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4 Mercedes Plantado CANCION DE CUNA PARA DORMIR A UN NEGRITO Cradle Song ILDEFONSO PEREDA ‘VALDES XAVIER MONTSALVATGE English lyric by Thomas W. van Ess Lento Softly and diminishing imperceptibly to the end ‘a media vos disminuyendo hasta un final cast imperceptible Nin-ghe nin - ghe nin - ghe. tan thi-qui- ti - to,—— Close your eyes and slum- ber, my Ut- tle ti ~ my one_— no quie-re dor-mir.—___ won't you go to siecp]—_— Ca-be-zd de co - co, — gra-no de ca- fé, con lindas mo-ti - tas— My, you have a round head, Tike a coffee beant- Your eye-lids are speck - led, roa? i © Copyright 1958 by SOUTHERN MUSIC PUBLISHING CO. INC. International Copyright Secured Printed in U.S.A. Ail Rights Reserved Lncluding the Right of Public Performence for Profit SWARNING! Any person who copies or orronges all or ett af the words or music of this musical composition ENS Se imate i ncrion, atmoges ne palis Cader the Unie States Copyright Low _— —1 oon o- josgran - do - tes co-mo dos ven - ta - nas —— = sour eyes so wide 0 = pen, just like bo large win-dows 3 IF que mi-ran al mar——_ Cier - ra los 0 - ji - tos—— Jook-ing out to sea. Close your eyes and ium ~ ber, — - = 5 F — negritoa sus-ta - do; el man-din-ga/ blan - co = my "Fright-ened iit - te one, the cow-ardaiy dev - th, SF F ? re i pue-de co=mer___ TYa fio eres €s-cla-vo! y. si duer-mesmm-cho_ | must have his meal; —— ‘But youre not a slave now; Us yourest a long while — el se-iior de ca - sa____' pro-me-te com- pfar COM Fe>. = your own-er and mas = ter wilt make you a groom; F <4 7 ——~ tfa- je con bo-to - nes—_ Pa-ra ser un“groom’ Nin - ghe dressed with fan-cy but - tons, — all this will ke buy. Close your 7 ; es IP iP F TS ao— nin - ghe. duér-me-fe, negri - fo, — slum ber, £0 tosleep my yourg one; —— — ca-be-za de co- co, gra-no de ca-{é. aaa My, you have a round head, — Vike a coffee bean! pordendost

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