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Training project on the topic of
“Labour Welfare”

Submitted to: Submitted by:

Sukhjeet singh Rakhi Bajaj

Hardeep Kaur


Introduction of Verka
Punjab State Co-operative Milk Producers’ Federation Limited(MILKFED) was established the
in 1973 by Punjab Diary Development cooperation under the Punjab Sate Co-operative
Act,1967 to safeguard commercial interest of milk producers farmers to save them from
exploitation of middleman, with their participation in its management and to provide quality milk
and milk products to consumers at competitive rates. It came into existence with a twin objective
; First to carry activities for promoting production, procurement and processing of milk for the
economic development of milk producers by providing remunerative milk market to them at
their door step. Second, provide quality milk and milk products to consumers at reasonable rates.

Although the federation was registered much earlier, but it came to real self in the year 1983
when all the milk plants Punjab Dairy Development corporation Limited were handed over to
cooperative sector and the entire State was covered under operation Food programme to give
farmers to a better deal and our valued customers better products. Today, when we look back,
Verka has fulfilled the promise to great extent.

The setup of the organization is a three tier system, Milk Producers Cooperative Societies at the
village level, Milk Union at District level and Milk Fedration as an apex body at a State level.

Milk production is a very important part of agricultural economy in the State of Punjab. Punjab
is one of smallest state in Indian Union with a total area of 50,362 Sq. km. Dairy Farming is an
old subsidiary profession in the rural area of Punjab. Punjab is the second largest milk producing
state in India, producing 10 % of country’ s milk.

Some fact about verka

1 First Milk Plant of the State was setup at verka near the Amritsar.

2.The brand name of Milk and Milk Products was adopted as verka.

3. The Foundation stone of Milk Plant Ludhiana was laid by Hon. S . Parkash Singh Badal the
CM of Punjab in 1970.

4. Commissioning of the Plant was done by Dairy Development Corporation in 1974.

5 Inauguration was done by Late Smt. Indra Gandhi the PM of India.

6 The capacity of plant was 1.00 lac. Liter per day, including power plant of 7MT and now the
milk plant of 4.00 lac Liter per day.

7. Village level cooperative societies were also formed on “Anand Pattern”. The system was run

by the farmers, of the farmers for the farmers.

“ Labour welfare activities benefit not only the workers but also the management in term of
greater industrial efficiency”

Labour play a very important role in the industrial production of the country. The human
resource managers are really concerned with the management of people at work. It is necessary
to secure the cooperation of labour in order to increase the production and earn higher profits.
The of labour force is possible only when the are fully satisfied with their employer and the
working condition on the job. In the course of time with the introduction of the concept of
Human Resource Management ,psychological researches convinced them that the workers
required some thing more important. In addition to providing monetory benefits, human
treatment given to employee play a very important role in seeking their cooperation.

Objectives of the study:

Main objectives of the study are as follows:

1.To gain the knowledge about the concept of “LABOUR WELFARE”.

2. To know how this concept is related with HR.
3.To know the constituents of labour welfare.
4.To know the rules ,laws and policy of labour welfare

Review of literature
There are various aspects of labour welfare in India but social security is consider one main of
them in other words we can say social security is one of the pillars on which the structure of a
welfare state rests, and it constitutes the hard core of social policy in most countries. It is through
social security measures that the state attempts to maintain every citizen at a certain prescribed
level below which no one is allowed to fall. It is the security that society furnishes through
appropriate organization, against certain risks to which its members are exposed (ILO, 1942).
Social security system comprises health and unemployment insurance, family allowances,
provident funds, pensions and gratuity schemes, and widows’ and survivors’ allowances. The
essential characteristics of social insurance schemes include their compulsory and contributory
nature; the members must first subscribe to a fund from which benefits could be drawn later. On
the other hand, social assistance is a method according to which benefits are given to the needy
persons, fulfilling the prescribed conditions, by the government out of its own resources. The
present section reviews labour welfare activities in India with particular emphasis on the
unorganized sector. Although provisions for workmen’s compensation in case of industrial
accidents and maternity benefits for women workforce had existed for long, a major
breakthrough in the field of social security came only after independence.

The Constitution of India (Article 41) laid down that the State shall make effective provision for
securing the right to public assistance in case of unemployment, old age, sickness and
disablement and in other cases of underserved want. The Government took several steps in
compliance of the constitutional requirements. The Workmen’s Compensation Act (1926) was
suitably revised and social insurance programmes were developed for industrial workers.
Provident funds and gratuity schemes were introduced in most industries, and maternity
legislation was overhauled. Subsequently, State governments instituted their own social
assistance programmes. The provisions for old age comprise pension, provident fund, and
gratuity schemes. All the three provisions are different forms of retirement benefits.

(Gratuity is a lump sum payment made to a worker or to his/her heirs by the company on
termination of his/her service due to retirement, invalidity, retrenchment or death ).

Research Methodology used in the study:-

There were various sources of data collection used for this study. These are direct and indirect
sources which are referred to as primary and secondary sources. These sources are as follows:

Primary sources: Some of the primary sources of data collection are past records of workers,
oral interviews, interaction with operators and guidance from officers.

Secondary sources: The secondary sources were used to gain basic and extra information
regarding labour welfare. The secondary source used was internet source and the various rules of
Milkfed. Mainly Various sites containing information regarding concerned topic are given in the

During the study of the topic I had to face some limitations and the constraints as well. Some of
these limitations were:
1. The biggest limitation which I any HR trainee has to face in Verka Mlik Plant Mohali that no
proper training is provided to HR students. That place is good for engineering and food
technology students only as far as summer training is concerned.
2. Permission for conducting a proper survey was not given.
3. Sufficient time was not given to me to understand the exact nature and the concept of labour
4. The whole of the staff was less cooperative with me.


a. For Books:

Joshi, Rosy (2008);Human resource management, Kalyani, Delhi.

b. Internet resources:

c. Other sources:
The Co-operative Milk Producer Union Employ Service Rules

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