.

Area (A) = Discharge (Q) / velocity (v)

Area (A) = 0.058/1 = 0.058 m3

Diameter of each gravity wall = 0.5 m

No. of wells = 4, circular wells were preferred

Detention time (t) = 20 min,

Discharge (Q) for each well = Volume / time

0.058*60 =V /20; Therefore V= 69.6 m3

The bottom of the well is located at 1.5 m below of lower water level

Effective depth of the intake well = 10 m

Area of the well = 69.6/10 = 6.96 m2

To find the diameter of the wall section

A = π*D2 /4

D = (4 *A /π) 0.5 = 2.98 m

The design of the suction pipe is as follows

Q = 0.058 m3/s

V = 1.5 m/s

The cross-sectional area of the suction pipe is A = Q / v = 0.039m2

Diameter of suction pipe (D) = (4 *A /π) 0.5 = 0.22 m

To design one strainer

Q = 0.058 m3/s for each pipe

Velocity through strainer = 0.15 m/s

A = Q / V = 0.058/0.15 = 0.39 m2

If the area of strainers is 50% of the total area

Gross Area = 2 × Area of the strainers (holes)

Gross Area = 2 x 0.39 = 0.77 m2

Diameter of the hole = 12 mm

Area of one hole = A hole = π*D2/4 = 0.000113 m2

Number of the hole = 0.39 /0.000113 = 3452 hole

To find the strainer diameter d = Gross Area / 2πh

Height of the rectangular shape strainer with closed end h = 1.2 m

Strainer diameter d = 0.77 / (2*π*1.2) = 0.102m


Pre-Sedimentation (Optional)


Coagulation is the process of adding a coagulant to water to destabilize colloidal suspensions.

(Q avg.) =0.23 m3/s = 13.5m3

Using two flash mixers, we determined the discharge for one flash mixer as 13.5/2 = 6.75 m3 / min

For t = 1 min, Volume of one mixer = 6.75 *1 = 6.75 m3

Depth of tank chosen = 3m

Hence cross sectional area of tank A = V / d, A = 6.75/3 = 2.25 m2

Diameter of Coagulation tank d = (A * 4/ π) 0.5 = (2.25 *4 *7/22)0.5 = 1.69 m to give a diameter of 2m

To determine the amount of the coagulant (e.g., alum) required per day (kg/day), we used the optimum
dosage of alum at 25 mg/L (normally optimum dosage determined by Jar test), and we supposed that the
density of alum was 600 kg/m3.

Q = 0.23 m3 /s * 3600 *24 = 19 872 m3 /day

Amount of Alum = 25 * (1/1000) *19 872 kg /day = 468.8 = 500 kg /day

Amount of coagulant required per month = 15 000kg / month

Volume of Alum = mass / density = 500 /600 = 0.83 m3 /day = 25 m3 /month


Flocculation is the process of slow mixing that can be achieved in a basin, which is known as a flocculator.
It is an essential operation designed to agitate force in fluid and coagulation. The design criteria of the
flocculation tank are based on previous studies from Metcalf and Eddy

Q = 13.9 m3/min

t = 30 min, V =13.9 * 30 = 417 m3

Using six flocculation tanks (with two parallel tanks), 417/6 = 69.5 m3

Depth = 4m,

A = 69.5/4 = 17.375 m2

Then, to find the dimension of one square tank, we use the following:

Area = width × length

Using L = 3 W

A= W × 3 W

17.375 =3W2

W = 2.4m


Process of removing solid particles by gravity.

To design a sedimentation tank

Q = 0.23 m3/s

Using four sedimentation tanks,

For the design of one tank: Q per tank = Q / 4 = 0.23/4 = 0.0575m3/s = 3.45 m3/min

Detention time (t) =2 h = 120 min, according to the design criteria

Volume = discharge × time = 3.45 * 120 = 414 m3

Depth of the clarification = 4 m

Therefore: Area = Volume / depth = 414/4 = 103.5 m2

To find the diameter of the circular sedimentation tank shape, we use the following:

Diameter = (4*103.5 * 7/22)^0.5 = 11.5 m let’s say 12m

To check the settling velocity. Assuming stock’s law is valid:

Vs = 18µ

Where; Vs is the terminal settling velocity of the solid particle (m/s), g is the gravitational acceleration
(m/s2 ), Gs is the specific gravity of particles, Gw is the specific gravity of water, ds is the diameter of
particle (m); and ʋ is the dynamic viscosity of water (m2 /s).

Specific gravity of particles (Gs) = 2.6

Specific gravity of water (Gw) = 1

Diameter of the particles (ds) = 0.02 mm

Dynamic viscosity of water at 20 °C = 1.009 × 10−3 pa/s

Therefore Vs = 0.3594 m/s

Reynolds number = 𝑛
= 0.0716 < 1 (stock’s law is applicable).

To design the weir

(90° v-notch) shape weir (50 mm) depth placed (250 mm) centre to centre.

Weir Loading Rate (WLR) = Q /πD = 3.45 m3/min / (π * 28) = 0.039 m3 /min/m (56.16 m3/day/m) which
is within allowable range
Q notch = 1𝑚 = 0.039 * 0.250 = 0.00975 m3/min = 0.0001625 m3/s
𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑟

Q notch = 0.312 (2g) 0.5 * h 2.5

0.0001625 = 0.312 ( 2*9.81)0.5* h2.5

h = (0.000117584)0.4 = 0.026m
8𝛽𝑔𝑑(𝜌𝑠−𝜌𝑤) 0.5
Scouring Velocity Vc = ( 𝑓

Where Vc refers to the scouring velocity (mm/s), g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s2), f is the
Darcy Weisbach factor ranging from 0.02 to 0.03, β is the constant (0.05), and d is the smallest particle
(0.02 mm)

Vs = 3.56 × 10-3 cm/s < (Vc= 6.47 cm/s), ok

Therefore Vs = Vs = 3.56 × 10-5 cm/s


Filtration aims to remove the suspended solids that are not removed in the sedimentation unit or when the
removal of these particles take a long time outside the basin

To design a rapid sand filtration tank

Qave = 0.23m3 /s = 828 m3/h

Using the flow of the filter: Q filter =7 m3 /h/m2,

Area of the filter bed A = 828/7 = 118.3 let’s say 118 m2

A total of 10 filter units were used, and the area of one filter unit is obtained by:

A = 118/10 = 11.8 m2

The width of 4.5 m of one filter unit was used.

Therefore, to find length = 11.8/4.5 = 2.6m let’s say 3m length and 4.5m width (A = 13.5m2)

Checking filtration rate, Total Area = 3 * 4.5 *10 = 135 m2

Filtration Rate = 828/ 135 = 6 m/h which lies within the required range of 5m/h and 7m/h

To design laterals and manifold:

Using the size of the openings at 6 or 12 mm

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠
𝐴𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑡𝑎𝑛𝑘
= 0.3%

𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 𝑜𝑓 𝑝𝑒𝑟𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑠

= 0.5 For perforations with 12 mm diameter:
𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑠

For perforation with d of 12 mm, A = 0.0001131 m2

Total area of perforations = 0.3% × 13.5 = 0.0405 m2

Total area of laterals = 2 × 0.0405m2 = 0.081 m2

Spacing between laterals = 20 cm

𝐿𝑒𝑛𝑔𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑛𝑒 𝑓𝑖𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑢𝑛𝑖𝑡 300𝑐𝑚
To find the number of the lateral = 𝑆𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑡𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑛 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑠
= 20𝑐𝑚
= 7 𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑠

Total number of the laterals per filter unit = 2 × 7 = 14 Nos

Area per lateral = 0.081/14 = 0.00579 m2

0.00579 = 𝑑 ∗ 𝑑

D lateral = 0.086m let’s say 9cm

No. of perforations = 0.0405/0.0001131 = 358.09= 360 perforations

No. of perforations per lateral = 360/14 = 26 perforations/lateral

The total area of the manifold = 2 × Area of the lateral

The total area of the manifold = 2 * 0.081 = 0.162 m2

0.162 = 3.14 *d2 * 0.25

Diameter of manifold = 0.45m let’s say 46cm

Total length of the lateral = 450 − (2 × 17 + 5 + 2 × 3.5) = 404 cm

Length of each lateral = 404 / 4 = 101 cm

In this work, the adequate size and uniformity coefficient of the filter media was regarded as 0.5 and 1.6,

Filter media depth of 50 cm was proposed. The different supporting layers with 20 and 30 cm were
recommended for this filter

The head of water above the filter media is 2 m. Air and water were proposed for the backwashing process
for 15 min. Total backwashing time is 30 min. The filter run time was assumed to be 24 h.


The amount of backwashing water should be less than or equal to the 5% rate of the filtered water

Rate of wash water = (7 m3 /h/m2)/10 filter = 0.7 m3 /h/m2

Q backwash = 0.5 × 7 m3 /h/m2 = 3.5 m3 /h/m2

Two filter beds were washed at the same time

Wash area = 2 × 18.5 = 37 m2

Amount of water needed for washing = 37 * 7 = 259 m3/h

Head of wash water =10 m

Frictional resistance = 4 m

Total head required = 10 + 4 = 14

We used two pumps in parallel, and each pump has a capacity of 700 m3 /h with a head of 14 m.

Trough design

To determine the flow through the trough = (0.23)/ (2*10) = 0.0115 m3/s

Q = 2.49bh1.5

0.0115 = 2.49 b (0.15)1.5

B = 0.079m

Total depth = 15 cm + 5 cm (freeboard) = 20 cm


When the filtered water comes out from the filter unit, bacteria and other microorganisms, which may be
pathogenic, may exist. Thus, disinfection is necessary to eliminate bacteria and other microorganisms and
consequently prevent waterborne diseases. Disinfection involves a number of methods. The use of chlorine
has become particularly common in disinfecting water. It is inexpensive, reliable, and relatively safe to

Water demand = 20 000m3/day

Required chlorine and residual chlorine are 0.36 and 0.2 mg/L, respectively

Chlorine demand = 0.36 – 0.2 = 0.16 mg/l

Consumed chlorine = 0.36 mg/L * 10-3 * 20000 = 7.2 kg/day

The time required to complete the disinfection performed in a storage tank is 0.5 h

Q = Volume / time

Volume = Q × time

Volume = 20 000 * (1/24) *0.5 = 416.67 m3

Using effective depth of 4 m and length (L) = 2× width (W)

Area = 416.67/4 = 104.2

L * W = 104.2

2 W × W = 104.2

W2 = 104.2 /2, W = 7.22m therefore L = 2 * 7.22 = 14.4 m

Velocity = distance / time = 14.22 m/0.5 h = 28.44m/h = 0.0079m/s

When the final stages of the treatment process are completed, water can be distributed by high lift pumps
to consumers or stored in storage tanks. Thereafter, it can be used as drinking water based on the required
household demand.

Qav = 20 000m3/day = 0.23 m/s

Using v = 1.5 m/s, (Metcalf and eddy, 2014)

A = 0.23/ (π*0.25 *0.752) = 0.52 < 2 ok

Two pumps are used; the first pump is working, and the second one is on standby. The third pump is used
during maximum demand.

No Unit of No of Shape of Dimension of unit Notes

description Unit Unit
1 Intake 4 Circular Diameter =2.98m Diameter of suction pipe=0.4m Diameter of
Depth = 10m raw water gravity pipe =0.5m
2 Coagulation 2 Circular Diameter = 2m G=300s-1
Depth = 3m P=21KW
t= 1min
3 Flocculation 6 rectangle Width = 2.4m G=20, 40, and 60 s-1 P=84, 336.02, and
Length = 7.2 756.04 watt t= 30min
Depth = 4m
4 Sedimentation 4 Circular Diameter = 12m Vs=0.3594mm/s
Depth = 4m Vc=64.7mm/s
dp= 0.02mm
5 Filtration 10 Rectangle Width =3m Filtration rate = 6m/h
Length = 4.5m Backwashing = 124.92 m/h
Depth = 3m
6 Disinfection 1 Rectangle Width = 7.2m Time=30min Consumed chlorine=21.6kg/d
Length = 14.4
Depth = 4m
7 Storage 3pumps Dosage

(Fine and
Coagulation Floculation

Disinfection Filtration Sedimendation



Water intakes at Lake Manyame will be retrofitted with screens to minimize the amount of large sediments
that will be allowed into the intake structure prior to pumping water from the lake to the Water Treatment
Plant. First it will go through coarse screens of about 5-15cm spaced bars and then go through fine screens
of 5-20mm spaced bars. The removal of large sediments helps from damaging the materials in the treatment
plant. After screening – fine suspended solids of size less than 5mm
Coagulation is usually accomplished in two stages: rapid mixing and slow mixing. Rapid mixing serves to
disperse the coagulants evenly throughout the water and to ensure a complete chemical reaction. This may
be accomplished by adding the chemicals just before the pumps, allowing the pump impellers to do the
mixing or by providing a small flash-mix tank that mixes for about one minute of detention time.

After adding a coagulant and mixing, a longer period of gentle agitation is needed to promote particle
collisions and enhance the growth of floc. This gentle agitation, or slow mixing, is called flocculation; it is
accomplished in a tank that provides at least a half hour of detention time. The flocculation tank has wooden
paddle-type mixers that slowly rotate on a horizontal motor-driven shaft.

After flocculation the water flows into the sedimentation tanks. Some small water-treatment plants combine
coagulation and sedimentation in a single prefabricated steel unit called a solids-contact tank. (Minnesota
Rural Water Association, 2003)

• Reduces suspended solids

• Reduces bacteria as it flocculates to flocs

Sedimentation reduces Turbidity, TDS, BOD and COD

This water treatment plant will use a rapid mixed media filter consisting of a top layer of anthracite coal,
middle layer of fine sand and a bottom layer of fine-grained dense garnet. The mixed media filter will be
used because the water is of high turbidity, therefore it will require relatively intense filtration to obtain the
required standard of turbidity, rapid filters are easier to clean, they require relatively little space (compared
to slow sand filters) and they are widely used, therefore easier to find relevantly qualified operators and
maintenance crews. Membrane separation technologies such as microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF)
were not considered because they generally serve small populations of less than 150 000 people and have
not been scaled to serve populations as large as the one of the new city in consideration. (United States
Environmental Protection Agency, 2011)

The addition of chlorine or chlorine compounds to drinking water may be done through liquid and solid
forms—for instance, liquid sodium hypochlorite or calcium hypochlorite in tablet or granular form.
Taste or odour problems are minimized with proper dosages of chlorine at the treatment plant, and a residual
concentration can be maintained throughout the distribution system to ensure a safe level at the points of
use. The disinfecting effect of chloramines lasts longer than that of chlorine alone, further protecting water
quality throughout the distribution system. Also, chloramines further reduce taste and odour problems and
produce lower levels of harmful by-products, compared with the use of chlorine alone.

4. Estimation of cost for the Water Treatment Plant

Description Unit Quanti Rate per unit Total

ty In In words amount

Land acquisition sqm 2000 $50000 Two thousand dollars $2000
Construction costs
2.98m diameter and 10m deep circular sqm 4 $40210 Forty thousand two hundred and ten $160840
Intake tanks dollars
2m diameter x 3m depth circular Sqm 2 $21129 Twenty-one thousand one hundred $42258
coagulation tanks and twenty-nine dollars
2.4m width x 7.2m length x 4m depth Sqm 6 $38435 Thirty-eight thousand four hundred $230610
rectangular flocculation tanks and thirty-five dollars
12m diameter x 4m depth circular Sqm 4 $190175 One hundred and ninety thousand one $760700
sedimentation tanks hundred and seventy-five dollars
3m width x 4.5m length x 3m depth Sqm 10 $22335 Twenty-two thousand three hundred $223350
filtration tanks and thirty-five dollars
7.2m width x 14.4m length x 4m deep Sqm 1 $174490 One hundred and seventy-four $174490
rectangular disinfection tank thousand four hundred and ninety
Total construction $1392248
Pressure Pumps ea 3 $1200 One thousand two hundred dollars $3600
Total equipment $3600
Engineering costs
design @ 0.91% construction costs Percent 1 $12669 Twelve thousand six hundred and $12669
sixty-nine dollars
Building phase @ 0.8% construction Percent 1 $11138 Eleven thousand one hundred and $11138
thirty-eight dollars
Engineering during construction Lump 1 $11561 Eleven thousand five hundred and $11561
sum sixty-one dollars
Operation and maintenance manual Lump 1 $2150 Two thousand one hundred and fifty $2150
Permit to construct water treatment plant Lump 1 $1000 One thousand dollars $1000
Other engineering and surveying Lump 1 $2500 Two thousand five hundred dollars $2500
Total engineering costs $41018
Operation and maintenance
Running pumps Kwh 14133 $0.16 Sixteen cents $2 234
Booster pump Kwh 800 $0.09 Nine cents $72
Total utilities $7418
Chlorine 31.536 MG/yr. @ 4mg/l water Mg/yr. 1520 $0.45 Forty-five cents $684
KnMnO4 31536 MG/yr. @ 3.95mg/l water Mg/yr. 1495 $1.50 One dollar fifty cents $2 243
Total chemicals $2927
Administration and operations
Certification fees Lump 1 $150 One hundred and fifty dollars $150
Dues and subscriptions Lump 1 $150 One hundred and fifty dollars $150
Insurance Lump 1 $1200 One thousand two hundred dollars $1200
Office supplies Lump 1 $500 Five hundred dollars $500
Laboratory Lump 1 $450 Four hundred and fifty dollars $450
Miscellaneous supplies Lump 1 $520 Five hundred and twenty dollars $520
Telephone Lump 1 $310 Three hundred and ten dollars $310
Legal and audit Lump 1 $200 Two hundred dollars $200
Total administration and operations $3480
Payroll taxes @ 6.25% of salaries and percent 1 $448 Four hundred and forty-eight dollars $448
Health insurance @ 1.5% of salary and percent 1 $110 One hundred and ten dollars $110
Salaries and wages hrs 365 $20 Twenty dollars $7300
Total Labor costs $7858
Replacement costs
Pumps hp 1 $8150 Eight thousand one hundred and fifty $8150
Filters ea 3 $ 278 Two hundred and seventy-eight $834
Total replacement costs $8984
TOTAL $1517533
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