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Assignment: Principles of Natural Justice

Name : - Yash Singh

Email ID :-

Contact no. – 7081172398

Principles of Natural Justice (ASSIGNMENT)

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I. One- Liners 2 Marks each

1. The Belief on which the 1st Principle of Natural Justice, i.e. Nemo Debet sua causa is based

Answer 1 :- the 1st Principle of Natural Justice, i.e. Nemo Debet sua causa is based on the “belief
of faith”.

2. The Landmark Case after which the Principle of Natural Justice were started to be applied on
administrative bodies also?

Answer 2 :- A. K. Karaipak v. Union of India,

3. The defence of interim actions can be undertaken only in cases pertaining to?

Answer 3 :- suspension.

4. Which law[act] in India provides Principles of Natural Justice?

Answer 4 :- the principles of natural justice are firmly grounded in Article 14, 19 and 21 of

the Constitution.

5. Which Fundamental Right is inclusive of Principles of Natural Justice to some extent?

Answer 5 :- 14, 19 and 21

SUBJECTIVE QUESTIONS [Within 100 Words] 5 Marks Each

1. What do you understand by the phrase “Justice must not always be done, but also seen to
be done”? Explain with reference to the Principles of Natural Justice.

Answer 1 :-
Principles of Natural Justice (ASSIGNMENT)
The LAW Learners 2|Page
2. What is the position of the principle of Audi Alteram Partem in India? Where is it granted
under Indian Statutes?

Answer 2:-

3. How is useless formality, an exception to the principle of audi alteram partem?

Answer 3:-

4. What was the need to amend the defence of necessity as “absolute necessity” in
NemoDebet in suacausa?

Answer 4:-

Principles of Natural Justice (ASSIGNMENT)

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ANALYTICAL QUESTIONS [Within 200 Words] 10 Marks Each

1. Imagine if your college takes disciplinary action against you. The investigation officer
was himself the complainant and he gave no hearing opportunity to you. Moreover, you
were rusticated from college without any notice. How will you claim violation of your
Principles of Natural Justice?

Answer 1 :-

2. If you were to remove any Exception of Principles of Natural Justice, what would it be
and why?

Answer 2 :-

Principles of Natural Justice (ASSIGNMENT)

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Principles of Natural Justice (ASSIGNMENT)
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