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District Control

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VOL. : XV ::: ISSUE : 179 P ORT B LAI R, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 11, 2021 RNI REGN . NO. ANDENG/2006/19155 ::: PAGES : 6 ::: RS. 3/-

Jarawa Facts
Th e Ja ra w a m o ve MP Demands Inclusion of Clause 2.6 in
around the forest in groups
or 40 or 50 peo ple. They
build small temporary huts
the Proposed Manning Contract
wh il st on th e mo ve, a nd
also build large huts where Agreement for Foreshore Sector Vessels
s e vera l fam i l i e s l i ve
to g eth e r. Th e y co ll e ct Port B la ir, Aug 1 0 : Th e
hone y, roo ts and berri es, Member of Pa rlia men t of
h u n t p i g s a n d m o ni to r An da ma n an d Nicoba r
lizards, and catch fish with Is la nds , Sh ri Kuldeep R ai
spea rs. Sh arma ha s reques ted the
Ch ief Secreta ry, An daman
Your Nature Guide and Nicobar Administration
to incorporate the Clause 2.6
c ur r ents . Some plankton
have a limited s w imming ability
in the upcoming agreement
and c an migr ate daily in a in between the SCI Ltd. and
vertical direction. Plankton are DSS to sa fegua rd th e
an important sour ce of food employment opportun ity to
for many sea animals. local seafarers and to ensure
Ther e ar e tw o ty pes of tha t th e local officers get
plankton Phytoplankton, w hich
employments in Anda man
ar e mic r osc opic plant
plankton, and Zooplankton, vessels. signing an agreemen t with s ecurity for th e loca l Moreover, the Clause 2.6 has
w hich ar e lar ger animals The Member of Parliament the SCI Ltd. to hand over the seafa rers by incorporating been in cluded in th e e-
plankton. Phytoplankton are mention ed in his letter manning of foreshore sector Cla use 2.6 in th e earlier Tender published/uploaded
amongst the most productive a ddres s ed to th e Chief vessels to SCI Ltd. man ning contracts signed in th e officia l webs ite for
food manufactures of the seas. Secreta ry th a t th e He added that earlier the between ABS Ma rin e these 1 7 numbers foreshore
Bigger Plants : Amongs t the
Directorate of Sh ippin g Directorate of Sh ippin g Service Pvt. Ltd. and DSS, A sector vessels.
other plants are the Algae that
are of different colours-green, Services is in process of Service h ad en s ured job & N Adminis tra tion . Cont inued on P 4
red and br ow n. Some algae
are edible (for humans) and a
good source of protein. Most
DM South Andaman Issues BJP Grateful to CS
make very good fer tiliz er if
spread in the garden or farm. Lockdown Order No. 986 Jitendra Narain for
Bigger algae ar e c alled
seaw eeds. Lockdown Restrictions to Remain in Increasing Flights
The oc eans als o hav e Port Blair, Aug 10: Shri Ajoy Bairagi, State
gras ses gr ow ing in them. Place from 10 pm-6 am Till 17th Aug President, Bharatiya Janata Party, Andaman &
Eelgr ass is a ver y c ommon Nicobar Islands & Shr i M Vi nod, State V ice
one found in our s eas. It is Port Blair, Aug 10: The District between 10 :0 0 PM to 0 6 :0 0 AM President, BJP – A & N Islands have expressed
gr azed on by dugongs and Magistra te, South Andaman, Shri except for those specified below. their heartfelt gr atitude towards Shri Ji tendra
green sea tur tles. Suneel Anchipaka , IAS has issued 2. Shops s elling essential and Narain, Chief Se cretary, Andaman & Nicobar
a fresh Lockdown Order No. 986 non-essential items shall be allowed Administratio n for increasing the freq uency
Treasu red Island s - By today. Th e order focussed more on to open between 06:00 AM to 10:00 of fli ghts from/to Mainland India in v iew of
Sunita Rao. Cour tesy: being alert in spite of the reducing minimal covid-19 positiv e cases in our islands.
Kalp avriksh, ANET (M CBT)
PM by observing COVID appropriate
number of COVID-19 cases in the beha vior. It s ha ll be th e sole They said that the step to i ncrease num ber of
is lan ds . Th e Order will be flights will surely incr ease the availabili ty of
respon s ibility of th e own er/In -
People’s Voice implemented from 11 th Aug 2021 flight tickets and reduce flight fares, which will
Ch a rge of th e s h op/bus in es s furthe r act as catalyst for growth of tourism
to 17 th Aug 20 21 with restrictions es tablis h men t to en s ure its sector as tourist inflow incr eases.
Jin jin Neta logon ne in movement between 10 pm to 6 complia n ce a n d s h a ll be held
Bangladesis ko Indian
Certify kiya, kya unko saza
am. responsible for an y viola tion a nd Mariyam Takes up Issue of
nahi milegi? Kya woh The Order No. 986 s tates: he/she sha ll be liable to be fined to Non-Payment of Pension with
doobara Election me 1. Lo ck dow n /r es tri ct ed the tune of Rs.50,0 00/- (Rupees Fifty
Contest karne ka haque Th ous a n d On ly) in a ddition to Director Social Welfare
movement shall continue to be in
rakhte hai? force in the entire District of South sealing of the shop/establishment for Po rt Blair, Aug 10: Ye ste rday Miss V. K.
Andaman from 11.08.2021 with no a period of 14 days by the Executive Mariyam Bibi, Ex -Adhyaksha Zilla Par ishad,
- A Citizen movement of men a nd ma terials Cont inued on P 3 So uth Andaman and Sm ti Rashe e da, Ex
Pradhan , Hope To wn met the Director, Social
#AmritMahotsav – Kala Kendra Conducts Welfare and informed him about the problems
of non-i ssuance o f pe nsio n amo unt to the
Quiz on India’s Freedom struggle beneficiaries for the last two mo nths.
Port Blair, Aug 10: As part The ol d age, destitute, wi dow, handi capped
of nationwide celebra tion of peo ple used to go to bank dai ly to enquire
7 5 yea rs of In dia ’ s ab out thei r pensi on amount b ut it was not
Indepen dence, Kala Kendra depo site d i n thei r acco unt. The Dir e cto r
Society un der th e info rme d them that due to adm inistrati ve
Department of Art & Culture, re aso ns it go t del aye d and the process for
A&N Adminis tra tion transferring the amount is in progress. It will
conducted a Quiz on India’s be delivered within 10 days to all beneficiaries.
Freedom struggle today at written preliminary round. Out of these, first They also requested the Dir ector to or ganise
th e Na tion a l Memoria l five teams with highest scores were selected a cam p at al l Gr am Panchay ats fo r the
Cellula r Jail. for participation in th e final round of Quiz. conveni ence of the ge neral pub lic/ vari ous
Altogether 16 teams , These five teams were named as Ba ttle of beneficiari es which are pending for pro per
Aberdeen Memorial, Homfraygunj Martyrs’ re dr essal in the ir r especti ve v il lage s. The
compris ing of 3 members in
ea ch tea m participa ted in Cont inued on P 4 Director assured to the needful at the earliest
2 : : : Andaman Chronicle : : : Por t Blair Wednesday, August 11, 2021


Vol: XV ::: Issue: 179 ::: Wednesday, August 11, 2021

The best view comes after the

hardest climb ...
Changing With Change..!
The only constant thing in our lives is change!
Code red The winds of change blow through our life, sometimes gently, sometimes like a monsoon
storm. We hate b eing distur bed from our resting places – and having to move to another
The IPCC has issued arguably its strongest level of living.
warning yet on impending catastrophe from But change is i nevitable, and desir able.
unmitigated global warming caused by human Someti mes, when the winds of change b egin to rustle, we’re not certain the change is
activity, lending scientific credence to the argument for the better. We may cal l it stress or a tem porary condition, ce rtain we’l l be resto red to
that rising wildfires, heatwaves, extreme rainfall normal . Sometimes, we resist. We tuck our head down and bow against the wind, hoping
thing s will qui ckly calm down, get back to no rmal.
and floods witnessed in recent times are all strongly
But i s it possi ble we’re being pre pared for a new “nor mal”?
influenced by a changing climate. In a stark report
Change will swee p through o ur life, as needed, to take us where we’re supposed to go.
on the physical science basis of climate change We have to trust God has a plan in mind, ev en when we don’t know where the changes are
contributed for a broader Assessment Report of the leading. We can trust the change taking place is good. The winds will take us where we
UN, the IPCC’s Working Group I has called for have to go.
deep cuts to carbon dioxide emissions and other Just l ike the seasons change , our life changes. We have to b e open to the change that is
greenhouse gases and a move to net zero emissions, coming and will ing to learn the lesson that this change has for us. For instance I know we
as the world would otherwise exceed 1.5°C and
2°C of warming during the 21st century with
permanent consequences. Climate change is
described by many as a far greater threat to
humanity t han COVID-19, beca use of its
irreversible impacts. The latest report is bound to are in the m iddle of a pandemic. But if instead of accepti ng this I hang on to li ving the way
strengthen the criticism that leaders in many I was living pr eviously then I may land up o n a ventil ator!
countries have stonewalled and avoided moving All b ecause I didn’t adjust to change:
away from coal and other fossil fuels, while even Same with our li ves: Many of us even know we ne ed changes in our li ves but co ntinue
to liv e a life we are no l onger sati sfied with. People stay in relationships that aren’t good
those who promised to act, failed to influence the
for them, keep jo bs they ar e not happy with. Ther e is nothing wrong wi th change. If you
multilateral system. The new report attributes stay i n the same place you may never k now if som ething better is out there.
catastrophic events to sustained global warming, There is no need to fear change.
particularly the frequency and intensity of hot Change is good! As I look back at my own life I have made the greatest accomplishments
extremes, marine heatwaves, heavy precipitation, when changes occurred in m y life. If you are go ing through some sort of change right
agricultural and ecological droughts, proportion now take some tim e to think what is the lesson he re and how can I make this a change for
of intense tropical cyclones, reductions in Arctic the be tter.
Sea ice, snow cover and permafrost. A phenomenon But the greatest way to handle change is with to tal trust i n the One b ehind the change
such as heavy rainfall over land, for instance, could and with a prayer, “Today, help me, God, to let go o f my resistance to change. He lp me be
open to the process. Help me believe that the place I’ll be droppe d off will be better than
be 10.5% wetter in a world warmer by 1.5°C, and the pl ace where I was picke d up. Help me surrender, trust, and accept, even if I don’t
occur 1.5 times more often, compared to the 1850- understand..!
1900 period. bobsb anter@gmai
More than five years after the Paris Agreement
was concluded, there is no consensus on raising
ambition to reduce emissions, making access to low
carbon technologies easier, and adequately
funding mitigation and adaptation. COVID-19 had
the unexpe cted effect of marg inally and
temporarily depressing emissions. The IPCC’s
analysis presents scenarios of large-scale collapse
of climate systems that future leaders would find
virtually impossible to manage. Heatwaves and
heavy rainfall events experienced with increasing
frequency and intensity are just two of these, while
disruptions to the global water cycle pose a more
unpredictable threat. Also, if emissions continue
to rise, oceans and land, two important sinks and
the latter a key part of India’s climate action plan ,
would be greatly weakened in their ability to absorb
atmospheric carbon dioxide. The new report sets
the stage for the CoP26 conference in November.
The only one course to adopt there is for developed
countries with legacy emissions to effect deep cuts,
transfer technology without strings to emerging
economies and heavily fund mitigation and
adaptation. Developing nations should then have
no hesitation in committing themselves to steeper
emissions cuts.
3 : : : Andaman Chronicle : : : Por t Blair Wednesday, August 11, 2021

DM South Andaman Issues Lockdown Order No. 986

Lockdown Restrictions to Remain in Place from
10 pm-6 am Till 17th Aug
Contin ued from Page 1
Magistrate and shall be liab le for action under DM Act.
3. No movement of men and material without valid movement pass/e-pass shall be allowed
after 10:00 PM.
4. Movem ent shall be allowed after 10:00 PM for medical e mergency cases.
5. Persons engaged for essenti al activities for mov ement of g oods on Andaman Trunk road,
loading and unlo ading of essential cargo after 10:00 PM shall be all owed on pro duction of valid
movem ent permit issued by the Office of Distr ict Magistrate.
6. Travel of persons who intend to proceed to their destinations at mainland after 10:00 PM
shall be allowed on production of val id travel documents. However, the person (one perso n) who
intend to pick/drop after 10:00 PM, should apply for e -pass we ll in advance wi th suppo rting
docume nts and the same shal l be issued by the Office of District Magistrate on case to case basis.
7. Moveme nt of officers/officials involved in providing essenti al services such as Di strict
Admini stration, Police, CISF, Health Services, ICMR, PBMC, Electrici ty, Shipping Services, Home
Health, Science /Tech
Guards, Civil De fence, Fir e and emer gency serv ices, Defe nce personnel on duty after 10:00 PM
shall be permitted on production of v alid Identi ty Cards i ssued by their concer ned departments. Google employees who work
8. Moveme nt of Offi cers/Offici als, involv ed in prov iding servi ces such as Pay & Accounts,
Forest, Banking, Water Supply & Sani tation in Rural Areas, Disaster Management, Port se rvices from home could lose money
and re lated serv ice s, Tele com munication shall be all owed after 10:00 PM on production of
Googl e employee s based i n the sam e office b efore
moveme nt passes already issued by the Office of District Magistrate.
the pandemic coul d see diffe rent chang es in pay i f they
9. Move ment of personnel invo lved in providi ng Broadcasting , all print and electr onic switch to worki ng from ho me permane ntly, with long
media persons after 10:00 PM shall be allowed o n producti on of valid movement passes issued by com muters hit harder, accor ding to a co mpany pay
the Office of District Magistrate. calcul ator seen by Reuters. It is an e xperiment taking
10. Moveme nt of personnel invo lved in pr oviding essential/em ergency se rvices shall be place across Sili con Valley, which ofte n sets trends for
allowe d after 10:00 PM on pr oduction of e-passes to be issue d by the Office of District Magistrate. other large empl oyers.Face book and Twitter also cut
It shall be the sole responsibility o f the owner /In-Charge of the sho p/business establishm ent to pay for r emote employees who move to less expensive
ensure its compliance and also if any person attached with such organisation is found misusing the areas, while smaller companies including Reddi t and
e-passes or using the same for purposes other than it is me ant for, the owner/in-charge shall be Zillow have shifted to location-agno stic pay m odels,
held r esponsible and he/she shall be l iable to be fined to the tune of Rs.25,000/- (Rupees Twenty citing advantage s when it comes to hiring, retention
Five Thousand Only) and shall also be liable for actio n under DM Act. and div ersity.
11. All POL outlets shall be opened from 06:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Al phab e t Inc' s Go o g l e stands o ut in o ffer i ng
12. Moveme nt of priv ate medical personnel such as Do ctors, nur sing staff, paramedics etc. employe es a calculato r that allows the m to see the
e ffe cts o f amo v e . But in pr acti ce, so me r e mo te
attached with diagnostic centres and cl inics, vete rinary cli nics shall be allowed after 10:00 PM on
emplo yees, espe cially tho se who co mmute from long
production of e-passes issue d by the Office of District Magistrate.
distances, could experience pay cuts without changing
13. Moveme nt of persons from co ntainment zones shall be strictl y restricte d and shal l only their address."Our compensation packages have always
be per mitted on case to case basis upon approval from the Office of District Magistrate. been de termined by l ocation, and we always pay at the
14. Port services will continue to oper ate as usual and both essential and non-essential cargo top o f the local market b ased on where an employee
can be moved in and out of port, as per requirem ent for lo ading/unlo ading/clear ing of car go and works from," a Google spok esperson said,adding that
the same shall b e permitte d till 10:00 PM only. e-Passes for operati on of carg o movement after pay wi ll differ from city to city and state to state.
10:00 PM needs to be obtained, which shall be strictly permitted on case to case basi s by the Office One Google employee, who asked not to be identified
of the District Magi strate. for fear of retaliation, typi cally commutes to the Seattle
15. Construction activities shall be pe rmitted till 10:00 PM. Construction activities of national office from a ne arby county and would likely see their
importance and strategic projects be yond 10:00 PM shall b e permitte d with pri or permission of pay cut by ab out 10% by working from ho me full-time,
Distri ct Magistrate and e-Passes needs to be obtai ned, which shall be strictly per mitted on case to accor ding estim ates by the company' s Work Location
case b asis by the Office o f the District Magistrate. Tool l aunched in June.
16. Moveme nt of persons involv ed with Ho tels/Restaurants and Mess for home deliv ery of The e mplo yee was co nsi der ing rem ote wor k b ut
food shall be all owed till 10:00 PM. Dine-in shal l be permitted between 06:00 AM to 10:00 PM only, decide d to keep going to the office - despite the two-
subject to 50% o f the seating capaci ty and str ict adhere nce of COV ID appropr iate behav iours. hour commute. "It's as high of a pay cut as I got for my
Howeve r, take away/parcel service and home deli very shoul d be encour aged. It shall be the sole most r ecent prom otion. I di dn't do al l that har d work
responsibility of the owner/In-Charge of the shop/business establishment to ensure its compliance to get promoted to then take a pay cut," they said.
and he /she shall be held r esponsible for any v iolation and shall b e liable to be fined to the tune of Jake Rosenfeld, a sociolog y professo r at Washi ngton
Rs.50,000/- (Rupees Fifty Thousand Only) in addi tion to se aling of the shop/establishment for a Uni ve r si ty i n St. Lo ui s who r e se ar che s pay
period of 14 day s by the Executive Magistrate and shall al so be liab le for acti on under DM Act. de te rm ination, said Goo gle 's pay structur e raises
alarms about who will feel the impacts most acutely,
17. Public Transport/Buses shall be allowed to pl y with strict adherence to the SOPs issued in including fami lies.
this regard by the Transport department. "What' s cl ear is that Goo gl e do esn' t have to do
18. Sale and service of liquo r at licensed premises shall b e permitte d till 10:00 PM. SOPs and this,"Rosenfeld said. "Google has paid these wor kers at
orders r egarding the timings for sale and service o f liquor at al l licensed establishments (C, C1, B1, 100% o f their pri or wage, by definition. So it's no t like
B2, B3 and B4 category) issued by the Deputy C ommissione r (Excise), South Andaman should be they can't affor d to pay their worke rs who cho ose to
strictly adhere d to. work remotely the same that they are used to receiving."
19. All Parks/ Playgr ounds/ Stadium s/Gyms and yo ga institutes shall be perm itted till Screenshots of Google's internal salary calculator seen
10:00 pm with 50% capacity and strict adherence of COVID appropriate behavio urs. Any person by Reuters show that an em ployee liv ing in Stamford,
vio lating the abov e dir ecti ons shall be li able for fine to the tune of Rs.1,000/-, whe reas the Conne cticut -an hour from New York City by tr ain -
organi sation shal l be fined to the tune of Rs.25,000/-. would be paid 15% less if she worked from home, while
20. Last rites/funerals shall be permi tted with a maximum of 20 persons with strict adherence a coll eague from the same office liv ing in New York
of to COVID appropriate behav iours. Ci ty wo ul d see no cut fr om wo rk ing fro m hom e.
21. No tri bal passes will be i ssued for southern g roup of islands till further o rders exce pt for Screenshots showe d 5% and 10% diffe rences in the
Seattle, Boston and San F rancisco areas.
offici al purpose s/national importance and strategic projects.
Inter views with Google em ployees indicate pay cuts
22. All Re ligious places/places of worship are allowe d to open till 10:00 PM with 25 persons as high as 25% for remote work if they left San Francisco
at a time along with priest for offering prayers. Wearing of face masks, maintaining social distancing, for an alm ost as expensive ar ea of the state such as
pro visio n of ther mal scanni ng and use of hand wash and saniti zers will be m andatory. The Lake Tahoe.
Manage ment Commi ttee of the religious places shall be responsible to ensure strict compliance
The calculato r state s it use s U.S. Ce nsus Bure au
and any violations o f the directions shall be liable for fine to the tune of Rs.25,000/- payable by the me tropoli tan statistical ar eas, or CBSAs. Stamfor d,
Commi ttee. Connecticut,for example, is not in New York Ci ty's
Religious pl aces/places of worship i n containment zones shall remain closed. Only those outside CBSA, even though many pe ople who live there work
contai nment zones will be al lowed to open up. in New York.
23. e-pass for emerg ency movem ent during restricte d timings may be sub mitted onl ine on A Goog le spokesper son said the company wi ll not The applicants/or ganizations submitti ng applications for e-pass change an employee's salary based on them going from
should invariabl y submit v alid and clear suppo rting documents, fai ling which the appli cation office work to be ing fully r emote in the city whe re the
will be summarily re jected. office is locate d. Employe es working in the Ne w York
Any di sobedience of the ab ove orders shall inv ite penal action u/s 188 of Indian Penal Code, City offi ce wi ll be paid the same as those work ing
1860 and the rele vant provi sions of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 against the violator(s) and remotely from another New York City location, for
fine shall also be impose d as per Order issue d by this office fro m time to time. example, according to the spokespe rson.
This o rder shall come into effect from 11th August 2021 and shall remai n in force till 17th August Go ogl e di d not spe cifical ly address the i ssue for
2021. commuters from areas such as Stamfor d, Connecticut.
4 : : : Andaman Chronicle : : : Por t Blair Wednesday, August 11, 2021

MP Demands Inclusion of
Clause 2.6 in the Proposed
Manning Contract Agreement
for Foreshore Sector Vessels
Contin ued from Page 1 con dition of th e isla nders
Kuldeep also pointed out an d res tricted employment
that in this connection the opportun ity a va ila ble a s
Hon’ ble High Court a t compa red to ma in lan d.
Ca lcutta h a d pa s s ed a Presently more than 140% of
judgmen t order dated Marine Officers are available
14 .1 2.20 17 in WP 2 56 83 in differen t ca tegories viz .
(W) of 2017 for preferential Mas ters , Ch ief En gin eers ,
benefit given to the Local Chief Officers, Second Officer,
Ma rin e Officers on th e Junior En gin eers a mon g
bas is of socio econ omic others.
#AmritMahotsav – Kala Kendra
Conducts Quiz on India’s Freedom
Contin ued from Page 1 Saput Memoria l comprising
Memoria l, Ch a th a m of Shri S. Sunder, Ms. Anisha
Memoria l, Saa t Saput Ba no and Ms. A. Sha ran ya
Memorial and Flag Point. bagged the third prize.
Th e firs t priz e wa s Popular Quiz master Shri.
bagged by the team Battle Abh ijit Aga rwal hos ted the
of Aberdeen Memoria l Quiz . Shri Alok Kuma r,
consisting of Shri J. Dinesh, Director (Art & Culture &
Shri Jay Ram, Shri J. Rakesh IP&T) presented trophies and
while s econd priz e wa s prizes to the winner tea ms.
ba gged by tea m Homage was also paid to all
Homfra ygun j Ma rtyrs ’ the Freedom Figh ters an d
Andaman Chronicle invites articles, feature and opinions from Memoria l con s is tin g of Martyrs by obs erving two
our esteemed readers. Your write-ups can be mailed to the Editor Shri Jaswant Lall, Sh ri K. minutes s ilen ce. Th e
through the ID Lokesh and Ms Sandh ya progra mme ended with the
Kumari. Nationa l Anthem sung by all
Th e th ird priz e wa s participants.
bagged by Team of Saa t
5 : : : Andaman Chronicle : : : Por t Blair Wednesday, August 11, 2021

State BJP Conducts Health Volunteer

Training Programme
Port Blair, Aug 10: In line with Directives from BJP HQ to conduct Health Volunteer Training
Programme on 10/08/2021, under the leadership and guidance of Shri Ajo y Bairagi, State
Preside nt, BJP, a State Committe e for Health Volunteer Tr aining Programme was form ed. The
committee included Shri L Moorthy, National Council Member as Incharg e and Smti Sampa
Banerjee, State President, BJ Mahila Morcha, Dr . Tulsi Dashaan and Shri P Shasi Kumar – State
Inchar ge – IT CELL as Co-Incharges.
Distri ct level and Mandal l evel Inchar ges were al so made. The Team of Health Volunteers
BJP, A & N Islands conducted the trai ning progr amme which was attended by Shri Vinod
Sonk ar, Me mber o f Parli ament, National Secretary – BJP & Chai rperson – Par liamentary
Committee as chief guest.
The intent of the training pr ogramm e was to prov ide ne cessar y infor mation to He alth
Volunteers regarding their importance and their nature of work which was briefed by Mananiya
Vinod Sonkar ji and othe r dignitaries.

Vaccination Drive Continues in Isles

Port Blair, Aug, 10: The vaccination drive is continuing smo othly in A&N Islands. As per
data avai lable, a total o f 3, 05, 008 beneficiaries have b een vaccinated so far in A&N Isl ands, out
of the target beneficiaries of 2, 81, 603 (approx.). A total of 1139 people were vaccinated today
in A&N Islands. A total of 99,191 eli gible people in the age group o f 18 to 44 years hav e been
vaccinated till date.
1108 beneficiaries were vaccinated in South Andaman Di strict, out of which 788 beneficiaries
were i n the age group of 18-44 years. Similarl y, 31 bene ficiaries were vacci nated in North &
Middle Andaman District.
6 : : : Andaman Chronicle : : : Por t Blair Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Andaman Chronicle
Is Now On

Lionel Messi Flies in to Complete For liv e news, comm ents, sugges tions,

Move to Paris Saint-Germain opinion for a holis tic developm ent of

A&N Isla nds ...
join us on Facebook today!
https://www.face roups/
andam anchroni cle/

Helpline Numbers
Police Control Room : 100
Fire Se rvice: 101
Am bulance: 102
DC Control Room : 1070
Shipp ing: 245555
Post al : 232346, 232890
Child ren: 1098
Wom en: 244701
Coast Guard f or 1554
Search & Rescue (SAR)
Coas t Guard RHQ: 232681
Coast al Secur ity 1093
State Control Room : 1077, 238880
PBMC Control Room : 245798
Kisan Call Ce ntre: 1551
Wild life Con trol Roo m : : 245229,
200661, 200754

Emerge ncy Operation Centres (EOCs)

State Control Room : 03192- 238880

(Tele- Fax),
Par is, Aug 10: Li one l Messi decade si nce the influx o f Qatari te arful e xi t ne ws co nfe r e nce o n 1070(Helpline).
final ized an ag r ee me nt o n hi s so v er e i g n we al th i nv e stm e nt Sunday to signal the end of an era. District Control Room : 03192- 238881
Paris Saint-Germ ain contract and linked to the emir. Once Messi’s Only Cristiano Ronaldo in the current
arri ved in the French capital on Barcel ona contract expired — and era challenges Messi’s status as an all- EOC ( Cam pbell Bay): 03193- 264020
Tuesday to co mplete the mo ve the Catalan club was unabl e to time g reat. EOC (Kam orta): 03193- 263222
that confirms the end of a career- afford to keep him — PSG was one PSG wi ll be hopi ng not onl y that EOC ( N&M): 03192- 262960
long association with Barcelona. of the few clubs that could finance Messi he lps the te am re g ai n the EOC (Hu t Bay): 03192- 284014
Dozens of PSG fans gather ed at a deal to sign the six-time world French title it lost to Lille last season,
Le Bourg et Ai rpor t in Pari s to playe r of the year. b ut fi nal l y wi n the C ham pi o ns
welcome Messi, who was wearing Me ssi ’s ar r i v al g i v e s PSG Leag ue.
a T-shi rt featuring “Ici c’est Paris”
— “He re is Paris.”
formidabl e attacking opti ons as he
link s up wi th France World Cup
If Pochettino uses a 4-3-3 formation,
the fr o nt thr e e co ul d se e Me ssi
The 34-year-old Argentina star winner Kylian Mb appe and Brazil deploy ed on the r ight with Neymar
has ag reed a two -year deal with forward Neymar. on the left and Mbappe between them
the option for a further season, a “Back together,” Neymar posted as the center fo rward.
pe rson with knowle dg e of the on Instagram over a video o f them The quandary for Pochettino would
negoti ations tol d The Asso ciated hugging, playing for Barce lona. be how to use Angel Di Mar ia, whose
Pr e ss. The pe r son spo ke o n While PSG had to pay 222 million goal seale d the C opa Ame rica title
condition of anonymity to discuss euros (then $261 million) to sign last mo nth, and another Ar gentine
the co ntract ahead o f it be ing Ney mar from Barce lona in 2017, attacker — Mauro Icardi. It’s a tactical
si g ne d and the o ffici al there was no transfer fee for Messi. challenge most coaches woul d relish,
announcement. Messi is set to earn Messi becam e the m ost desired with a 4-2-3-1 or 3-5-2 also in the mix
aro und 35 m i l li o n e ur os ($41 free agent in soccer history after his to accomm odate the attacking talents
millio n) net annually, the person attempts to stay at Barcelona were avail able.
said. rejected last wee k by the Spanish What should be l ess demanding is
Messi’s father and agent, Jorge, league b ecause the salary wo uld PSG co m ply i ng wi th UEF A’s
al so co nfir m e d hi s so n was no t co m ply wi th fi nanci al Financi al Fair Play . Some flexi bility
moving to PSG in a brief exchange regulations, with the Catalan club has bee n provided i n the rules due to
with reporters at Josep Tarradellas burdened by debts of more than 1.2 the pandemic and changes are due to
Bar ce l o na-El Pr at Ai r po rt o n billi on euros ($1.4 bill ion). the system that were designed to stem Max. Temp: 29.9 0C Min.: 24.1 0C
Tuesday. PSG coach Mauri cio Pochettino losse s. It is PSG president Nasse r Al- Relativ e Humidity : 0830 Hrs: 94% 1730 Hrs: 85%
At the same air port, Messi was q ui ckl y m ade co ntact wi th hi s K he laifi who, as chai rm an o f the Sunrise: 0507 Hrs. Sunset: 1744 Hrs.
later seen arrivi ng with hi s wife fell ow Arg entine after Barce lona Euro pe an C lub Associati on and a Rainf all upto 0830 Hrs (Last 24 Hrs.): 000.0 mm
and thr e e chi l dr e n b efo r e announce d last Thur sday that m e m be r o f UEF A’s e xe cuti v e Rainf all upto 1730 Hrs (Last 24 Hrs.): 000.0 mm
boardi ng a private jet. Messi would be leav ing the club committee, is involved in the process Total Rainf all: (From Jan 1, 2020 till date): 1836.8 mm
“Wi th i t al l , to ward a ne w he joined as a 13-ye ar-old. of discussing a wi der update to FFP
adve ntur e. The fiv e to ge ther ,” Me ssi wo n e ver y major honor that could all ow mo re unche ck ed Forecast
Anto ne l a Ro ccuzzo said o n with Barcelona and was granted a spending again.
Instagram alongside a photo with Light to moderate rainfall likely over Port Blair.
Generally cloudy sky. Maximum and Minimum
her husband on the plane. For online news, Visit: temperature w ill be around 300C and 250 C
PSG supporters have seen their Also Join Us Today on Facebook and Twitter (@Andam anNews)! respectively on Wednes day 11/08/2021
cl ub transfor me d ov er the last

EDITED, PRINTED & PUBLISHED by Denis Giles. OWNER: Denis Giles.

Published from ‘Libra Cottage’, Brichgunj Chowk, Prothrapur, Port Blair - 744103. Printed at Libra Printers, 38/2 B.S. Road, Foreshore Road, Phoenix Bay,
Port Blair. Ph: 03192-237837 (O), 9434280443 /9732479000 (M). E-mail: F

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