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Learn 300 Essential Words for IELTS 07 Family

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She found and took care of the infant.

1 infant C2 Noun ‫الطفل الرضيع‬ His infant daughter delighted his grandparents.
The infant mortality rate in developed contries has been dramatically reduced.

The city had a high rate of adolescent pregnancy.

2 adolescent C2 Noun ‫المُراهِق‬ Nearly 1% of adolescent girls suffer from anorexia.
Adolescents are often faced with an identity crisis as they grow up.

She had a troubled adolescence.

2.a adolescence Noun ‫فترة المراهقة‬ The fact that alterations in social behavior occur during adolescence is incontrovertible.
We were also able to assess one of the most common mental health disorders in adolescence.

Although he is still a youth, his behaviours are mature.

2.b youth B1 Noun ‫الشاب الصغير‬ Gangs of youths were throwing stones and bottles at the police.
Our organization helps to shape character, citizenship, and fitness in these youths.

/ ‫األحداث‬ The boy's case was adjudged in the juvenile court.

2.c juvenile C1 Noun ‫الشاب الصغير‬ It promises efforts to correct behavioural problems among juveniles.
(‫)تحت السن القانوني‬ His work with the youth in his role as juvenile liaison officer was remarkable.

She had few maternal instincts.

3 maternal Adj. ‫أمومي‬ Her feelings towards him were almost maternal.
She had a very maternal approach to the children in the class.

Her first instinct was to run.

3.a instinct C2 Noun ‫الغريزة‬ It is instinct that tells the birds when to begin their migration.
Bob seems to have an instinct for knowing which products will sell.

Sometimes, I get an urge to go swimming at lunchtime.

3.b urge C2 Noun ‫الرغبة المُلحّ ة‬ The urge to steal is very strong in some of these young men.
She felt an overwhelming urge to tell someone about what had happened.

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Learn 300 Essential Words for IELTS 07 Family
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He had a deep affection for his aunt.

3.c affection B2 Noun / ‫ التعلق‬/ ‫الميل‬ There's never much display of affection between them.
‫العاطفة‬ He remembered the teachers at his first school with great affection.

He inspired respect and devotion from his pupils.

3.d devotion Noun / ‫الحب الشديد‬ She will be remembered for her selfless devotion to the cause.
‫ التفان‬/ ‫اإلخالص‬ Mom gave her unconditional love and devotion to each and every one of her children.

It's easy to be too protective towards your children.

3.e protective C1 Adj. ‫ حامي‬/ ‫وقائي‬ Firefighters wear protective clothing to reduce the risk of being burned.
Three major drug companies are working to develop protective vaccines.

He's an affectionate little boy.

3.f affectionate C2 Adj. ‫ ُمحِب‬/ ‫ رقيق‬/ ‫حنون‬ They are naturally affectionate, and have an ardent love to their children.
The tone of the whole volume is sympathetic, reverent and even affectionate.

He's a very loving child.

3.g loving Adj. ‫ ُمحِب‬/ ‫ رقيق‬/ ‫حنون‬ We are deeply moved by these loving hearts and want to thank them for their help.
She had grown up in a loving family and knew that love and care were two different words.

I've always thought of Jo as a very caring person.

3.h caring B2 Adj. / ‫يهتم باآلخرين‬ She was a very loving wife and mother and a caring friend.
‫يرعي اآلخرين‬ He is known for his tireless and caring work with disadvantaged children.

he comes across as a more sympathetic character in the movie.

3.i sympathetic B2 Adj. ‫ رحيم‬/ ‫مُتعاطِ ف‬ Claire's always one to lend a sympathetic ear if you have problems.
He suffers from back trouble too, so he was very sympathetic about my problem.

He reasserted his paternal authority over his family.

4 paternal Adj. ‫أبوي‬ His feelings towards his employees were almost paternal.
Paternal instincts are those behaviours which a father performs unconsciously.

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Learn 300 Essential Words for IELTS 07 Family
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He keeps a fatherly eye on his players.

4.a fatherly Adj. ‫أبوي‬ He was a fatherly shoulder to cry on when things went wrong.
The suggestion of fatherly closeness was essential, even if it seemed awkward and difficult.

Concerned parents have complained about the dangerous playground.

4.b concerned B2 Adj. ‫ مُهتم‬/ ‫قلِق‬ Many people are very concerned about the destruction of the rainforests.
I'd like to thank everyone concerned for making the occasion run so smoothly.

They may also try to be very vigilant for threat.

4.c vigilant Adj. ‫ حذِر‬/ ‫يقظ‬ He asked all climbers and walkers to remain vigilant.
Security personnel need to be more vigilant in checking bags and packages.

I had 3 much older siblings as I grew up.

5 sibling C2 Noun ‫ الشقيقة‬/ ‫الشقيق‬ There was an intense rivalry between these siblings.
30% went back to live with a sibling or parent after the war.

There's fierce rivalry to get the job.

5.a rivalry C2 Noun ‫المنافسة‬ There's such rivalry among my three sons.
The two companies have put old rivalries aside to combine their broadcast and interactive operations.

It is possible that his marital status has hindered his rabbinic career.
6 marital status Noun ‫الحالة اإلجتماعية‬ Please enter your marital status and provide any relevant documentation.
How well off you are in old age is largely determined by race, sex and marital status.

She enjoyed an idyllic upbringing in the countryside.

7 upbringing B2 Noun ‫ التربية‬/ ‫التنشئة‬ He was a naval war hero with a privileged upbringing.
His political ideas were coloured by his upbringing as the son of a peasant farmer.

My parents were very strict with me when I was young.

7.a strict B1 Adj. ‫صارم‬
ِ / ‫حازم‬
ِ The drug should only be administered under strict medical supervision.
We follow very strict guidelines on the use and storage of personal details on computers.

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Learn 300 Essential Words for IELTS 07 Family
Word Level Type Meaning Example

Herbs need fertile soil and a sunny sheltered position.

7.b sheltered Adj. ‫ محمية‬/ ‫مُنغلقة‬ I wonder how well she will do on her own after leading such a sheltered life.
The more calcified ones tend to live in sheltered environments or deeper water.

As an ambassador, she enjoys a very privileged status.

7.c privileged C1 Adj. ‫ ذو وضع خاص‬/ ‫مُميَّز‬ I feel privileged to have had such a long and interesting career.
Shareholders may have privileged access to important information.

He has an unconventional attitude toward work.

7.d unconventional C1 Adj. ‫غير تقليدي‬ Such a prominent position for an abstract figure like a genius seems unconventional.
He earned coverage by crafting an unconventional, yet politically plausible personality.

She wants to stay at home and nurture her children.

7.e nurture Verb ‫يُربي‬ As a record company director, his job is to nurture young talent.
There is a trend towards teaching strategies aimed at nurturing students' individual interests.

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