Aircraft Design: Aircraft and Air Transportation Systems

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Aircraft design a milestone with the first flight of the Mustang,

while Eclipse Aviation now has four conform-
ing aircraft in its test fleet. Several other compa-
This year’s commercial transport aviation news nies have announced programs, including the
has been dominated by two airplanes: the 223- Adam Aircraft A700, Diamond Aircraft D-Jet,
296-seat Boeing 787 and the 550-seat Airbus and, recently, Embraer.
A380. Responding to airline preference, Boeing In the light jet class, certification of the
Commercial Airplanes has focused on the super- Sino-Swearingen SJ30-2 is expected this year. In
efficient 787 Dreamliner. Production will begin the large aircraft arena, the Dassault Falcon 7X
in 2006. First flight is expected in 2007, with flew for the first time. The 7X is the first pure
certification, delivery, and entry into service business jet with fly-by-wire flight controls.
planned for 2008. Propeller aircraft deliveries remain strong, with
Airbus’s A380 took to the skies on April 27. Cirrus Design delivering its 2,000th airplane
This maiden flight, during which all primary overall, an SR-22, in June.
flight test objectives were met, marks the begin- The world of unmanned aircraft continues
ning of a rigorous test flight campaign involving to grow and flourish, with constant innovations
five A380s and some 2,500 flight hours. It will and system development. In its flight test pro-
culminate in the aircraft’s certification, followed gram with the Air Force, the BQM-167A multi-
by its entry into airline service in the second half role UAV from Composite Engineering has
of 2006, with first operator Singapore Airlines. demonstrated speeds in excess of 0.9 Mach,
The initial F-35 flight test aircraft, a conven- sustained 9-g turns, low-altitude penetration,
tional-takeoff-and-landing F-35A, is on track and extended loiter capability. The Boeing X-
for completion by the end of the year at Lock- 45A flight test program continued, demonstrat-
heed Martin in Fort Worth, Texas. The aft fuse- ing in-flight mission replanning, inert weapons
lage was joined to the center fuselage in June, deployment, and transfer of decision-making
uniting all four of the aircraft’s major subassem- from ground to air vehicles. Dassault Aviation
blies. The forward fuselage, wing, and center led a European team launching the Neuron
fuselage were mated in May. UCAV (unmanned combat air vehicle) demon-
The F-35 is designed for fast, streamlined strator program at this year’s Paris Air Show.
Raytheon tested the SilentEyes
Micro UAV by deploying from the
Predator and downlinked video
images while it was being flown
via waypoint navigation. Global
Hawk surpassed 4,000 opera-
tional hours in March.
For FY05, NASA has three
aeronautics programs: Airspace
Systems (AS), Aviation Safety and
Security (AvSS), and Vehicle Sys-
tems (VS).
Within the AS program, the
Small Aircraft Transportation Sys-
tem integrated demonstration
project was recently completed in
Danville, Va. Using six aircraft,
A Cessna Citation Mustang made this activity demonstrated the
its maiden flight in April.
production, with extremely high standards for ability to fly more safely and freely into more
assembly precision and quality. Peak production than 3,500 airports, including many without
rate will be one aircraft each working day. Mean- radar or air traffic control towers. This year the
while, parts fabrication has begun on the sec- AvSS program is scheduled to complete the first
ond test aircraft, a short-takeoff/vertical-landing phase of aviation safety research. Highlights in-
F-35B. Weight reduction efforts on this variant clude equipping regional airline aircraft with
have been successful, with all key performance automated weather reporting systems. In No-
parameters now being met or exceeded. vember 2004, as part of the VS program, the
The most active segment of business and Hyper-X (X-43A) project set a second world
by the AIAA Aircraft Design general aviation has been in the area of entry- speed record of Mach 9.6 (about 7,000 mph)
Technical Committee level and very light jets. Cessna Aircraft achieved for air-breathing jet-engine-powered aircraft.


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