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1.1 Inventory controls

(1) Ordering  store department  purchase requisition (quantity/code/description/cost)  purchasing

department (internal)
(2) Purchasing  search for suppliers  purchase order (quantity/code/cost/description (VAT))  supplier +store
department + accountant
+ supplier: check inv  credit history of customers  sales order (accepted purchase order)
(3) Receiving goods into store  người mua nhận được hàng từ người bán  check quantity+quality  signed
off to confirm (do store department ký) Good received note  purchasing department, accounting department
+ supplier: xuất hóa đơn  accountants reconfide kiểm tra PO có matching vs quantity x price = total cost trên
GRN  3 ways matching control
(4) Storing
(5) Issuing inv  one department  material requisition note
+ nếu sử dụng không hết  material return note (trả lại kho)/ material transfer note (luân chuyển sang bộ phận
khác) (internal document  kiểm soát chi phí charge vào department)
(6) Controlling levels of inv

Khi mua hàng/xuất hàng

1.1 mua tiền/ 1.2 mua chịu


1.2 Monitoring of inventory levels:

+ inv movements  physical inv matches that shown in the inv records

 Periodic basis: usually at the end of an accounting

 Continuing basis : valuing selected items at different times  rotating basis  specialist team  high turnover
(more frequently)
+ more time valuable  reducing error
+ specialist  reducing error
+ avoiding disruption
+ increase standard of staff

Free inventory balance  số lượng HTK sẵn sàng cho tương lai (what is really available for future)

Cost of inventory

+ purchasing cost:
+ Ordering cost: clerical, administrative, production run, transportion:

+ holding inventory : ƯU ĐIỂM

 expected demand (just in time  ko lưu giữ hàng TK quá nhiều vì tốn chi phí/ nhược điểm: disruption vì ko đáp
ứng kịp nhu cầu khách hàng)
 meet any future shortages
 take advantage of bulk purchasing discount
 variation in production process
 inflation


 storage (space/employee…)
 interest tied up
 obsolescence
 deterioration

+ stockout costs: lost (sale, customers (future sale/good will), production purchase immediately,


Reorder level: maximum usage x maximum lead time (ordering  receving)

+ Lead time: shoud before minimum levels

+ Minimum level : stock out cost

+ Maximum level: holding cost : minimum inv + reorder

+ average inventory: : biến động giữa minimum
inventory ( safety inv) and maximum:

 Số lượng cần đặt hàng để EOQ (economic ordering quantity) mua ko giảm giá  ordering cost = holding cost

Giải thích: ordering cost (fixed order ) nếu no of ordering càng giảm  total odering cost giảm ( để giảm thì đặt với
số lượng lớn)

 EBQ: build up gradually to match production rates  tự sản xuất ra HTK cho mình sử dụng  giảm inventory
holding cost + administrative cost + gurantee future inv

 Mua với số lượng nào để được giảm giá  Q > EOQ  Bulk discount > EOQ
+ total cost khi mua tại mức EOQ
+total cost  minimum quantity  obtained discount

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