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 I was born in Caraz.

 I was born on April (AIPROUL) 11, 1998(NAITIN NAIDI EIGH

 I was baptized(BAPTSAIS) in Huaraz at La vid Verdadera church.

 When I was 3 years old I went to kindergarten, my favorite(FEIVORIT)

teacher was Monica Flores, I had 10 classmates. My best friend was Jorge
Rojas. I finished the kindergarten when I was 5 years old.

 I went to primary(PRAIMARI) school when I was 6 years old, my teacher

was Mario Arias, I had 30(SERI) classmates, my best friends were Jose
and Fransua. My promotional (PROMOISHIONAL)trip was to Lima city
where we visited(VISIDED) the museums and the beaches. We stayed for
3 days. My promo party was on December 27(TUENI SEVEN), it was
very fun. I finished primary school when I was 11 years old.

 I went to secondary school at 12(TUELF) years old, there were 35 (SERY

FIVE) classmates. My best friend was Jorge Rojas, the courses I liked
were math and history.

 When I was 12 years old . I went to the Alex Campos concert.

 AT 12 years old, I learned to play drums. Then, at 16 years old I started

playing guitar but I was really bad at sports.we took a lot of photos on the
trip.The promo party we took a lot of pictures, we danced the night away

 Our promotional trip was to the Mancora beach , where it is in Piura city .
There, we stayed for 3 days. I didn't participate in the promotion party
because I didn't have money.

 At 16 years old, I finished high school.

 Then, I worked 4 years in telecommunications.

 Finally, at 20 years old I applied(APLAID)1 to the university and I

entered to the contability career.

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