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Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia 2019, 46, 28e35



Rocuronium infusion: A higher rate is needed in

diabetic than nondiabetic dogs

Henning A Haga, Vanessa Bettembourg & Andreas Lervik

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, Norway

Correspondence: Henning A Haga, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Pb 369 Sentrum, 0102 Oslo,
Norway. E-mail:

Abstract Conclusions and clinical relevance There is a

quite large individual variation in the infusion
Objective To determine the infusion rates that
rates of rocuronium needed to maintain a stable
maintain the train-of-four (TOF) ratio within
neuromuscular block in a varied population of
20e70% in dogs and compare the infusion rates
dogs. Of the variables investigated, diabetes melli-
between diabetic and nondiabetic dogs.
tus was the only one found to significantly influ-
Study design Prospective clinical study. ence the infusion rate of rocuronium.
Animals In total, 47 dogs scheduled for phaco-
emulsification were included with a median (80% Keywords diabetes, dog, infusion, neuromuscular
central range) bodyweight of 10.6 (5.7e35.5) kg blockade, rocuronium.
and age of 7 (1e11) years. Diabetes mellitus was
previously diagnosed in nine dogs.
A centralized, immobile eye will facilitate phaco-
Methods After premedication using acepromazine
emulsification. General anaesthesia by itself is usually
and methadone, anaesthesia was induced by
not sufficient to achieve this in dogs, therefore, a
intravenous (IV) propofol and maintained by iso-
neuromuscular blocking agent (NMBA) may be
flurane and fentanyl or remifentanil. The TOF ratio
included. Centralization of the eye may be achieved
was monitored by stimulating the peroneal nerve
with a low dose of NMBA since the extraocular
and the response quantified by accelerometry.
muscles controlling eye movement are relaxed at a
Rocuronium 0.5 mg kg1 was administered IV, and
low dose compared with other skeletal muscles (Lee
further infused to maintain the TOF ratio between
et al. 1998; Auer et al. 2007; Briganti et al. 2015),
20% and 70%. The infusion rates of rocuronium
however vigilant monitoring of respiratory function
were compared by the ManneWhitney test be-
is required. NMBAs may also be administered as an
tween diabetic and nondiabetic dogs, and the in-
infusion, which can be beneficial during prolonged
fluence of age, sex, bodyweight, body temperature,
surgeries since a stable effect of the NMBA may be
end-tidal carbon dioxide, end-tidal isoflurane con-
achieved. For monitoring purposes stimulation of a
centration, mean arterial blood pressure, pulse
motor nerve and registration of the corresponding
rate and time from induction and time from
muscle contraction may be used, commonly in a
rocuronium bolus to stable rocuronium infusion
train-of-four (TOF) pattern. The ratio between the
rate were investigated in a stepwise, forward
fourth and the first response is termed the TOF ratio.
regression model.
In dogs, the eye will centralize at a lower rocuronium
Results A stable infusion rate was found in 42 dose than what is needed to affect the TOF ratio, thus
dogs. A higher median (80% central range) infu- a decreased TOF ratio ensures a centralized eye
sion rate was found in diabetic [0.43 (0.35e0.50) (Briganti et al. 2015). Observing an effect upon the
mg kg1 hour1] compared with nondiabetic dogs TOF ratio may therefore be used as an end point for
[0.30 (0.20e0.50) mg kg1 hour1] (p ¼ 0.013). the infusion rate, ensuring a centralized eye. There
None of the other variables investigated were are studies using rocuronium as an infusion in dogs,
found to significantly influence the infusion rate. however a predetermined infusion rate was used

Rocuronium infusion in dogs HA Haga et al.

(Alderson et al. 2007). The infusion rates needed to diagnosed with diabetes mellitus the study was
maintain a partial neuromuscular blockade in a ended.
diverse dog population have not previously been Upon admission to the hospital, the owners of the
investigated. dogs were interviewed about the health status of their
Both rocuronium and vecuronium are NMBAs dogs including questions of comorbidity. A physical
with a steroid structure. The duration of action of examination was performed, but no standard panel of
vecuronium is shorter in dogs with diabetes mellitus blood analysis was performed in the dogs. The dogs
when compared to nondiabetic dogs (Clark et al. were hospitalized overnight on the day prior to sur-
2012). The effect of atracurium, an NMBA with a gery and food was withheld for at least 12 hours prior
benzylisoquinolinium structure, however does not to anaesthesia. Diabetic dogs were fed a commercial
seem to be affected by diabetes mellitus in dogs (Leece dog diet and administered their usual insulin dose in
& Clark 2017). Both clinical experience and an the evening. At the morning of surgery, blood glucose
earlier publication (Auer 2007) indicate that the ef- concentration was measured with a glucometer
fects of rocuronium may differ between diabetic and (Accu-Chek Aviva; Roche Diagnostics Norge AS,
nondiabetic dogs. Norway). Insulin dosing was then determined based
The primary aim of this study was, in a varied on blood glucose level. Further management was
population of clinical cases, to investigate the infusion done at the discretion of the anaesthesiologist in
rate of rocuronium necessary to maintain neuro- charge.
muscular blockade at a stable level as monitored by
the TOF ratio. A secondary aim was to investigate Anaesthesia
whether a diagnosis of diabetes mellitus influenced
Acepromazine (Plegicil; Pharmaxim AB, Sweden)
this infusion rate and a tertiary aim was to perform
0.01e0.02 mg kg1 and methadone (Metadon NAF
an explorative analysis of the data to find other var-
10 mg mL1; Sykehusapoteket Rikshospitalet, Nor-
iables that could influence the infusion rates.
way) 0.1e0.3 mg kg1 were administered intra-
Materials and methods muscularly prior to placement of a 20 or 22 gauge
venous catheter (BD Venflon Pro; Becton Dickinson
This research did not receive any specific grant from Infusion Therapy AB, Sweden). Anaesthesia was
funding agencies in the public, commercial or not- induced with propofol (Propofol-Lipuro; B. Braun
for-profit sectors. The study was designed as a pro- Melsungen AG, Germany) to effect by a slow, intra-
spective clinical study and was approved by the venous (IV) injection to allow endotracheal intuba-
ethical committee for clinical studies at the Norwe- tion with an armoured endotracheal tube. The dogs
gian University of Life Sciences (reference number were connected to an anaesthetic machine (Datex-
14/04723). Informed, written owner consent was Ohmeda S/5 ADU; GE Health Care, Finland) using a
obtained prior to anaesthesia. Recruitment period rebreathing circuit in dogs with bodyweight above 10
was from April 2015 to March 2017. Dogs in which kg or a paediatric Mapleson D breathing circuit in
the predetermined anaesthetic protocol was consid- dogs less than 10 kg. Anaesthesia was maintained
ered inappropriate were not included in the study. with isoflurane in oxygen and air. The end-tidal iso-
flurane concentration (FE0 Iso) was adjusted at the
discretion of the anaesthetist to provide a surgical
Using commercially available software (JMP 11.0.0; plane of anaesthesia. Prior to surgery, hydrocortisone
SAS Institute Inc., NC, USA), the number of dogs (Solu-Cortef; Pfizer AB, Sweden) 5 mg kg1 was
needed to find a difference between diabetic and administered IV as a part of the ophthalmologic
nondiabetic dogs was calculated. A normal distribu- treatment.
tion was assumed, using an alpha of 0.05 and a po- A balanced crystalloid solution (Ringer acetate;
wer of 0.8, and aiming at finding a difference in Fresenius Kabi AB, Sweden) was administered IV
infusion rates between diabetic and nondiabetic dogs throughout anaesthesia at a rate of 5e10 mL kg1
of 1.5 standard deviations (assumed to be a clinically hour1. During the period of neuromuscular blockade,
relevant difference), nine dogs were needed in each mechanical ventilation was performed with the
group. We also aimed at describing the infusion rates following initial settings: a respiratory rate of 12 breaths
needed in varied dog populations, so after including a minute1 and a tidal volume of 10 mL kg1. Ventila-
total of 47 dogs of which nine had been previously tion was then accommodated to the needs of the dog.

© 2018 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Published by 29
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., 46, 28e35
Rocuronium infusion in dogs HA Haga et al.

Intraoperative analgesia was provided by fentanyl rocuronium, was diluted in saline solution
(Fentadon 50 mg mL1; Eurovet Animal Health B.V., (Natriumklorid 9 mg mL1; B. Braun Melsungen AG,
The Netherlands) or remifentanil hydrochloride Germany) to achieve concentrations of 0.5, 1 or 2 mg
(Ultiva; GlaxoSmithKline Manufacturing S.p.A, Italy) mL1 for dogs weighing 10, 10e20 or above 20 kg,
administered using a syringe driver (Alaris GH respectively. Initially, a bolus of rocuronium 0.5 mg
Guardrails plus; BD, UK, or Graseby 3200; Medinor kg1 was administered IV and then once movement
ASA, Norway) at an initial infusion rate of 10 mg response to TOF stimulation became apparent and
kg1 hour1 IV but was later adjusted as needed. the TOF ratio increased above zero, the infusion was
Postoperative analgesia was provided by buprenor- started at 0.1 mg kg1 hour1 using a syringe driver
phine (Vetergesic vet.; Orion Pharma A/S Animal (Alaris GH Guardrails plus or Graseby 3200). The
Health, Norway) 20 mcg kg1 administered IV to- infusion rate was further titrated in steps of 0.05e0.1
wards the end of surgery, prior to discontinuing the mg kg1 hour1, and at least 2 minutes passed be-
infusion of fentanyl or remifentanil. tween each step. When the TOF ratio was stable
within 20e70% for at least 15 minutes without
Monitoring and equipment changing the rate, this was considered as the infusion
The dogs were placed in dorsal recumbency for sur- rate able to maintain the TOF ratio within 20e70%.
gery. Capnography, electrocardiography, tempera- Details of the rocuronium administration and TOF
ture, pulse oximetry and oscillometric noninvasive ratios were recorded in a separate registration form
blood pressure were monitored using a multiparam- throughout the procedure.
eter monitor (Datex-Ohmeda S/5) and noted on the At end of surgery, the rocuronium infusion was
anaesthetic record every 5e10 minutes by the discontinued. When the TOF ratio had returned to
anaesthetist. In dogs weighing less than 10 kg, >90%, 10 mcg kg1 glycopyrrolate (Robinul 0.2 mg
oscillometric noninvasive blood pressure was recor- mL1; Meda AB, Sweden) immediately followed by
ded with a separate monitor (Cardell Veterinary 50 mcg kg1 neostigmine (Neostigmin NAF 0.5 mg
Monitor 9401 BP; Midmark, MI, USA). mL1 NAF; Sykehusapoteket, Norway) was admin-
For diabetic dogs, blood glucose was measured in istered IV.
the morning prior to anaesthesia and at least every
60 minutes throughout anaesthesia. A glucose infu- Statistics
sion was initiated if deemed necessary at the discre- Age, sex and bodyweight were gathered from the
tion of the anaesthesiologist in charge. anaesthetic record, as well as body temperature, end-
The level of neuromuscular blockade was moni- tidal carbon dioxide pressure (PE0 CO2), FE0 Iso, mean
tored using a peripheral nerve stimulator (TOF- arterial blood pressure (MAP) and pulse rate recorded
Watch S; Organon, Ireland). Electrical stimuli of 50 at the time point when a stable rocuronium infusion
mA with 0.2 ms duration were delivered in a TOF rate was first found. A database was created and
pattern at 2 Hz. The right hind limb was positioned to analysed in commercially available statistical soft-
allow free movement distal to the stifle. The stimu- ware (JMP Pro 13.0.0; SAS Institute Inc.). The data
lating electrodes were attached to hypodermic nee- were plotted to evaluate distribution. Data where a
dles placed subcutaneously over the peroneal nerve normal distribution was assumed are presented as
at the level of the proximal fibula. The positive elec- mean ± standard deviation, whereas for nonpara-
trode was placed 1e2 cm proximal to the negative metric data median (80% central range) is given. The
electrode. An acceleration transducer was secured to infusion rates of rocuronium sufficient to maintain
the dorsal aspect of the lateral digit using adhesive the TOF ratio within the 20e70% range were
tape. The accelerometric measurement was cali- compared between diabetic and nondiabetic dogs
brated prior to administering rocuronium using the using the ManneWhitney test excluding one dog,
automatic calibration function of the monitor, which was diagnosed with both diabetes mellitus and
accepting a baseline TOF ratio of 90e100%, and the hyperadrenocorticism. As a post hoc analysis, model
TOF ratio was then quantified every 2e5 minutes. building was performed to investigate other variables
possibly influencing the rocuronium infusion rate.
Neuromuscular blockade and reversal First, the effect of age, sex, body weight, body tem-
Rocuronium bromide (Esmeron 10 mg mL1; MSD, perature, PE0 CO2, FE0 Iso, MAP, pulse rate, time from
N.V., The Netherlands), further referred to as induction of anaesthesia rate and time from

30 © 2018 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Published by
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., 46, 28e35
Rocuronium infusion in dogs HA Haga et al.

rocuronium bolus to stable rocuronium infusion rate When screening for effects using ANOVA, age (p <
was tested by analysis of variance (ANOVA). Variables 0.0004) and bodyweight (p ¼ 0.13) were the only
with a p < 0.20 were then included in the model variables with a p < 0.20 and included initially in the
using a stepwise forward regression model. Model fit analysis. An increasing infusion rate with increasing
was evaluated based on Akaike information criterion, age was found. However, the age distribution was
Bayesian information criterion and R2 adjusted. Only quite different in diabetic versus nondiabetic dogs and
variables with p < 0.10 were retained in the final the effect of age was opposite in the two groups. An
model, which was tested to ensure it fulfilled the as- age-matched database was created and then age
sumptions of ANOVA by visual inspection of residual failed ANOVA significance testing, and thus was not
plot for normality and the Levene test for homoge- included in the final model. In the final model, only
neity of variance. diabetes and weight were included, and the infusion
rate of rocuronium was found to be higher in diabetic
Results than in nondiabetic dogs (F1,39 ¼ 5.1; p ¼ 0.03),
All dogs recovered uneventfully from anaesthesia and whereas weight did not influence rocuronium infu-
were discharged from the hospital the day after sur- sion rate (F1,39 ¼ 2.1; p ¼ 0.15). The relationship
gery. The 0.5 mg kg1 bolus dose of rocuronium between rocuronium infusion rate and bodyweight in
abolished all four TOF response in all dogs. In 42 of the diabetic and nondiabetic dogs is shown in Fig. 1.
the 47 dogs, a rocuronium infusion rate able to sta-
bilize the TOF ratio within the desired range was
found and this infusion rate centralized the eye in all In diabetic dogs, a significantly higher median
dogs. A total of 34 different breeds were represented rocuronium infusion rate (0.43 mg kg1 hour1) was
within these 42 dogs. For the five dogs where a stable needed compared with nondiabetic dogs (0.30 mg
infusion rate was not established, the data were kg1 hour1). The quite wide central ranges
excluded from further analysis. None of these five (Table 2) also illustrate that the infusion rates need to
dogs had a history of diabetes mellitus. be individualized if a specific level of neuromuscular
One dog had a history of diabetes mellitus and blockade is desired. In a previous study in dogs, a
hyperadrenocorticism. To stabilize the TOF ratio in rocuronium bolus of 0.5 mg kg1, similar to the
this dog, a rocuronium infusion rate of 0.7 mg kg1 current study, was administered and an infusion at
hour1 was needed. This dog was excluded from the 0.2 mg kg1 hour1 immediately started (Alderson
statistical analysis. Demographic data split into dia- et al. 2007). The TOF registered from the facial
betic and nondiabetic dogs are given in Table 1, nerve was lost in 21 of 22 dogs but was regained in
whereas clinical data are given in Table 2. Plasma three dogs within less than 60 minutes. The current
glucose level the morning prior to surgery was 19.5 ± findings support that a rocuronium infusion rate of
9.7 mmol L1 in diabetic dogs, and in six of these 0.2 mg kg1 hour1 in most dogs is not sufficient to
eight dogs, insulin was administered preoperatively. maintain a deep level of neuromuscular blockade.
A glucose infusion was administered to one dog The significantly higher median infusion rate
intraoperatively. found in the diabetic dogs supports the finding by
When compared using the ManneWhitney test, Auer (2007) who found that of a total of 64 dogs, the
the diabetic dogs needed a higher rocuronium infu- three dogs in which rocuronium had the shortest
sion rate to maintain the TOF ratio within 20e70% duration of action also had diabetes mellitus. For
(p ¼ 0.013; Table 2). vecuronium, another steroid NMBA, the duration of

Table 1 Characterization of the diabetic and nondiabetic dogs that were included in the final analysis of rocuronium
infusion rate necessary to maintain train of four within the 20e70% range

Parameter Diabetic Nondiabetic

Sex (n) 6 females, 2 males 15 females, 18 males

Age (years) 9 (5e12) 6 (1e11)
Bodyweight (kg) 12 (5.5e21.1) 10.6 (5.3e36.6)
Number of breeds represented (n) 8 25

Age and bodyweight are given as median (80% central range).

© 2018 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Published by 31
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Rocuronium infusion in dogs HA Haga et al.

Table 2 Data describing the effect of a 0.5 mg kg1 bolus of rocuronium followed by the infusion rate necessary to
maintain the train-of-four ratio within the 20e70% range in 42 dogs undergoing phacoemulsification under general

Variables All dogs (n ¼ 42) Diabetic dogs (n ¼ 8) Nondiabetic dogs (n ¼ 33)

Rocuronium (mg1 kg1 hour1) 0.35 (0.20e0.50) 0.43 (0.35e0.50) 0.30 (0.20e0.50)
Time from bolus to start of CRI (minutes) 19 (11e28) 18 (6e36) 19 (15e30)
TOF ratio at start of CRI 14 (1e43) 15 (9e51) 14 (2e20)
TOF ratio at stable CRI 43 (24e64) 51 (23e65) 42 (24e64)
Time from induction to stable CRI (minutes) 105 (71e155) 100 (69e157) 105 (72e157)
Time from bolus to stable CRI (minutes) 50 (28e106) 48 (14e107) 50 (28e109)
Body temperature ( C) 36.3 ± 0.9 36.8 ± 1.0 36.2 ± 0.8
PE0 CO2 (kPa) 6.5 (5.1e7.0) 6.7 (6.4e7.8) 6.3 (5.1e6.9)
PE0 CO2 (mmHg) 49 (38e53) 50 (48e59) 47 (38e52)
FE0 Iso (%) 1.2 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.1 1.2 ± 0.1
MAP (mmHg) 71 ± 11 69 ± 8 72 ± 12
Pulse rate (beats minute1) 75 ± 10 73 ± 12 76 ± 10

The data are presented for all dogs that were included, and further split into diabetic and nondiabetic dogs. Nonparametric data are presented as median
(80% central range), and normally distributed data as mean ± standard deviation. CRI, continuous rate infusion; FE0 Iso, end-tidal isoflurane; MAP,
mean arterial pressure; PE0 CO2, end-tidal carbon dioxide; TOF, train of four.

Figure 1 Rocuronium infusion rate necessary to maintain the train-of-four ratio within the 20e70% range along the y axis
and bodyweight along the x axis. Nondiabetic dogs are symbolized by open circles and diabetic dogs are symbolized by filled
triangles. The solid line illustrates the linear regression curve for the nondiabetic dogs, whereas the stippled line illustrates the
linear regression curve for the diabetic dogs.

action was shorter in diabetic than in nondiabetic 2014). There are, however, also reports finding no
dogs (Clark et al. 2012). In diabetic compared with effect of diabetes upon onset or recovery from
nondiabetic dogs, vecuronium has a shorter duration rocuronium in humans (Alper et al. 2010). These
of action and for rocuronium a higher maintenance studies in humans have been based on patients with
infusion rate is needed, whereas in humans the type 2 diabetes, and diabetes in humans is known to
opposite seems to be the case. affect motor nerves and skeletal muscle as well as
A delayed recovery after vecuronium was found in increasing the electrical current needed for supra-
diabetic versus nondiabetic human patients (Saitoh maximal electrical stimulation. The reason for a
et al. 2003, 2005) and the same was observed different effect of rocuronium and vecuronium in
when rocuronium was used (Armendariz-Buil et al. diabetic dogs is unknown, but possible causes has

32 © 2018 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Published by
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., 46, 28e35
Rocuronium infusion in dogs HA Haga et al.

been discussed in relation to vecuronium in previous bodyweight and cardiovascular status are variables
publications (Clark et al. 2012; Leece & Clark 2017). that possibly could have an influence. However, in
The diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in the current study the current study no influence of these variables was
was given in different veterinary clinics than where found. Volatile agents are known to increase the
the study was performed. Ideally, the diagnosis potency of neuromuscular blocking drugs by a
should have been confirmed prior to inclusion, but pharmacodynamic mechanism (Naguib et al. 2015).
this was not done because of economical and time However, no effect of FE0 Iso was found in the current
constraints. study, a likely reason being that FE0 Iso was main-
In the current study, the 80% central range of tained within a quite narrow range, making it un-
28e106 minutes for time to stabilize the rocuronium likely to discover an effect of the volatile agent.
infusion rate was quite wide, and a longer lasting Corticosteroids are known to antagonize the effects
infusion could possibly lead to a lower infusion rate of NMBA (Naguib et al. 2015). In the current study,
being needed because of active metabolites or satu- hydrocortisone was administered to all dogs preop-
ration of peripheral tissues. However, we found no eratively. This may have influenced the infusion rates
association between time to stable infusion rate and used. Interestingly in the one dog with hyper-
the actual infusion rate needed. When studied in cats, adrenocorticism an infusion rate of 0.7 mg kg1
rocuronium was mainly found to be excreted un- hour1 was needed, which was the highest infusion
metabolized, 54% through hepatic and 9% through rate used in the study.
renal excretion (Khuenl-Brady et al. 1990). A There were several limitations to this study. Some
possible active metabolite of rocuronium is 17- of the data were collected from the anaesthetic re-
desacetyl rocuronium, however this metabolite has cords, whereas data regarding the rocuronium
only 5% of the activity of the parent compound (Muir administration and TOF stimulation were collected in
et al. 1989) and was not found in an experimental a dedicated form. Time to disappearance and reap-
study in cats (Khuenl-Brady et al. 1990). pearance of response to TOF stimulation was not
In the current study, when evaluated statistically, registered with high precision. However, since the
no association between time to stabilization of infu- aim of the study was to find an infusion rate main-
sion rate and the necessary infusion rate was taining the TOF ratio within a specified range, regis-
discovered. Alderson et al. (2007) state that in their tration of an accurate onset and offset time or
study increased duration of infusion increased the analysing these was not prioritized. One of the
time to return of spontaneous ventilation and return anaesthesiologists always set up the infusion, TOF
of T4. They further hypothesized that this may be stimulation and accelerometry. Response to TOF
caused by accumulation of rocuronium in the muscle stimulation may be quantified using different tech-
tissues of the dogs referring to a study by Ezzine and nologies of which mechanomyography may be
Varin (2005). However, in the paper by Alderson considered the gold standard (Hemmerling & Le
et al. (2007), the time to return of spontaneous 2007). However, the set up is somewhat complex
ventilation and time to return of T4 were taken from and in the clinical setting accelerometry is considered
the start of infusion, so naturally a longer infusion an acceptable method. Different neuromuscular units
time will result in a longer time to return of sponta- may be used for monitoring the TOF ratio, differing in
neous ventilation and return of T4. Further, Ezzine sensitivity to NMBA (Sakai et al. 2017). However, in
and Varin (2005) studied a rocuronium bolus of the current study, access limited which nerves could
0.3 mg kg1 and continuous rate infusion of 3.6 mg be used when monitoring potentially small dogs in
kg1 hour1. This infusion rate is 10-fold higher than dorsal recumbency during intraocular surgery. In the
the current median infusion rate, possibly explaining current study, the peroneal nerve was the most
why they found accumulation. In a study where accessible nerve and thus used. For all dogs the TOF
neuromuscular blockade was maintained by incre- monitor was set to deliver 50 mA. Ideally, prior to
mental boluses of rocuronium, no evidence of accu- monitoring the TOF ratio, the individual milliampere
mulation was observed (Dugdale et al. 2002), further setting eliciting a supramaximal stimulation should
supporting the view that accumulation of rocuro- have been found. However, this is less crucial as
nium does not seem to be a problem when used in illustrated by previous studies in humans since a ratio
clinical doses. was used (Brull et al. 1990; Helbo-Hansen et al.
In humans, both age and hypothermia will influ- 1992). The diagnosis in the dogs with diabetes mel-
ence the effect of NMBA (Naguib et al. 2015). Sex, litus was not further investigated, and the inclusion
© 2018 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Published by 33
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., 46, 28e35
Rocuronium infusion in dogs HA Haga et al.

criteria were wide, therefore the material is quite manuscript. AL: study design, collecting data, prep-
varied. However, the data reflect the clinical popu- aration of manuscript.
lation that undergo phacoemulsification in our hos-
pital. An advantage of this is that the results then Conflict of interest statement
may be generalized to this population rather than to a Authors declare no conflict of interest.
narrower defined population of otherwise healthy
individuals. References
In these dogs, unfortunately no preanaesthetic
standard analysis of blood was performed, and data Alderson B, Senior JM, Jones RS et al. (2007) Use of
for the concentration of blood glucose are available in rocuronium administered by continuous infusion in
only eight dogs. Because of this lack of data, the dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg 34, 251e256.
Alper I, Ulukaya S, Makay O et al. (2010) The pharma-
overall effect of blood glucose on the infusion rate of
codynamic effects of rocuronium during general
rocuronium could not be investigated. Respiratory
anesthesia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
and metabolic acid base status may influence the Minerva Anestesiol 76, 115e119.
effect of NMBA (Funk et al. 1980). No influence of Armendariz-Buil I, Lobato-Solores F, Aguilera-Celorrio L
PE0 CO2 was found upon the rocuronium infusion rate, et al. (2014) Residual neuromuscular block in type II
however this does not preclude an influence as the diabetes mellitus after rocuronium: a prospective
acid bases status of these dogs was unknown. observational study. Eur J Anaesthesiol 31, 411e416.
The two groups, diabetic and nondiabetic dogs, Auer U (2007) Clinical observations on the use of the
were not uniform (Table 1). The nondiabetic group muscle relaxant rocuronium bromide in the dog. Vet J
consisted of more dogs, more males than females, 173, 422e427.
Auer U, Mosing M, Moens YP (2007) The effect of low
several breeds, lower median age and larger range of
dose rocuronium on globe position, muscle relaxation
bodyweights. However, when building the statistical
and ventilation in dogs: a clinical study. Vet Oph-
model, diabetes still came out as the single variable
thalmol 10, 295e298.
influencing rocuronium infusion rate, strongly sug- Briganti A, Barsotti G, Portela DA et al. (2015) Effects of
gesting that diabetes has an effect in its own right. rocuronium bromide on globe position and respiratory
This is also illustrated in Fig. 1 where bodyweight, the function in isoflurane-anesthetized dogs: a comparison
other variable coming closest to be included in the between three different dosages. Vet Ophthalmol 18,
final model, is visualized together with the effect of 89e94.
diabetes. Brull SJ, Ehrenwerth J, Silverman DG (1990) Stimulation
In conclusion, there is a quite large individual with submaximal current for train-of-four monitoring.
variation in the infusion rate of rocuronium needed Anesthesiology 72, 629e632.
Clark L, Leece EA, Brearley JC (2012) Diabetes mellitus
to maintain neuromuscular block at the level of a
affects the duration of action of vecuronium in dogs.
TOF ratio between 20% and 70% in dogs. Diabetic
Vet Anaesth Analg 39, 472e479.
dogs required a higher infusion rate of rocuronium
Dugdale AH, Adams WA, Jones RS (2002) The clinical
than nondiabetic dogs. None of the other clinical use of the neuromuscular blocking agent rocuronium
variables investigated were part of the final regression in dogs. Vet Anaesth Analg 29, 49e53.
model, therefore, the effect of diabetes mellitus seems Ezzine S, Varin F (2005) Interstitial muscle concentra-
to be dominant in this investigation. tions of rocuronium under steady-state conditions in
anaesthetized dogs: actual versus predicted values. Br J
Acknowledgements Anaesth 94, 49e56.
Funk DI, Crul JF, Pol FM (1980) Effects of changes in
The authors would like to acknowledge the veter- acid-base balance on neuromuscular blockade pro-
inary technicians who helped to collect the data and duced by ORG-NC 45. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 24,
Janicke Nordgreen for statistical advice. The study 119e124.
was funded by the Norwegian University of Life Sci- Helbo-Hansen HS, Bang U, Nielsen HK et al. (1992) The
ences; no external funding was provided. accuracy of train-of-four monitoring at varying stim-
ulating currents. Anesthesiology 76, 199e203.
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© 2018 Association of Veterinary Anaesthetists and American College of Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia. Published by 35
Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved., 46, 28e35

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