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1.This refers to the total number of calories your body burns at rest.

2.This refers to any energy that is burned while you are working out doing any kind of

3. What measure can be used to determine if a person’s weight is healthy?


4.Eating “processed food” is good for us


5.The more calories in a meal, the greater the thermic effect of food will be as a result.

6.Static exercise

7.When doing muscular exercise you should


8. “nutritional” means containing necessary substance for the body to grow and stay

9.The thermic effect of food varies depending on the type of food consumed

10. This is the total weight of your body minus all the weight due to your fat mass

11.How often should you exercise each muscle group?


12.It us acceptable to add a “cardio” station in circuit training cycle in order to keep your
heart rate in the aerobic zone

13.Changing one aspect of an activity


14. Fast twitch muscle fiber

15. The thermic effect of food is smaller when a set amount

16. The lean body mass includes the internal organs and etc

17. When using continuous training


18. Which of the 5 components


19.Your muscle will turn to fat if


20. Eating less and exercising


21. “I believe in eating what I want


22. Which aspect of fitness


23. What does BMI measure


24. Exercise used to improve cardiovascular health?


25. The plank exercise provides a number of modifications, making it a great exercise
for both beginners and advanced participants
26.PNF stands for… (DEPENDS) :)

27. Muscular endurance is the amount of weight you can lift repeatedly over a period of
time. (True)

28. What is the primary muscle group most worked in a push – up?(PEC)

29.Interval training is best used to improve which type of fitness?(anaerobic)

30. Muscular strength is the amount of weight you can lift at one time.(true)
31.___ is broken down to its constituent amino acids, which provide precursors for the
synthesis of glucose in the liver.(lean tissue)

32.Both the thermic effect of food and thermic effect of exercise are closely monitored
by any individual in consideration of balance of energy.(FALSE)

33.Calories will be burned intermittently as a result of the thermic effect of food.(false)

34. What is nutrition? (It is the study of nutrients)

35. Woman has a slightly larger amount of fat in their body composition than men.

36. This is the energy we use to process or metabolize the food we consumed. (thermic
effect of activity)

37. When you eat, your body has to cool down in order for your digestive system to
process the food.(FALSE)

38. The extra energy that your body requires during digestion (Thermic effect of food)

39. Essential ___is necessary to maintain life and reproductive functions.(BODY FAT)

40. This is the amount of energy expenditure above the basal metabolic rate due to the
cost of processing food for use and storage. specific dynamic action)

41. Which of these factors affect flexibility?(ALL OF THE ABOVE)

42. How does circuit training allow the performer to apply the principle of specificity?( it
is easy to set up)

43. Dynamic exercises…(Provide greater gains in muscular development)

44. Which type of workout focuses on resistance training?(Circuit training)

45. What benefits are there in eating a balanced diet?(ALL)

46. It is acceptable to add a “cardio” station in circuit training cycle in order to keep your
heart rate in the aerobic zone.(TRUE)

47. Your muscles will turn to fat if you stop lifting. (FALSE)
48. One of the two human body components that includes internal organs, bone,
muscle, water and connective tissues.(fat free mass)

49. The amount of energy burned in a day is a total of the resting metabolic rate and the
thermic effect of food.(FALSE)

50. Interval training switches from various stations without a break(false)

51. RDA stand for “Recommended daily allowance” (TRUE)

52. Which is a form of exercise?(ALL)

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