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2040 I. Ali et al. J. Sep. Sci.

2008, 31, 2040 – 2053

Imran Ali1 Review

Vinod.K. Gupta2
Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein3
Afzal Hussain1 Hyphenation in sample preparation: Advancement
Department of Chemistry, Jamia
from the micro to the nano world
Millia Islamia (A Central
University) New Delhi, India Analysis at trace levels, an ideal area of application for hyphenated techniques, is
Department of Chemistry, steadily gaining importance. Many sample pre-concentration and clean-up methods
Indian Institute of Technology have been hyphenated with core analytical techniques to accomplish the task of
Roorkee, India low level detection. The present article describes the state of the art of hyphenation
Pharmaceutical and Medicinal of various techniques such as solid phase extraction, micro-solid phase extraction,
Chemistry Department,
Pharmaceutical and Drug
dialysis, and chromatographic modalities etc. with liquid chromatography, gas chro-
Industries Research Division, matography, capillary electrophoresis, and spectroscopic methods. Besides,
National Research Centre, attempts have been made to address the hyphenation approach in microfluidic devi-
Dokki, Cairo, Egypt ces.
Keywords: Capillary electrophoresis / Gas chromatography / Liquid chromatography / Micro-flu-
idic devices / Solid phase extraction /
Received: March 4, 2008; revised: March 10, 2008; accepted: March 17, 2008
DOI 10.1002/jssc.200800123

1 Introduction to simplify these complications is the generation of sim-

ple, rapid, and reliable procedures for sample prepara-
Normally, many analytes in biological and environmen- tion. Method development and setup requires the use of
tal samples are present at very low concentrations in the material of known compositions, e. g. certified reference
nano or level ranges, which are beyond the reach of materials. Therefore, spiking experiments have to be per-
detection by conventional analytical instruments. formed for method quality control. Integration and auto-
Besides, thousands of impurities also present in biologi- mation of all the steps between sample preparation and
cal and environmental matrices disturb analyses and, detection significantly reduce the time of analysis,
hence, sample preparation of biological and environ- increasing both reproducibility and accuracy.
mental matrices is essential prior to introduction onto In 1995, the seventh symposium on handling environ-
analytical machines. One of the most important trends mental and biological samples in chromatography was
held on May 7 – 10, at Lund, Sweden. This symposium
Correspondence: Professor Hassan Y. Aboul-Enein, Pharmaceuti- was in continuation of the series started by the late Dr.
cal and Medicinal Chemistry Department, National Research Roland Frei, one of the early visionaries in sample prepa-
Centre, Dokki, Cairo 12311, Egypt ration technologies in analytical sciences. A survey of the
Fax: +20-2-33370931
papers presented at this symposium indicates that five
points have been highlighted and considered as essential
Abbreviations: AAS, atomic absorption spectrometry; AES, during sample preparation. First, the need for a continu-
atomic emission spectrometry; DMAE, dynamic microwave-as- ous search for new technologies was realized, so that the
sisted extraction; DSAE, dynamic sonication-assisted extraction;
high cost due to chemicals and experimental labor may
ECD, electron capture detector; EF, enrichment factor; FID,
flame ionization detection; GF, gel filtration; HCH, hexachloro- be reduced. Secondly, the need was recognized for
cyclohexane; HGAAS, hydride generation atomic absorption increasing sensitivity with better and more selective con-
spectroscopy; ICP, inductively coupled plasma spectrometry; IC, centration techniques, which has driven scientists to
ion chromatography; IDA, iminodiacetic acid; IMAC, immobi- examine affinity and immuno-affinity supports that can
lized metal affinity chromatography; IPLC, ion pair liquid chro-
matography; ISP-CGC, immunoaffinity sample pretreatment-
selectively remove compound classes for further investi-
capillary gas chromatography system; LLE, liquid – liquid extrac- gation. Thirdly, the development of multidimensional
tion; MMLLE, microporous membrane liquid – liquid extraction; chromatographic techniques allowing on-line sample
NP, normal-phase; OTT, open-tubular trapping; OPPs, organo- clean-up, which provides several advantages including
phosphorus pesticides; PAHs, polycyclic aromatic hydrocar-
automation, better reproducibility, and closed system
bons; PHWE, pressurized hot water extraction; PCB, polychlori-
nated biphenyl; lRPLC, micro reverse phase liquid chromatog- capability was advocated. The fourth point considered
raphy; SFE, supercritical fluid extraction; SLM, stratum lacuno- was the development of better sample preparation tech-
sum-moleculare niques enabling more effective use of biosensors and

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J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 2040 – 2053 Sample Preparations 2041

other sensors because exposure to raw matrices can foul

many sensors. The last and the fifth point, which
requires considerable attention from the scientist, was
the quality movement which has found its way into sam-
ple handling. Therefore, extraction, purification, and
pre-concentration of the natural samples are very impor-
tant and essential operations in separation science, but,
of course, involve the use of costly chemicals and time.
Moreover, these techniques are not able to prepare sam-
ples containing analytes at nano levels. In view of this, a
new trend of hyphenation is emerging in which a sample Figure 1. Percentage contribution of different sample prepa-
preparation unit is coupled with an analytical instru- ration techniques (source Toxline and Current Contents;
years: 1997 – 1998 – 1999).
ment. This hyphenation technology is the latest develop-
ment and future of sample preparation in the present
century. In view of these developments, the present handling modality. Chromatographic techniques are
article discusses state-of-the-art sample preparation also important and effective methods of sample prepara-
through hyphenation. tion and include HPLC, GPC, and SFC. However, these are
not affordable in all laboratories due to their costly
instrumentation and running costs [4, 5]. Besides, mem-
brane filtration and dialysis have also been used for sam-
2 Sample preparation techniques
ple preparation but they are also limited to certain appli-
Basically, sample preparation is a complex and sensitive cations [4, 5]. Due to advances in separation science in
step in analysis, which requires considerable expertise, the new millennium the demand for analyses is increas-
especially when dealing with samples containing ana- ing at nano or lower level detection limits and scientists
lytes at micro or nano level concentrations. Many off-line in academia and industry as well as government agencies
methods have been used for sample preparation, includ- require data at such low limits all over the world [6].
ing solvent extraction (23%), solid phase extraction Under such circumstances, the role of sample prepara-
(48%), supercritical fluid extraction (11%), immunoaffin- tion becomes crucial, and creates a need for greater focus
ity extraction (5%), matrix solid phase dispersion (2%), on miniaturization and non-exposure of samples during
automated solid phase extraction (SPE 2%), dialysis (5%), their preparation. Moreover, rapidity, efficiency, selectiv-
solid phase micro extraction (3%), and mole mass filtra- ity, reproducibility, low cost, and low limits of detection
tion (1%). To provide a quick impression and to permit are demanded by today's separation science. A literature
comparison, these percentages are shown in Fig. 1. search and our experience indicate that these demands
Solvent extraction (liquid – liquid extraction) is a classi- can be satisfied by hyphenation.
cal method of sample preparation exploiting unequal
distribution of solutes in two immiscible liquid phases. It
has been used for the extraction of many compounds of
3 Hyphenation technology
biological and environmental importance [1 – 2]. Extrac-
tion from liquid and solid samples is carried out by using Basically, the above-cited methods are used for sample
a variety of solvents such as hexane, acetone, acetic acid, preparation in biological and environmental matrices.
benzene, toluene, methanol, acetonitrile, petroleum However, certain drawbacks make these methods less
ether, ethyl ether, iso-octane, pentane, dichloromethane, than ideal since they are not effective in the case of low
etc. This method has certain drawbacks such as high con- amounts of samples and consume costly solvents and
sumption of costly solvents and time. Besides, the dis- time. Besides, contamination and poor recoveries may
posal of used solvents (environmental hazards) and emul- also occur during experiments. The factors underscored
sion formation are other problems associated with this the need for hyphenated techniques. Hyphenation is
technique. Of course, solid phase extraction (SPE) is a nothing but the coupling of a sample preparation unit
quite practical method involving the use of reversed with the core analytical instrument. It has been found
phase (C8, C18, etc. silica gel) adsorption phases in the more effective than conventional methods in terms of
form of discs and cartridges, but it also has certain draw- efficiency, effectiveness, selectivity, high recoveries, suit-
backs [3]. SPE requires multiple steps and costly solvents, ability for small samples, and for samples containing
and is a time-consuming process since the solvent con- components that are difficult to analyze and give rise to
centration should be protected from evaporation. Some- procedural problems. Therefore, some papers have been
times, clotting, channelling, and percolation create published dealing specifically with biological and envi-
problems in sample preparation in this sort of sample ronmental samples. The use of hyphenation has been

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2042 I. Ali et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 2040 – 2053

classified on the basis of the core analytical technique, as

discussed in the following sections.

3.1 Hyphenation in liquid chromatography

Basically, liquid chromatography represents a landmark
in the history of separation science and sample prepara-
tion is a key issue in this area. Many workers have
attempted to hyphenate sample preparation units with
liquid chromatographs and some important research
work is discussed herein. Johansen et al. [7] described the
hyphenation of Automated Sequential Trace Enrichment
of Dialysates (ASTED) system with HPLC for analysis of
antidepressant drugs in plasma. In this system the pro-
tein and particles were purified through a semi-perme-
able membrane and collection of the drug molecules on Figure 2. Schematic representation of on-line SPE system
a trace enrichment column (TEC) was followed by HPLC coupled to HPLC with fluorescence detection, on top SPE
with conditioning of the cartridge and sample injection, the
analyses on a Supelcosil column (15064.6 mm). The middle panel represents the system during backward-flush
ASTED system consisted of a cellulose acetate dialysis elution of the cartridge and the bottom panel shows the sys-
membrane and interactions of analytes with the cellu- tem during regeneration of the cartridge [12].
lose acetate membrane have been reported for basic
drugs such as the opiate derivative pholcodine, benzodia-
zepines, and the neuroleptic drug clozapine [8 – 10]. Most plasma indoles tryptophan, 5-hydoxytryptophan (5-HTP),
of the antidepressant drugs showed ionic and hydropho- serotonin, and 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) com-
bic interactions with the membrane and were selected as pounds for diagnosing of carcinoid tumors in patients.
model substances to investigate more closely the ability The SPE cartridge consisted of hydrophobic polystyrene
of cationic surfactants to inhibit analyte-membrane resin and the analytes were enriched on SPE due to vari-
interactions. The author optimized ASTED – HPLC condi- ous interactions such as hydrogen bonding, van der
tions to achieve maximum recoveries by adding cationic Waals forces, steric effects etc. The fluorometric detector
surfactants to the donor solution in the dialyser, by the permitted detection of several metabolically related
effect of chain length and concentration of cationic sur- indole derivatives. HPLC conditions were Inertsil column
factants, pH of the donor solution, and the volume of the (25063 mm) with mobile phase of different ratio of
acceptor solution. Furthermore, the authors used a che- 50 mM potassium dihydrogen phosphate adjusted to
mometric approach via factorial design and response pH 3.3 with phosphoric acid with acetonitrile as eluent.
surface modeling for optimization strategies. The devel- This set-up is shown in Fig. 2, indicating a coupling of
oped unit was applied successfully for monitoring mian- SPE and HPLC along with its working mechanism. The
serine, imipramine, desimipramine, amitriptyline, and SPE cartridge is pre-conditioned with acetonitrile, dipo-
nortriptyline drugs in human plasma. Dialysis was per- tassium EDTA in water (5g/L), and water at 3 mL/min
formed for 12.8 minutes after which the six port valve flow rate; followed by autosampling of the enriched
was switched to the injection position and the enriched ingredients onto the HPLC column. By the time chroma-
analytes were loaded onto TEC with HPLC mobile phase tographic separation on the analytical column is com-
(acetonitrile – methanol – 0.005 M ammonium phosphate plete, the SPE unit has been made ready for the next sam-
buffer (pH 7.0) (70:15:15 v/v/v)) at a flow rate of 1.5 mL/ ple preparation and injection. The authors advocated
min The limits of detection of the reported drugs in this hyphenation as an emerging technique due to its
human plasma were in the range of 17 – 39 nM/L with UV direct injection procedure in combination with column
detection. switching that offered the possibility of combining sam-
Cheng et al. [11] studied the biotransformation of D- ple pre-purification, concentration, and analysis simulta-
aspartic acid into L-aspartic acid with the help of SPE – neously.
HPLC hyphenation. The column used in HPLC was of Hasselstrom et al. [13] described a fully automated on-
ligand exchange type allowing the chiral separation of D- line SPE – HPLC – UV system for quantification of quetia-
and L-aspartic acid. The mobile phase used for SPE was pine, an antipsychotic drug, in human serum. SPE was
5 mM sodium-1-octanesufonate (pH 2.2) at 0.1 mL/min conducted on a C2 packing and the mobile phase used for
flow rate while HPLC eluent was 0.25 mM CuSO4 (pH 3.6) HPLC was MeOH – 20 mM NH4CH3COO (pH 5.0) (99:1, v/v)
at a flow rate of 0.5 mL/min. Kema et al. [12] developed an at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min with 257 nm. Similarly, Man-
automated on-line SPE – HPLC method for profiling of drioli et al. [14] also studied quetiapine by SPE – HPLC

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hyphenated separation. Kato et al. [15] also described an loop. The sol-gel titania – PDMS coated capillaries were
on-line solid-phase extraction method, coupled with used for on-line extraction and HPLC analysis of poly-
HPLC – MS-MS for the determination of 16 phthalate cyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, ketones, alkylbenzenes,
metabolites in human urine. The method employed a and a wide range of other less volatile or thermally labile
conventional analytical column for the chromato- compounds [21] that are not amenable to GC separation.
graphic separations of these analytes and the mobile Hashi et al. [22] described the determination of polycyclic
phase used was A (0.1% acetic acid in water) and B (0.1% aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in the atmospheric partic-
acetic acid in acetonitrile) at a flow rate of 0.35 mL/min. ulates by using on-line enrichment coupled with fast
The limits of detection ranged from 0.11 to 0.90 ng/mL. A high-performance liquid chromatography with fluores-
similar set-up was described by Kuklenyik et al. [16] for cence detection. The limits of detection of PAH were in
the extraction and measurement of perfluorinated the range of 0.02 – 0.23 ng/mL with recoveries between
organic acids and amine in human serum and milk. A 12- 87 and 12% for spiked atmospheric particulate sample.
lL volume of the reconstituted serum or milk extract The mobile phase used was acetonitrile – water (72:28,
was auto-injected on to HPLC at a 300-lL/min flow rate v/v) at a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min. Altun et al. [23] developed
with 20 mM ammonium acetate (pH 4) in water and and validated a method for local anesthetics in human
methanol as mobile phase. The HPLC gradient program plasma through on-line MEPS by using a cation-
(14 min) was started at 60% methanol in the mobile exchanger with a flow rate of 0.20 mL/min.
phase followed by an increase in organic content to 80% Abdel-Rehim [24] developed and validated a new sensi-
in 0.5 min, which was kept for 9 min. Later on, the tive, selective, and accurate on-line micro-extraction in
mobile phase organic content was decreased in 0.5 min packed syringe (MEPS) technique hyphenated with HPLC
to 60% methanol, where it was kept for 3 min to equili- for the determination of lidocaine, prilocaine, ropiva-
brate the column. Furthermore, the same group [17] caine, and mepivacaine in human plasma. The extrac-
described an automated on-line hyphenation of SPE with tion recoveries were in the range of 60 – 90%. Veuthey et
HPLC – MS for the extraction and measurement of isofla- al. [25] described on-line solid phase extraction to achieve
vones and lignans in urine. The mobile phases used were nano analysis of drugs in biological samples. In this
10 mM ammonium acetate (pH 6.5) and methanol – ace- hyphenation technique, the single column performs two
tonitrile (50:50 v/v) at a flow rate of 0.8 mL/min, respec- functions, i. e. extraction and separation. The column was
tively. The detection limits were in the range of 0.2 – connected to a detection system via a switching valve.
0.7 ng/mL. These authors described these hyphenations The sample was directly injected on to the extraction
as an innovation in separation science. support with and after the extraction, the valve was
Koster et al. [18] reported the analysis of lidocaine in switched, and analytes were transferred to the detector
urine by an on-line SPME – LC method. A polydimethylsi- with the eluting mobile phase followed by extraction
loxane (PDMS) coated fiber was directly immersed into support re-equilibration. According to the authors, the
buffered urine with optimized contact time, pH, ionic method was simple and several applications have been
strength, and temperature. The extraction yields were published for the direct analysis of biofluids. Quintana et
22% in about 45 min with a reproducibility of a 5% al. [26] described an automated on-line hyphenation of
expressed as relative standard deviation. The detection SPE – HPLC incorporating multi syringe flow injection
limits were 25 – 1000 ng/mL. Volmer et al. [19] studied the analysis (MSFIA), bead injection, and lab-on-valve (BI –
eleven corticosteroid and two steroid conjugations in a LOV) prior to HPLC. The potential of the novel MSFI – BI –
urine sample by SPME – LC – MS. Several SPME optimiza- LOV hyphenation for on-line handling of complex envi-
tion factors such as polarity of fibres, extraction time ronmental and biological samples prior to reversed-
and effect of ionic strength, were investigated, and their phase chromatographic separations was assessed for the
impact on the SPME/LC/MS technique was studied. The expeditious determination of five acidic pharmaceutical
method was sensitive with detection limits between 4 residues viz. ketoprofen, naproxen, bezafibrate, diclofe-
and 300 ng/mL and precision between 4.9 and 11.1% nac, and ibuprofen along with one metabolite, i. e. sali-
RSD. Kim et al. [20]. developed sol-gel titania-based coat- cylic acid, in surface water, urban wastewater, and urine.
ing capillary micro extraction (CME) coupled with HPLC The column used was an Xterra RP-18 (3.96150 mm)
for the extraction and analyses of polycyclic aromatic with the mobile phases A: MeOH – water (20:80, v/v) and
hydrocarbons, ketones, and alkylbenzenes at high pH. To B: MeOH – water (95/5, v/v), both containing 0.1% (v/v) for-
perform CME – HPLC, a so-gel TiO2 – PDMS capillary was mic acid at flow rates of 1.0 mL/min. The detection limit
installed in an HPLC injection port as an external sam- was 0.02 – 0.67 ng/mL.
pling loop. HPLC conditions were ODS column Clarkson et al. [27] described hyphenation of solid-
(25064.6 mm) with acetonitrile – water (80:20v/v) as phase extraction with liquid chromatography and
mobile phase. The target analytes were extracted on-line nuclear magnetic resonance: application for identifica-
by passing the aqueous sample through this sampling tion of flavonol glycosides (kaempferol 3-O-(6-O-a-L-rham-

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2044 I. Ali et al. J. Sep. Sci. 2008, 31, 2040 – 2053

nopyranosyl)-b-D-glucopyranoside; kaempferol 3-O-(2,6-di- in an essentially crude plant extract (toluene fraction of

O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl)-b-D-glucopyranoside; quercetin an ethanolic extract of Thapsia garganica fruits).
3-O-(2,6-di-O-a-l-rhamnopyranosyl)-b-D-glucopyranoside Lin et al. [49] described hyphenation of in-tube solid-
(rutin); and isorhamnetin, 3-O-(6-O-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl)- phase micro-extraction (SPME) and pressure-assisted CEC
b-D-glucopyranoside) and three 5-a-cardenolides (coro- (p-CEC) by installing a poly(methacrylic acid-co-ethylene
glaucigenin 3-O-6-deoxy-b-D-allopyranoside; coroglaucige- glycol dimethacrylate) monolithic capillary at a six-port
nin 3-O-(4-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl)-6-deoxy-b-D-glucopyrano- valve in a CEC system. Theobromine, theophylline, and
side; 39-O-acetyl-39-epiafroside) were identified. Zhang et caffeine were chosen as model drugs to facilitate compar-
al. [28] described an automated on-line hyphenation of ison with the results obtained by in-tube SPME – HPLC.
SFC – 2-D – HPLC – MS for sample preparation, separation, The detection limits of these three analytes were
detection, and identification of the fruiting bodies of improved more than 100 times when compared with
Ganoderma lucidum, and at least 73 components in the direct analysis by l-HPLC. Besides the above-cited meth-
extract were resolved with a calculated peak capacity of ods of sample preparation, some modalities of liquid
up to 1643. The SFE and 2-D HPLC systems were fitted chromatography have also been used as sample prepara-
with a Hypersil-CN (5 lm, 1200A, 15064.6 mm id) and tion methods and hyphenated with HPLC. Only one
Chromolith Flash columns, respectively. In the first article on size exclusion chromatography coupled with
dimensional separation, the binary mobile phase was HPLC is cited. Pomazal et al. [50] described analyses of cop-
composed of A (water) and B (methanol) with a flow rate per, iron, manganese, and zinc in blood samples by
of 0.1 mL/min In the second dimensional separation, the exploiting the hyphenation of SEC with an HPLC – ICP-
mobile phase was composed of C (water) and D (acetoni- AES unit. Besides, this device was also used to monitor
trile) with a flow rate of 4 mL/min. The same group metalloproteins in erythrocytes and blood plasma sam-
reported a simple SFE – HPLC system for comprehensive ples. Optimization was achieved via parameters like pH,
analyses of traditional Chinese medicines [29]. However, flow rate, and salt concentration. For optimizing experi-
for complex samples, it is impossible to separate all com- ments, blood samples from one female subject were used
ponents by one-dimensional chromatography. There- and the direct determination of the elements was per-
fore, two-dimensional HPLC has been developed and was formed by ICP-AES on blood fractions of ten different sub-
regarded as a powerful technique for the separation of jects to obtain the average concentration ranges.
proteins, peptides, polymers, natural products, and
other complex mixtures by different workers [30 – 43].
3.2 Gas chromatography
Taylor et al. [44] established an on-line SFE – HPLC – UV/
ESI-MS technique for the quantitative analysis of Hyper- Gas chromatography is considered the best choice for
forin pertoratum. analysis of volatile compounds, including several agri-
Ritter et al. [45] described the hyphenation of an elec- cultural, industrial, and other chemical compounds. Of
trolytic on-line eluent generation device with high per- course, many xenobiotics are present at trace concentra-
formance anion-exchange chromatography coupled tions and cannot be analyzed directly and this circum-
with UV detection for the determination of a wide range stance compels scientists to perform sample preparation,
of intracellular metabolites from mammalian cells. The i. e. to adopt pre-concentration and hyphenation
detection wavelength of the UV detector was switched approaches. Many sample preparation methods have
from 220 to 260 nm and the detection limits were in the been coupled with GC for analyses of various species and
range of mM. Two Dionex AS11 analytical columns these include LLE, SPE, membrane, etc.
(25062 mm id) were used with 0.35 mL/min as mobile Membrane extraction is considered to be one of the
phase flow rate. Tuytten et al. [46] described an on-line best extraction techniques because it has the important
automated SPE – HPLC – ESI-MS method for targeted advantage that the sample and the extractant can contin-
metabolomic analysis of urinary modified nucleoside uously be kept in contact without physical mixing, thus
levels. The unit comprised a boronate affinity column as providing the basis for a continuous, real-time process
a trapping device, a hydrophilic interaction chromatog- permitting automation and on-line connection to instru-
raphy (HILIC) separation, and information-dependent MS ments [51]. Consequently, membrane techniques have
detection modes. The system was applied to biological advanced during few decades to a stage permitting the
samples, detecting a number of modified nucleosides. solution of numerous analytical problems. These tech-
Clarkson et al. [47] described HPLC – SPE – NMR hyphena- niques allow the simultaneous extraction and enrich-
tion for structural elucidation of some natural products. ment of analytes and typically facilitate selective extrac-
Lambert et al. [48] described the identification of natural tion at trace levels while consuming small amounts of
products by using SPE – HPLC coupling with Cap-NMR. solvents. Automated on-line liquid – liquid membrane
This coupling was used for identification of sesquiter- extraction (LLME) has also been reported for determina-
pene lactones and esterified phenylpropanoids present tion of PCB [52] and of anesthetics in blood [53]. For PCB

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determinations, Barri et al. [52] designed a miniaturized

membrane extraction card (referred to as the ESy card)
connected to a GC injector via an electromechanical
installation which controls pre-treatment and triggers
the GC instrument. The EF (enrichment factor) exhibited
by this hyphenation was between 33 and 40 for PCBs in
river water. Shen et al. [53] used a sample processor sys-
tem consisting of an auto-sampling injector, dilutors,
and a six-port valve connected to a GC injector loop for
achieving EF up to 50 for some local anesthetics in blood
Abdel-Rehim [24] developed and validated a sensitive,
selective, and accurate on-line sample preparation tech- Figure 3. Schematic representation of an SPE Twin – PAL-
nique for the determination of lidocaine, prilocaine, PTV – LVI/GC/MS system. S1: upper PAL head and syringe,
ropivacaine, and mepivacaine in human plasma. The on- S2: lower PAL head and syringe, C1: upper PAL control unit,
C2: lower PAL control unit, FC: sample flow cell, W1: wash
line micro-extraction unit was a packed syringe (MEPS; station for upper PAL syringe, W2: wash station for lower
silica gel C2) coupled with GC – MS. The plasma samples PAL syringe, SR: solvent reservoir, SS: standard station,
(50 – 1000 lL) were drawn through the syringe by an SV: on-line sample spiking vial, ET: sample extraction tray,
auto-sampler and passed through the solid support, CT: eluate collection tray, ST: standard tray, WS: water sam-
ple source and WW: water waste container [54].
resulting in their adsorption onto the solid phase. The
solid phase was then washed once with water (50 lL) to
remove proteins and other interfering material. The crine disruptors in water samples. The chromatographic
MEPS technique differed from commercial solid-phase column used was HP-5 MS (28 m6250 lm id) and the
extraction (SPE) in the way in which the packing was limits of detection of the method were between 0.001
inserted directly into the syringe, and not into a separate and 0.036 lg/L.
column. MEPS was capable of handling sample amounts
from 10 to 1000 lL of plasma, urine, or water in GC appli-
3.3 Hyphenation in capillary electrophoresis
cations. MEPS took only about one minute for each sam-
ple with greater robustness than the SPME technique, Nowadays, capillary electrophoresis (CE) is valued as a
and gave recoveries between 60 and 90%. GC experimen- versatile technique exhibiting high speed, high sensitiv-
tation conditions were 908C column temperature for ity, lower limits of detection, and low running costs, and
3 min followed by an increase up to 2808C at a rate of represents a major trend in analytical science; the num-
508C per min; with helium as carrier gas at 2.0 mL/min ber of publications on this technique has increased expo-
flow rate. nentially [61 – 64]. CE is suitable for samples that may be
Li et al. [54] described an hyphenation of SPE with pro- difficult to separate by liquid chromatography and gas
grammable temperature vaporizers – large volume injec- chromatography, or at least complements these tech-
tion/gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (PTV – LVI/ niques since the principles of separation are different.
GC/MS) for on-line sample preparation and separation of The lower detection limits of CE lead to the possibility of
semi-volatile organic compounds (pesticides and herbi- separating and characterizing very small quantities of
cides) in a variety of water samples. The authors utilized materials, which normally require pre-concentration
this unit for real life samples of chlorinated tap water, and sample preparation strategies, especially in
well water, and river water. Furthermore, optimization unknown matrices. Therefore, some on-line methods
achieved minimum limit of detection (0.1 lg/L) with rela- have been reported from time to time to achieve the goal
tive recoveries in the range of 70 – 120% and a relative of micro level separation and detection in CE.
standard deviation of less than 15%. The schematic repre- Su et al. [65] studied the analysis of riboflavin in beer by
sentation of an SPE Twin – PAL PTV – LVI/GC/MS system is CE – LED coupled with stacking micellar electrokinetic
shown in Fig. 3. Pawliszyn et al. [55 – 59] developed solid chromatography (MEKC) as pre-concentration tech-
phase micro extraction (SPME) methods for non-volatile niques. The detection limit reported was 1.0 ng/mL with
compounds. A fused silica rod with a polymeric coating 38 000 theoretical plates per meter. Hsieh et al. [66]
on the surface was employed as the extraction medium hyphenated sweeping-micellar electrokinetic chroma-
for the adsorption of volatile analytes from aqueous sam- tography with CE to analyze trans-resveratrol in red wine.
ple solutions. The SPME fiber was inserted into the GC The CE buffer was methanol – water solution (25:75, v/v)
injector port for desorption and analyses of the analytes. and the system was operated at 77 kV with detection at a
Brossa et al. [60] described an automated on-line SPE – wavelength of 369 nm; the detection limit was 5 ppb.
GC – MS set-up for the determination of a group of endo- Fang et al. [67] described an on-line centrifuge micro-

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reported an on-line dialysis/FIA – CE sample clean-up pro-

cedure for metal ion analysis; with coupling via a spe-
cially designed interface (Fig. 4). Samples were continu-
ously pumped into a dialysis unit and the outgoing
acceptor stream containing the analytes was allowed to
fill a rotary injector in the FIA part of the system. Multi-
ple sample injections were possible in one electropho-
retic run, and the entire analytical procedure could
easily be mechanized. The repeatability of the unit was
in the range of 1.6 – 3.3% (n = 7). This unit was applied in
a wide range of real samples with complicated matrices
like milk, juice, slurry, and liquors from the pulp and
paper industry.

3.4 Hyphenation in spectroscopy

As in case of chromatography and capillary electrophore-
sis, pre-concentration and sample preparation tech-
niques were also hyphenated with spectroscopic instru-
ments leading their capabilities to analyze samples of
low volume or having poor ingredients. Many modalities
of spectroscopy have been reported in the literature of
identification of various inorganic and organic species.
Figure 4. Schematic representation of FIC – CE coupling, The most important spectroscopic techniques are atomic
(X): cross-sectional view of the FIA – CE interface and (Y): absorption spectrometry (AAS), inductively coupled
schematic diagram of the FIA – CE system used for on-line plasma spectrometry (ICP), nuclear magnetic resonance
sample dialysis, (S): sample, (A): acceptor stream, (E): elec- spectrometry (NMR), atomic emission spectroscopy (AES),
trolyte, (M): dialysis membrane, (D): UV detector, (V1): injec-
mass spectrometry (MS), infrared (IR), atomic fluores-
tion valve in filling position, (V2): injection valve in inject posi-
tion, (W): waste, (C): capillary, (Pt): platinum electrodes, and cence spectrometry (AFS) etc. Normally, the detection lim-
(HV): high-voltage supply [70]. its of these techniques ranged from mg to lg and if
applied in biological and environmental samples having
low concentrations of ingredients, the analytical results
extraction back-extraction field-amplified sample injec- become inadequate. Sample pre-concentration and prep-
tion capillary electrophoresis system (CME – OLBE – FASI- aration are the tools used by analytical scientist to over-
CE) for determining trace ephedrine derivatives in urine come such challenging problems. In view of these facts,
and serum. CME and OLBE – FASI were two separate con- some papers have addressed on-line hyphenation of sam-
centration units. The detection limits of this set-up were ple pre-concentration and preparation techniques
between 0.15 to 0.25 ng/mL on using photodiode array hyphenated with spectroscopic techniques. Sometimes,
UV detection at 192 nm. The separations were achieved chelation of metal ions with suitable reagents enhanced
on an uncoated fused-silica capillary (50.2 cm650 lm the detection [71 – 73].
id). Zhang et al. [68] developed hyphenation of immobi- Danesi [74] described a simplified model for the car-
lized metal affinity chromatography with capillary elec- rier-facilitated transport of metal ions through hollow
trophoresis (IMAC – CE) for on-line concentration and fiber supported liquid membranes. Yang et al. [75]
analysis of peptides and proteins. The polymer mono- reported the clean-up, extraction, and enrichment of
lithic immobilized metal affinity chromatography numerous metals including Pb, Cu, Cr, La, Ce, Zn, and Co
(IMAC) materials were prepared by an iminodiacetic acid by HF-SLME and coupled it with AAS and ICP-MS as shown
(IDA) type adsorbent covalently bonded with monolithic in Fig. 5. Katarina et al. [76] described an on-line hyphen-
rods of macroporous poly(glycidyl methacrylate-co-ethyl- ation of sample preparation method by using a computer
ene dimethacrylate). Cu(II) was subsequently introduced controlled pre-treatment system (Auto-Pret AES) coupled
into the support via interaction with IDA. Liu et al. [69] with ICP-AES for the sample pretreatment and determi-
described a microdialysis hollow fiber as a macromole- nation of trace metals in water samples. This system
cule trap for on-line coupling of solid phase micro-extrac- enabled determination of trace metals at the ppt level.
tion and capillary electrophoresis for analysis of protein Fan et al. [77] synthesized diphenylcarbazone-functional-
samples. The detection limit was 3.0610 – 7 M with UV ized silica gel for SPE able to withstand 1 – 6 mol/L HCL or
absorbance detection. Kuban and Karlberg [70] have H2SO4 as well as common organic solvents. This SPE was

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the solid-phase collection/concentration of arsenic(III)

and arsenic(V), respectively. The limit of detection for
both As(III) and As(V) were 0.1 lg/L. In the same year,
Sumida et al. [80] described on-line pre-concentration spe-
ciation of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) by using dual mini-columns
coupled with plasma-atomic emission spectrometry in
water samples. Cr(III) was collected on the first column
Figure 5. Schematic of hollow fiber column pre-concentra- packed with iminodiacetate resin. Cr(VI) in the effluent
tion unit with ICP-AES [75]. from the first column was reduced to Cr(III), which was
collected on the second column packed with iminodiace-
tate resin.
used for the extraction of Hg(II) selectively from eight
metal ions with similar characteristics such as Cd(II),
3.5 Hyphenation in microfluidic devices
Ni(II), Co(II), Mn(II), Pb(II), Zn(II), Cu(II), and Fe(III). A
micro-column packed with diphenylcarbazone-function- Microfluidic devices are an innovation in separation sci-
alized silica gel was coupled with flow-injection (FI) spec- ence as they can be used to analyze samples of low vol-
trophotometry for the selective separation, pre-concen- ume and having low-concentration ingredients. Among
tration, and determination of Hg(II) in six different ciga- various methods using microfluidic devices, nano-liquid
rette samples with detection limit of 0.90 ng/mL. chromatography (NLC) and nano-capillary electrophore-
Motomizu et al. [78] described an on-line flow injection sis (NCE) are the two most important techniques, and are
inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrome- used to achieve separations at nano levels. During a liter-
ter (FI – ICP-AES) system using anion- and cation-exchange ature survey we found few papers dealing with on-line
resin disks for the speciation of chromium species in chip-based sample preparation methods in NLC and NCE.
fresh water. Two kinds of ion exchange resin disks Attempts have been made to discuss these in the follow-
packed in line-filters were fixed and serially connected ing paragraphs.
on the loop of each six-way valve. Five milliliters of a sam- Huynh et al. [81] described the first hyphenation of
ple solution (pH 4.5) was introduced into the system. micro-dialysis NCE system for monitoring the hydrolysis
Anionic chromate ion, Cr(VI), was collected on the anion- of fluorescein mono-b-D-galactopyranoside (FMG) by b-D-
exchange resin disk while cationic chromium ion, Cr(III), galactosidase. The layout of the microdialysis/microchip
was collected on the cation-exchange resin disk. The col- CE device shown in Fig. 6 indicates channel lengths, volt-
lected species were then sequentially eluted by 2 M nitric age scheme, perfusate (20 mM sodium phosphate buffer,
acid and nebulized to the plasma of ICP-AES. The detec- pH 7.4). Furthermore, the same authors [82] presented an
tion limit of Cr(VI) and Cr(III) were 0.04 and 0.02 lg/L on-line microdialysis sampling unit coupled with NCE.
respectively. This method was applied to the speciation The authors used this set-up for amino acid and peptide
of Cr(III) and Cr(VI) in fresh water samples. Similarly, Jit- analyses. Wilson et al. [83] reported an on-line desalting
manee et al. [79} reported arsenic speciation in fresh of macromolecule (betaine-type amphoteric or zwitter-
water by using inductively coupled plasma-atomic emis- ionic surfactant solutions) using a two-layered laminar
sion spectrometry coupled with pre-concentration sys- flow system due to differential diffusion of analytes.
tem containing solid phase anion exchange resin. Two Wheeler et al. [84] developed an on-line sample prepara-
miniaturized columns with a solid phase anion tion method for MALDI-MS, which depended on an elec-
exchange resin, placed on two 6-way valves were used for tro-wetting-on-dielectric-based technique. Ramsey et al.

Figure 6. Schematic representation of on-line

hyphenation of micro-dialysis sample prepara-
tion unit with NCE [81].

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Figure 8. Schematic representation of (a): channel design of

the multi-T microfluidic chip and (b): NCE with negative pres-
sure large volume sample injection. SP: Syringe pump, V: 3-
Figure 7. Schematic representation of chip-based solid way valve, HV: high-voltage power supply, T: T-shape con-
phase extraction-MEKC device. (a): Layout of the entire nector [115].
device and (b): expanded view of the extraction region of the
device. The dotted lines represent the direction of fluid flow
during extraction; the solid line signifies flow during elution/ [109 – 111] developed cation- and anion-selective exhaus-
injection. (Narrow channels are ca. 55 lm wide, the column tive injection-sweeping-micellar electrokinetic chroma-
chamber is ca. 210 lm wide with all channels ca. 15 lm tography (CSEI-, ASEI-sweeping-MEKC) methods for
deep.) [85]. increased sensitivity and detection. Britz-McKibbin et al.
[112, 113] designed an on-line focusing method based on
[85] coupled SPE to micellar electrokinetic chromatogra- different mobilities of cationic analytes between back-
phy to give a system permitting completely automated ground electrolyte (BGE) and sample matrix, which is
extraction, elution, injection, separation, and detection called velocity difference-induced focusing (V-DIF). Cong
steps, respectively and separately. The authors reported et al. [114] reported on-line sample pre-concentration
fast analysis of rhodamine B yielding pre-concentration using field amplified stacking injection in NCE. Accord-
factors of more than 200 in less than 5 min with a ing to the authors, pressure-driven flows into or from the
60 femtomolar detection limit. A schematic representa- branch channels, due to bulk velocity, can be used for
tion of this hyphenation is shown in Fig. 7, clearly indi- liquid transportation in the channels. The detection sen-
cating sample preparation and separation components. sitivity was improved 94-, 108-, and 160-fold for fluores-
Legendre et al. [86] described a chip-based on-line solid- cein-5-isothiocyanate, fluorescein disodium, and 5-car-
phase extraction (SPE) for DNA and polymerase chain boxyfluorescein, respectively, relative to a traditional
reaction in NLC. The amount injected was 600 nL of method. Similarly, Zhang and Yin [115] developed multi-
blood sample. Xiao et al. [87] presented a sample prepara- T microchip integrated field amplified sample stacking
tion method on a PDMS/glass chip coupled to gas chro- (FASS) coupled with NCE. According to the authors, a
matography. The authors tested this assembly for anal- volumetrically defined large sample plug was formed in
ysis of ephedrine from aqueous solution and reported one step within 5 s by negative pressure in the headspace
good reproducibilities of extraction and analysis. of two sealed sample waste reservoirs. The authors
Sample stacking has recently come to be regarded as reported precisions in migration time and RSD as 3.3%
the best pre-concentration technique in capillary electro- and 1.3% for rhodamine123 (Rh123) and fluorescein
phoresis, and has been tested in the NCE format [88]. sodium salt, respectively. Schematic representation of
Many modifications have been made to sample stacking, the channel design of a multi-T microfluidic chip and
which include field-amplified sample stacking (FASS) NCE system with negative pressure large volume sample
[89 – 91], large-volume sample stacking (LVSS) [92, 93], pH- injection is shown in Fig. 8.
mediated stacking [94, 95], and micellar electrokinetic Jung et al. [116] designed, fabricated, and characterized
chromatography (MEKC) stacking [96 – 98]. Some reviews a novel field-amplified sample stacking (FASS)-NCE chip
have been published on sample stacking techniques for a having photo-initiated porous polymer for the analyses
wide variety of compounds [88, 99 – 108]. Terabe et al. of fluorescein and bodipy. Furthermore, the authors

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Table 1. Applications of hyphenation in sample preparation of different compounds in various matrices.

Compounds Matrices Hyphenation modalities LOD Refs.

Biological matrices
Trazodone Plasma SPE – GC – FID 3 lg/L [118]
Benzodiazepines Plasma SPE – GC – NPD 5 – 25 lg/L [119]
Benzodiazepines Plasma ISP – CGC 0.5 – 2 lg/L [120]
Biogenic amines Cells and culture medium Dialysis – RPLC – fluorescence – 10 fmol/lL [121]
Ciprofloxacin Biological samples Dialysis – RPLC – fluorescence 0.1 nM [122]
Amino acids Beverages and feed stuff Dialysis – RPLC – fluorescence 1 – 278 lg/L [123]
Fluoroquinolones Fortified tissue Dialysis – RPLC – fluorescence 2.5 – 5 ng/g [124]
Sterols Oils and fats LLE – GC – FID 0.04 – 0.08 ng/100 g [125]
Methylenedioxylated amphet- Plasma and serum samples Dialysis – RPLC – fluorescence 10 lL [126]
Clozapine & N-desmethylcloza- Human plasma Dialysis – RPLC – UV 0.050 – 0.055 lmol/L [10]
Verapamil & Norverapamil Human plasma Dialysis – RPLC – fluorescence 5 lg/L [127]
Local anesthetics Plasma SLM – GC 1 lg/L [128]
Ciprofloxacin Biological samples Dialysis – RPLC – fluorescence 0.1 nM [122]
Phenytoin, Carbamazepine & Plasma Dialysis – RPLC – UV 0.1 – 0.8 lg/L [129]
Tramadol Human plasma RAM – MIP – RPLC – fluoresence a10 ng/mL [130]
Arsenic species Urine Dialysis – IC – HGAAS 1.0 – 2.18 lg/L [131]
Ropivacaine & metabolite Plasma Dialysis – lRPLC – MS 0.1 nM [132]
Ropivacaine Urine SLM – IPLC – UV 2 – 18 nM [133]
Phenols Plasma SLM – LC – biosensor 50 lg/L [134]
Meropenem Rat bile Dialysis – lRPLC – UV 0.1 mg/L [135]
Bambuterol Plasma SLM – lRPLC – UV 80 nM [136]
Atrazine mercapturate Urine SPE – RPLC 0.0 5ng/mL [137]
& planar PCBs Biological samples SFE – NPLC – UV a0.3 – 7.4 ng/g [138]
Blood, milk, tissue
N-Methylcarbamates Food PHWE – PRLC – fluorescence 1 lg/mL [139]
Piritramide Human plasma and urine SPE – LC/MS/MS 0.05 ng/mL [140]
Cyproterone acetate Human plasma RAM – RPLC – MS/MS 300 pg/mL [141]
Sugars and organic acids Foods and beverages Dialysis – RPLC – RI 0.6 – 0.41 lg/g [142]
Fluconazole Blood and dermal rat micro- Dialysis – RPLC – UV 0.10 mg/L [143]
Bismuth, cadmium & lead Urine SPE – GF – AAS 0.002 – 0.013 ng/mL [144]
Cadmium Biological RM SPE – ICP-AES 0.05 ng/mL [145]

Environmental matrices
Endocrine disruptors Water SPE – GC – MS 0.1 – 20 ng/L [146]
HCH & ethers Water LLE – GC – ECD or FID 20 – 480 pg/L [147]
Organic pollutants Water SPE – GC – ECD 4.1 – 6.3 ng/L [148]
Phenols Water SPE – GC – FID 1 – 27 ng/L [149]
Phenols Water SPE – GC – FID 0.3 – 2 lg/L [150]
OPPs Water SPE – GC – AED 2 – 5 ng/L [151, 152]
Micro contaminants Water SPE – GC – FTIR 100 – 1000 ng/L [153]
Micro contaminants Water SPE – GC – MS 0.2 – 20 ng/L [154, 155]
Pesticides Water LLE – GC – AED 1 – 5 lg/L [156]
Pesticides Water SPE – GC – MS 2 – 20 ng/L [157]
Pesticides Water SPE – GC – MS a1 lg/L [158]
Pesticides Water SPE – RPLC – MS – MS 0.4 – 13 ng/L [159]
Endocrine disruptors Water SPE – GC – MS 0.1 – 20 ng/L [142]
Triazines & OPPs Wastewater SPE – GC – NPD or MS 15 – 25 ng/L (NPD) [160]
1.5 ng/L (MS)
Alkylthio-s-triazineherbicides River water SLM – RPLC – UV 0.03 lg/L [161]
Vinclozolin Water MMLLE – NPLC – UV 1 lg/L [162]
Cationic surfactants Aqueous samples MMLLE – NPLC – UV 0.7 – 5 lg/L [163]
Drugs Water SFE – RPLC – UV – MS 200 ppb [164]
Wine aroma compounds Wine SFE – GC – FID 0.8 – 3.4 lg [165]
Organic compounds Aerosol particles SFE – NPLC – GC – MS 0.02 – 0.04 ng/m3 [166]
Organic acids Aerosol particles SFE – NPLC – GC – MS 0.4 ng/m3 [167]

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Table 1. Continued

Compounds Matrices Hyphenation modalities LOD Refs.

PAHs Aerosol particles SFE – NPLC – GC – MS 0.02 – 0.04 ng/m3 [168]

PAHs Soil and sediment PHWE – MMLLE – GC – FID 0.65 – 1.66 lg/g [169]
PAHs Soil and sediment PHWE – MMLLE – GC – FID 0.11 – 1.22 lg/g [170]
PAHs Sediment PHWE – NPLC – GC – FID 0.01 lg/g [171]
PAHs Sediment SFE – GC – MS a0.2 lg/g [172]
PAHs Soil SFE – RPLC – UV 0.2 – 4 ng [173]
Brominated flame Sediment PHWE – NPLC – GC – FID 0.70 – 1.41 ng/g [174]
Organophosphorus esters Air particulates DMAE – SPE – GC – NPD 90.9 – 186.2 pg/m3 [175]
Organophosphorus Air particulates DSAE – SPE – GC – NPD 0.1 ng/m3 [176]
Sulfonamide antibiotics & pesti- Natural water SPE – RPLC – MS/MS 0.5 – 5 ng/L [177]
Hexavalent chromium Colourants Dialysis – IC – UV 5 lg/L [178]
Explosives Filters SFE – RPLC – UV 9.5 – 56.8 ng/filter [179]
Selenium Cu alloys, Ni sponge SPE – AAS 0.2 ng/mL [180]
Cadmium SRM river water SPE – GF – AAS 2610 – 4 ng/mL [181]
Cr(III) & Cr(VI) Fresh water SPE – ICP-AES 0.02 – 0.04 ng/mL [78]
As(III) & As(V) Fresh water SPE – ICP-AES 0.1 ng/mL [79]
Cr(III) & Cr(VI) River water SPE – ICP-AES 0.08 – 0.15 ng/mL [80]
Tap water
Cadmium Seawater SPE – ICP-AES 0.05 ng/mL [146]
Trace metal Seawater and river water SPE – ICP-AES 0.001 – 0.2 ng/mL [182]

described a 1000-fold signal increase during detection. 5 References

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