Multi Purpose Computer Presentation

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M u l t i P u r p o s e C o m p ut e r

An Innovative Concept
of System Monitoring
MPC - Multi Purpose Computer

F light safety and aircraft maintenance
optimization being two of the major
requirements of Operators and Airworthiness
Authorities, it is often necessary to carry out
. modifications or evolutions on aircraft avionics
. systems.
. In response to these requirements and
. with the aim of helping Operators to reduce
. maintenance costs, ATR has been working
closely with SAGEM to develop a modular
. solution that is compliant with both current
. and foreseeable airworthiness regulations and
. meets the technical and commercial needs of
the Operators.
. The Multi-Purpose Computer is a unique
system fulfilling, among others, the following
. _ functions:
. _
è Quick Access Recorder
. _
_ è G-Meter
. _ è Enhanced Surveillance
. _
_ è Maintenance BITE Monitoring
. _ è Aircraft Performance Monitoring
. _
. _
_ The purpose of this document is to introduce
. _ the technical functions recently made available
. _ on the MPC.
. _
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MPC - Multi Purpose Computer

. 01 > Introduction
. Today, all ATR aircraft are equipped with a FDAU (Flight Data
. Acquisition Unit), which is required by airworthiness authorities
ED 55 è FDAU
(ED 55) for recording flight and systems parameters (57
. parameters).
. Aircraft operating under FAA regulations are also equipped with
an AFDAU (Auxiliary Flight Data Acquisition Unit) to comply FAR 121.344 è FDAU + AFDAU
with FAR 121.344, which requires the recording of additional
parameters (88 instead of 57).
. The MPC proposed by ATR is an upgrade of the existing AFDAU
MPC = upgraded AFDAU
. which offers the innovative concept presented below.
. > MPC Concept
. The MPC
. improves ATR
aircraft situational
. awareness and
. knowledge
. Removable The MPC allows
. _ (PCMCIA)
Operators to
customize data
. _ analysis to
. _ improve mainte-
nance decisions
. _
. _
. _
. _
. _
. _
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. _
The MPC combines multiple
. _ features that satisfy different
. _ requirements :

. _ Safety
. _ Maintenance
. _ Provision

MPC - Multi Purpose Computer

02 > MPC Features
‘‘Access flight data very easily
. to carry out specific analyses’’
. è QAR/DAR (Quick Access Recorder) è ACMS (Aircraft Condition Monitoring System)
. The Quick Access Recorder (QAR) provides full-time recording The principal aim of the ACMS function is to allow maintenance
. in airborne conditions and a high level of integrity of the recorded staff to analyse complementary aircraft parameters.
. data. It allows Operators to store up to 1Gb (up to 2230 flight The ACMS can be customized to monitor data on conditions
. hours - see table below) of flight parameters on a PCMCIA card for trending purposes (e.g.: engine trend monitoring) and
. (ATA flash memory card) and technical staff can easily download for troubleshooting (e.g.: electrical power faults, pitot heater
. data onto a portable computer to carry out flight analysis. failures, pneumatic system failures, engine trim fault) according
. Moreover, it is possible to monitor the QAR and the PCMCIA to the Operator’s specific applications, requirements, operating
. card status through a dedicated menu for aircraft equipped with environment and logistics.
. a MCDU. A comprehensive ground system is available to allow data
recorded on the PCMCIA card to be analysed and processed.
. Record duration (in hours of recording)

. Record Speed/Disk size 64Mb 256Mb 512Mb 1024Mb

64 words/sec 145 582 1164 2230
128 words/sec 72 290 582 1164
256 words/sec 36 145 291 592
. 512 words/sec 18 72 145 291
. _
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. _
. _
Detection of maximum ITT at
. _ take off

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ACMS Capabilities
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MPC - Multi Purpose Computer

. ‘‘Centralize maintenance’’
è G-meter è Maintenance BITE
. During aircraft flight and landing, the G-Meter function allows the The Maintenance BITE function allows the display of maintenance
. storage of max vertical acceleration in the PCMCIA card. After information through the MCDU.
. each flight, accelerations can be read on a MCDU page and The MPC gets access to existing BITE data in the relevant
. compared with theoretical values, indicated in the Aircraft Flight computers and makes the maintenance functions available:
. Manual. AFCS – For all aircraft
. Fast and simple, the G-Meter function allows parameters to be TCAS – For aircraft equipped with TCAS
. analysed after landing without a DFDR analysis, thus avoiding a
MFC – For ATR72, ATR42-400 & 42-500
. lengthy immobilization of the aircraft.
. Radio Nav. and Radio Comm. – For aircraft equipped with
. COLLINS avionics
. PEC – For aircraft equipped with electronic propeller regulation
è Acceleration checked: The
. EEC – For aircraft equipped with engine electronic control
. G-Meter page on the MCDU
. allows the Operator to read
. all the accelerations: vertical,
. longitudinal and lateral.
. A dedicated menu makes it
. possible to select and to check
. maintenance information through
. a BITE page on the MCDU.
. è Acceleration compared:
. Theoretical values (two abacus,
. one for the landing and one for
. the flight) are available in the
. Aircraft Flight Manual and
. allow to make comparison with For each BITE, it is possible
. values recorded to move through the different
. _ during the flight. menus to access to the required
. _ information.
. _
. _
. _
. _
. _
For example, on the AFCS
. _
_ menu the Operator has access
_ to the “Flight Fault Summary”.
. DECISION è It is now possible to make the decision
_ The recommendations for
. to stop the aircraft or to keep on flying without DFDR
_ technical staff are given in plain
. removal and read-out.
_ text to improve understanding.
. _
. _

MPC - Multi Purpose Computer

. ‘‘A new system, providing enhanced
. monitoring of in-flight aircraft behaviour’’
è APM (Aircraft Performance Monitoring) Man/Machine Interface
. Crew situational awareness and the ability to follow a The Man/Machine interface of the APM has been studied to
. straightforward decision-making process are of paramount provide crews with very clear and precise information on the
. importance for safe aircraft operations. System design and flight performance status. Three significant indicators placed in
. specific device design, procedures and crew training have been front of the pilot and the co-pilot display this information in the
. developed with this in mind, providing, when correctly applied following way:
. and operated, the required level of safety.
. In line with this philosophy, ATR has dedicated investment and
. resources to the research and development of technical solutions Cruise
Speed Low
. to help crew recognize external conditions detrimental to aircraft Degraded Increase
. performance.
Perf. Speed

“Severe icing” encounters are a well-known issue in this respect:
when such conditions are encountered, the regulations require
that emergency procedures be immediately carried out in order
to escape from them.
. The Aircraft Performance Monitoring (APM) function reinforces
. the knowledge and the awareness of the crew with regard to
. severe icing conditions during flights.
. Real-time acquisition of aircraft parameters is made in order to
. compute, according to the aircraft configuration:
. è Theoretical and minimum icing speeds
è Aircraft weight
. Cruise Speed Low
è Theoretical and real aircraft performances
. The indicator illuminates when cruise IAS is lower than the
. _ parameters are analysed and compared with theoretical
expected value.
. _ and when the situation becomes degraded, alerts and
_ Degraded perf.
. warnings are delivered to the crew.
_ During climb, cruise and descent, it alerts the crew that:
. _ + Performance is being degraded
. _ + QRH procedures must be applied
. _ Increase Speed
. _
The indicator flashes as soon as the minimum icing speed is
. _
reached and the aircraft speed has to be increased.
. _
. _
. _
. _
. _ the APM modification includes a recording of the cautions and warnings, which provides an improved means of related icing events
. _
. _
. _
. _
. _

MPC - Multi Purpose Computer

. ‘‘Answer to Airworthiness Authorities’’
è ADS-B è Enhanced Surveillance
Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) capable In addition to the Elementary Surveillance function, Enhanced
aircraft use the on-board GPS receiver to compute their precise Surveillance, which will be required for all aircraft operating in
position, then combine that position with aircraft altitude, airspeed European Airspace by March 31th, 2007, enables the downlinking
and projected track. of aircraft parameters (roll angle, selected attitude, vertical rate,
. This information will simultaneously be broadcast to other ADS-B true track angle, ground speed, magnetic heading, true air speed)
. capable aircraft and to ADS-B ground, or satellite communications for Air Traffic Control purposes. The MPC acquires, formats and
. transceivers which then relay in real time the aircraft’s position sends the parameters required by the ATC to the transponders.
. and additional information to Air Traffic Control centres.
. The ADS-B will improve aircraft situational awareness and
. knowledge without the means of primary or secondary ground
. radar (strongly recommended in “remote areas”).
. Principle of the ADS-B function
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MPC - Multi Purpose Computer

. 03 > Operators Benefits
. The MPC offers Operators several advantages regarding improvements in safety, maintenance task accomplishment and cost reduction:
. + Improved aircraft situational awareness and knowledge + + Cost reduction +
The MPC functions allow the reception and transmission of flight The MPC combines different functions into one evolving
parameters that provide more detailed information for crews and equipment, which satisfies both regulatory and maintenance/
Air Traffic Control staff. Knowledge of both internal and external operations requirements. The open architecture offered by the
. aircraft environments is improved and therefore actions can be MPC allows potential new functions to be added easily without
. taken by the crew to avoid entering severe icing conditions or by requiring a complete equipment set-up.
. Air Traffic Control to enhance traffic management.
. + Effective maintenance +
. + Flight parameters access + Several types of maintenance information are centralized and
. The value of accessing recorded data during flight (Speed, directly available on a single display. Detailed diagnoses of the
. Temperature, Pressure, Acceleration…) has greatly increased system status and associated recommendations are produced
. as airlines can now use it to obtain specific analyses on the in plain text. Maintenance action clearly benefits from this as it is
. condition of their aircraft. All the data collected by the MPC
now possible to anticipate work to be done, to divide up the tasks
are recorded on a PCMCIA card that provides, even with hard and to organize them more efficiently.
flight conditions (strong turbulence, vibration), a full and highly
reliable record. Moreover, the recorded data are available simply
by removing the PCMCIA card and connecting it to a computer,
. giving airlines technical staff a sure and easily accessed source
. of technical data.
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MPC - Multi Purpose Computer

. 04 > Additional Features
. è FDEP (Flight Data Entry Panel) Removal
. The FDEP is no longer necessary. Pilots now have access to an HOUR : MINUTE
. 13 : 32
FDEP page through the MCDU menu. All the FDEP information
(flight number, date and time) can be found here. 04 : 12

. This function improves the pilot interface and frees up some 2005
. space on the pedestal for further options. 2473

FDEP Page on the MCDU
è PTE (Portable Test Equipment)
. Function MCDU needed
. QAR ----
. DAR ---- Our partner SAGEM has developed software for aircraft not
. equipped with the MCDU, to allow them to carry out the G-Meter,
ACMS option
. the Maintenance BITE and the FDEP Removal functions.
. G-meter YES
APM ---- The Portable Test Equipment, running on a portable PC, creates,
through a graphic interface, a virtual MCDU that offers the same
. Maintenance BITE YES
. functions as the real MCDU.
Enhanced Surveillance ----
ADS-B ----
. FDEP Removal YES
. _
ACMS: Aircraft Condition Monitoring System GPS: Global Positioning System
. _
_ Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast IAS: Indicated Air Speed
. _ Automatic Flight Control System
AFCS: ITT: Inter-Turbine Temperature

. _ Auxiliary Flight Data Acquisition Unit

AFDAU: MCDU: Multifunctional Control Display Unit (related to the GNSS)

. _
APM: Aircraft Performance Monitoring MFC: Multi-Function Computer
. _
ATA: Advanced Technology Attachement MPC: Multi-Purpose Computer
. _
BITE: Built-In Test Equipment PC: Personal Computer
. _
. _ Digital ACMS Recorder
DAR: PCMCIA: Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

. _ Digital Flight Data Recorder

DFDR: PEC: Propeller Electronic Control

. _ Electronic Engine Control

EEC: PTE: Portable Test Equipment
. _
FAA: Federal Aviation Administration PTT: Press To Test
. _
FAR: Federal Aviation Regulation QAR: Quick Access Recorder
. _
_ Flight Data Acquisition Unit QRH: Quick Reference Handbook
. _ Flight Data Entry Panel
FDEP: TCAS: Traffic Control Avoidance System

. _ Global Navigation Satellite System


MPC - Multi Purpose Computer

05 > Contacts
. For Commercial Information please contact:
. phone: +33.562.21.69.85
. fax: +33.562.21.67.40
. For Technical Information please contact:
. phone: +33.562.21.62.92
. fax: +33.562.21.69.00
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MPC - Multi Purpose Computer

. ATR certifications:
. EN 9100
. ISO 9001 : 2000
. ASQ 9001 : 2000
. ATR agreements:
. PART. 21 J - Design Approval
. EASA.21J.044
. PART.21 G - Production Approval
. FR.21G.0054
. PART. 145 - Maintenance Approval
. FR.145.427
. PART. 147 - Maintenance Training Approval
. FR.147.0003
TRTO - Flight Training Approval
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DS/CM - April 2005 - Issue 1 © Avions de Transport Régional 2005 - Information in this brochure is proprietary
The information contained in this document are presented in good faith and do not to ATR and must not be reproduced or distributed in whole or in part to a third
in any way constitute an offer or a warranty. party without prior express permission in writing from ATR.
Avions de Transport Regional - 1, allée Pierre Nadot - 31712 Blagnac Cedex
- France - Phone +33 (0)5 62 21 62 21
Corporate Website:
Customer Services Portal:

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