Devops Infosys-Interview-Qs

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docker architecture

Docker file CMD vs ENTRYPOINT

docker logs
docker deamon
docker custom image: docker build -t -f path of the file:tag
docker system prune command: to delete multiple images at a single command
docker logs command: docker logs <containerName>
kubernetes architecture:
kubernetes nodeport,clusterIP:
clusterIP: with in the cluster access the applications
Nodeport: to access external traffic of the cluster (outside of the cluster)
kubernetes deployments types:
3.a/b testing
4.recreate deployments

kubernetes services:
External Name Creation service

kubernetes pods communication

ansible roles:
ansible modules:
ansible inventory:
git stash: The "git stash" command can help you to(temporarily but safely)store
your uncommitted local changes
- and leave you with a clean working copy.
git status: git log command
git branching strategy:
jenkins jobs
server troubleshoot
jenkins logs: /var/log/jenkins/jenkins.log
jenkins scripted pipeline vs declerative pipeline
jenkins pipeline code stages
jenkins plugins: Deploy war/ear container,sonar scanner,maven
integration,git,github,nexus atrifactory repository,docker,
ansible,checkstyle,s3 publisher.
jenkins pipeline job faild in second stage and restart it then it start from first

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