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AMC 048: modified CODOX-M/IVAC-rituximab is safe and effective for

HIV-associated Burkitt lymphoma
Ariela Noy,1 Jeannette Y. Lee,2 Ethel Cesarman,3 Richard Ambinder,4 Robert Baiocchi,5 Erin Reid,6 Lee Ratner,7
Nina Wagner-Johnston,7 and Lawrence Kaplan,8 for the AIDS Malignancy Consortium
Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, and Weill Cornell Medical Center, New York, NY; 2University of Arkansas Medical
Center, Little Rock, AR; 3Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY; 4Department of Oncology, Johns
Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD; 5Division of Hematology, Ohio State Medical Center, Columbus, OH; 6University of California San Diego,
Moores Cancer Center, La Jolla, CA; 7Division of Oncology, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO; and 8Department of Medicine,
University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA

The toxicity of dose-intensive regimens used for Burkitt lymphoma prompted modifica-
Key Points
tion of cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, high-dose methotrexate/ifosfamide,
• We report the first dedicated etoposide, and high-dose cytarabine (CODOX-M/IVAC) for HIV-positive patients. We
prospective study in HIV-Burkitt added rituximab, reduced and/or rescheduled cyclophosphamide and methotrexate,
lymphoma demonstrating capped vincristine, and used combination intrathecal chemotherapy. Antibiotic prophy-
safety and efficacy in a multi- laxis and growth factor support were required; highly active antiretroviral therapy
(HAART) was discretionary. Thirteen AIDS Malignancy Consortium centers enrolled 34
institutional setting.
patients from 2007 to 2010. Median age was 42 years (range, 19-55 years), 32 of 34 patients
• We offer a new therapeutic
were high risk, 74% had stage III to IV BL and CD4 count of 195 cells per mL (range, 0-721
option by modifying an cells per mL), and 5 patients (15%) had CD4 <100 cells per mL. Twenty-six patients were
existing regimen and making receiving HAART; viral load was <100 copies per mL in 12 patients. Twenty-seven patients
it much less toxic. had at least one grade 3 to 5 toxicity, including 20 hematologic, 14 infectious, and 6
metabolic. None had grade 3 to 4 mucositis. Five patients did not complete treatments
because of adverse events. Eleven patients died, including 1 treatment-related and 8 disease-related deaths. The 1-year progression-
free survival was 69% (95% confidence interval [CI], 51%-82%) and overall survival was 72% (95% CI, 53%-84%); 2-year overall survival
was 69% (95% CI, 50%-82%). Modifications of the CODOX-M/IVAC regimen resulted in a grade 3 to 4 toxicity rate of 79%, which was
lower than that in the parent regimen (100%), without grade 3 to 4 mucositis. Despite a 68% protocol completion rate, the 1-year
survival rate compares favorably with 2 studies that excluded HIV-positive patients. This trial was registered at http:// as #NCT00392834. (Blood. 2015;126(2):160-166)

Burkitt lymphoma (BL) is an aggressive non-Hodgkin lymphoma 2-year disease-free survival rate. Although inferior to the Magrath
(NHL) characterized by obligate MYC gene expression driving a nearly report, an international multicenter phase 2 study demonstrated a 2-year
100% growth phase fraction. BL accounts for 1% to 2% of adult NHL EFS of 65% and 2-year overall cure rate of 72.8%, with excellent results
but is more common in children and adolescents. Most patients present even in high-risk patients stratified by the International Prognostic
with advanced disease involving multiple extranodal sites. Historically, Index.6,7 Other regimens that incorporate high-dose cytarabine and
BL was one of the first cancers to respond to chemotherapy,1 but early methotrexate and intensive IT prophylaxis have also been similarly
relapses occurred, often in the central nervous system (CNS) with rapid successful.8,9
disease progression.2 Cure rates of 50% to 60% were achieved in early- In contrast to BL in the general population, BL comprised 25% to
stage patients with high-dose cyclophosphamide, antimetabolites, and 40% of HIV-associated NHL before the era of highly active anti-
prophylactic intrathecal (IT) chemotherapy. However, only 20% of retroviral therapy (HAART).10-12 BL was more recently estimated at
patients with bone marrow or CNS involvement achieved durable 10%, although this study included 31% NHL unspecified.13 Patients
responses.3-5 In 1996, Magrath et al6 reported a 92% 2-year event-free with HIV-BL closely resemble the general BL population in terms of
survival (EFS) rate in HIV-negative adult and pediatric patients after stage, marrow involvement (33% to 35%), CNS involvement (17%
intensive chemotherapy with cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxoru- to 19%),14 and histology.15 Prior to HAART, combination chemo-
bicin, high-dose methotrexate/ifosfamide, etoposide, and high-dose therapy was less successful for patients with HIV-associated NHL
cytarabine (CODOX-M/IVAC). Results were particularly impressive than for HIV-negative patients with similar NHL histopathology. Early
in patients with bone marrow and/or CNS involvement, with an 80% deaths were often the result of opportunistic infection.16 However,

Submitted January 23, 2015; accepted May 4, 2015. Prepublished online as The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge
Blood First Edition paper, May 8, 2015; DOI 10.1182/blood-2015-01-623900. payment. Therefore, and solely to indicate this fact, this article is hereby
marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18 USC section 1734.
The online version of this article contains a data supplement.
There is an Inside Blood Commentary on this article in this issue. © 2015 by The American Society of Hematology

160 BLOOD, 9 JULY 2015 x VOLUME 126, NUMBER 2

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improved immune function in the HAART era has led to a reeval- Treatment plan
uation of full-dose chemotherapy. Moreover, HIV-positive patients Treatment in AMC 048 (Table 1) was based on the original National
with BL and preserved immune function may benefit from more Cancer Institute Magrath regimen6 and subsequent modifications made by
aggressive chemotherapeutic approaches with acceptable toxicities.3 Lacasce et al.19 The goals of additional changes pursued in AMC 048 and
Finally, retrospective analyses suggest that HAART era HIV-positive their brief rationales are included in the supplemental Data available at the
BL patients do poorly with cyclophosphamide, doxorubicin, vincris- Blood Web site. Pretreatment evaluations included standard blood work,
tine, and prednisone (CHOP) –like regimens,17 but may do well with total body computed tomography scan or magnetic resonance imaging
intensive regimens.18 Nonetheless, because of the perceived risk of scan, bone marrow biopsy, and CSF analysis, including routine studies, cy-
increased hematologic and infectious complications, many patients tology, and flow cytometry. Positron emission tomography scan was recom-
with HIV-associated BL continue to be treated with CHOP and other mended but not required.
moderate-dose chemotherapy despite inferiority in HIV-negative The protocol required baseline CSF flow cytometry, but it was completed
in only 15 patients. The flow cytometry was performed at the individual
BL patients.
site referencing an appendix that specified immediate processing and cell
The AIDS Malignancy Consortium 048 (AMC 048; Rituximab count–dependent antibody staining. Specifically, a cell count of zero engen-
and Combination Chemotherapy in Treating Patients With Newly dered a 3-color flow of CD19 k and l in a single tube. A cell count of one
Diagnosed, HIV-Associated Burkitt’s Lymphoma) trial, which to required 2 tubes for evaluation separating out the k and l while duplicating
the best of our knowledge was the first dedicated phase 2 clinical the other antibodies. Additional evaluations were at the discretion of the
therapeutic study in HIV-associated BL, sought to determine whether laboratory.
intensive therapy was feasible and appropriate in the HAART era.
We prospectively studied a further modification of the CODOX-M/ Treatment administration
IVAC regimen previously reported in 14 HIV-negative patients,19
after noting that the various BL regimens had not been prospec- Per the original CODOX-M/IVAC regimen, we defined low-risk disease
tively compared. as stage I, with a single focus of disease ,10 cm and normal lactate
dehydrogenase or intra-abdominal disease only and total resection and
normal lactate dehydrogenase after surgery. Patients with low-risk disease
received 3 cycles of rituximab and CODOX-M (R-CODOX-M). All other
patients were considered high risk and received R-CODOX-M/IVAC in an
R-CODOX-M/IVAC/R-CODOX-M/IVAC sequence for a total of 4 cycles.
Patients and methods Because anasarca, pleural effusions, or ascites can cause methotrexate pooling
and delayed clearance, treatment could be given in a reverse sequence:
IVAC/R-CODOX-M/IVAC. R-CODOX-M cycles were to remain 21 to 28
This research protocol was approved by each site’s institutional review days long.
boards and all participants gave written informed consent. Patients with Patients with CNS disease were to be treated with an intensified
documented HIV infection and newly diagnosed untreated BL or atypical prophylaxis regimen. If the patient had CNS disease, treatment of the
BL per World Health Organization criteria20 were eligible. As of 2009, the leptomeninges with liposomal cytarabine and methotrexate was matched
new World Health Organization criteria replaced “atypical BL” with “B cell to the appropriate cycle. Specifically, liposomal cytarabine was administered
lymphoma unclassifiable, with features intermediate between DLBCL and on day 1 or 3 of the CODOX-M cycle and was not administered in any of
Burkitt lymphoma.” the IVAC cycles. IT methotrexate was administered in the IVAC cycles.
Adequate cardiac (ejection fraction $50%), renal (serum creatinine of Details are provided in supplemental Data. Of note, no patients with paren-
#1.5 mg/dL or creatinine clearance #60 mL/minute), and hepatic function chymal CNS disease at diagnosis were enrolled. Details of prophylaxis for
(aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase #3 3 the upper limit Pneumocystis, Mycobacterium avium complex, and neutropenic fever are
of normal and a direct bilirubin level of #2.0 mg/dL) was required unless it was outlined in supplemental Data.
secondary to antiretroviral therapy, in which the total bilirubin cutoff was
#3.5 mg/dL, provided that the direct bilirubin was normal. An absolute
Correlative studies
neutrophil count $1000/mL and platelets $50 000/mL were necessary unless
they were disease-related. A Karnofsky performance status .30% was required, Immunohistochemistry studies were performed by using standard techniques
given the aggressiveness of this disease and the often severely debilitated nature for p53, interferon regulatory factor 4/multiple myeloma oncogene 1 (IRF4/
of the patients at initial presentation. Prior malignancies were excluded unless the MUM1), and Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) –encoded small RNAs (EBERs) in
patient had been disease free .5 years other than having curatively treated situ hybridization.
cutaneous basal cell or squamous cell carcinoma, carcinoma in situ of the cervix,
or cutaneous Kaposi’s sarcoma. Nonmeasurable disease (eg, isolated bone
marrow involvement) was allowed.
Patients could enroll onto the study after a prephase treatment of steroids The primary end point was 1-year overall survival (OS) because treatment
for up to 7 days alone or in combination with a non-CHOP regimen necessary failures tend to be either immediate or within the first few months after
for patient stabilization (eg, cyclophosphamide for normalization of disease- treatment completion. Relapse after 1 year of follow-up after treatment of BL
related hyperbilirubinemia). In addition, patients could be enrolled after is exceedingly rare.
1 cycle of CHOP or fractionated CHOP (eg, CODOX) with or without A sample size of 31 patients was needed to test the null hypothesis that the
rituximab. This allowed patients to enroll if they had either newly diagnosed 1-year OS rate was 0.65 against the alternative that it was 0.85 at the 1-sided 0.10
HIV infection after chemotherapy initiation or minimal therapy for disease significance level with power of 0.90 using a nonparametric survival model.21
stabilization elsewhere and were transferred to a tertiary care center. To allow for a 10% dropout rate, 34 patients were enrolled. An early stopping
For evaluation of occult leptomeningeal disease, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) rule was to be invoked for treatment-related mortality, including infection-related
was obtained prior to systemic chemotherapy unless thrombocytopenia or death, and was derived by determining the number of infection-related deaths.
leukemic disease precluded safe lumbar puncture. Three cubic centimeters of This would occur ,10% of the time if the true infection-related mortality rate was
CSF was evaluated for CD19, CD10, and CD45 by routine flow cytometry ,4%. This stopping rule was designed to detect a twofold or greater increased
methods at each institution. If there were sufficient cells, k and l light chain risk of treatment-related death compared with AMC 010.22 The stopping rule
assays were also performed. For subsequent lumbar punctures, only cell count had a power of 0.90. The remainder of the statistical methods can be found in
and cytology were required. supplemental Data.
From by guest on September 25, 2019. For personal use only.

162 NOY et al BLOOD, 9 JULY 2015 x VOLUME 126, NUMBER 2

Table 1. AMC 048 treatment plan

Treatment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14-28
Regimen A: R-CODOX-M*
Rituximab 375 mg/m2 IVPB X†
Cyclophosphamide 800 mg/m2 IVPB X X
Vincristine 1.4 mg/m2 IVP‡ X X
Doxorubicin 50 mg/m2 IVP X
Pegfilgrastim 6 mg§ X
Methotrexate 3000 mg/m2 IVPB|| X (day 15)
Leucovorin IVPB X{
Cytarabine 50 mg IT X# X**
Methotrexate 12 mg IT X#
G-CSF†† X†† (approximately day 18)
Regimen B: IVAC*
Rituximab 375 mg/m2 IVPB X
Ifosfamide 1500 mg/m2 IVCI X X X X X
Mensa 1500 mg/m2 IVCI X X X X X
Etoposide 60 mg/m2 IVCI X X X X X
Cytarabine 2000 mg/m2 IVPB (no cap) X X
every 12 h 3 4 doses
Methotrexate 12 mg IT X
Pegfilgrastim 6 mg§ X

G-CSF, granulocyte colony-stimulating factor; IVCI, intravenous continuous infusion; IVP, intravenous push; IVPB, intravenous piggyback.
*Patients with low-risk disease received 3 cycles of regimen A. Patients with high-risk disease received 4 alternating cycles of regimens A and B.
†Rituximab was given once each cycle. Acute presentation of high-grade lymphoma and scheduling constraints may make it difficult to administer rituximab on the first
day of each cycle. Rituximab was given up to 3 days before a chemotherapy cycle and any time within the cycle such that a total of 4 doses were given with this regimen for
patients with high-risk disease. A missed dose was made up within 28 days of the last dose of IVAC.
‡Vincristine maximum 2-mg dose. Delays by a few days were allowed to accommodate scheduling or treatment of constipation.
||Methotrexate levels were drawn 24, 48, and 72 hours after treatment, with anticipated decrement in levels of 10-fold every 24 hours.
{Leucovorin was administered 24 hours after methotrexate and was initiated with a dose of 200 mg/m2 intravenously (IV) followed by 25 mg/m2 IV every 6 hours until the
methotrexate level reached ,50 nmol/L. Leucovorin was titrated for delayed methotrexate clearance or increases in creatinine.
#Methotrexate (12 mg intrathecally [IT]) mixed with cytarabine (50 mg IT) given on day 1. Hydrocortisone 50 mg was given to reduce arachnoiditis.
††G-CSF: Restarted after methotrexate levels had dropped below 50 nmol/L and continued until absolute neutrophil count (ANC) reached .1000 cells per mL.
§If pegfilgrastim was not available, G-CSF was given once per day until ANC .1000 cells per mL was substituted.
**Patients with high-risk disease received additional IT cytarabine 50 mg on day 3.

large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) (2), DLBCL (3), and high-grade

Results NHL, not otherwise specified (1). All evaluable patients were CD201
CD101 and had a Ki-67 of 90% (4) or .95% (21). Fluorescence in
Patient characteristics situ hybridization for MYC using a break-apart probe was performed
for patients in whom the immunophenotype and morphology were
From 2007 to 2010, 13 AMCs enrolled 34 patients (Table 2), all but 2 of not obvious for a diagnosis of BL. Two of the patients with ques-
whom were high risk. Four had evidence of leptomeningeal disease, tionable immunophenotype and morphology had myc rearrange-
none had parenchymal CNS disease, 88% were male, 65% were white, ments and high proliferation rate, but both had large cells, which are
15% were African American, and 24% were Hispanic. The median age morphologically consistent with DLBCL, not BL. One of these pa-
was 42 years (range, 19-55 years). Only 9% were IV drug users. Median tients was BCL2-positive and BCL6-negative, which ruled out BL,
HIV viral load was 1819 copies per mL with only 12 patients having and the second patient was BCL6-postive and was considered to
a viral load ,100 copies per mL and only 1 patient having ,20 copies have MYC-positive germinal center-DLBCL. A third patient was
per mL. Most patients (26 of 31) were given HAART at study entry, and classified as having DLBCL because of clear morphologic features,
3 patients were receiving their second or greater HAART regimens. The but no material was available for fluorescence in situ hybridization
median CD4 count was 195 cells per mL (range, 0-721 cells per mL). analysis. Because of interobserver variability, all patients were in-
CD4 was less than 100 cells per mL in 5 patients (15%). HIV replication cluded in the analysis.
was measured at initiation, at completion of chemotherapy, and every
4 months for 2 years. Of 10 patients with undetectable HIV viral load
at baseline, 2 had detectable HIV viral loads during the study. Of 8 Treatment outcomes
patients who were not receiving antiretroviral therapy at baseline, 2
began receiving antiretroviral therapy during the study. Details of toxicities are provided in Table 3. Grade 3 to 4 toxicity
occurred at least once in 27 patients. In 20 patients, toxicity was he-
Central pathology review matologic: 17 patients had anemia, 16 had neutropenia despite pro-
phylactic hematopoietic growth factors, and 21 had thrombocytopenia.
Pathology reported by the referring institution was BL in all but 1 Grade 4 transfusion level anemia occurred in 6 patients (18%) and
patient who had atypical BL. Central pathology review was performed thrombocytopenia occurred in 20 (59%); 26 patients had nonhema-
for 25 of 34 patients. Other patients did not have available immuno- tologic grade 3 to 4 toxicities, with electrolyte and neurologic distur-
histochemistry slides or tissue blocks. The diagnosis was BL (19), high- bances being the most common. Neutropenic fever occurred in 8
grade lymphoma with features intermediate between BL and diffuse (24%) of 34 patients.
From by guest on September 25, 2019. For personal use only.


Table 2. Demographic and baseline characteristics 69% (95% CI, 51%-82%), the 1-year OS (the primary end point) was
Characteristic No. % 72% (95% CI, 53%-85%), and 2-year OS was 69% (95% CI, 50%-82%)
Gender (Figure 1). When restricted to 19 patients with confirmed BL by central
Male 30 88 pathology review, the 1-year PFS was 72.2% (95% CI, 45.6%-87.4%)
Female 4 12 and OS was 78% (95% CI, 51%-91.0%). Not surprisingly, the 1-year
Race OS was superior for those who completed all 4 cycles of treatment
White 22 65 (86% [95% CI, 62%-95%]) compared with those who did not
African American 5 15 (48% [95% CI, 18%-73%]; P , .001, log-rank test). Of note, little
Hawaiian/Pacific Islander 1 3
drop-off was seen after the first year, with only 1 patient progressing
Asian 2 6
between years 1 and 2.
Unknown 4 12
Overall, 11 patients died. One patient died of treatment-related tox-
Hispanic 8 24
icity characterized by encephalopathy, with hepatic failure, hepatitis B,
Non-Hispanic 26 76 and pneumonia being contributing causes. This patient entered the
Age, years study with cirrhosis but met eligibility criteria. Eight died of systemic
Median 42.0 disease progression, including 1 patient who died as a result of CNS
Range 19-55 disease who did not have CNS disease at baseline. During the follow-up
CDC risk group period, 1 patient died in remission of fungal infection and 1 died of
Homosexual/bisexual contact 14 41 nonmalignant complications of HIV.
Heterosexual contact 10 29
At study entry, 26 of 31 patients were receiving HAART. The com-
IVDU 3 9
plete response and 1-year OS did not show a statistically significant
Heterosexual contact and IVDU 1 3
difference based on receipt of HAART at study entry, possibly because
Homosexual/bisexual and heterosexual 3 9
of small numbers of patients, as it was higher for those receiving
Other (needle sticks, congenital HIV, 3 9 HAART (86% vs 50%), possibly because of small numbers of patients.
unknown) Similarly, low baseline CD4 (,100) or high baseline CD4 ($100) did
Receiving HAART at diagnosis 26 76 not predict a different outcome with respect to these measures.
Absolute CD4 count (n 5 33)
Median 195.0 Correlative studies
SD 174.6
Min-max 0-721 The immunohistochemistry panel was performed as feasible, depend-
HIV load (n 5 33) ing on the availability of material. Non-BL–defining proteins did not
Median 1819 correlate with OS: EBER positive (8 of 16) or negative and p53 positive
Min-max Undetectable-1 187 968
(10 of 10) or negative. Notably, however, staining for p53 fell into 3
Ann Arbor stage
groups: 9 had ,10%, 3 had 30% to 60%, and 8 had 80% to more than
I 4 12
II 2 6
IIE 1 3 Table 3. AEs at the patient level (most severe grade)
III 2 6
IV 25 74
Karnofsky performance status AE 1/2 3/4 5
40%-60% 7 23 Total 27 4
.70% 26 77 Fatigue 1 0 0
Local pathology diagnosis (n 5 35) Fever 2 0 0
BL 33 97 Weight loss 2 0 0
Burkitt-like lymphoma 1 3 Anemia 0 17 0
Central pathology diagnosis (n 5 25) Thrombocytopenia 1 21 0
BL 17 71 Neutropenia 1 16 0
High-grade, unclassifiable B-cell 3 21 Febrile neutropenia 0 8 0
lymphoma with features intermediate Allergic reaction 1 0 0
between DLBCL and atypical BL Pulmonary/thoracic 3 4 0
Indeterminate between DLBCL and BL 1 7 Cardiac 4 0 0
DLBCL 3 6 Opthalmologic 0 1 0
High-grade NHL, not otherwise specified 1 7 GI 10 6 1
Pain 2 1 0
CDC, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; IVDU, intravenous drug user;
Infection 3 13 1
SD, standard deviation.
Metabolic (excluding tumor lysis) 6 34 0
Tumor lysis syndrome 0 1 0
Table 4 outlines treatment completion status; 68% of patients Musculoskeletal 0 1 0
completed the treatment. Early termination of therapy was a result Neurologic 6 7 1
of disease progression in 9%, adverse events in 12%, and patient Myelodysplasia 0 1 0
withdrawal in 3%. Adverse events leading to early termination were Renal 0 1 0
hematologic (3), neurologic (2), or hepatic/infectious (1). Psychiatric 1 3 0
The last patient completed treatment in 2011, and the protocol Dermatologic 6 0 0
Vascular 1 4 0
required 2-year follow-up after the last treatment in 2013. The analysis
Nonmalignancy complications of HIV N/A N/A 1
was completed in 2014. The median follow-up was 26 months. Despite
early terminations, the 1-year progression-free survival (PFS) was N/A, not applicable.
From by guest on September 25, 2019. For personal use only.

164 NOY et al BLOOD, 9 JULY 2015 x VOLUME 126, NUMBER 2

Table 4. Treatment status universal toxicity of the unmodified parent regimen. Of particular note,
Low risk High risk Total we eliminated grade 3 and 4 mucositis. Nonhematologic toxicities were
(n 5 2) (n 5 32) (n 5 34) also manageable except in 1 patient with pretreatment cirrhosis who
Status No. % No. % No. % died of liver failure.
Treatment completed per protocol 2 100 21 66 23 68 In this study, despite early terminations, 1-year PFS was 69% (95%
Disease progression 0 3 9 3 9 CI, 51%-82%), 1-year OS (the primary end point) was 72% (95% CI,
Early termination 53%-85%), and 2-year OS was 69% (95% CI, 50%-82%). A study of
Adverse event 0 5 16 5 15 30 patients with HIV-associated BL treated with CODOX-M/IVAC
Patient withdrawal 0 1 3 1 3 resulted in a 3-year OS of 52% and EFS of 75%.23 Similarly, an
Counts did not recover within 0 1 3 1 3
international study of CODOX-M/IVAC in BL patients not infected
time frame to begin cycle 4
with HIV reported a 2-year EFS of 65% and 2-year overall cure rate of
Other complicating disease 1 3 1 3
72.8%.7 Nonetheless, our results were inferior to the previous Magrath
Patient #6 terminated treatment because of low platelet count (grade 4) and report of 92% 2-year EFS,6,7 which included 39 adults and 33 children
infection (grade 3) possibly related to doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide. Patient
and no patients with HIV infection.
#3 terminated treatment because of left hemiparesis (grade 3), possibly related to
cytarabine and vincristine. Patient #1 terminated treatment because of confusion Although we cannot say which individual modification contributed
(grade 3) unrelated to treatment. Patient #27 terminated treatment because of grade to the success of the program, rituximab may have had a positive im-
3 encephalopathy and grade 3 pneumonitis/pulmonary infiltrates. The encephalop- pact. One study in HIV-negative patients treated with a hyperfraction-
athy was reported as possibly related to treatment. (This patient with pretreatment
cirrhosis died 35 days later because of hepatic failure with contributing causes listed
ated cyclophosphamide, vincristine, doxorubicin, and dexamethasone/
as hepatitis B, cirrhosis, pneumonia, and HIV, and death as a result of treatment toxicity cytarabine/methotrexate regimen strongly suggested that rituximab
was reported.) Patient #30 terminated treatment because of grade 4 neutropenia and improved relapse-free survival and OS compared with a historical
grade 3 white blood cell count, which were probably/possibly related to treatment.
cohort.24 In another retrospective study of 80 BL patients who received
CODOX-M/IVAC, 50% were treated with rituximab. Rituximab was
95%. IRF4/MUM1 staining was not significantly associated with OS. associated with a trend in improvement of 3-year OS of 77% vs 66%,
There were 6 MUM1-positive patients, 2 of whom died and 14 MUM1- and HIV-positive patients did as well as HIV-negative patients.
negative patients, 3 of whom died. The hazard ratio for MUM1-positive Regardless, it seems likely that with current supportive care, rituximab
vs MUM1-negative for OS was 1.42 (95% CI, 0.24-8.53; P 5 .70). does not contribute adversely to toxicity in our modified CODOX-M/
Within the subset of patients with confirmed BL, MUM1-positivity also IVAC regimen, which was of concern in the AMC 010 study of CHOP
did not predict survival (hazard ratio, 1.70; 95% CI, 0.24-12.05). None with or without rituximab in HIV-related NHL, particularly in the
of the patient tissues stained for the multidrug-resistant protein. subpopulation of patients with CD4 ,50 cells/uL.25
Additionally, limiting the dose of high-dose methotrexate, as
Occult leptomeningeal disease
previously done by Lacasce,19 and moving it to day 15 outside the
CODOX day 10 nadir likely lowered both the incidence of severe
We sought to investigate the use of flow cytometry to identify cyto- mucositis and the rate of neutropenic fever. The incidence of hema-
logically occult leptomeningeal disease at baseline in BL and determine tologic toxicity, which occurred in 24% of patients, was lower than the
its prognostic significance. CSF by cell count and cytology in 15 nearly 100% toxicity in the unmodified parent regimen. Although we
evaluable patients was negative in 12, positive in 2, and atypical in 1. hypothesized that the improved tolerability led to on-time drug ad-
Flow cytometry did not identify disease in the 12 cytology-negative ministration and overall improved outcomes, this would need to be
patients. Flow cytometry was positive in 3 patients: one with atypical cy- confirmed in a randomized trial. Similar to the procedures in Lacase,19
tology, one with positive cytology, and one with unavailable cytology. we capped vincristine at 2 mg and had no grade 3 to 4 peripheral
neuropathy. Although it was unusual, we cannot exclude that vincris-
EBV in tumor tine may have played a role in the patient who experienced hemiparesis
(a central neurotoxicity). Similarly, we do not attribute toxicity to
EBV-driven lymphomas may develop via a unique pathway that may vincristine in the case of hepatic encephalopathy, which occurred in the
be more resistant to chemotherapy. Alternatively, nuclear factor kappa
B activation in these tumors may create a new therapeutic target. As
noted above, EBER staining (positive or negative) was variable in our
sample (8 of 16) but did not predict for OS.

AMC 048 modified the CODOX-M/IVAC regimen to reduce toxicity
while maintaining or improving the survival rate of patients with HIV-
associated BL. The study was initiated at a time when treating HIV-
related lymphoma intensively was controversial because of excess
chemotherapy-related toxicity in the pre-HAART era. Retrospective
studies, including one of CODOX-M/IVAC in the HAART era,18
suggested that high-risk patients with HIV-related BL could do well
with intensive chemotherapy. In AMC 048, the 1-year OS was 72%
(95% CI, 53%-85%), reasonably within reach of our 85% goal. We
also reduced morbidity, which compared favorably to the nearly Figure 1. Cumulative survival for all enrolled patients.
From by guest on September 25, 2019. For personal use only.


patient who died of exacerbation of preexisting cirrhosis (by eligible efflux pump referred to as the multidrug resistance protein. Although
baseline liver function tests) 35 days after therapy initiation. p53 staining was nearly dichotomized in our study, it was not predictive
Recently, Dunleavy et al26 reported a phase 2 trial in BL using short- of outcome, perhaps because of the small study size. None of the
course infusional etoposide, prednisone, vincristine, cyclophosphamide, samples stained for multidrug resistance. In our study, protein expres-
and hydroxydaunorubicin plus rituximab (SC-EPOCH-R) for 3 cycles sion of MUM1/IRF4A, a gene of plasma cell differentiation, also failed
in 11 HIV-positive patients and full-course dose-adjusted EPOCH-R in to confer a worse prognosis. Further investigations of these markers of
an additional 19 non-HIV patients. Their 95% EFS and 100% OS ex- potential drug resistance in larger studies are warranted.
ceed our study results. However, the small sample size leads to overlap- Finally, with respect to HAART, its use was at the discretion of the
ping 95% CIs for both EFS (72% to 100%) and OS (60% to 98%) with individual investigator. At study entry, 26 of 31 patients were receiving
our AMC 048 study. Moreover, none of the 11 HIV-positive patients HAART. The protocol specified that physicians could continue or dis-
treated with SC-EPOCH with dose-dense rituximab (SC-EPOCH-RR) continue therapy at the initiation of chemotherapy. In addition, HAART
had CNS disease, whereas 4 of our patients entered the study with could be discontinued as needed for toxicity. Of note, HAART regimens
leptomeningeal disease. We suspect the EPOCH backbone is ill suited were exclusive of zidovudine, given its myelosuppression. HIV replica-
to treatment of CNS disease because none of the agents included in tion was measured at initiation and completion of chemotherapy and
EPOCH have significant CNS penetration. We postulate that this would every 4 months for 2 years. Of 10 patients with undetectable HIV viral
be particularly problematic in the setting of baseline CNS parenchymal load at baseline, 2 were found to have detectable HIV viral loads during
disease. Although such patients were eligible for our study, none had the study. Of 8 patients who were not receiving antiretroviral therapy at
this baseline characteristic. It is also possible that the CODOX-M/ baseline, 2 began antiretroviral therapy during the study. We cannot make
IVAC backbone is more effective for those at high risk of CNS meta- any definitive conclusions about the role of HAART regarding outcomes.
stases or leptomeningeal disease at presentation. Concurrent vs discontinued HAART therapy is a controversial area of
With regard to toxicity, 88% of the SC-EPOCH-RR/EPOCH-R investigation. Fearing drug interactions, the National Cancer Institute in-
cycles were administered to outpatients, whereas the AMC 048 regi- vestigators discontinued HAART therapy during EPOCH for HIV-
men required hospitalization for both the high-dose methotrexate and associated NHL (largely DLBCL); 5-year PFS and OS were 79% and
IVAC. Neutropenic fever was similar in the two studies: it occurred in 80%, respectively.29 With HAART reinitiation, HIV suppression and base-
22% of patients vs 24% of patients in AMC 048. A phase 3 comparison line CD4 were regained within 6 months. Because HIV viral suppression
trial between the AMC 048 and the SC-EPOCH-RR regimen would be and immune reconstitution correlate with sustained disease-free survival,30
difficult to conduct because of the rarity of this disease. A large ongoing HAART reinitiation is highly desirable and all patients completing BL
national confirmatory phase 2 trial (CTSU 9177/AMC 086) of an treatment receive HAART even if it is interrupted during chemotherapy.
outpatient regimen of EPOCH-R in BL is currently enrolling patients In summary, in AMC 048, we were able to aggressively treat HIV-
and includes those with HIV. infected patients with BL and achieve high rates of long-term disease
In our study, we prospectively analyzed the incidence of cytology- remission with a modified intensive CODOX-M/IVAC plus rituximab
negative but flow cytometry–positive occult leptomeningeal disease. (CODOX-M/IVAC-R) regimen that minimized drug-related toxicity.
By using the flow cytometric techniques available at the time, which Although CTSU 9177/AMC 086 is investigating an outpatient regimen
were specified by protocol, none of the 12 cytology specimens studied of EPOCH-R in BL, the modified AMC 048 version of CODOX-
were flow cytometry positive. In contrast, Hegde et al27 using similar M/IVAC-R may better serve patients who present with CNS disease
techniques reported that 11 (22%) of 51 patients had positive multicolor or are at high risk for CNS relapse (eg, patients with bone marrow,
flow cytometry in the absence of positive cytology. Their study popu- testicular, or multiple extranodal sites), because it contains high-dose
lation had 91% untreated DLBCL with only 9% BL. HIV infection was cytarabine and methotrexate, drugs that cross the blood-brain barrier.
documented in 54% of those patients. Despite aggressive schedules of Consequently, AMC 048 represents a reasonable treatment option in
direct installation of CSF chemotherapy, including 7 via lumbar punc- the appropriate setting, possibly irrespective of HIV status.
ture and 3 via Ommaya reservoir, 5 patients (45%) had CNS relapse and
died. In contrast, in patients at increased risk of CNS involvement but
with negative flow cytometry results, the relapse risk was only 8%
(3 of 40). In AMC 048, our CNS relapse rate was very low (n 5 1) and Acknowledgments
occurred in a patient with CNS baseline involvement. This may reflect
the use of systemic high-dose methotrexate and cytarabine in our This trial was supported by Grant No. U01CA121947 from the
regimen, which was not part of the EPOCH study. Given our low rate of National Cancer Institute for the AIDS Malignancy Consortium.
CNS relapse, it is not clear that the currently available multiparameter
flow with higher sensitivity would yield a different result.
Given that only 19 (76%) of 25 patients had BL after central pa-
thology review, a sensitivity analysis demonstrated that outcomes for Authorship
confirmed BL did not differ from those with other histologies. More-
over, although dose intensification rather than CHOP-based therapy Contribution: A.N., J.Y.L., E.C., R.A., and L.K. designed and
is important for BL, its benefit for other histologies, such as DLBCL performed the research, analyzed the data, and wrote the paper; and
with c-MYC rearrangement, or B-cell lymphoma (unclassifiable) R.B., E.R., L.R., and N.W.-J. performed the research, analyzed the
with features intermediate between DLBCL and BL, is less clear. data, and wrote the paper.
Preliminary data from an ongoing prospective study suggests that Conflict-of-interest disclosure: The authors declare no competing
EPOCH-R is efficacious for DLBCL with MYC or both MYC and financial interests.
BCL-2 translocation.28 Nonetheless, it is possible that these 5 patients A complete list of members of the AIDS Malignancy Consortium
may have been overtreated on AMC 048. can be found in the supplemental Data.
Because we were interested in identifying mechanisms of chemo- Correspondence: Ariela Noy, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Cen-
therapy resistance, we studied p53 mutations and the chemotherapy ter, 1275 York Ave, New York, NY 10065; e-mail:
From by guest on September 25, 2019. For personal use only.

166 NOY et al BLOOD, 9 JULY 2015 x VOLUME 126, NUMBER 2

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2015 126: 160-166

doi:10.1182/blood-2015-01-623900 originally published
online May 8, 2015

AMC 048: modified CODOX-M/IVAC-rituximab is safe and effective for

HIV-associated Burkitt lymphoma
Ariela Noy, Jeannette Y. Lee, Ethel Cesarman, Richard Ambinder, Robert Baiocchi, Erin Reid, Lee
Ratner, Nina Wagner-Johnston and Lawrence Kaplan

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