Ask - March 2021

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Pole to Pole

What do penguins know?

Volume 20, Number 3 March 2021

Liz Huyck Editor

Tracy Vonder Brink Contributing Editor
Emily Cambias Assistant Editor
Anna Lender Art Director
Erin Hookana Designer
David Stockdale Permissions Specialist
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Grateful acknowledgment is given to the following publishers and copyright owners for
permission to reprint selections from their publications. All possible care has been taken to
trace ownership and secure permission for each selection.
“Flying with Arctic Terns,” text © 2014 by Rebecca Hirsch; “Cold Scientists,” art © 2010 by
Mark Brewer; “Climate Clues in the Ice,” text © 2008 by Tania Therien, art © 2008 by Thor
Photo acknowledgments: C - Shedd Aquarium; 2 (RC) NASA; 3 (LC) David Kisailus, (LB), (RB)
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4 Nestor’s Dock
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(LT), (LC) courtesy Fernando Ugarte/, (LC-2) courtesy Fernando Ugarte/, (RC)
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33 Whatson’s Book Corner

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Is it time to renew? On the Cover

Carmen the Magellanic penguin meets
Kayavak the beluga whale at the Shedd
1-800-821-0115 Aquarium in Chicago. Penguins live only
in the southern hemisphere and belugas
live in the Arctic, so these two animals
would normally never meet. But while
the aquarium was closed during the
pandemic, the penguin keepers let their
curious charges go exploring.

Suggested for ages 7 to 10.

Is all ice square?
page 15
6 Poles Apart
10 Flying with Arctic Terns
by Rebecca Hirsch h?

14 Iceberg!
u go

How far will yo

The Pull of the Penguin

by Christy Mihaly

22 Cold Scientists
24 Climate Clues in the Icee
by Tania Therien

26 The Big Melt? page 12

by Tracy Vonder Brink
po la r bears n ee d night lights?

Got space rocks?

page 9

page 16
page 23

The Sounds of Space

Pictures of stars and galaxies can be Scientists combine data from several
breathtaking. But looking at pictures telescopes to make sonifications. Each
isn’t the only way to appreciate telescope “plays” one instrument. Together,
outer space. Scientists have turned they make a harmonious song. The
some telescope images into music. sonifications can help people who are blind
They call these musical pieces experience the beauty of space, too.
sonifications. How do you listen to
a picture? Imagine a line moving Spikes in the white
line show the sound
across a picture of stars and generated by each star.
galaxies. Whenever the line hits a
star, there’s a “ping.” Stars at the
top of the picture make high notes,
stars near the bottom low notes. And now, the
Orion Nebula
A steady hum represents a glowing in B flat.
cloud. Where the stars are brighter,
the notes are louder.

A Real Copycat “Do it!” command. Then researchers

tested Ebisu by giving her new actions
It’s possible to train dogs to copy people. to copy. Ebisu’s owner touched her
Researchers have taught dogs to imitate hand to a cardboard box, or rubbed
their actions with the command, “Do it!” her face on the box. Then she told
But is it possible to train cats to follow the cat “Do it!” Most of the time,
our lead? A new experiment shows that Ebisu copied her owner by rubbing the
for at least one cat, the answer is yes. box with her own face or paw. It’s
The cat was named Ebisu. Her owner, the first time scientists have shown a
a dog trainer in Japan, taught her the cat can learn to imitate a person.

2 ask
How to Be Un-Squishable
This bug is called the diabolical
ironclad beetle. It isn’t really
made of iron. But it is very,
very tough. It can even survive
being run over by a car.
To figure out what makes thee
beetle so sturdy, researchers
studied its shell up close. They
used powerful microscopes and
other tools. They discovered thatt
the shell is made of two pieces
art © 2021 by Art Roche

that lock together like a jigsaw

puzzle. Inside, the pieces have
many layers. These features helpp
the shell resist pressure.

Think they’re

Touch the
box with your Humans are
cheek, kitty! so weird.

To be perfect,
do exactly
what I do!
ask 3
Scientists drill Each layer gives
samples from clues about what the
Arctic ice. weather was like
years ago.
I don’t
get it.

But how can they

know what the
weather was like
thousands of
years ago?

It’s like your If we drilled a sample We could see the

junk box. from your box... whole history of Phil.
Phil’s been
throwing junk in
there his whole life.

Ooh, that
sounds cool.
Nobody touches
my junk box.
OK Trip, tell me
my history.

4 ask
At the top are things you What is And this black
like now, like video games. this wet I forgot slimy layer?
layer? to close
the window
Then action Wood during a storm. I used to throw
figures. blocks. apple cores in
And a
at the
You’ve made
crude oil.

What is I thought I’d never

this? Mr. see him again!

I’m glad that’s all

cleaned out.

ask 5
Arctic (North) Poles Apart
Summer: April to September Winter: October to March
At the top and bottom of the Earth
The ice around the North Pole is frozen
ocean, not solid land. The ice is thick. But it
are two icy regions. In the north is the
moves with the ocean currents. So no pole Arctic. In the south is the Antarctic.
marks the North Pole. A stick in the ice Arctic fox
would drift somewhere else in a few months. The ice at both poles freezes
over a larger area in winter
The North Pole (in summer) and shrinks in summer. As goose
the climate warms, the ice
melts more every year.

Arctic winter

How cold is the Arctic?

winter: -30° C (-22° F) Arctic summer
summer: 0° C. (32° F) snowy owl

northern polar bear

orca lemming
The Arctic includes the beluga First explorers
fur seal
frozen polar sea and a ring whale to reach North Pole
of land around it. Parts of Robert Peary, Matthew
The Arctic
Asia, Europe, Greenland, Henson, Ootah, Seeglo,
is water
and North America Egingwah, and
are in the Arctic. Ooqueah, 1909
by land.
many whales walrus

Summer: October-March
Summer: October to March Winter: April to September
Antarctica is a rocky continent with mountains, dry
The South Pole
deserts, and even an active volcano, Mount Erebus. No people live in
Most of Antarctica is covered by an immense ice Antarctica, and no
sheet, the size of the U.S. and Mexico combined. country owns it.
Nations share it for
Mount Erebus, Antarctica’s active volcano scientific research.
Weddell seal many whales
First explorers to
reach South Pole
Roald Amundsen and his
How cold is Antarctica? team, 1911
winter: -60° C (-74° F)
summer: -10° C (14° F)
Antarctica is much
Antarctica has Antarctica
colder than the Arctic. southern
orca 90% of the is land
It’s also very windy.
world’s ice and surrounded
Hurricane-force winds
Antarctica is 70% of the by water.
that last for weeks are
circled by strong world’s fresh
not uncommon.
ocean currents water. In places,
and fierce winds. the ice is 3 miles
These help keep it (5 km) thick.
very cold.
The Midnight Sun


At the poles, the sun never sets in summer. Southern summer,
In winter, it’s dark all the time. Why? northern
Earth’s axis is tilted a bit. This tilt means that winter.
in June the North Pole leans toward the sun. As
the Earth spins around each day, that top bit
is never out of the sunlight. Six months later,
the Earth is on the other side of the sun and
the pole points away from it. Then the top bit
is always dark. The South Pole is the same, but
reversed (summer when North is winter). JUNE
Northern summer,
southern winter.

Each yellow band shows the same Why Are the

amount of the sun’s heat and light.
Poles Cold?
Sunlight shines on the top
The Arctic
(and Antarctic)
and bottom of the planet
At the equator, the sunlight hits circles are the at an angle. It also has to
straight on. It is focused and strong. areas that get travel through more air. So
midnight sun. the sunlight is weaker and
not as warm near the poles.
Near the poles, the sunlight spreads over
a larger area, so each spot gets less heat.

Wandering Poles? Geographic poles Magnetic poles The magnetic North

Earth actually has two sets of Pole moves every year.
poles. The geographic poles are an
imaginary center pin that the earth
spins around once every day. The
magnetic poles are the positive and
negative of Earth’s magnetic field.
This is what compasses point
nt tto.
o. The geographic poles don’t change. But Earth’s
I know the magnetic poles drift a bit as Earth’s molten iron inside
North Pole is
around here
sloshes. Sometimes they even flip! When that happens,
somewhere. everyone’s compass will point south instead.
8 ask
9 pm Midnight
Is it
bedtime Not for This sequence of photos shows the sun moving through the sky in
yet? another 3
months. the Antarctic summer. It never sets, just goes around and around.

Night Light Show The aurora borealis and aurora australis, or northern and
southern lights, appear in the sky in the far north and
south. These eerie, shifting curtains of light happen year
round, but are easier to see in the long winter nights.
Aurorae appear when streams of tiny (harmless) charged
particles from the sun hit gases in our atmosphere. Earth’s
magnetic field steers the particles around and down at
the poles. The aurorae are brightest when the sun is most
active, with lots of sunspots.


ask 9
Flying with Arctic
willl flyy across
acr the world, all the way
fro om the Arctic
A to Antarctica.
Arctic tterns look like small
seagulls. They
T have long, swept-back
wings andd tails, with black caps and
brig ght redd beaks. Every year they

hhee journey
journey iiss aabout
bout ttoo bbegin.
egin. complete
co omppletee tthe longest migration of any
Off we go! Hundreds
H undreeds off w white
hite sseabirds
eaabirds aanimal
nimall on
on earth. Not bad for a bird
ill the
fill the air.
air.. Ass the
thhe Arctic
Arctic sun
suun tthat
hat weighs
weigh no more than a lime!
ddipsips lo
ow oover
ver th
he oocean,
cean, tthey
heyy ddepart.
LLike many birds, they are migrating, The Nesting Grounds
moving south to escape the coming
m For an Arctic tern, life begins as a
Write when winter. But this is no ordinary migra- speckled egg, laid in a nest on the
you find krill!
ion These tiny birds, Arctic terns,
io bare ground. The mother and father

10 ask
grasss w while
hilee his
Terns scoop up
parents fish.
fish. Some
Som me chicks
chiccks small fish and
round hhim im have
have nowhere
nowhere krill as they
fly low over
too hide,
hiide, ffor
or nnot
ot m
uch gragrassass the ocean.
rows oonn thethhe nesting
nesting ggrounds.
Insteaad, th
he chicks
chiccks llie
ie ver
r y sstill
t il l
on tthe
on he bbare
are gground
round ttoo avoid
avoid An Arctic fox prowls
for unguarded chicks
One dday,
One ay an Arctic fox
sne into the colony.
The adults work togeth-
er to keep the chicks
safe. One bird sends up
an alarm, squawking
by Rebecca Hirsch loudly with a shrill call

that sounds like kee-kee.
Soon everyone is squawking. Don’t even
think about it.
The birds band together and
swoop down upon the fox. They dive
and peck and scream at it. They even
take turns sitting on the egg. Nearby, poop on it! The fox does not
other terns tend their own eggs. like all this attention and
It is June in the Arctic tundra, on noise. Finally, he leaves. The
an island off the coast of Greenland. chicks are safe once more.
The long winter has passed.
The snow and ice are melting
fast. The sun shines day and
night. Soon a gray chick Eggs and chicks are
hatches. His parents bring speckled brown, to
blend in with the
him food: insects, fish, scrubby ground.
and small ocean
plants and animals
called plankton.
He hides in the tall

ask 11
Terns’ thick
feather coats
As the weeks keep them warm.
pass, the little chick
grows bigger. He is
no longer gray but ut
Are you sure
white. Soon he is you’re warm
flying. He plucks
fish and plankton Th terns swoop low over the
from the surface of waves and dive for fish. In some
the ocean and snaps places, the ocean is filled with food.
insects from the air. In others, there is little to eat, so they
keep flying south. Their light bodies,
The Long mostly feathers, allow them to travel
Journey without much need for rest. On and
In September, on they fly, across the wide, wide
Parents bring
fish and bugs cold winds start to blow. The Arctic Atlantic Ocean.
to feed their summer is ending. Soon the snow
hungry chicks.
One day the terns encounter a
annd ic
ce will re
eturn, and th there
he will be flock of gulls. The larger gulls chase
little foodd ttoo eeat.
at. young terns and steal their food. Later
Thee tterns
erns lleave
e their a storm blows the terns off course. But
A rcticc nesting
Arctic nestinng ggrounds, when the weather is calm, the wind
epparrting aatt sun
sunset. Under helps the colony travel fast and far.
the stars,
sttars, they
th fly over In October and November the
he dark
da sea. Arctic terns arrive in Antarctica, just
in time for the southern
Arctic All-You-Can-Eat Buffet summer. The sun shines day
Many kinds of birds fly to the Arctic in spring. Why do they and night.
come? First, there are few predators, so it’s a great place Now the birds molt. Their
to lay eggs and raise chicks. But most important, in spring
worn feathers fall out. The
the polar oceans are filled with food. Green algae grows on
the underside of the ice. As the days grow longer, it blooms. young tern rests on a chunk
Small shrimp called krill eat the algae.
A single krill is tiny. But
Soon they fill the sea. Small fish (and there are vast numbers
big whales) eat the krill. Big fish come of them. Schools of
to eat the smaller fish. All this krill billions of krill make pink
patches that are visible
and fish make a feast for hungry birds,
from space.
whales, dolphins, and seals. Terns eat all
the fish they can in the short northern Why does everything
summer. Then they’re off to catch the want to eat us?

southern summer buffet.

12 ask
Tracking Terns
Every year, Arctic terns migrate from one end of the Earth
to the other, and back again. But what path do they take? To
find out, bird scientists caught terns in Greenland and Iceland.
They strapped small trackers on the birds’ legs. These trackers
recorded the GPS position of the bird each day. When they
caught the birds again a year later, the scientists were able to
see a record of the terns’ journey.
They learned that the
Bird scientist Carsten Egevang
of the Greenland Institute of
birds flew an average of
Natural Resources shows a tiny 44,000 miles (70,900 km)
tracker worn by the terns. in a year. Terns can live
30 years. “If you add
that up over the course
of their lifetime, that’s
like flying to the moon
and back three times,”
says Iain Stenhouse, a
marine bird expert with
the Biodiversity Research
Institute in Maine. An Arctic tern’s epic journey.
Red dots show rest stops.
of floating ice and waits for his new colony. He will soar over we go again!

feathers to grow. the waves, making his

In May, most of the colony will way to the other end of
return north for the Arctic summer. the world, to the very
But the young tern will stay behind. place he was born.
He is not yet ready to return to the There he will choose a
nesting grounds to have chicks of his mate and have chicks of
own. Antarctic winters are brutal, so his own under the
he will wander the southern seas Arctic sun.
to survive. In two years, he will
fly north with the rest of his

Arctic terns become

less gray as they get
older—the opposite of
most people!
ask 13
In 1912, an iceberg

Iceberg! sank the ship Titanic.

But where did it
come from?

cebergs are big pieces of ice
that drift around in the ocean.
Thousands of icebergs fill the A new iceberg is born!

Arctic and Antarctic seas. But

icebergs come from the land. Land ice
is always on the move, sliding slowly
downhill. Where ice sheets or glaciers
meet the sea, huge chunks break off
and float away. The iceberg that sank
the Titanic broke off the Jakobshavn
glacier in Greenland. Icebergs are not frozen sea.
They are pieces of land ice that
Icebergs come in all sizes and break off and float away into the
shapes. The top part you see is less ocean. This is called “calving.”

than half of it. Most of an iceberg is

under the water.

Left! Left!

Don’t worry,
we’re unsinkable
Green algae grows on the
undersides of icebergs.
Tiny ice fish and krill live
in cracks in the ice.

14 ask
Some icebergs have lovely The floating part you
blue or green ice, colored see is only the very top
by tiny algae. of an iceberg. 70% of
it is underwater.

Fierce wind and waves

can sculpt icebergs into
Small icebergs and bits of surprising shapes.
ice that fall off icebergs are
called bergy bits and growlers.

ask 15
THE PULL of the
There! A penguin! Elaine Parker stared out
at the dark, distant dot on the ice.
The low autumn sun sat between sea and sky,
splashing pink and violet across the craggy
mountains. Elaine breathed in the pure, crisp air,
enjoying her escape from McMurdo Station.
Work on the Ice was to look after the fire extinguishers
The past summer in Antarctica, and fire alarms in the machine shops,
Elaine had spent long hours inside sheds, boiler rooms, dorms, and
the plain, practical buildings of the warehouses of this remote outpost.
McMurdo research station. Her job But on her days off, Elaine loved to
strap on skis and explore the spar-
kling ice and crystal caves beyond the
station. Sometimes she was so filled
with the wild beauty of Antarctica
that she started to sing—or yodel!
With winter coming, she’d be
heading home soon. But before she
left there was one more thing Elaine
wanted to do. She was determined to
see a penguin—up close. She’d heard
tantalizing tales from the biologists,
about how penguins played and took
care of one another, how they were
curious and often approached people.
She had spotted a few, but only
from far away. But that night after
dinner, someone said there was a lone
penguin on the ice on the far side of
the station. Elaine rushed out, hoping
to get a closer look.

16 ask
by Christy Mihaly
art by Alan Marks

On the Ice
Now her neck tingled with excitement Antarctica
. . . and cold. The day had been sunny
and warm (for Antarctica, meaning
South Pole
around 20˚F or –6˚C, still below
freezing). But a frosty wind circled,
a warning. Elaine knew the weather Ross
Ice Shelf McMurdo
could change in a heartbeat. A sudden Station
storm could drop the temperature by
50˚ in just a few minutes.
She gazed across the icy plain.
Although it looked solid, this ice sheet
was in constant motion, squeezed o n the Ross Ice S
A p en g u in
and warped by the glacier—the vast r M c M u r d o , with volcano
nea d.
t E r eb u s in the backgroun
river of ice sliding slowly down the Mou n

mountains toward the ocean. The

glacier’s tremendous pressure created
jagged cracks and zig-zagging ridges
of ice. Crevasses—deep blue cracks
in the ice—lurked beneath the snowy
surface. Rows of blue and red flags
marked a safe path through this
hazardous zone. Jagged ridges
text © 2021 by Christy Mihaly, art © 2021 by Alan Marks

form where g
crunch into th laciers
A frosty gust of wind blasted, e frozen sea.
and she reached up to cover her bare
earlobe. Oh no, where was her hat?
Elaine had left her backpack—with
her warm parka, hat, and emergency
radio—back at McMurdo! Normally,
she carried that orange pack
everywhere. But hearing about the
penguin, she’d dashed out without it.

ask 17
It’s worth Black-and- Her stinging ears were in danger of come to her. The bitter wind blew
coming all white animals
this way are the best.
frostbite. This was trouble. She was through her clothes. Elaine held her
to see a out on the ice alone, without her gear. breath, concentrated on the penguin
Maybe the cold had slowed down waddling toward her, and willed
hher brain, but Elaine didn’t consider it to keep coming. Soon the bird
tthe danger. All she could think of stood right in front of her. Its eyes
was the penguin. Watching the
w were level with hers, its beak almost
swaying bird shape coming closer,
sw touching her nose.
she spied a flash of yellow. It was an She admired the golden-orange
emperor penguin! stripes edging the bird’s beak. She
Elaine tried to ignore her ears and tried not to blink as the penguin eyed
lowered herself to sit on the snow. her closely. Then it reached out its
It was against the rules to approach beak, leaned in, and tapped her cheek.
a penguin, she knew. So she had Elaine’s heart leapt with the thrill.
to wait and see if the bird would The penguin bent forward, then dipped

18 ask
its beak inside her collar. It tickled! Antarctica is
very windy. H
are common a urricane-force
Elaine couldn’t help it—she giggled. nd sometimes winds
blow for weeks
Her laugh startled the penguin.
Flipping onto its belly, the bird to- Forecast
is cold and
bogganed away. It slid across the ice windy for
the next 12
into a billowing cloud of snowflakes. months.
Elaine stood and stomped her
feet, trying to warm her toes. Well,
that was that. She’d lost her penguin,
a storm was brewing, and it was past
time to head back to McMurdo.
Just then the screen of snow
parted. Elaine got a glimpse of her
bird friend, and felt the pull of the
penguin. Surely she’d be safe out Emperor Penguins
Of the many penguin species, only emperor and Adelie
here just a little longer! She leaned penguins live on Antarctica itself. Emperors are the
into the blowing snow and followed largest of the penguins. Adults stand 3 or 4 feet
the bird farther out on the ice, away (1 m) tall. Their shiny yellow and orange neck
from the base. feathers stand out against the black and white of
their bodies. They sometimes flop on their bellies and
push with their wings to slide rapidly across the ice.
A Friend in Need This “tobogganing” is faster than walking.
Suddenly . . . Whoosh! A strong Emperorp penguins
p g usuallyy live in bigg groups
g p and catch
gust knocked her off her feet. She ffish
fi s in the ocean. But once a year, penguins molt:
tumbled over and over, sliding like a tthey
th ey grow new feathers and shed all the old ones.
hockey puck across the slippery plain W Whenhen molting, penguins stay on land and go off by
tthhemselves. This is what the penguin that saved Elaine
and into the whirling snow. Then the PParker
arker was doing on the day of the sudden storm.
wind picked her up and slammed her
face-down onto the ice.
Elaine was pinned down by the
wind and scared to move. She squint-
ed through icy eyelashes, straight
down into a neon-bright blue glow.
Oh no! That beautiful blue was the
color of danger. It came from a deep
hole below her. She was lying on a
thin skin of ice above a blue
blue crevasse.
Try to
blend in.

ask 19
Elaine heard a tink as tiny cracks
shot through the ice. Icy cold seeped
into her belly. Crunch! The crust gave
way slightly, and she dropped a little
lower. If she broke through, she’d
drop into the crevasse, where nobody
would ever find her. The storm
swirled and Elaine’s thoughts spun.
Then, as quickly as it began, the
wind died. In the sudden quiet, Elaine
felt someone near. She peeked up.
Her penguin stood peering down
Look out! at her. Seeing Elaine move, the bird
walked away, then stopped and
iers looked back. It seemed to be inviting
p c rac ks tha t form in glac
Crevasses are en co vered with snow, they her to follow.
. W h
and ice sheets un wary travelers.
v is ible to As Elaine tried to decide on her
can be in
next move, she heard a snap.
Cracks spiderwebbed around
her. She made up her mind.
She would trust this bird.
She spread her arms on
the ice like wings, keeping
her body flat and spreading
her weight across the fragile
surface. She breathed out a
steamy cloud and pushed
forward on her belly, inching
along. Ahead, the penguin
wove a trail between the
cracks. Elaine scraped
along behind, slow-motion
tobogganing. Icy shards
collected along her arms
and scratched her nose and
cheeks. She lost track of

20 ask
time as she focused on following the
penguin’s path.
Finally, with one last pull of
her arms, Elaine crawled after her
penguin onto solid, white ice. Safety!
Standing on quivery legs, she turned
to look back. In the distance, an
Elaine-shaped imprint marked the
spot where she’d landed, right over a
giant crack.
Phew. Elaine bent over, her
hands on her knees. Once her
heartbeat had slowed to normal, she
turned toward the penguin. How
could she thank her friend?
But the bird was already gone,
retracing its steps across the maze
of cracks. As Elaine watched, the
penguin paused atop a ridge. It stood
up on its toes, stretched its wings
wide and pointed its beak skyward.
it trumpeted. The ecstatic cry sent
shivers up Elaine’s spine.
She threw back her head
and yodeled her reply: “Oh
The penguin waited until the last
echo faded. It looked back at Elaine When you’re lost
across the terrible, beautiful ice. McMurdo Station. She knew her out on the ice

Then it was gone. way back from here.

Elaine pulled out her knife and Her penguin guide would rejoin
A friendly bird
cut a strip of fleece from the bottom its colony for the long winter ahead. is very nice.
of her jacket. Wrapping the fabric Elaine, thanks to that bird, would
around her head, she sighed with head home with a story that she’d
relief, and turned at last toward never forget.

ask 21
Cold Scientists art by Mark Brewer
Climatologists: Ice Cores
As snow falls, it snagss
We’d gases and dust from the
You do
better get
air. Thousands of years rs
to work! of snowfalls lie in
we’ll take
science. layers on Antarctica.
Using hollow drills
like big straws,
climatologists pull out
long tubes of layered,
smooshed snow, called
ice cores. Then they
look at the trapped
gases, dust, and pollen in
each layer to learn whathat
the air was like long ago
and how Earth’s climateatte Rule 17: Don’t
has changed. lick the ice.

Zoologists: Microbiologists: Blood Falls

Antifreeze Fish Blood Falls is a strange Antarctic glacier
Why isn’t this fish that has turned rusty red with iron
frozen? Both the north seeping from an underground lake. The
and south polar oceans lake is home to weird microbes, similar
are home to fish that to ones that live in the deep ocean and
live in water so cold it maybe on other planets. These microbes,
would freeze a normal trapped under the ice for 1.5 million
fish solid in minutes. years, have evolved to live without oxygen.
What’s their secret? Instead, they eat sulfur and iron.
These fish make a
natural antifreeze, a
special sugary protein
in their blood that keeps ice crystals from
forming. Scientists are studying the fish
antifreeze for possible uses in medicines and
making better ice cream.

22 ask
Have you
found out
Lots of scientists visit Antarctica every year. why penguins
can’t fly?
What aree they all doing down there?

ers:: Ph
South Pole Neutrinos
Telescope Phy
PPhysicists have built an
Antarctica is a unusual
un telescope to
great place for hunt for tiny sub-atomic
astronomers, people particles
pa called neutrinos.
who study the star rs
stars Their neutrino-detector,
and space. The air called IceCube, is made of
is very clear, there lo strings of sensors sunk
are no city lights, ddeep
eep int
into the ice. Neutrinos
t’s dark all
and in winter it’s are so tiny they zip rright through ordinary
the time, so they can get a lot matter. Trillions stream through you every
done. The South Pole Telescope second! But when one hits an ice crystal just
is looking at distant galaxies for right, it makes a faint blue flash. Spotting
clues to dark energy, a mysterious these flashes and tracing where in space the
force that seems to be making the neutrinos come from can help astronomers
universe expand. find distant black holes and supernovas.

Geologists: Meteorites Paleontologists: Polar Dinos

Meteorite-hunters love Antarctica. Fossil hunters have discovered that at
Thousands of meteorites, small space least eight species of dinosaurs roamed
rocks, rain down on Earth every day. Antarctica during the Cretaceous period,
Antarctica doesn’t get more meteorites along with tropical
than anywhere else, but if you’re ferns and insects.
looking for tiny black space rocks, it’s Finding dinosaurs
easy to spot them on a big, white sheet. and forests so
close to the
pole makes
think that the
planet was much
warmer 85
years ago.

ask 23
Climate Clues
I wonder
how long
this will

in the Ice by Tania Therien

art by Thor Wickstrom

n chilly Antarctica and
Greenland, snow has
piled up over many
centuries without melting.
All that snow makes an icy
blanket that can be miles
thick. And by studying the
ice, scientists can tell what
the weather was like long ago. In Antarctica, thousands
of years of snowfall squash
How? When snow falls, down, making thin layers
it traps little air bubbles and in the ice. Each layer holds
clues about past climate.
bits of dust from the air.
These freeze into the ice. The ice sheets of
Antarctica and
Greenland are miles
thick. That’s a lot of

How far down to

10,000 years ago?

24 ask
These tubes
have been
Using special drills, drilled from
scientists remove long tubes, deep in the
ice sheet.
or cores, of ice. They store the
tubes in huge freezers.
Scientists can tell how old
each layer is by counting back.
If they melt a bit of ice from an
old layer, they can get a sample
of air from that time. From
clues in the air and in the snow
itself, they can tell whether the
snow fell in a warm or cool
year. This gives us a snapshot
of Earth’s temperatures over
many thousands of years.
They can also measure ure
the amount of carbon dioxide
(CO2) gas at different times.
The CO2 levels go up inn warmer Ice cores are
So you stored in a big
periods, and down in ice ce ages. forecast freezer, a library
In ice from the last 80 years, of past climate.
the amount of CO2 in the he air weather?
has risen faster than it ever Getting ready to
drill a new core.
has before.

The dark band is a

layer of volcanic ash
that fell on Antarctica
21,000 years ago.

ask 25
The Big by Tracy
Vonder Brink

Ice sheet melting in
Svalbard, Norway

The Arctic and Antarctic might seem far away.

But the ice at the top and bottom of the world
has a big impact on all of us.

A Warmer World

t the edge of
Antarctica, a cliff of As far back as 870 CE, Vikings recorded how many
But we ice stretches a mile days a year the sea near them was covered in ice. In
brought our
high. Suddenly, with a boom, modern times, satellites take daily pictures of the
a huge chunk the size of a ice caps. Scientists can compare pictures to see how
ccity block breaks off and the ice changes year to year. And what they see is
ssplashes into the sea. A new less and less ice.
iiceberg is born! In summer, In the distant past, Earth has been both warmer
ppolar ice is always breaking and colder than it is now. A hundred million years
and melting. But now it’s ago, Antarctica was ice-free. It was warm enough to
happening more, and faster. have forests full of dinosaurs. But in colder times,
That worries scientists. ice has covered much of the globe.

26 ask
100 million years ago,
Antarctica had forests
and dinosaurs instead
of ice.

If the North
Pole needs ice,
they can have

In the last Ice Age, 20,000

years ago, ice covered
Europe and North America.

Usually, Earth’s climate changes cool. But dark blue water absorbs It’s a start.
very slowly, over thousands or millions the sun’s heat and warms up. This
of years. Plants and animals have time melts more ice, which traps more
to adapt. But now, human activities like heat, which melts more ice. This is
burning fossil fuels are causing Earth to what scientists call a feedback loop.
heat up much faster. And the poles are Warming also dumps more
warming more quickly than anywhere land ice into the sea. In Arctic
else. That’s something new. Greenland, immense ice sheets
What does that mean for the Arctic cover rocky land. Warm weather
and Antarctic? can melt the top of the ice. The
water seeps down to form a slippery
Less Ice, More Water layer over the rock. This sends
A warmer world means less ice, for a huge slabs of ice sliding downhill, If Antarctica
start. It used to be impossible to sail into the ocean. The ice sheets have melted, low
a ship from Europe to Alaska over the always shed some ice in summer. places like
Florida might
top of Canada. The way was blocked by But now they are losing more ice be under
ice, even in summer. But over the past than ever before. water.
42 years, the Arctic has lost half of its
winter ice. Every year, more ice melts in
summer and less re-freezes in winter.
For the first time in modern memory,
there are open stretches of water across
the top of the world.
When more ice melts, it also melts
faster. Why? Shiny white ice and snow
reflect sunlight. That helps keep the poles

ask 27
Polar bears
hunt seals on
the ice. With Changing
less ice, they
go hungry.
poles will
As sea levels rise,
also change we may need to find
weather all new ways to build.
over. Big weather
Rising Seas systems are driven
When the ice melts, where does all that water by cold air circling around the
go? Back into the oceans. poles and deep ocean currents that move
Earth’s oceans are immense. But the ice heat around. These deep currents start
sheets hold a LOT of water. Antarctica’s ice at the poles, when cold, salty water sinks
cover is larger than the United States and and flows toward the equator.
several miles thick. If all that ice melted, sea If these ocean currents shift or stop,
levels would rise by around 200 feet (60 m). our weather could change in ways we
Antarctica is huge and very cold, so there’s no can’t predict. Some areas could become
danger of it all melting tomorrow. But even rainier. Some could become
slow melting can dump a lot of extra water drier. Storms could be more
into the oceans. If we don’t do anything to frequent and powerful.
stop warming, by the end of the century, sea
levels around the world could be several feet What Can We Do?
higher. That would flood many towns built The best way to save the ice is to reduce
near coasts. heat-trapping gases in the air. Using clean
Rising seas could also make wells more energy, driving less, and recycling can all
salty and cause problems for farmers who help. It will take hard work. But if we all
need fresh water for crops. pitch in, we can keep the poles icy.

This map shows deep ocean currents that move heat

around the world. Blue is cold water, red is warm.
28 ask
Ask Ask w
iith Sage
g aan
nd B
nd Briar
eexxt by
by E
rrtt byy M
llelen R
R.. Braaf,
nie Galloway

Hey, Sage! Rigel wants Brrrp. They sure Sounds happen when things vibrate. These vibrations vibrate the air in
to know, why do burps do. Excuse me! all directions. If the vibrations reach your eardrums, you hear a sound.
make sounds?

If I feel my throat when I talk, I When I burp, air is coming When your stomach has Brrrrp!
can feel my vocal cords vibrating UP from the stomach. too much gas, maybe Excuse me!
to make voice sounds. Do vocal from drinking soda or
cords make burp sounds too? eating too quickly, gas
rises in your food tube
and collects at the top.
Pressure increases until
there’s enough to force
There are two tubes in your open a round muscle
throat. Voice sounds are made that keeps the food
by air flowing up the air tube tube closed, called the
from the lungs. Burp sounds sphincter. When that
come from the other tube, which happens...
goes to the stomach.

Nice eructation! Or, burp. So what’s the loudest

As the gas rushes out, the burp ever?
sphincter vibrates. So does the
epiglottis, a flap at the back
of the throat. The vibrations
bounce around in the long food
tube, which amplifies them like a
trumpet. Put these all together,
and you get the “burp” sound.
The more gas rushing through,
the louder the burp.

Paul Hunn from Better out than in! But Excuse me!
England holds the always remember to say, Ask
Ask uuss aanything!
record for loudest Write
W ritee too uuss at:
aatt: AS
burp—109.9 700 E Eas
a t Lake
ke S St
Su uitee 8800
decibels, almost Chicago,
C hicca
a o, ILL 60 660601
as loud as an oorr have
ave your
av uurr ppa
ambulance siren email
maiill ask@cr
@c ccrrick
ketm eetttm
(120 decibels).
Send your letters to Ask Mail,
70 East Lake St., Suite 800, Chicago, IL
In our October issue we 60601, or have your parent/guardian
email us at
asked you to show us
what kind of “” you
might like to be. Thanks
to all you enthusiasts for
sharing what excites you!
Puppiologist Logan the
Chelsea Y., Artist
Arborist age 9, Logan C.,
Julie P., California age 10,
age 6 California

Horseback Ridingist
The Molecule Designerist Amarachi O.,
Owlist Oliver D., age 8, age 10, Reptilest
Ruben P., age 9 New Jersey New Jersey Caylee O., age 10, New Jersey

Dear Marvin, they were wolves. They Dear Zia,

I want to ask two questions: liked to hang around early I really like to do embroidery.
(1) what was the first type humans and jump on their Do you? I like creating
of dog? and (2) what was the new invention, the bed. Early patterns from a little piece of
first piece of furniture? humans told them “No! Bad! cloth. I really like doing art.
Your friend, Down!” And the first wolf My favorite kind of cupcake is
Alexandria F., Massachusetts who obeyed, became a dog. chocolate with sprinkles on top.
After that, we just kept What’s your favorite kind?
Dear Alexandria, evolving. Yours,
The first dogs were a lot Obediently, Vanessa A., age 9,
like wolves, because, in fact, Bot North Carolina

30 ask
Tempoist Sportist Artist
Matthias S. Chase L., Marin F.,
age 9 age 8,

Andrew F.

Aubrey M., Serpentologist
age 8, Skyla H.,
Connecticut age 11,

Maria A.,
age 10,

Daniel B., age 7,
Aidan P.

Dear Vanessa, Dear Marvin, box to get the list and she’ll get
Chocolate with sprinkles I have a prank for you! Take a stuck in the glue!
is delicious! Sewing is also box and label it “The Best Box Sincerely,
very fun. I have a new idea of Rules.” Then write down a Pranar V., Washington
for a project. I’m going to list of rules (don’t worry, you
make a cloth cupcake with don’t have to follow them!) Dear Pranar,
embroidered sprinkles! That and put it in the box. After The first rule will be “Do not
way I will have it forever. that, half-fill the box with take this list!” She won’t be able
Also, no crumbs in the bed! clear glue. When Plush sees it, to resist that. Thanks!
Sprinkles for ever, she’ll put her hand into the Prankmeister Marvin

ask 31
March Contest

Ice Master
At the Ice Hotel in Sweden, everything is
made of ice: walls, chairs, beds, stairs—
even the piano! For this month’s contest,
imagine something you might like to make
out of ice. What other uses could there
be for the shivery, slippery stuff? Send us
a drawing of your idea (or build it and
take a picture!) and we’ll feature the most
frosty in an upcoming issue of Ask.

Contest Rules: 4. Your entry must be emailed by a parent 6. Email a photo or scan of artwork to:
1. Your contest entry must be your very or legal guardian, saying it’s your own, or mail to:
own work. Ideas and words should not work and that no one helped you, and Ask, 70 East Lake St., Suite 800,
be copied. that Ask has permission to publish it in Chicago, IL 60601.
2. Be sure to include your name, age, and print and online. Entries must be postmarked or emailed
state on your entry. 5. For information on the Children’s Online by March 31, 2021.
3. Only one entry per person, please. Privacy Protection Act, see the Privacy 7. We will publish the winning entries in an
Policy page at upcoming issue of Ask.

e s due 1
ri 2
Ent 27, 20
Apr Join the 2021 Spark!Lab Dr. InBae & Mrs. Kyung Joo Yoon
Hey, Young I football play
Former pro r
w n S p r in g s is an invento
and GAME CH s
dpact, create
company, Win
r helmets
technology fo
Be a Game Changer!
juries cause
to reduce in
by impacts in
n s w il l ch a nge the gam
Shawn’s inve r ts—baseball
, What ideas
in m a n y s p o do you hav
for players , to e for makin
ii n g , fo o t b a ll, and hockey sports mo
re fun? fair g
cycling, sk competitiv ? s afe? acces
forever! e?
name a few—

Create an invention that makes sports more exciting, fun, fair, or safe for all.
Visit to get help with your invention. Share your idea. Win awesome prizes!

Brought to you by Smithsonian &

32 ask Institution
Science Comics: Polar Bears Perishing Poles
by Jason Viola and Zack Giallongo by Anita Ganeri
If you want to I’m delighted to find that the Horrible
kn about the History team does geography too. Here they
A why not find the funny side
as someone who of polar science,
liv there? In explore the many
th fun book, two kinds of ice, and
m polar meet interesting
be learn the polar animals and
ar of stalking a people. Liberally
se and other sprinkled with
po bear basics, terrible penguin
w exploring puns, bad jokes,
th Arctic and its and hair-raising
many exciting dangers. Seals, watch out! stories of explorers
in polar peril.

Matthew Henson, Arctic Adventurer Frozen Wild

by Phil Miller by Jim Arnosky
In the early 1900s, teams of explorers How do animals
raced to be the first to reach the North survive in the
and South Poles. Matthew Henson was a coldest places
skilled sailor, navigator, and carpenter who on Earth? This
was working as a store clerk when he beautiful book
joined a North Pole reveals the
team in 1906. He hidden secrets
built the sleds and of beavers,
found the way, and otters, polar
he may have been bears, whales,
the first person to snowy owls, and other animals of the
reach the pole! This Arctic and Antarctic. It’s comforting to
cartoon book tells learn they have so many clever ways to
the story of his stay warm and find snacks. A great book
adventurous life. to curl up with on a cold winter night.

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