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Surah Al-Hud-11

 Introduction; A Meccan Surah , has been named after Prophet Hud..It consists of 123
Verses, 10 Ruku,1600 words and 9567 letters.

 Theme: The theme of Surah Hud is same like the Surah Younus as invitation,
admonition and warning.This Surah mainly based on the narration of histories of seven
Prophets, Noah, Hud, Saliha, Ibrahim,Loot ,Shoaib and Mussa.

 Main content of Surah;

The Main content of Surah is highlighted here according to Ayahs;

 (1-2); Quranic verses are presented in detail by Allah Almighty.
 (3-5); Allah knows what the disbelievers conceal and what they declare.
 (7-11); He created the heavens and the earth in 6 days to testify the deeds of men.
 (12-14); Allah challenged the polytheists, who denied the Quran to bring 10 Surah like Quran.
 (15-16); Whoever desires the adornments worldly life, will have nothing in hereafter.
 (17-24); Disbelievers are classified as deaf or blind and believers as those that can hear or see.
 Narration of prophetic stories;
 Account of Noah (25-49); The unbelievers of His nation were drowned in a flood,and believers
took refuge in Noah’s ark.
 Account of Hud (50-60); The people of Ad didn’t believe Hud, God Almighty inflicted a
“dreadful doom” on them.
 Account of Saliah (61-68); Allah Almighty smitten the unbelievers of Thamud by a “blast
from heaven” when they killed the she camel (was a sign of Allah).
 Account of Ibrahim and Loot (69-83); The angels gave the good tidings of Isaac and Jacob to
Abraham and Sarah.And predicted the destruction of people of Loot.Thus Allah rained stones
over the deniers of Loot’s message.
 Account of Shoaib (84-95); When the people of Midian declined the teaching of Shoaib , a
shriek seized them and they became fallen prone within their homes.
 Account of Mussa (96-99); Allah cursed the Firaun and his followers who denied the Mussa.

 (100-102); Allah has narrated these stories so that people may learn from them.
 (103-111); On the last day, all the people will be held accountable for their deeds of worldly life.
 (112-115); Allah commands His believers to be patient, repent and to establish prayer.
 (116-120); Allah would not have destroyed the cities unjustly while their people were reformers.
 (121-123); Allah threatens the disbelievers that you keep acting on your way and we will act too.

 Introduction; A Medinan Surah.. Name, Ra’ad means “Thunder” , has been taken
from Verse 13. It has 43 Verses and 6 Ruku. It contains 854 words and 3450 letters.

 Theme;
The whole Surah turns around the basic components of the Message of Allah, which are Tauhid ,
Risalat, and Resurrection, which are repeated over and over again..This Surah also highlights that
Allah created the entire universe and the natural miracles of creation reflect His majesty.

 Main content of Surah;

Main content of surah is mentioned here according to verses;

 (1 );Quran is a pure revelation by Allah Almighty,which atheists deny.
 (2-4): Allah is the only Creator of the heavens and the earth. There are signs in the system
of the universe for those, who give thought.
 (5-7 );Disbelievers deny resurrection after death and ask Muhammad (PBUH) for a Miracle .
 (8-10); Allah asserts His perfect knowledge, from which nothing is hidden, Even He has
complete knowledge of whatever every female creature is carrying, in her womb.
 (11); Allah never changes the condition of a people unless they strive to change themselves.
 (12-15); Thunder and lightning manifest Allah that Only Allah is worthy of worship.
 (16-18); Allah narrates the difference between truth and falsehood through some examples
like; water and fire, darkness and light
 (19-26); Those who fulfill the covenant of Allah will have an excellent abode in Hereafter.
Those who don't fulfill will have the curse and an abode of terrible home.
 (27-31): It is the remembrance of Allah that provides serenity to hearts.
 (32- 35); Allah first relaxes the disbelievers and then seizes them.
 (36-37); The People of the Scriptures, rejoice at what Allah has revealed to Muhammad. The
Qur’an is revealed in Arabic for its easy understanding.
 (38-43): The Prophet has no power to show any miracle without Allah’s sanction. .He is the
Master of all plannings.

 Source:

Tafseer Ibne Kaseer; Hafiz Immad ud Din Ibne Kaseer

Zia-ul-Quran; Muhammad Karam Shah al-Azhari

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