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The Hydrone, a water dispensing drone powered solely by Solar power.

I would like to state a few specifications of the product starting with-:

 A water humidifier which converts pre-existing humidity in the air, filtering

it through a U.V detection system and then efficiently dispensing onto the
 Another unique feature of this drone is a zone detection system. As the
name suggests this feature will scan the ground in order to determine the
needs of the crops planted as well as the ground water levels and nutrients.
 Similarly our remote operating CCTV camera installed in the drone provides
the user with the opportunity to check in on their plants while on the go.

In addition to the drone a mobile as well as desktop application will be

provided containing but not limited to features such as-:

 Automatic activation and scheduled watering cycles for people who do

not have the time to manually operate the drone
 A region detector which provides the user with the opportunity to map
out and form a route which the drone will take to water the desired
 A table of specifications for multiple crops to assist farmers in their
every day needs
 Alongside this tutorials and maintenance alerts will also be provided on
the ad.

One of our companies key focuses is sustainability. Our sustainability goals are to

-Provide safe water and products without damaging the environment

-Preserve ground water resources

To achieve our goals we have decided to incorporate Compostable packaging
made of only paper, cardboard and corrugated bubble wrap for protection. This
bubble wrap is made of leftover food items so it is compostable when placed in
the ground. Similarly, as our drone utilizes humidity to form water no ground
water sources will be exhausted hence saving vital reserves of water and making
our product more eco friendly. To further emphasize this our drone uses solar
power to produce clean energy.

As with any product pricing is a major factor, after careful consideration we have
found that an ideal price at which we can sell our product is 113 400 rupees for a
drone which can water 4 to 6 acres of land per hour meanwhile for a larger drone
160,000 rupees, the watering capabilities of which are 8 to 10 acres per hour.

After carefully scouting our target market we have come to the conclusion that
we shall aim our product towards Horti culturists which amount to 2.2 million
people worldwide. In a similar category fall organic farmers amounting to 2.9
million people. The two groups mentioned above will in all probability invest in
our product due to the increasing development in their sectors as well as the
rapid mechanization taking place. For similar reasons agriculturists as well as
commercial residents will purchase the Hydrone.

We would like to provide an analysis of the advantages to the consumer-:

1. It can track the areas deficient in water and tell the person so that there is
less food shortage or crop damage in agriculture
2. Farmers on average spend Rs 369600 on water per year. With this one
time purchase they as saving around 236,900 Rs per year
3. Will reduce the need for labour
4. It will provide efficient watering for both indoor and outdoor plants due to
the accurate and precise spraying mechanism

This is all in addition to the environmental advantages provided prior

To better connect with our user we plan on establishing a website, monthly

newsletter, customer helpline service as well as a YouTube channel with
comprehensive, detailed and specific tutorials to assist the consumer
In order to function the drone requires a minimum of 55% humidity levels in the
air. This level is quite ordinary hence the drone can be used in multiple areas
including major farming areas worldwide such as

1. Kansas, Oklahoma, Baltimore, Atlanta, Memphis and Nashville, Tennessee

in the US
2. Bankok, Thailand
3. Mexi Cali city as well as Cairo, Auckland and Wellington.

This drone can also be used in many areas in Pakistan such as Lahore,
Karachi, Faislabad, Dera Ghazi Khan, Multan, Gujrat, Hyderabad, Mir pur
khas to name a few.

To quickly reiterate our product idea is, a state of the art, solar powered drone
with the ability to humidify air and convert it into water. Our company feels this
drone can help improve the lives, productivity and efficieny of many farms and
farmers while preserving the environment and increasing crop yield.

Our motto stands true to this “Water reduction, surplus production”

Our company wishes to show that running a profitable, efficient and useful
business as well as maintaining environmental integrity and not crossing over the
boundries of sustainability can go hand in hand.

Agricultural development and preservation of the mother earth can coexist and
the hydrone is the perfect product to depict this.

In Yellow Reza In Grey rayyan

In Blue Shayan No colour Annan

In Green Yumna

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