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- DB 43589 Date
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Whar is Gour?
Goub is a general jerm dfer a Manet of CondihonsS*
Caused b a buldup df urnc add.This buldup usual
afecksyow feet
xou have gout yru'i_prdbab, fe
Swelna and paim in the joits of t foot particularly
oU Aoe.Aoe. Sudde omd njens pain, ofgout aHacKs
Can male iteel ite ysw fodt îs on ire

pmptoms oGout
Some people_have toD Much unc acid in theu blsod,

but Do_Smptorms. This is Called asmpbmatic qout

AOd aput Sptoms Come on quic from_ dhe
buldup df wuc acd Cystals in yow joint amd la_t
drs 3 o Jo day 2ou' have indeng pain omd Swelung,
_omo usU_oint ma fee) a m .
Na dont trear abu, it an become chronic Hard
umps callud tophi can erenually derelop n ae joinds
amd the SPin amd Soft hssue Surounding hem.These
cepesnsCom pemanenth damagR ouoits.

CauseSo aout You're More liEely do aet goud

have parends,Siblings, or othez family manbers wth

Page No.(
************* **E*********
ea tod much
PuTine- Yich food, such as md meats,
orgam meads, amd cexatain isw
drin alcohol
taKe medications such diurehi cs A diuretic is anx

Swbstance tha_pm
PTOmafes diuresis , the
Poduchiony uine)and ydosporîn C cy clos po ne s
used to pre oTam reecthion in people who hae
celred a ire Pdney, oT heart hransplanE .tti3 usually
taken along ojth othen mediahoms to asud
suJL nAd
60m do funchom nomauiz.
have a condion 1te bib bleod pre ss ume, Pman
ttrroid dusease, ditbetes or sleep apea
isease ,

Seisus sleap dsorde in Ohich readhina repeaded

Stups md Stasts-)

Gour oiagenosiS You ooctor Can daanage

based on a TeNiew Of u mtdical hists a
prsical eam, amdouz SmptonmS YGudodr
wil ifelz bae 5u oiagnasis Dn

uw desemiption ot yaud jaint poun

houd oftem Hswre experiened intense pay in ou

ho ed or swolle h e arta 1s.

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