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Hands -on Exercise No.

2 Total Marks: 10
Batch -10
Digital Literacy Due Date: 15-07-2021

Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting this Hands-on Exercise:

• Use MS Word to prepare exercise solution.

• You may consult tutorials and videosif the conceptis not clear.

• Your submitted exercise will not be considered/countedif:

▪ It is submitted after duedate.
▪ It is not in the required format (.doc ordocx.)
▪ It does not open, orfile is corrupt.
▪ It is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc.)

Learning Outcome:

After completing this exercise, you shall be able to:

• Do basic formatting of the document

• Insert Smart Art into a document

Manage Manager

Foreman Foreman B Sale Officer A Sale Officer B

Problem Statement

1. Locate Microsoft Word in the programs and open a new document.

2. Insert organizational chart with the help of Smart Art.
3. Italicize the text.
4. Bold the text.
5. Increase the font size to 14.
6. Change the font style to (your choice!).
7. Change the layout color blue to green.
8. Save your work.

How to submit solution file on LMS?
Please perform the following steps for submitting your solution using LMS:

1) Login to the LMS

2) Click on the Exercises button within the My Activities section

3) Click on the submit button to upload your Solution.

4) Keep in mind to upload your Solution in .doc or .docx format

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