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Aircraft design The Sea Scout program is planned as a spiral

development effort intended to provide the

Navy with a sea-based tactical UAV that mini-
Several significant milestones and a “first ever” mizes the need for extensive launch and recov-
occurred in the field of aircraft design this year. ery equipment.
In addition, advances in computer science have Contemporary advanced military aircraft
been harnessed to improve the art of concep- development programs are complex and chal-
tual aircraft design. lenging. Cost increases and schedule slips seem
In January, the F-22A Raptor successfully to occur inevitably, on both these and many
completed follow-on test and evaluation and other types of acquisitions programs. Indepen-
was declared mission capable by the Air Force. dent program reviews repeatedly identify a com-
The Lockheed Martin F-22 design team had re- mon theme: a lack of up-front technical fidelity
ceived the 2001 AIAA Aircraft Design Award, underlying cost, schedule, and technology as-
whose citation stated that “Team Raptor” demon- sumptions, resulting in program requirements
strated excellence by designing the world’s that are out of step with budget and schedule
most advanced air dominance fighter, represent- realities.
ing a significant advance in aircraft design tech-
nology. The design has been validated, and the An F-22A Raptor from the
world’s first operational fifth-generation stealth 1st Fighter Wing cruises
fighter operates out of Langley AFB, Va., in the over Fort Monroe in
Hampton, Va.
1st Fighter Wing’s 27th Fighter Squadron. The
F-22A was declared “overwhelmingly effective”
in its air-to-air performance during operational
testing and will ensure air superiority for the
U.S. during any future conflicts.
Another fifth-generation stealth aircraft, the
F-35 Lightning II, is scheduled for first flight be-
fore the end of this year. First flight of the con-
ventional takeoff and landing variant was sched-
uled for August but has slipped to as late as this
month. The X-35 Joint Strike Fighter design In an AIAA paper, CFD Needs in Conceptual
team had received the 2002 AIAA Aircraft De- Design, James R. Snyder wrote, “In a very real
sign Award, and the first flight milestone will sense, the conceptual design process is a tool
represent a significant step toward transforming that is used to ‘design’ an acceptable set of mis-
the successful X-plane into an operationally sion and airplane requirements.” Aircraft design
suitable and effective weapons system. tools and methods, particularly those that are
At the other end of the spectrum from applicable to the early conceptual phases, are
fifth-generation stealth fighters, an interesting the focus of ongoing R&D aimed at improving
first-ever event took place in May: A UAV made our ability to provide critical up-front technical
the first fully autonomous landing on water in fidelity to the decision-makers.
the U.S. The Sea Scout UAV has been under de- This year brought many advances in design
velopment for nearly two years by Oregon Iron tools and methods, notably in the area of inte-
Works, under a Small Business Innovative Re- gration frameworks. One example is the release
search Phase III contract from the Naval Air of Phoenix Integration’s Unified Toolset, Phoenix
Systems Command. The UAV flew at a gross Suite 2006 software. Other companies such as
weight of 300 lb and carried 25 lb of ballast to Engineous Software and Technosoft offer simi-
simulate a payload. Powering the vehicle, which lar products.
has a 10-ft wingspan, is a 38 HP Wankel engine. Aircraft conceptual design organizations are
now utilizing these software integration envi-
ronments to connect their in-house design and In May a Sea Scout made the
analysis tools to support rapid multidisciplinary first autonomous landing on
and multifidelity analysis and optimization. Im- water for a UAV.
proving up-front technical fidelity by itself cer-
tainly cannot mitigate all acquisition program
mishaps. However, by improving the concep-
tual design process, programs should be able to
build more solid foundations through better by the AIAA Aircraft Design
cost, schedule, and technology assumptions. Technical Committee


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