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Document No.

Effective Date:

DATE SUBMITTED: October 7, 2020

CASE STORY TITLE: One’s Existence


Give your thoughts on how the course can help you in achieving your potential as a person and your goals.
I am expecting that the National Service Training Program (NTSP) will help me influence my self-
improvement, performance, community involvement, and my demonstration of abilities and skills. I
believe that this subject will make us aware of what we have to know all about it. Although, it will also
enhance our opportunity to take the challenge and it is also good for our personality. Furthermore, I have
the idea that this subject will be enhancing my citizenship and will make me realize that we all have to
care for country.
Give your thoughts on the learnings you gained through this course and its relation to your life.
As the first module of the National Service Training Program (NSTP) to be completed, I have learned a
variety of lessons from the subject of this course. And I have understood that we should practice our
citizenship because it encourages us the confidence and skills needed to cope within the conflicts and to
acquire awareness of the legal community. This also allows us to feel positive in the rule of law, in our
legal justice system, and about upholding the principle of equality before the law. Therefore, I have also
realized that it is important to know these principles within our nationality because they allow us to grow
and develop into a responsible citizen. Also, they help us build the world that we want to live. Although I
have learned that we should contribute to the national security, because this ensures that we should
defend not only for ourselves and our family, but also our community and country. because It may also be
ascertained that an attack in our region, or in a neighboring area, is an attack on all of us. Furthermore, I
have also learned that we should have an understanding into the conservation of our ecosystems
including disaster awareness, and therefore it is essential to preserve the ecosystem in order to decrease
the devastation of our biodiversity caused by a myriad of anthropogenic activities. additionally, I have
learned that the substance abuse is one of the most prevalent challenges affecting our society, costing
over billions in treatment expenses, reducing jobs, associated violence and other societal implications, and
leading to hundreds of deaths each year. however, it is important to recognize these concerns within our
nation so that we can eliminate these problems in the future as a responsible citizen of our country.
Lastly, I have learned of how important it is to understand the various methods of bandaging, and
knowing this will make us prepared for the unforeseen situations we might encounter. Consequently, I
have been able to understand a variety of lessons and experiences throughout this module. However, I
have changed drastically since taking this module, and it was quite insightful and enthralling.

Submitted by: Verified by:

DENZEL NG / 2020111107


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