Nano Scale Optics With Nearfield Scanning Optical Microscopy (NSOM)

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Nano Scale Optics with

Nearfield Scanning Optical

Microscopy (NSOM)
Presentation Overview

†Motivation for nearfield optics

†Introduction to NSOM
†What is NSOM today?
†What can you do with NSOM?

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 2

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
“And God said, `Let there
Motivation of NFO be light,' and there was
light. God saw that the light
was good, and he separated
the light from the
darkness.” Genesis 1:3,4
† Diffraction imposes a natural limit to available ‘resolution’
with conventional optics.
„ ‘Best’ microscopes can obtain ~ 250nm resolution: confocal microscopy
† Oscillating Dipole:
1 ⎛ 1 ik k 2 ⎞
Eθ = ⎜ 3 − 2 − ⎟ sin θ pz (t )e

4πε r ⎝ r r r ⎠
1 ⎛ 2 2ik ⎞
Er = ⎜ − ⎟ cos θ p (t ) e ikr

4πε r ⎝ r 3 r 2 ⎠

† To probe the ‘nearfield’ – require to be within 100 nm of object

† The nearfield scanning optical microscope was developed as
the device to do this.
ECE 695S November 2, 2006 3
Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Presentation Overview

†Motivation for nearfield optics

†Introduction to NSOM
†What is NSOM today?
†What can you do with NSOM?

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 4

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
NSOM Instrumentation / Idea Nanonics Imaging Ltd

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 5

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
History of NSOM

† Conception of an instrument
„ E.H. Synge, "A suggested method for extending the
microscopic resolution into the ultramicroscopic region," Phil.
Mag. 6, 356 (1928).
„ E.H. Synge, "An application of piezoelectricity to
microscopy," Phil. Mag. 13, 297 (1932).

† Proof of Concept with microwaves

„ E.A. Ash and G Nichols, Nature 237, 510 (1972).

† Experiments in the visible

„ D.W. Pohl, W. Denk, and M. Lanz, APL 44, 651-3 (1984).
„ A. Lewis, M. Isaacson, A. Harootunian, and A. Murray,
Ultramicroscopy 13, 227 (1984).

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 6

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Synge’s original proposal

† required fabrication of a 10-nanometer aperture (much

smaller than the light wavelength) in an opaque screen
† A specimen was scanned very close to the aperture
† As long as the specimen remained within a distance less
than the aperture diameter, an image with a resolution of
10 nanometers could be generated.
† Technical difficulties to overcome:
„ fabricating the minute aperture
„ achieving a sufficiently intense light source
„ specimen positioning at the nanometer scale
„ maintaining the aperture in close proximity to the

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 7

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Implementation in Microwave region

† Microwaves with a wavelength of 3 cm

† Aperture diameter of 1.5 mm
† Probe scanned over a metal grating with periodic line
† 0.5 mm gaps and lines were resolvable
† Subwavelength resolution of ~ 1/16 lambda

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 8

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Optical Implementation

† The IBM researchers employed a metal-coated

quartz crystal probe on which an aperture was
fabricated at the tip, and designated the
technique scanning near-field optical
microscopy (SNOM).
† The Cornell group used electron-beam
lithography to create apertures, smaller than 50
nanometers, in silicon and metal.
† The IBM team was able to claim the highest
optical resolution of 25 nanometers, or one-
twentieth of the 488-nanometer radiation
wavelength, utilizing a test specimen consisting
of a fine metal line grating.
ECE 695S November 2, 2006 9
Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
NSOM modes of Operation

† Illumination by the tip is probably the easiest to interpret, and gives

the most signal. It requires a transparent sample, so can’t always
be used.
† Reflection modes give less light, and are more dependent on the
details of the probe tip, but allow one to study opaque samples.
† The illumination/collection mode provides a complement to the
reflection modes, but the signal contains a large background from
the light reflected without ever making it out of the probe tip. (This
is removed by oscillating the tip vertically and measuring the signal
at that frequency.)
ECE 695S November 2, 2006 10
Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
NSOM modes of Operation

Apertureless NSOM (Photon Scanning Tunneling Microscopy)

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 11

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Comparison to far-field microscopy

† Two fundamental differences between

near-field and far-field (conventional)
optical microscopy:
„ In NF microscopy the NF interaction region
at a single instant is much smaller than the
FF interaction area for conventional
„ NF microscopy has a subwavelength
distance between the radiation source and
the sample while FF microscopy has a
much larger distance

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 12

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Limitations of near-field optical

† Practically zero working distance and an

extremely small depth of field.
† Extremely long scan times for high resolution
images or large specimen areas.
† Very low transmissivity of apertures smaller
than the incident light wavelength.
† Only features at the surface of specimens can
be studied.
† Fiber optic probes are somewhat problematic
for imaging soft materials due to their high
spring constants, especially in shear-force

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 13

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Presentation Overview

†Motivation for nearfield optics

†Introduction to NSOM
†What is NSOM today?
†What can you do with NSOM?

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 14

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
NSOM Today: Similar to Standard
Scanning Probe Microscopy with an
Optical Channel
† Mechanical
„ Translation stage, piezoelectric scanner
„ Feedback Control (Z distance)
„ Anti-vibration optical table
† Electrical
„ Scanning drivers for piezoelectric scanner
„ z distance control
„ Amplifiers, Signal processors
„ Software and Computer
† Optical
„ Light source (lasers), Fiber, Mirrors, Lenses, Objectives
„ Photon detectors (Photon Multiplier Tube, Avalanche Photo
Diode, Charge Coupled Devices)
„ Probe to provide the window to the near-field

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 15

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Z Distance Control

† Shear force

† Normal force
Science, 257, 189-195 (1992).

Veeco Instruments Nanonics Imaging Ltd Witec GmbH

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 16

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
NSOM Probes

† Aperture type
„ Taped fiber, multiple-taped fiber
„ Cantilevered AFM/NSOM tips (Si3N4, SiO2)
„ Other kinds, such as tetrahedral tip, Fluorescent tip
„ Metal Coating Optional
† Apertureless type
„ Dielectrics, semiconductors or metals
„ Other kinds, such as nano-particle attached tip

Nanonics Imaging Ltd

Witec GmbH

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 17

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Probe Fabrication: Fiber probes

Lazarev, A., Rev. Sci. Inst., 74, 3679-3688 (2003).

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 18

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Probe Fabrication:
Cantilevered probes

† Mircofabrication
† Rubbing
† Focus ion beam milling
† Special techniques, such as solid
electrolysis, self-terminated corrosion

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 19

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Mirco-fabrication: a batch process

App. Phy. Lett., 68, 3531-3533 (1996).

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 20

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Commercial NSOM:
Nanonics MultiView 2000


Laser Scanner
Nanonics Imaging Ltd

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 21

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Commercial NSOM:
Witec ALphaSNOM



Probe Mounting Witec GmbH

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 22

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Commercial NSOM:
Veeco Aurora3

System schematic

Fiber mounting

Feedback control Veeco Instruments

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 23

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Nanonics System at Purdue

† Nanonics MultiView 2000

† Tuning Fork Feedback
„ Normal or Shear Force

† Aperture tips down to 50 nm

† AFM tips down to 30 nm
† Radiation Sources:
„ (532, 633, 785) nm
„ Supercontinuum 480-
1500+ nm
Nanonics Imaging Ltd

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 24

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM

To Piezoelectrics HV Source
Freq. Gen.
Obj. Lens
Upper Piezo Fiber Tip 532nm Source

Lock-In Detector

Lower Piezo
Tuning Fork PID Controller
Obj. Lens

Filter Computer

Prof. Shalaev’s group Internal to Purdue

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 25

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Purdue Homemade NSOM
Developed from Commercial AFM

† Scanning: micro stages, piezoelectic

scanner and probe head
† Imaging: optics with video monitor,
white source and HeNe laser

System Setup

† Light detection: Photomultiplier tube

(PMT), photon counter
† Signal Processing: AutoProbe Electronic
Module (AEM), Proscan software

User Interface
Prof. Xianfan Xu’s group Internal to Purdue

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 26

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Schematic of Purdue
Home-made NSOM
Video Computer
Monitor CCD


White BS PSD Probe

20× Diode Sample

Head Laser

HeNe Laser Prism

Z scanner
X,Y scanner

Prof. Xianfan Xu’s group Internal to Purdue

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 27

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Presentation Overview

†Motivation for nearfield optics

†Introduction to NSOM
†What is NSOM today?
†What can you do with NSOM?

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 28

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
What Can you do with NSOM?

† Ultrahigh resolution OPTICAL Imaging /

Plamonic studies
† Spectroscopy
„ Nearfield Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy
„ Local Spectroscopy of Semiconductor Devices
„ Near-field Broadband Spectroscopy
† Modification of Surfaces
„ Subwavelength photolithography
„ Ultra High Density data storage
„ Laser Ablation
† Nearfield femtosecond studies

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 29

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
High Resolution
Optical Imaging
83 nm Optical resolution seen with “100” nm tip


Obj. Lens NSOM

Prof. Shalaev’s group Internal to Purdue


ECE 695S November 2, 2006 30

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
NF Surface Enhanced Raman
Spectroscopy (SERS)
† What is Raman spectroscopy?
„ Incident light scattered by a molecule will scatter at
different wavelengths than the incident light. Measuring
the spectrum of such scattered light provides powerful a
“fingerprinting” technique for identification.
† What is surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS)?
„ Typical Raman signals are rather weak. The
electromagnetic fields carrying the fingerprinting
information can be enhanced by many orders of
† Add in NSOM:
„ The addition of nearfield optics to such techniques
enables localization of illumination or collection of light.
This provides the means to detect trace amounts that
would otherwise be undetectable.

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 31

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Nearfield SERS of R6-G on a semi continuous metal film

Spectrometer 470 nm

AFM #6 400 #8

C / 20 min.
200 300


50 100
600 800 1000 1200 1400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Reflection 700
#14 #16
C / 20 min.


600 800 1000 1200 1400 600 800 1000 1200 1400
Prof. Shalaev’s group Internal to Purdue 1 / cm 1 / cm

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 32

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
NF Spectroscopy:
Quantum Device

Science 264, 1740 (1994)

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 33

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
NF Spectroscopy: Broadband
Tuning Fork (for feedback control)

Photonic Crystal Fibre with broadband output

Tapered Fibre Probe

Sample Scanning
YAG 1064 nm
xyz piezo stage

Objective Lens 100x 0.75NA


Prof. Shalaev’s group Internal to Purdue

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 34

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
NF Broadband Spectroscopy AFM
Local Transmittance
Laser Phys. Lett. 3, No. 1, 49–55 (2006)
Optics Letters, Vol.30, No.24, 3356 (2005)

Reference 500-950nm ‘integrated’

Spectrum Transmittance

1800 90

Mapping 2000 1600 80

1900 nm
Function: 1400 70


distance (nm)

T (x,y,λ) =

1000 50

1000 633 SMF 800 40

probe with 600

I(x,y,λ)/Io(λ) 500
‘red’ Filter



500 1000 1500 2000

450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 2400 nm
distance (nm)

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 35

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Prof. Shalaev’s group Internal to Purdue
500-525 g g 525-550g g 550-575g g 575-600g g 600-625
g g 625-650
g g

1400 1400 1400 1400 1400

1200 1200 1200 1200 1200


1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

distance (nm)

distance (nm)

distance (nm)

distance (nm)

distance (nm)
800 800 800 800 800

600 60 600 600 600 600

400 400 400 400 400


200 30 200 200 200 200

200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800
distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm)
650-675 675-700 700-725 725-750 750-775 775-800
Broadband 1400
g g


g g

g g

g g

g g

g g

imaging 1200







distance (nm)

distance (nm)

distance (nm)

distance (nm)

distance (nm)
distance (nm)
800 800 800 800 800 800

600 60 600 600 600 600 600


400 400 400 400 400 400

200 30 200 200 200 200 200

200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800

distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm)
g g 825-850g g 850-875 g g 875-900
g g 900-925 g g 925-950
g g

120 1400 1400 1400

1400 1400 1400

as function 1200

1200 1200 1200 1200 1200
1500 nm

1000 90 1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

distance (nm)

distance (nm)

distance (nm)

distance (nm)
distance (nm)
distance (nm)

800 800 800 800 800 800

600 60 600 600 600 600 600

400 400 400 400 400 400

200 30 200 200 200 200 200

200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800 200 400 600 800
distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm) distance (nm)

ECE 695S 800 nm November 2, 2006 36

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM Prof. Shalaev’s group Internal to Purdue
Subwavelength Photolithography

† Use NSOM to write patterns into a

† Can use aperture NSOM in illumination
† Can use apertureless NSOM utilizing
two photon absorption at the metallic tip

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 37

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Ultrahigh Density Data Storage

† Can use aperture NSOM

in illumination mode to
both write and read data
on magneto-optical
† When writing, probe heats
the medium under the
probe. The domain under
the write beam becomes
magnetized opposite of
the surrounding material.
† This varying domain of
Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 142-144 (1992)
magnetization can then be
read using the same
probe, but with a lower
output power.
ECE 695S November 2, 2006 38
Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Nearfield femtosecond studies

† Pump – Probe techniques

„ NSOM allows this technique to
employ spatial localization to
measure carrier dynamics.
(eg – in semiconductor Rev. Sci. Inst. 70, 2758 (1999)

† Localized laser ablation
„ Currently in use for photomask
„ Nanolithography
J. Microscopy 194, 537 (1999)

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 39

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Other things done with NSOM

† Fluorescent spectrum studies of

biological cells, molecules and DNA
† Atom trapping and Manipulation
† Local probing of luminescent devices
† Low temperature NSOM
† Surface plasmon / Local field

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 40

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM
Recap – Nearfield Scanning Optical
Microscopy (NSOM)
† NSOM is a relatively new technology that defeats the diffraction limit for optical
measurements. Utilizes the near field portion of electromagnetism to window
down to ~ 10 nm spatial resolution.
† NSOM instrumentation has progressively developed over the past 15 years, to the
point where several different basic techniques are available as commercial
† The principles of NSOM are very much in play within the research community. It
has many different applications ranging from biological studies to nanofabrication.
† Up to Date Near-Field Optics Research
„ NSOM Conference: NFO9
‡ September 2006, look for conference proceedings in the Journal of
Microscopy, 2007
† Quick and Easy Resources
„ Review Articles:
‡ R.C. Dunn. Chemical Reviews, 99 (1999) 2891.
‡ B. Hecht, B. Sick, U.P. Wild, V. Deckert, R. Zenobi, O.J.F. Martin, and D.W. Pohl.
Journal of Chemical Physics, 112 (2000) 7761.
„ Website: Olympus Microscopy (nearfield section)

ECE 695S November 2, 2006 41

Nanoscale Optics with NSOM

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