Contractor Management Database Information On The Allocation of Access Groups

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Version: 1.

Contractor Management Date: 07.07.2015
Database Page: 1 of 3
Author: GGe

Information on the Allocation of Access Groups

1 Overview

For the database there are different access groups. Each access group
allows to do different things:

All access groups, except “Management”, shall generally be administered

by local key users. The access group “Management” (= Profit Center
Manager) is administered by M&B HSSE.

2 Identification of Users

When identifying users of the database, the below considerations may

help to figure out who should be registered in which access group. Please
note that one person can fulfil several roles (e.g. an HSSE Manager could
be Assessor and Monitoring Manager) and that sets of access groups are
available for the TEST and the PRODUCTIVE database.

2.1 Local key user

This should be a person who is familiar with IT systems in general and

can train and support other local users in the use of the database. It
could be someone for example from the HSSE or Engineering/
Maintenance Department. The local key user will be registered by M&B
Version: 1.0
Contractor Management Date: 07.07.2015
Database Page: 2 of 3
Author: GGe

HSSE in all access groups of the TEST database so he can demonstrate

all features during local training.

2.2 Process Manager

The task of the Process Manager is of administrative nature, so this could

be a person working as management assistant or working in the office
team, and it does not necessarily have to be someone from other
departments like HSSE. The Process Manager has to request contractors
to fill in the HSSE Questionnaire and check the submitted questionnaire
for completeness.

2.3 Assessor

The task of the Assessor is to give a rating to the contractor (A, B, C or

D) based on respectively considering the auto rating resulting from the
HSSE Questionnaire. For this it might be useful to have a certain HSSE
knowledge/ competence to evaluate the contractor, yet it can also be
someone e.g. from the Engineering/Maintenance Department.

2.4 Approver

The main task of the Approver is to decide if the contractor will appear on
the "List of Approved Contractors" or not, and hence if the contractor can
generally be used or not. The Approver should have good HSSE
knowledge/experience and could hence be someone from the HSSE
Department. By the way, this "approval" is a general approval that is
valid for up to two years. It is not an approval for a particular case and
should not be confused with the management override that can be given
by Profit Center Managers for the use of contractors with a D rating for
one specific job.

2.5 Monitoring Manager

This person should be someone who is involved in monitoring the work of

contractors (e.g. carrying out spot checks), maybe this could be an HSSE
Manager or someone from operations depending on the local
organization. The Monitoring Manager can upload reports to the system
and suggest changes of the contractor rating or approval to the Assessor
respectively the Approver.
Version: 1.0
Contractor Management Date: 07.07.2015
Database Page: 3 of 3
Author: GGe

2.6 Performance Reviewer

This person will be the one reviewing the actual performance of the
contractor after the work has been completed and can - if considered
necessary - suggest to change the contractor rating or approval to the
Assessor respectively the Approver. This could be someone e.g. from the
HSSE or Engineering/Maintenance Department.

2.7 Document Manager

The Document Manager can upload internal documents to the database

(e.g. local rules and regulations for contractors) to share them with
contractors or request contractors to upload documents to the system
(e.g. certificates). This is more or less an administrative task, so it can be
a general assistant in the HSSE or Engineering/Maintenance Department,
for example.

2.8 Read Only

For persons who only select a contractor to carry out work but do not
fulfill any other task described above, read access is sufficient. They need
to have access to the CMDB so they can check the contractor rating and
approval status status.

3 References

Further information on preparation of local roll-out and instructions on

how to edit access groups is available in the “Help” of the TEST database.
If you do not have access yet to the TEST database or if you have further
questions about the CMDB in general, please contact M&B HSSE.

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