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Welcome to the

application process for


Our system is American with curriculum and teachers from North America who are
specialized in specific disciplines in teaching, including full credentials such as: Bachelor
Degrees, and Master Degrees awarded by universities in the United States.

From ages 2-5, we work with North American programs, which are designed to stimulate
the children as they learn English while they continue developing in Spanish. They have
Spanish class one period each day.

In our elementary, middle, and high school classes, 85% of the day is taught in English
and 15% remains in Spanish for courses like Idioma and Sociales.

Our students take all of the classes required by the Ministry of Education of Guatemala,
including English, Spanish, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Physical Education, and
Computers. We also offer special classes, such as Bible, Olympic gymnastics, Swimming
lessons, Soccer, Theater, and Music.

To apply for children ages 2-5, please present the following paperwork:

 A photocopy of the birth certificate (proof of age).

 A photocopy of their vaccines.
 A completed application and contract.
 A photocopy of the identifications (passport, or DPI) of both parents.
 A photocopy of the identifications (passport, or DPI) of any additional adults who
you are authorizing to pick up your child.

To apply for elementary, middle, and high school age children, please present us with
the following paperwork:

 Admissions exam held at school, which costs US$ 55.00 must give us at least one
day's notice before taking the exam by calling PBX 6633-9900 or 6662-4101.
 Report cards from previous grades (originals).
 A letter of good conduct from the previous school.
 A letter verifying that all payments were made to the previous school
 A photocopy of the birth certificate (proof of age).
 A completed application and contract.
 A photocopy of the identifications (DPI) of both parents.
 A photocopy of the identifications (DPI) of any additional adults who you are
authorizing to pick up your child.


Class hours:

Preschool (ages 2-5): 7:25 a.m. - 12:50 p.m.

Elementary, Middle, and High school: 7:25 a.m. - 15:00 p.m.

Students should arrive at school between 7:15-7:25 a.m. every day.


We are here to serve you. Please let us know when you would like to schedule a tour and
talk with our director of Admissions, who will inform you more about our academic
programs and provide you with any information you might need. If you do not need to
meet with our director of Admissions, you can call the school directly to register your
If you would like to learn more about Christian American School of Guatemala, please
visit the following link:

US Embassy
Bienvenidos al proceso
de aplicación de

Nuestra formación es Americana; es decir el currículo y el personal docente es Norte

Americano con formación especializada en enseñanza con los grados de Licenciatura y
maestrías en educación otorgadas por universidades de Estados Unidos.

En los grados de 2 a 5 años trabajamos con programas y sistemas Norte Americanos los
cuales estimulan al niño y a la vez aprenden el idioma inglés como un idioma materno,
únicamente un día a la semana tienen clase de español.

En los grados Elementary, Middle to High School los cursos principales son en ingles en
un 85% y un 15% de clases de español.

Como parte del pensum tenemos: English, Math, Science, Social Studies, computer Bible,
Olympic gymnastics, Swimming lessons and Music.

Para poder aplicar los niños de 2 a 5 años, deben presentar la siguiente papelería:

 Fotocopia de certificación de nacimiento (fe de edad).

 Fotocopia del carné de vacunas.
 Llenar aplicación y contrato de nuestro establecimiento.
 Fotocopia de DPI de ambos padres.
 Fotocopia de DPI de personas adicionales autorizadas para recoger al niño.

Para poder aplicar a Elementary, Middle y High School, deben presentar la

siguiente papelería:

 Examen de admisión tiene un valor de USA$55.00 debe solicitarlo con un día de

anticipación al PBX: 6633-9900 o 6662-4101.
 Fotocopia de certificación de nacimiento (fe de edad).
 Certificados de grados anteriores originales.
 Carta de Buena Conducta.
 Carta de solvencia de pagos.
 Llenar aplicación y contrato de nuestro establecimiento.
 Fotocopia de DPI de ambos padres.
 Fotocopia de DPI de personas adicionales autorizadas para recoger al niño.



Preschool niños de 2 a 5 años: 7:25 a.m. -12:50 p.m.

Elementary, middle, and high school: 7:25 a.m. -15:00 p.m.

Los estudiantes deben ingresar al colegio entre las 7:15 y 7:25 a.m. cada día.


Estamos aquí para servirle. Por favor, háganos saber cuándo le gustaría programar un cita
y hablar con nuestra directora de admisiones, quien le informará más acerca de nuestros
programas académicos y le proporcionar información que usted necesite. Si usted no
necesita conocer a nuestra directora de admisiones, puede llamar directamente al colegio,
para inscribir a su hijo (a).

Si desea conocer más acerca de Christian American School of Guatemala, por favor visite
la siguiente página:

US Embassy

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