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o Goal

o Label the overlap between user's interest and video among category/Sub Category/Entity levels
o Perquisites
o Each user has been defined several interest to represent current user.
o The interests all are listed as format: Category--> Sub-category -->Entity, and listed in the left
panel of label tool.
o For each user, there are 5 videos to be labeled.
o How to label
o For each video, you should choose which category/Sub-category/entity in user’s interest are
covered by current video.
o Category/Sub-category/entity are three level label, label them in order.
o If you could not find the correct one, choose “None”.
o Example
o Given User interest:
o 1.TV Show---> Entertainment--->Winner America’s got talent 2020
o 2.News---> Coronavirus--->Coronavirus statistics in new York

o Example Video 1
o Video Info: The Price Is Right - A Grand Game Win

o Label Results

o Detail Explanation
o Category
Current video category is TV show so select TV show
o Sub-Category
Once TV show selected, there are one subcategory option: Entertainment. Since
current video is Entertainment, then select Entertainment
o Entity
Entity: Once TV Show and Entertainment selected, there are one entity option:
Winner America’s got talent 2020. But current video is not about this show, so
select none
o Example Video 2
o Video Info: / YouTube contest winner: Ken Detlaff

o Label Results

o Detail Explanation
o Category
Current video category is not TV Show or News, So select None
o Sub-Category
No need to label
o Entity
No need to label

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