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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5


7:00 – 8:30 AM TTH

Group Members:

Adelan, Nicasio Kinalamay, John Mark

Alar, John Edward Kinilitan, Genelie
Amante, Pamela Kinilitan, Shaira
Awid, Melody Magsigay, Rosielyn
Ebrole, Queenie Merlas, Karen
Gajilomo, Jacquiline Modequillo, Mervelyn
Halom, Dante Ruales, Kathleen
Ib-ib, Jemboy Trono, John Carl

Submitted to:

Dr. Melita F. Capitan

Principles and Strategies of Teaching 2 Instructor

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5
(7:00 - 8:30 AM)
(1 hour and 30 minutes)

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

1. To identify statements that show cause and effect relationship.

2. To distinguish between cause and effect relationship in the sentences found in the story.
3. To construct sentences with cause and effect relationship.
4. To find the paragraph that answers the questions in the story.

II. Subject Matter:

“Pandora’s Box,” “Cause and Effect”
Reference: “Reading 5 pp. 28-37”
“Language 5 pp. 38-39”
Materials: Pocket Chart, realias, box and charts
Values: Obedience

III. Procedure: (Inductive Method)


A. Preparation
Good morning everyone! How are you today? -We are fine teacher.
Are you ready for our English class? - Yes teacher!
1. Review:
Rosalie, please read the first sentence. -Juan was absent because he was sick.
What is the underlined word in the sentence? -“because he was sick”
What is “because he was sick” in our lesson yesterday
called? -“because he was sick” is a dependent clause.
Excellent! “because he was sick” is a dependent
What is a dependent clause? Regine? -A dependent clause is a phrase that does not express
a complete thought.
Right! A dependent clause is a phrase that does not
express a complete thought.

2. Phonics Drill
On the board are list of words with the final sound of
“ty.” Please listen as I say them: -(The class listens while the teacher sounds off the
words properly.)
pity beauty
curiosity cruelty
unity dignity

Okay class, please read aloud as I point the words,

together... pity beauty
curiosity cruelty
unity dignity

3. Spelling
Please get your spelling booklets and number it from 1
to 10. Finish? Write the correct spelling of the words I
say. -(The students follow the instructions.)

Number 1. proud 1. proud

My mother is so proud of me.

Number 2. ivory 2. ivory

Jupiter put into her hands a chest of ivory.

Number 3. cords 3. cords

They used cords to tie the tent of the trees.

Number 4. creature 4. creature

Each creature is important.

Number 5. panic 5. panic

If something goes wrong, do not panic.

Number 6. grief 6. grief

Her face was filled with grief when she saw her
mother’s grave.

Number 7. tidiness 7. tidiness

Mrs. Monito wants her students to exhibit tidiness.

Number 8. greedy 8. greedy

We should not be greedy.

Number 9. mean 9. mean

Starla was mean to her sister.

Number 10. naughty 10. naughty

Santa Claus decides who is naughty and nice.

Pass your booklets at the center aisle, at the count of

five and in front at the count of three... one, two,
three, four, five. 1, 2, 3. (The booklets are at the center aisle then passed to
the teacher.)

B. Presentation of the Lesson

1. Motivation:
Class, I want all of your faces in front. Now, what do
you see? -We see a box teacher.
Do you have any idea what’s inside the box? Does it
have treasures? Or is it empty? -No teacher.
Would you like to open it for me? -Yes teacher! (The students raise their hands.)
Yes Rina, kindly open it. Pick one strip and read it
aloud. -since
Thank you Rina. Please hand the flashcard to me.
Let’s read the word per table.
since -since
since -since
since -since

Please pick another one, Rodrigo. -because

Thank you Rodrigo.
Let’s read the word per table.
because -because
because -because
because -because

Last one. Minerva. -so

Thank you Minerva.
Let’s read the phrase per table.
so -so
so -so
so -so

Now class, let’s read the words in the pocket chart.

since -since
because -because
so -so

Class, these words can be found in the sentences that

shows cause and effect relationship.
Where can we find these words again? -The words can be found in sentences that show cause
and effect relationship.
Very good!

2. Unlocking of Words
Please read the word in the card... together. -greedy

Do you know what the word greedy means? -No teacher!

Let’s take this situation. You and your friend went to

the canteen to buy something to eat but your friend
did not have any money to spend. What will you do?
Will you lend your money to your friend? Or would
you continue to buy the food and eat it in front of your
friend? -Lend money to my friend because he is in need and
he is hungry.
If you will lend some money to your friend, you are a
generous person. But if you will buy food and not
share it with your friend, you will be called greedy. -Ahh!

Now, do you understand what the word greed means? -Yes teacher!

Greed is a selfish desire. If you want to have

everything more than what you need, you are a greedy

What do we mean by the word greedy? Rosa? -Greedy is having or showing a selfish desire to have
more of something such as money or food.
Very good!

Now read the second word. -instant

How many of you have eaten instant noodles? -(Majority of the students raises their hands)
Instant noodles are noodles that can be prepared in a
quick manner. Some noodles can be prepared in 5
minutes by pouring hot water and these noodles are
called instant noodles. -Ahh!

Do you understand what the word instant means? -Yes teacher!

Instant is a very short period of time.
Can you construct a sentence using the word
“instant”? Niko? -Rizal became an instant celebrity because of his novel.
Very good Niko.

C. Comparison and Abstraction

Class, this morning, we are going to listen to a story
but before we proceed. Can you give and share to the
class what we will observe in reading a story to the
class? -Sure teacher!
What are the rules to be followed in oral reading?
Give one, Nichole. 1. Read the selection aloud.
Another one John. 2. Pronounce the words correctly and clearly.
What else? Hermione? 3. Read with feelings and observe punctuation marks.
Last one Luna? 4. Read with understanding.
Thank you! Yes, all those rules must be observed and
followed in oral reading. Okay?

I have some questions here for you to answer after

reading the story.
Read the first question, Jonathan.
1. Who is the main character in the story? 1. Who is the main character in the story?
2. How will you describe the girl in the story? 2. How will you describe the girl in the story?
3. What will happen if the ivory box will be opened? 3. What will happen if the ivory box will be opened?
4. If you were the girl in the story, would you also open 4. If you were the girl in the story, would you also open
the box? the box?

These are the questions that you’re going to answer

after reading the story.
Are we ready? -Yes teacher!

Sunny, please read the first paragraph.

“When man had been made, Jupiter decided that he “When man had been made, Jupiter decided that he
would make woman, and send her down to earth. He would make woman, and send her down to earth. He
called on all the gods and goddesses to help him, and called on all the gods and goddesses to help him, and
they did.” they did.”
Mooncloud, please read the second paragraph.
“Venus gave her beauty, Apollo gave her the gift of “Venus gave her beauty, Apollo gave her the gift of
music, Minerva gave her wisdom and skill in spinning music, Minerva gave her wisdom and skill in spinning
and weaving, and the mischievous Mercury stirred in, and weaving, and the mischievous Mercury stirred in,
for spice, a few very human failings, curiosity among for spice, a few very human failings, curiosity among
them.” them.”
Dusty, please read the third paragraph.
“When she was finished, she was lovely. Quite proud “When she was finished, she was lovely. Quite proud
of their handiwork, the gods named her Pandora- of their handiwork, the gods named her Pandora-
which means “the gift of all the gods’- and Jupiter put which means “the gift of all the gods’- and Jupiter put
into her hands a chest of ivory, quite small but into her hands a chest of ivory, quite small but
intricately carved, with an odd golden clasp. He intricately carved, with an odd golden clasp. He
cautioned her to keep it by her always, but never open cautioned her to keep it by her always, but never open
to open it. Then he sent her down to earth and to open it. Then he sent her down to earth and
presented her to Epimetheus.” presented her to Epimetheus.”
Saturnina, please read the fourth paragraph.
“And she made Epimitheus a very good wife. She was a “And she made Epimitheus a very good wife. She was a
good cook, she kept the house tidy, she wove beautiful good cook, she kept the house tidy, she wove beautiful
cloth, and she obeyed her husband’s wishes in cloth, and she obeyed her husband’s wishes in
everything. In spite of herself however, she found her everything. In spite of herself however, she found her
thoughts turning much too often to that ivory box she thoughts turning much too often to that ivory box she
had brought with her. Finally, there came a time when had brought with her. Finally, there came a time when
it seemed to her that she and the box could not it seemed to her that she and the box could not
possibly be in the same house any longer unless she possibly be in the same house any longer unless she
knew what was in it. So she took the little golden key knew what was in it. So she took the little golden key
that hung from it by a silken cord, and turned it in the that hung from it by a silken cord, and turned it in the
lock. Then she lifted the lid- just a little, just for a lock. Then she lifted the lid- just a little, just for a
glimpse. “ glimpse. “

Gregory, please read the fifth paragraph.

“Alas, poor Pandora! In an instant, the room was filled “Alas, poor Pandora! In an instant, the room was filled
with tiny ugly winged creatures, buzzing about the with tiny ugly winged creatures, buzzing about the
walls and streaming through the windows. What had walls and streaming through the windows. What had
she done? In a panic, she shut the lid again, but it was she done? In a panic, she shut the lid again, but it was
too late. For in that box had been all the evil things the too late. For in that box had been all the evil things the
world had not known before- Meanness and Greed world had not known before- Meanness and Greed
and Cruelty and Pain and a million others-an as soon as and Cruelty and Pain and a million others-an as soon as
the lid was lifted, out they flew. What a pity she ever the lid was lifted, out they flew. What a pity she ever
let them loose!” let them loose!”

George, please read the last paragraph.

“But there is one thing to be said for Pandora- when, “But there is one thing to be said for Pandora- when,
in her panic, she clapped the box lid shut again, she did in her panic, she clapped the box lid shut again, she did
it just in time. For in the chest, there with the wicked it just in time. For in the chest, there with the wicked
winged things was Hope. If Hope has escaped with the winged things was Hope. If Hope has escaped with the
rest, the world would have been far worse off than it rest, the world would have been far worse off than it
is. But fortunately, she was left behind. And whatever is. But fortunately, she was left behind. And whatever
could we do without her?” could we do without her?”

Adapted: Myth

When man had been made, Jupiter decided that he would make woman, and send her down to earth. He
called on all the gods and goddesses to help him, and they did.
Venus gave her beauty, Apollo gave her the gift of music, Minerva gave her wisdom and skill in spinning
and weaving, and the mischievous Mercury stirred in, for spice, a few very human failings, curiosity among
When she was finished, she was lovely. Quite proud of their handiwork, the gods named her Pandora-
which means “the gift of all the gods’- and Jupiter put into her hands a chest of ivory, quite small but intricately
carved, with an odd golden clasp. He cautioned her to keep it by her always, but never open to open it. Then he
sent her down to earth and presented her to Epimetheus.
And she made Epimitheus a very good wife. She was a good cook, she kept the house tidy, she wove
beautiful cloth, and she obeyed her husband’s wishes in everything. In spite of herself however, she found her
thoughts turning much too often to that ivory box she had brought with her. Finally, there came a time when it
seemed to her that she and the box could not possibly be in the same house any longer unless she knew what
was in it. So she took the little golden key that hung from it by a silken cord, and turned it in the lock. Then she
lifted the lid- just a little, just for a glimpse.
Alas, poor Pandora! In an instant, the room was filled with tiny ugly winged creatures, buzzing about the
walls and streaming through the windows. What had she done? In a panic, she shut the lid again, but it was too
late. For in that box had been all the evil things the world had not known before- Meanness and Greed and
Cruelty and Pain and a million others-an as soon as the lid was lifted, out they flew. What a pity she ever let
them loose!
But there is one thing to be said for Pandora- when, in her panic, she clapped the box lid shut again, she
did it just in time. For in the chest, there with the wicked winged things was Hope. If Hope has escaped with the
rest, the world would have been far worse off than it is. But fortunately, she was left behind. And whatever
could we do without her?

Now, let’s go back to the questions asked earlier.

Please read question number one and answer, Star?
1. Who is the main character in the story? 1. Who is the main character in the story?
2. How will you describe the girl in the story? Reverr? 2. How will you describe the girl in the story?
-Pandora is curious and disobedient.
3. What will happen if the ivory box will be opened? 3. What will happen if the ivory box will be opened?
Chuck? -All evil creatures in the world would be freed.

4. If you were the girl in the story, would you also open 4. If you were the girl in the story, would you also open
the box? Taylor? the box?
-No. I will follow the instructions that were given to me
to avoid unnecessary outcomes.

Very good!

Class, in the story, we can find some statements with

words that show cause and effect.

Melo, can you please read the underlined sentences in

the fourth paragraph? -Finally, there came a time when it seemed to her that
she and the box could not possibly be in the same
house any longer unless she knew what was in it. So
she took the little golden key that hung from it by a
Now, “so” is a word that connects 2 clauses or silken cord, and turned it in the lock.
sentences that show cause and effect.
Do you get it?
“So” is? -Yes teacher!
- A word that connects 2 clauses or sentences that
Good! show cause and effect.
Do you know what cause is a cause and what an effect
is? -No teacher.
Let’s take this situation.
Sheila wanted to go home but it was raining. She did
not bring her umbrella so she got wet.
What was the reason Sheila got wet? Rainier? -It was raining and Sheila did not bring her umbrella
with her.
Very good! Now, what happened to Sheila?
Dominique? -Sheila got wet.

Very good!
Do you now have an idea on what a cause is and what
an effect is? Dyna? -A cause is a reason of doing something while an effect
is the result of doing such thing.
Bravo! Let’s have an example.
1. The child is very diligent so he got good grades.

Which of the two phrases is the cause? Ricordi? -The child is very diligent.
Very good! Now which is the effect? Angelo? -He got good grades.
Can anyone construct a sentence that show cause and
effect relationship? Yes, Fiona? -Maria failed the test because she did not study.
Thank you Fiona. Based on Fiona’s sentence, who can
identify which is the cause and the effect? Amelia? -“Maria failed the test” is the result/effect while “she
did not study” is the cause.
Do you want to fail the test like Maria? -No teacher!
Very well, you should always study at home and don’t
leave any idle hours so you will not be like Maria.

D. Generalization -You can count on us teacher!

Class, how do we know a particular phrase expresses a

How about an effect? -When it pertains to a reason of doing something.

Very good! -If it offers the result or the product of doing such
E. Application
I think the lesson is already learned, please come to
the board and identify the cause and effect. Write
capital letter C for cause and capital letter E for effect
in the blank provided.

1. _____ Maia is often sick.

_____ Maia does not like to eat vegetables.
1. E Maia is often sick.
2. _____ All trees were cut down. __C__ Maia does not like to eat vegetables.
_____ There will be floods.
2. __C__ All trees were cut down.
3. _____ Sulu is a place of many cottage industries. __E___ There will be floods.
_____ The standard of living will be improved.
3. __C__ Sulu is a place of many cottage industries.
4. _____ His mother whipped him in the butt. __E__ The standard of living will be improved.
_____ He disobeyed her.
4. __E___ His mother whipped him in the butt.
5. _____ He did not study his lessons. __C___ He disobeyed her.
_____ He failed in his exams.
5. __C___ He did not study his lessons.
___E__ He failed in his exams.

V. Assignment: V. Assignment:

Direction: Copy your assignment in your English Direction: Copy your assignment in your English
Notebook. Refer to your textbook, page 40. Activity 1. Notebook. Refer to your textbook, page 40. Activity 1.

Activity 1. Activity 1.
Direction: Identify the cause and effect by underlining Direction: Identify the cause and effect by underlining
the cause once and encircle the effect. the cause once and encircle the effect.

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