Shaper Power Sheet

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Psion Abilities Power Points Psionic Feats

Powers Known: ______ PP/day Current Psionic Feats ❏ Psionic Shot Item Creation Feats
Max. Power Level:

Discipline: ________________
[ ][ ] ❏

Aligned Attack
Boost Construct
Combat Manifestation
Expanded Knowledge
❏ Greater Psion. Shot
❏ Fell Shot
❏ Return Shot
❏ Psionic Talent

Craft Cogniz. Crystal
Craft Dorje
Craft Psicrown
Craft Psi. Arms & Arm.
❏ Focused Sunder ❏ Psionic Weapon ❏ Craft Psi. Construct
❏ Ghost Attack ❏ Great. Psion.Weap. ❏ Craft Universal Item
Psicrystal ❏ Inquisitor ❏ Deep Impact ❏ Imprint Stone
❏ Mental Leap ❏ Speed of Thought ❏ Scribe Tattoo
❏ Metamorphic Transfer ❏ Psionic Charge
Abilities HD: ____ Hardness: 8 Skills ❏ Narrow Mind ❏ Up the Walls ❏ ___________________
HP: ____ Current: ____ Climb ____ ❏ Overchannel ❏ Wounding Attack ❏ ___________________
STR 1 Initiative: +2 Listen ____ ❏ Talented ❏ ___________________
Move Silently ____ ❏ Body Fuel Metapsionic Feats ❏ ___________________
DEX 15 Speed: 30 ft, 20 climb
Search ____ ❏ Power Penetration ❏ Burrowing Power ❏ ___________________
Base Att./Grap.: +0/-17 ❏ Greater Power Pen. ❏ Chain Power ❏ ___________________
CON - Spot ____
AC: ____ Touch: ____ ________________ ____ ❏ Power Specialization ❏ Delay Power ❏ ___________________
INT ________________ ____ ❏ Greater Power Spec. ❏ Empower Power ❏ ___________________
Saves Fort: ____ ________________ ____ ❏ Psicrystal Affinity ❏ Enlarge Power ❏ ___________________
WIS 10 Ref: ____ ________________ ____ ❏ Improved Psicrystal ❏ Extend Power ❏ ___________________
CHA 10 Will: ____ ________________ ____ ❏ Psicrystal Contain. ❏ Maximize Power ❏ ___________________
________________ ____ ❏ Psionic Body ❏ Opportunity Power ❏ ___________________
Personality: _________________________ ❏ Psionic Dodge ❏ Quicken Power ❏ ___________________
Special Qualities ❏ Psionic Endowment ❏ Split Psionic Ray ❏ ___________________
Alertness, Construct Traits, Improved Evasion, Self-propulsion, Share Powers, ❏ Greater Psi. Endow. ❏ Twin Power ❏ ___________________
Sighted, Telepathic Link
__________________________________________________________________ ❏ Psionic Fist ❏ Unconditional Power ❏ ___________________
❏ Greater Psionic Fist ❏ Widen Power ❏ ___________________
❏ Deliver Touch Powers ❏ Telepathic Speech ❏ Flight ❏ Unavoidable Strike ❏ ___________________
❏ Power Res.: ____ ❏ Sight Link ❏ Channel Powers ❏ Psionic Meditation ❏ ___________________

Shaper Powers

1st-Level Powers Save DC: ____ Cost:1 PP

❏ Astral Construct
_________________________________ _____
Metacr _______
Vis 1 round
______ Close
_______ 1 round/lev (D) -________
____________ N
__ ___________________________________
Creates astral construct to fight for you CP.79
❏ _________________________________
Astral Traveler _____
Psyport _______
- 1______ hour _______
Touch ____________ Will
Special ________ n. __
Y ___________________________________
You or another join an astral-caravan trip EPsi.75
Attraction [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Aud 1______ act _______
Close 1____________ hour/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Subject has an attraction you specify EPsi.75
Bolt _____
Metacr _______
Mat 1______ act _______
0 ft 1____________ min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
You create short-lived bolts, arrows or bullets EPsi.81
❏ _________________________________
Call to Mind [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men 1______ min _______
Personal ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Gain additional Knowledge check with +4 EPsi.82
Catfall _____
Psyport _______
Aud ______
Immed. _______
Personal 1____________ round/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Instantly save yourself from a fall EPsi.82
❏ _________________________________
Conceal Thoughts [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men 1______ act _______
Close 1____________ hour/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
You conceal your motives EPsi.85
❏ Flames AUG
Control [Fire] _____
Psykin _______
Aud 1______ act _______
Medium 1____________ min/lev ________
Special __
N ___________________________________
Take control of nearby open flame EPsi.86
❏ _________________________________
Control Light [Light] _____
Psykin _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Medium ____________ -________
Special __
N ___________________________________
Adjust ambient light levels EPsi.87
❏ _________________________________
Create Sound [Sonic] _____
Metacr _______
Aud 1______ act _______
Close 1____________ round/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Create the sound you desire EPsi.89
❏ Shard AUG
Crystal _____
Metacr _______
Aud, Mat 1______ act _______
Close ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Ranged touch attack for 1d6 piercing damage EPsi.89
❏ Psionic AUG
Daze, [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Mat, Men 1______ act _______
Close 1____________ round ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Humanoid creat. of up to 4 HD loses next act. EPsi.90
Deceleration _____
Psyport _______
Aud, Mat 1______ act _______
Close 1____________ min/lev ________
Ref n. __
Y ___________________________________
Target's speed is halved EPsi.90
❏ _________________________________
Deflection Field [Force] _____
Psykin _______
Aud, Vis ______
Swift _______
Personal ____________
Conc. + 1 round -________ __
N ___________________________________
Field of energy protects you from attacks CP.82
❏ Vu AUG
Deja [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men 1______ act _______
Medium 1____________ round ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Your target repeats his last action EPsi.91
❏ Demoralize AUG
[Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men, Olf 1______ act _______
30 ft 1____________ min/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Enemies become shaken EPsi.91
❏ _________________________________
Detect Psionics _____
Clairsen _______
Aud, Vis 1______ act _______
60 ft 1____________ min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You detect the presence of psionics EPsi.91
Disable [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Vis 1______ act _______
20 ft 1____________ min/lev (D) Will ________ n. __
Y ___________________________________
Subject incorrectly believe they are disabled EPsi.93
❏ Touch AUG
Dissipating _____
Psyport _______
Aud, Vis 1______ act _______
Touch ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
Y ___________________________________
Touch deals 1d6 damage EPsi.95
❏ _________________________________
Distract [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men 1______ act _______
Close 1____________ min/lev (D) Will ________ n. __
Y ___________________________________
Target gets -4 to several checks EPsi.96
❏ Protection AUG
Ecto _____
Metacr _______
Vis ______
Special _______
Close 1____________ min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Astral construct gains bonus against dismiss EPsi.97
❏ Eidetic Lock AUG
[Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men 1______ act _______
Touch 1____________ day/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Memorize an image or passage completely CP.84
Empathy [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men 1______ act _______
30 ft 1____________ min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You know the subject's surface emotions EPsi.99
Empty Mind [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Aud ______
Immed. _______
Personal 1____________ round -________ __
N ___________________________________
You gain +2 on Will saves until next action EPsi.99
❏ _________________________________
Endure Elements, Psionic _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Touch ____________
24 hours ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Exist comfortably in hot or cold environments CP.85
❏ Arc AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______
Aud 1______ act _______
15 ft ____________ Ref
Instantaneous ________ ½ __
Y ___________________________________
Energy shoots from your hands in a short cone CP.85
❏ Ray AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______
Aud 1______ act _______
Close ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
Y ___________________________________
Ray deals 1d6 energy damage EPsi.103
❏ Ectoplasm AUG
Entangling _____
Metacr _______
Mat, Vis 1______ act _______
Close ____________
5 rounds -________ __
N ___________________________________
You entangle a foe in sticky goo EPsi.104
❏ Hand AUG
Far _____
Psykin _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Close ____________
Up to 1 min -________ __
N ___________________________________
Move small objects at a limited distance EPsi.106
❏ _________________________________
Float _____
Psyport _______
Aud 1______ act _______
Personal 1____________ round/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You buoy yourself in liquids EPsi.108
❏ Screen AUG
Force [Force] _____
Psykin _______
Aud 1______ act _______
Personal 1____________min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Invisible disc gives +4 shield bonus to AC EPsi.108
❏ _________________________________
Grease, Psionic _____
Metacr _______
Vis, Olf 1______ act _______
Close 1____________
round/lev (D) Special ________ __
N ___________________________________
Makes 10-ft square or one object slippery EPsi.111
Hammer _____
Psymet _______
Aud, Mat ______
Swift _______
Touch 1____________
round -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Melee touch attack deals 1d8/round EPsi.111
❏ Armor AUG
Inertial _____
Psykin _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Personal 1____________
hour/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Field of force gives +4 armor bonus to AC EPsi.113
❏ _________________________________
Know Direction and Location _____
Clairsen _______
Men 1______ act _______
Personal ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Discover where you are and where you face EPsi.114
❏ _________________________________
Matter Agitation _____
Psykin _______
Aud, Mat 1______ act _______
Close ____________ -________
Concentration __
Y ___________________________________
You heat a creature or object EPsi.114
❏ Thrust AUG
Mind [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Aud 1______ act _______
Close ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Deal 1d10 damage EPsi.120
❏ _________________________________
Minor Creation, Psionic _____
Metacr _______
Mat 1______ min _______
0 ft 1____________
hour/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Creates one cloth or wood object EPsi.121
Missive [Mind-Affecting, Lang.-Dep.] _____
Telep _______
Men 1______ act _______
Close ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
Y ___________________________________
Send a one-way telepathic message to subject EPsi.121
❏ Light AUG
My [Light] _____
Psykin _______
Aud, Vis 1______ act _______
Personal ____________
10 min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Your eyes emit 20-ft cone of light EPsi.122
❏ Defensive AUG
Precognition, _____
Clairsen _______
Mat, Vis 1______act _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain +1 insight bonus to AC and ST EPsi.124
❏ Offensive AUG
Precognition, _____
Clairsen _______
Mat, Vis ______
Special _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain +1 insight bonus to attack rolls EPsi.124
❏ Offensive AUG
Prescience, _____
Calirsen _______
Mat, Vis 1______
act _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain +2 insight bonus to damage rolls EPsi.125
❏ Fear AUG
Primal [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men ______
Swift _______
Medium 1____________
round ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Target is shaken for 1 round CP.95
❏ Link AUG
Sense [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Medium ____________ -________
Concentration __
N ___________________________________
Sense what the subject senses (single sense) EPsi.131
❏ _________________________________
Skate _____
Psyport _______
Mat, Vis 1______
act _______
Touch 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Subject slides skillfully along the ground EPsi.132
Slow Breathing _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Personal 1____________
hour/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain +4 on saves against altitude sickness CP.99
❏ Mind AUG
Stone _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain bonus to Search while standing on earth CP.99

Continues on Next Page

Shaper Powers

Continued from Previous Page

❏ Stygian Discernment
_________________________________ _____
Clairsen _______
1 act
Aud, Vis 60 ft
_______ 1 min/lev
____________ -
________ N
__ ___________________________________
Gain insight against undead CP.100
Synchronicity _____
Clairsen _______
Vis act _______
Personal 1____________
round -________ __
N ___________________________________
Ready an action and use it when you choose CP.103
❏ _________________________________
Synesthete _____
Psymet _______
act _______
Personal ____________
10 min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You get one kind of sense instead of another EPsi.134
❏ _________________________________
Telempathic Projection [Mind-Aff.] _____
Telep _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Medium 1____________
min/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Alter the subject's mood EPsi.136
❏ Strider AUG
Urban _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Move across uneven surfaces with ease CP.104
Vigor _____
Psymet _______
Mat, Olfact _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain 5 temporary hit points EPsi.140
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
Shaper Powers

2nd-Level Powers Save DC: ____ Cost:3 PP

❏ Anticipatory Strike AUG

_________________________________ _____
Psyport _______
Aud ______
_______ Instantaneous -________
____________ N
__ ___________________________________
Take your action out of initiative order RoD.170
❏ Power AUG
Bestow [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men 1______
20 ft act ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Subject receives 2 power points EPsi.80
Biofeedback _____
Psymet _______
Mat, Vis 1______
Personal act 1____________ min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain damage reduction 2/- EPsi.80
❏ _________________________________
Body Equilibrium _____
Psymet _______
Mat, Vis _______1______
Personal act ____________
10 min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You can walk on non-solid surfaces EPsi.81
❏ _________________________________
Cloud Mind [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep -_______ 1
Close ______
act 1____________ min/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Erase knowledge of your presence from target EPsi.84
❏ _________________________________
Concealing Amorpha _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Mat _______
0 ft act 1____________ min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Quasi-real membrane grants concealment EPsi.85
❏ Blast AUG
Concussion [Force] _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Aud _______
Medium act ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
Y ___________________________________
Deal 1d6 force damage to target EPsi.85
❏ _________________________________
Control Sound [Sonic] _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Aud _______
Medium act ____________ -________
Concentration __
N ___________________________________
Create very specific sounds EPsi.88
Crystalstorm _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Mat _______
Close act ____________ For
Instantaneous ________ part. __
N ___________________________________
Causes 2d4 damage + 1d4Con damage CP.81
❏ Power AUG
Damp _____
Psymet _______ Immed.
Vis _______
Personal______ ____________ -________
Special __
N ___________________________________
Minimize numeric effects of enemy powers CP.82
❏ _________________________________
Detect Hostile Intent [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Olf _______
30 ft act ____________
10 min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You can detect hostile creatures EPsi.91
❏ Walk AUG
Earth _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Vis _______
Personal act 1____________ min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Move easily in all directions while on earth CP.84
❏ Whip AUG
Ego [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Aud _______
Medium act ____________ WIll
Instantaneous ________ ½ __
Y ___________________________________
Deal 1d4 Cha damage and daze for 1 round EPsi.98
❏ Steward AUG
Elemental [Special] _____
Psyport _______ 1______
Vis _______
Close round 1____________ round/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Summon a small psionic elemental CP.85
❏ _________________________________
Elfsight _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Vis _______
Personal act 1____________ hour/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain low-light vision, +2 on Search and Spot EPsi.98
❏ Adaptation, Specified AUG
Energy _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Vis _______
Personal act ____________
10 min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain resistance 10 against one energy type EPsi.100
❏ Emanation AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Vis _______
5 ft act 1____________ round/lev -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Deals 1d6 of energy dmg to surrounding foes CP.86
❏ Push AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______
Aud, Vis_______
Medium 1______
act ____________ Special
Instantaneous ________ __
Y ___________________________________
Deal 2d6 damage and knock subject back EPsi.102
Energy Stun [Special] _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Aud _______
Close act ____________ Ref
Instantaneous ________
½ __
Y ___________________________________
Deal 1d6 damage and stun target CP.88
Feat Leech _____
Clairsen _______
Men, Vis_______
Touch 1______
act 1____________min/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Borrow another's psionic feats EPsi.107
Foretelling _____
Clairsen _______ 1______
Aud,Men _______
Close act 1____________
round/3 lev -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Target gains +1 bonus on attacks or saves MoE.105
❏ Insinuation AUG
Id [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Aud _______
Close act ____________
Conc. +1 round Will ________n. __
Y ___________________________________
Tendrils of thought disrupt and confuse target EPsi.112
❏ _________________________________
Identify, Psionic _____
Clairsen _______
Mat, Men_______
Touch 1______
day ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Learn the properties of a psionic item EPsi.112
❏ Awe AUG
Induce [Mind Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Vis _______
30 ft act 1____________
min/lev (D) Will ________n. __
Y ___________________________________
Gain +4 on Diplomacy and Intimidate MoE.105
❏ Pain AUG
Inflict [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Men _______
Close act 1____________
round/lev ________
Will part. __
Y ___________________________________
Give your foe -4 or -2 on attack rolls EPsi.113
❏ _________________________________
Knock, Psionic _____
Psyport _______ 1______
Mat _______
Medium act ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Opens locked or psionically sealed door EPsi.114
❏ Flayers AUG
Larval _____
Psyport _______ 1______
Aud _______
Close round 1____________
round/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Summon 1d3 larval flayers CP.91
❏ _________________________________
Levitate, Psionic _____
Psyport _______ 1______
Olf _______
Personal act ____________
10 min/lev (D) -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Move up and down, forward and back EPsi.114
❏ Disruption AUG
Mental [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Men _______
10 ft act ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________n. __
Y ___________________________________
Daze creatures within 10 ft for 1 round EPsi.115
❏ Mass AUG
Missive, [Mind-Aff., Lang.-Dep.] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Men _______
Long act ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________n. __
Y ___________________________________
Send a one-way telepathic message to an area EPsi.121
❏ _________________________________
Psionic Lock _____
Psyport _______ 1______
Mat _______
Touch act ____________ -________
Permanent __
N ___________________________________
Secure a door, chest, or portal EPsi.125
❏ Repair Damage AUG
Psionic _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Mat,Vis _______
Touch act ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________n. __
Y ___________________________________
Repairs construct of 3d8 +1 hp/lev EPsi.126
❏ Beacon AUG
Psychic _____
Clairsen Aud,Men,Vis 1
_______ _______
Close ______
act ____________
24 hours ________
Special __
Y ___________________________________
Know distance and location of marked target. MoE.105
❏ Scimitar AUG
Psychic _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Vis _______
Medium act 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Scimitar of the mind attacks foes CP.96
❏ Shelter AUG
Psychoportive _____
Psyport _______ 10
Vis _______
10 ft ______
min 1____________
hour/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Create an extradimensional shelter CP.97
❏ Agony AUG
Recall [Mind-Affecting] _____
Clairsen _______ 1______
Mat _______
Medium act ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________½ __
Y ___________________________________
Foe takes 2d6 damage EPsi.129
❏ _________________________________
Sense Link, Forced [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Vis _______
Medium act ____________ Will
Concentration ________n. __
Y ___________________________________
Sense what subject senses EPsi.131
Serenity [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Olf _______
Medium act 1____________
round/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Pacify a creature and stop it from fighting CP.98
❏ _________________________________
Share Pain _____
Psymet _______
Mat, Men_______
Touch 1______
act 1____________
hour/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Willing subject takes some of your damage EPsi.132
❏ _________________________________
Stygian Ray _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Vis _______
Close act 1____________
round -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Bestow negative level on foe for 1 round CP.101
❏ _________________________________
Sustenance _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Mat _______
Personal act ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Go without food and water for 1 day EPsi.134
❏ of Crystals AUG
Swarm _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Mat _______
15 ft act ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Crystal shards do 3d4 slashing damage EPsi.134
❏ Shield AUG
Thought [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ Immed.
Aud _______
Personal ______ 1____________
round -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain PR 13 against mind-affecting powers EPsi.137
❏ _________________________________
Tongues, Psionic [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep -_______ 1
Personal ______
act ____________
10 min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
You can communicate with intelligent creat. EPsi.138
❏ Dreams AUG [Mind Affecting, Fear]
Waking _____
Clairsen _______ 1______
Aud,Men,Vis act ____________ Special
Special ________ __
Y ___________________________________
Grant +1 bonus on target's attack or save MoE.107
❏ of Alertness AUG
Zone [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Men _______
10 ft act 1____________
min/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Gain advantages equal to number of allies CP.104
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
Shaper Powers

3rd-Level Powers Save DC: ____ Cost:5 PP

❏ Body Adjustment AUG

_________________________________ _____
Psymet _______
Aud, Mat 1______
_______ round Instantaneous -________
____________ N
__ ___________________________________
You heal 1d12 damage EPsi.80
❏ Purification AUG
Body _____
Psymet _______
Aud, Mat 1______
Personal round ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
You restore 2 points of ability damage EPsi.81
❏ Barrier AUG
Breath _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Vis _______
10 ft act 1____________ min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Create quasi-real barrier that moves with you RoDr.120
❏ Phantasm AUG
Cerebral [Fear, Mind-Aff.] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Vis _______
Medium act ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________ n. __
Y ___________________________________
Internal horrors take shape, attack opponent CP.80
❏ _________________________________
Concealing Amorpha, Greater _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Mat _______
0 ft act 1____________ round/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Quasi-real membrane grants total concealm. EPsi.85
❏ Urge AUG
Contrarian _____
Telep _______
Aud, Vis 1______
Close act 1____________ round ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Forces target to do the opposite of its intent RoW.176
❏ Sense AUG
Danger _____
Clairsen _______ 1______
Vis _______
Personal act 1____________ hour/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You gain +4 bonus against traps EPsi.90
❏ _________________________________
Darkvision, Psionic _____
Clairsen _______ 1______
Vis _______
Personal act 1____________ hour/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
See 60 ft in total darkness EPsi.90
❏ Twister AUG
Dimension _____
Psyport _______ 1______
Vis _______
Close act ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________n. __
Y ___________________________________
Teleports foe short distance, deals 5d6 damage CP.83
❏ _________________________________
Dismiss Ectoplasm _____
Metacr _______
Aud, Vis 1______
Medium act ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________n. __
N ___________________________________
Dissipates ectoplasmic targets and effects EPsi.94
❏ Psionics AUG
Dispel _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Vis _______
Medium act ____________ -________
Special __
N ___________________________________
Cancels psionic powers and effects EPsi.94
❏ Cocoon AUG
Ectoplasmic _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Aud,Mat _______
Medium act 1____________ round/lev ________
Ref n. __
N ___________________________________
You encapsulate a foe so it can't move EPsi.97
❏ Bolt AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Aud _______
120 ft act ____________ Special
Instantaneous ________ __
Y ___________________________________
Deals 5d6 energy damage in 120-ft line EPsi.100
❏ Burst AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Aud _______
40 ft act ____________ Special
Instantaneous ________ __
Y ___________________________________
Deals 5d6 energy damage in 40-ft burst EPsi.101
❏ Lance AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______
Mat, Vis _______
Close 1______
act ____________ For
Instantaneous ________
½ __
Y ___________________________________
Lance of energy deals 5d6 hp + sec. damage CP.87
❏ Retort AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Vis _______
Special act 1____________min/lev ________
Special __
Y ___________________________________
Attacker takes 4d6 damage/round EPsi.103
❏ _________________________________
Energy Wall [Special] _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Aud _______
Medium act ____________
Conc. +1 rd/lev Special
________ __
N ___________________________________
Create wall of your chosen energy type EPsi.104
Eradicate Invisibility _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Vis _______
50 ft act ____________ Ref
Instantaneous ________
n. __
N ___________________________________
Negate invisibility in 50-ft burst EPsi.105
❏ _________________________________
Exhalation AUG
of the Bronze Drag. [M-A] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Vis _______
30 ft act ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________n. __
Y ___________________________________
Cone of gas unsettles enemies for 1d4 rounds CP.89
❏ Memory AUG
Faint [Mind Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Aud _______
Personal act 1____________
min/lev ________
Special __
N ___________________________________
Make yourself less noticeable. MoE.104
❏ Dream AUG
Forced [Mind Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Aud,Men _______
Close act 1____________
round/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Subject can relive a single turn MoE.104
❏ of Warding, Psionic AUG
Glyph _____
Metacr _______
Mat, Vis _______
Touch ______
10 min ____________
Until disch. (D) Special
________ __
Y ___________________________________
Sets a psionic trap to protect area or opening CP.90
❏ Earth AUG
Heavy _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Vis _______
20 ft act ____________ For
Instantaneous ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Alter gravity locally CP.90
❏ _________________________________
Keen Edge, Psionic _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Vis _______
Close act ____________
10 min/lev ________
WIll n. __
Y ___________________________________
Doubles normal weapon's threat range EPsi.113
❏ Barrier AUG
Mental _____
Clairsen _______ Immed.
Aud _______
Personal______ 1____________
round -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain +4 defl. bonus to AC until next action EPsi.115
❏ Trap AUG
Mind [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ Immed.
Aud _______
Personal______ 1____________
round -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Drain 1d6 power points from psionic attacker EPsi.120
Mindfire _____
Psymet _______
Mat, Olf _______
Touch 1______
act ____________ For
Instantaneous ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
You inflict the mindfire disease upon your foe CP.93
❏ Quori Spirit AUG
Project _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Special _______
Close round ____________ -________
Concentration __
N ___________________________________
Call quori spirit to fight for you. MoE.105
❏ Blast AUG
Psionic [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Aud _______
30 ft act ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Stuns creatures in 30-ft cone for 1 round EPsi.125
❏ Containment AUG [Mind-Affecting]
Psychic _____
Telep _______ 1______
Men _______
Close act 1____________
round/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Disallow the use of psionics for a single creatureCP.96
❏ _________________________________
Realized Potential _____
Clairsen _______ 1______
Men _______
Touch act 1____________
round/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Target gain +1 to attack and saves, +2 to skills CP.97
❏ Danger AUG
Sense _____
Clairsen Aud,Men,Vis 1
_______ _______
Personal ______
act ____________
10 min/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Retain Dex bonus to AC when flat footed MoE.106
❏ Pain, Forced AUG
Share _____
Psymet _______
Mat, Men _______
Close 1______
act 1____________
round/lev (D) For ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Unwilling subject takes some of your damage EPsi.132
❏ Psicrystal AUG
Solicit _____
Telep _______ Swift
Aud _______
Close ______ 1____________
round/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Psicrystal takes over concentration power EPsi.133
❏ Quori Spirit AUG
Stun _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Men _______
Special act 1____________
round/lev ________
Will n. __ ___________________________________
Stun an outsider or possessing creature. MoE.106
❏ Force AUG
Telekinetic [Force] _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Vis _______
Medium act ____________ Will
Concentration ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Move an object with the force of your mind EPsi.135
❏ Thrust AUG
Telekinetic _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Vis _______
Medium act ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Hurl objects with the force of your mind EPsi.135
❏ _________________________________
Thoughtsoothe [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Men _______
Close round ____________
10 min/lev -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Forge minor telepathic link with another being FoE.153
❏ Hop AUG
Time _____
Psyport _______
Aud, Vis _______
Close 1______
act 1____________
round/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Subject hops forward in time 1 round/lev EPsi.137
Touchsight _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Vis _______
Personal act 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Telekinetic field tells you where things are EPsi.138
❏ _________________________________
Ubiquitous Vision _____
Clairsen _______ 1______
Vis _______
Personal act ____________
10 min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You have all-around vision EPsi.139
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________

4th-Level Powers Save DC: ____ Cost:7 PP

❏ Aura Sight AUG

_________________________________ _____
Clairsen _______
Vis 1______
60 ft
_______ act 10 min/lev
____________ -________ N
__ ___________________________________
Reveals selected alignment axis EPsi.79
❏ Bonds AUG
Burrowing _____
Metacr _______
Aud, Mat 1______
Medium act 1____________
round/lev (D) Ref
________ n. __
N ___________________________________
Crustalline bonds deal 3d6 +1d6 dmg/round CP.79
❏ _________________________________
Correspond [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 10
Men ______
Special min 1____________
round/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Hold mental conversation with another creat. EPsi.88
❏ Urge AUG
Death [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Men _______
Medium act 1____________
round ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Implant a self-destructive compulsion EPsi.90
❏ _________________________________
Detect Remote Viewing _____
Clairsen _______
Men, Vis 1______
40 ft act ____________
24 hours -________ __
N ___________________________________
You know when others spy on you remotely EPsi.92
❏ Door, Psionic AUG
Dimension _____
Psyport _______ 1______
Vis _______
Long act ____________ Special
Instantaneous ________ __
Sp. ___________________________________
Teleports you a short distance CP.83
❏ _________________________________
Divination, Psionic _____
Clairsen _______
Men, Vis ______
Personal min ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Provides useful advice for proposed action EPsi.96
❏ Hearted AUG
Dragon _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Vis _______
Personal act 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain energy immunity and vulnerability RoDr.120
❏ Swarm AUG
Ectoplasmic _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Vis _______
Close round ____________
Conc. + 2 rds -________ __
N ___________________________________
Summon a swarm of crystalline spiders CP.84
❏ Feedback AUG [Mind-Affecting]
Empathic _____
Telep _______
Aud, Mat 1______
Personal act ____________
10 min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Attacker takes damage when you are hit EPsi.98
❏ Adaptation AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Vis _______
Personal act ____________
10 min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Your body converts energy to harmless light EPsi.99
❏ Flash AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Vis _______
Touch act ____________ For
Instantaneous ________
½ __
Y ___________________________________
Touch deals 5d6 of chosen energy damage CP.87
❏ Breath AUG
Evade _____
Psymet _______ Immed.
Mat _____________
Personal ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
You slide out of range of a breath weapon RoDr.120
❏ _________________________________
Fabricate, Psionic _____
Metacr _______ Special
Mat _______
Close ______ ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Transforms raw goods to finished items EPsi.106
❏ _________________________________
Freedom of Movement, Psionic _____
Psyport _______ 1______
Aud _______
Personal act ____________
10 min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
You cannot be held or rendered immobile EPsi.109
❏ Fortress AUG
Intellect _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Aud _______
20 ft act 1____________
round -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Take half damage from all powers till next act. EPsi.113
Mindwipe [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep Aud,Men,Vis 1
_______ _______
Close ______
act ____________ For
Instantaneous ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Bestows negative levels on target EPsi.121
❏ _________________________________
Personality Parasite [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Aud, Vis _______
Medium 1______
act 1____________
round/lev (D) Will ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Subject's mind becomes self-antagonistic EPsi.123
Planar Apotheosis [Special] _____
Psymet _______ 1______
Vis _______
Personal act 1____________
round/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Temporarily become celestial or fiendish CP.93
❏ _________________________________
Power Leech [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 1______
Vis _______
Close act ____________ Will
Concentration ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Drain 1d6 power points/round, gain 1/round EPsi.124
❏ _________________________________
Psychic Reformation [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______ 10
Aud,Men,Vis ______
min ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Subject chooses skills, feats, and powers anew EPsi.127
❏ _________________________________
Quintessence _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Mat _______
0 ft round ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
You collapse a bit of time into substance EPsi.128
❏ Eft AUG
Shadow [Evil] _____
Psyport _______
Aud, Vis _______
Close 1______
round 1____________
round/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Summon a shadow eft to aid you CP.98
❏ Implanted AUG [Mind-Affecting]
Suggestion, _____
Telep _______ 1______
Men _______
Close act 1____________
day/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Plant suggestion to be triggered later CP.102
❏ Maneuver AUG
Telekinetic [Force] _____
Psykin _______ 1______
Vis _______
Medium act ____________ -________
Concentration __
Y ___________________________________
Telekinetically bull rush, trip, disarm, grapple EPsi.135
❏ Teleport AUG
Trace _____
Clairsen _______ 1______
Vis _______
Close act ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Learn destination of subject's teleport EPsi.139
❏ _________________________________
Wall of Ectoplasm _____
Metacr _______ 1______
Vis _______
Close act 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You create a protective barrier EPsi.140
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
Shaper Powers

5th-Level Powers Save DC: ____ Cost:9 PP

❏ Adapt Body
_________________________________ _____
Psymet _______
1 act
Vis Personal
_______ 1 hour/lev (D) -________
____________ N
__ ___________________________________
Your body adapts to hostile environments EPsi.75
❏ _________________________________
Anticipatory Strike _____
Psyport _______
Aud _______
Personal ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Take your action out of initiative order CP.78
❏ Catapsi AUG
[Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men, Vis act _______
30 ft 1____________
round/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Psychic static inhibits power manifestation EPsi.82
❏ Conduit AUG
Celestial _____
Psykin _______
Mat, Vis act _______
120 ft ____________ Ref
Instantaneous ________½ __
Y ___________________________________
Launch positive energy from your fingertips CP.80
❏ Deluge AUG
Cranial _____
Psymet _______
Aud, Vis round _______
Close ____________ For
Instantaneous ________n. __
Y ___________________________________
Damage can cause enemy's head to explode CP.81
❏ _________________________________
Detain Ectoplasm _____
Metacr _______
Aud, Vis act _______
Medium ____________ Will
Special ________ n. __
N ___________________________________
Dismiss constructs and bolster your powers CP.82
❏ _________________________________
Ectoplasmic Shambler _____
Metacr _______
Aud,Mat,Olf round _______
Long 1____________
min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Deals 1 damage/2 lev per round to an area EPsi.98
❏ _________________________________
Ethereal Agent _____
Clairsen _______
Vis ______
10 min _______
Unlim. ____________
10 min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Create psionic sensor CP.88
❏ of Crystals AUG
Hail _____
Metacr _______
Aud,Vis1______ act _______
Medium ____________ Ref
Instantaneous ________
½ __
N ___________________________________
Crystal explodes dealind 9d4 slashing damage EPsi.111
❏ _________________________________
Incarnate _____
Metacr _______
Mat ______
2 rds _______
Special ____________ -________
Permanent __
N ___________________________________
Make some powers permanent EPsi.112
❏ Field AUG
Leech _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Personal 1____________
min -________ __
N ___________________________________
Leech power points when you make a ST EPsi.114
❏ _________________________________
Major Creation, Psionic _____
Metacr _______
Mat ______
10 min _______
Close ____________ -________
Special __
N ___________________________________
Creates one object EPsi.114
❏ _________________________________
Plane Shift, Psionic _____
Psyport _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Touch ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Travel to other planes EPsi.124
❏ _________________________________
Power Resistance _____
Clairsen _______
Mat, Vis 1______ act _______
Touch 1____________
min/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Grants PR equal to 12 + level EPsi.124
❏ Crush AUG
Psychic [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Aud 1______ act _______
Close ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________
part. __
Y ___________________________________
Reduces subject to -1 hit points EPsi.127
❏ Break AUG
Psychotic [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Medium 1____________
round/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Target viciously attacks closest creature CP.97
❏ of the Dragon, Psionic AUG
Sense _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Personal 1____________
hour/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You gain dragonlike senses RoDr.120
❏ _________________________________
Shatter Mind Blank _____
Telep _______
Olf 1______act _______
30 ft ____________ WIll
Instantaneous ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Cancels target's mind blank effect EPsi.132
❏ Greater AUG
Stomp, _____
Psykin _______
Vis 1______
act _______
120 ft ____________ Ref
Instantaneous ________
n. __
N ___________________________________
Shockwave deals damage and knocks down CP.99
❏ Dominion AUG
Stygian _____
Psymet _______
Mat, Vis 1______
round _______
Medium 1____________
hour/lev -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Control the body of a mindless undead CP.101
❏ Schism AUG
Suppress _____
Psykin _______
Aud, Vis 1______
act _______
Close ____________ Will
Special ________
part. __
Y ___________________________________
Blocks sual minds and schisms CP.103
❏ Buffer AUG
Telekinetic _____
Psykin _______
Vis 1______
act _______
15 ft 1____________
round/lev (D) -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Force creatures away from you CP.103
❏ of Iron Will AUG
Tower [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Aud ______
Immed. _______
10 ft 1____________
round -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Grants PR 19 within 10 ft until next action EPsi.138
❏ _________________________________
True Seeing, Psionic _____
Clairsen _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
See all things as they really are EPsi.139
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________

6th-Level Powers Save DC: ____ Cost:11 PP

❏ Aura Alteration AUG

[Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
1 act
Mat Medium
_______ Special
____________ -
________ N
__ ___________________________________
Repairs psyche or masks subject's psyche EPsi.78
❏ of the Black Dragon AUG
Breath [Acid] _____
Psymet _______
Vis act _______
Close ____________
Instantaneous ________
Ref ½ __
Y ___________________________________
Breathe acid for 11d6 damage EPsi.81
❏ _________________________________
Cloud Mind, Mass [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep -_______
1______ act _______
Close 1____________
min/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Erase knowledge of your presence, 1 creat/lev EPsi.84
❏ _________________________________
Co-Opt Concentration [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men1______ act _______
Medium ____________
Concentration ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Take control of foe's concentration power EPsi.88
❏ _________________________________
Contingency, Psionic _____
Clairsen _______
Olf ______
Special _______
Personal 1____________
day/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Sets trigger condition for another power EPsi.86
❏ _________________________________
Crystallize _____
Metacr _______
Aud 1______ act _______
Medium ____________
Permanent ________
For n. __
Y ___________________________________
Turn subject permanently to crystal EPsi.90
❏ Psionic AUG
Disintegrate, _____
Psyport _______
Aud,Mat,Vis act _______
Medium ____________
Instantaneous ________
For part. __
Y ___________________________________
Turn one creature or object to dust EPsi.93
❏ Barrage AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______
Aud, Mat act _______
Medium ____________
Instantaneous ________
Ref ½ __
N ___________________________________
Decimate foes with energy explosions CP.86
❏ Nullification Field AUG
Energy _____
Psykin _______
Aud 1______ act _______
10 ft ____________
10 min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Suppress psionic powers with chosen descriptor CP.88
❏ Abduction AUG
Ethereal _____
Psyport _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Close 1____________
round/lev ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Force another creature onto the Ethereal Plane CP.88
❏ _________________________________
Fabricate, Greater Psionic _____
Metacr _______
Mat ______
Special _______
Close ____________
Instantaneous -________ __
N ___________________________________
Transforms a lot of raw goods to finished items EPsi.106
❏ Flesh AUG
Fuse _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Touch 1____________
round/lev ________
Special __
Y ___________________________________
Fuse subject's flesh into a helpless mass EPsi.109
❏ Location AUG
Inconstant _____
Psyport _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Personal 1____________
min -________ __
N ___________________________________
Make swift instantaneous moves in combat CP.91
❏ _________________________________
Mind Over Energy _____
Psymet _______
Vis ______
Immed. _______
Personal 1____________
round/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Gain brief immunity to chosen energy type CP.93
❏ _________________________________
Overland Flight, Psionic _____
Psyport _______
Aud 1______act _______
Personal 1____________
hour/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You fly at a speed of 40 ft EPsi.123
Psychometry _____
Clairsen _______
Vis 1______
min _______
10 ft 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Read psychic impressions from a given location CP.96
❏ _________________________________
Remote View Trap [Electricity] _____
Clairsen _______
Men, Vis 1______
act _______
Personal ____________
24 hrs +1 hr/lev ________
Will ½ __
N ___________________________________
Deals 8d6 damage to remote viewers EPsi.129
Retrieve _____
Psyport _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Medium ____________
Instantaneous ________
Will n. __
N ___________________________________
Teleport to your hand an item you can see EPsi.130
Stygian Bolt _____
Psymet _______
Mat, Vis 1______
act _______
120 ft ____________
Instantaneous ________
Ref n. __
Y ___________________________________
Enemies in 120-ft line gain 1d4 negative levels CP.99
❏ _________________________________
Suspend Life _____
Psymet _______
Olf 1______
act _______
Personal ____________
Until dismissed -________ __
N ___________________________________
Puts yourself into suspended animation EPsi.134
❏ Acceleration AUG
Temporal _____
Psyport -_______ ______
Swift _______
Personal 1____________
round -________ __
N ___________________________________
Your time frame accelerates for 1 round EPsi.136
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________

7th-Level Powers Save DC: ____ Cost:13 PP

❏ Decerebrate
_________________________________ _____
Psyport _______
1 act
Men Close
_______ Instantaneous For
____________ ________
n. Y
__ ___________________________________
Remove portion of subject's brain stem EPsi.90
❏ _________________________________
Divert Teleport _____
Psyport _______
Vis _______
Medium ____________
10 min/lev (D) Will
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Choose destination for another's teleport EPsi.96
❏ Cocoon, Mass AUG
Ectoplasmic _____
Metacr _______
Aud,Mat act _______
Medium 1____________
hour/lev (D) Ref
n. __
N ___________________________________
You encapsulate all foes in 20-ft radius EPsi.97
❏ Claw AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Metacr _______
Vis1______ act _______
Medium 1____________
round/lev (D) -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Claw of energy grapples and damages foe CP.86
❏ _________________________________
Energy Conversion [Special] _____
Psymet _______
Men 1______ act _______
Special ____________
10 min/lev -________ __
Y ___________________________________
Offensively channel energy you?ve absorbed EPsi.101
❏ Wave AUG
Energy [Special] _____
Psykin _______
Aud 1______ act _______
120 ft ____________ Special
Instantaneous ________ __
Y ___________________________________
Deal 13d4 damage in a 120-ft cone EPsi.104
❏ Burst AUG
Evade _____
Psymet _______
Mat ______
Immed. _______
Personal ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
No damage from a burst on a Ref save EPsi.105
❏ _________________________________
Eyes of the Basilisk _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______ act _______
30 ft 1____________
round/lev (D) For
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Turn to stone 1 creature/round with a glance CP.89
Insanity [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Men 1______ act _______
Medium ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Subject is permanently confused EPsi.113
❏ _________________________________
Intensify Manifest Zone, Psychic _____
Metacr _______
Aud 1______ day _______
Close ____________ -________
Permanent __
Y ___________________________________
You enhance the effects of a manifest zone FoE.152
❏ _________________________________
Mind Blank, Personal [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Olf 1______ act _______
Personal 1____________
day -________ __
N ___________________________________
You are immune to scrying and mental effects EPsi.118
❏ _________________________________
Moment of Prescience, Psionic _____
Clairsen _______
Vis 1______act _______
Personal ____________ -________
Special __
N ___________________________________
You gain insight bonus on a single roll EPsi.122
❏ Body AUG
Oak _____
Psymet _______
Aud 1______
act _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Your body becomes as hard as an oak EPsi.122
❏ _________________________________
Phase Door, Psionic _____
Psyport _______
Vis 1______
act _______
0 ft 1____________
usage/2 lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
Invisible passage through wood or stone EPsi.124
❏ Champion AUG
Planar [Special] _____
Psyport _______
Vis 1______
round _______
Close 1____________
round/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Calls a good or evil creature to do your biddingCP.94
❏ _________________________________
Sequester, Psionic _____
Clairsen -_______ 1______
act _______
Touch 1____________
day/lev (D) -/Will________
n. __
Sp. ___________________________________
Subject comatose and invisible EPsi.132
Ultrablast [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Aud 1______
act _______
15 ft ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________
½ __
Y ___________________________________
Deal 13d6 damage in 15-ft radius EPsi.140
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
Shaper Powers

8th-Level Powers Save DC: ____ Cost:15 PP

❏ Anchor Plane
_________________________________ _____
Metacr _______
8 hrs
Mat,Vis Special
_______ Instantaneous -________
____________ N
__ ___________________________________
Create a manifest zone, anchored to a point FoE.152
❏ _________________________________
Astral Seed _____
Metacr _______
Mat min _______
0 ft ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Plant the seed of your rebirth from Astral PlaneEPsi.78
❏ _________________________________
Bend Reality _____
Clairsen _______
Vis act _______
Special ____________ -________
Special __
Y ___________________________________
Alters reality within power limits EPsi.80
❏ _________________________________
Iron Body, Psionic _____
Metacr _______
Aud1______ act _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Your body becomes living iron EPsi.113
❏ _________________________________
Matter Manipulation _____
Metacr _______
Aud, Men act _______
Close ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
Y ___________________________________
Increase or decrease an object's hardness by 5 EPsi.115
❏ _________________________________
Mind Blank, Psionic [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Olf 1______ act _______
Close 1____________
day ________
Will n. __
Y ___________________________________
Subject immune to mental effects and scrying EPsi.119
❏ _________________________________
Planar Embrace [Special] _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______round _______
Personal 1____________
round/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
Temporarily become half-celestial or half-fiendCP.94
❏ _________________________________
Recall Death [Death, Mind-Affecting] _____
Clairsen _______
Mat 1______
act _______
Medium ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________
part. __
Y ___________________________________
Subject dies or takes 5d6 damage EPsi.129
❏ _________________________________
Shadow Body _____
Psymet _______
Aud 1______
act _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
N ___________________________________
You become a living shadow EPsi.132
❏ _________________________________
Stygian Veil _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
You take on traits of the undead type CP.102
❏ _________________________________
Teleport, Psionic Greater _____
Psyport _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Touch ____________ Will
Instantaneous ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Teleports with no range limits EPsi.136
❏ _________________________________
True Metabolism _____
Psymet _______
Mat 1______
round _______
Personal 1____________
min/lev -________ __
N ___________________________________
You regenerate 10 hp/round EPsi.139
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________

9th-Level Powers Save DC: ____ Cost:17 PP

❏ Affinity Field
_________________________________ _____
Psymet _______
1 act
Mat, Vis 20 ft
_______ 1 round/lev (D) For
____________ ________
n. Y
__ ___________________________________
Effects that affect you also affect others EPsi.75
❏ _________________________________
Affinity Field, Pain _____
Psymet _______
Mat, Vis act _______
20 ft 1____________
round/lev (D) For
n. __
Y ___________________________________
Neagtive effects on you also affect others CP.78
❏ _________________________________
Apopsi [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Aud,Mat,Vis round _______
Close ____________ For
Instantaneous ________
n. __
Y ___________________________________
You delete target's psionic powers EPsi.76
❏ _________________________________
Assimilate _____
Psymet _______
Aud, Vis act _______
Touch ____________ For
Special ________
½ __
Y ___________________________________
Incorporate creature into your own body EPsi.76
❏ _________________________________
Etherealness, Psionic _____
Psyport _______
Vis 1______ act _______
Touch 1____________
min/lev (D) -________ __
Y ___________________________________
You become ethereal EPsi.105
❏ _________________________________
Genesis _____
Metacr _______
Mat 1______week _______
180 ft ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Instigate a new demiplane on the Astral Plane EPsi.109
Microcosm [Mind-Affecting] _____
Telep _______
Mat 1______
act _______
Close ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
Y ___________________________________
Creature lives forevermore in own world EPsi.118
❏ _________________________________
Reality Revision _____
Clairsen _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Special ____________ Special
Special ________ __
Sp. ___________________________________
Alters reality EPsi.128
Stygian Conflagration _____
Psymet _______
Vis 1______
act _______
Medium ____________ For
Instantaneous ________
part. __
Y ___________________________________
Pillar of flame bestows negative levels CP.100
❏ _________________________________
Timeless Body _____
Psyport _______
Mat 1______
act _______
Personal 1____________
round -________ __
N ___________________________________
Ignore all harmful and helpful effects for 1 rd EPsi.138
❏ _________________________________
True Creation _____
Metacr _______
Mat ______
10 min _______
Close ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
N ___________________________________
Creates one completely real object EPsi.139
❏ Extermination AUG [Mind-Affecting]
Urge _____
Telep _______
Aud 1______
act _______
Close ____________ -________
Instantaneous __
Y ___________________________________
Kill one living creature with up to 90 hp CP.104
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________
❏ _________________________________ _____ _______ ______ _______ ____________ ________ __ ___________________________________

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