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Engineering Department/CBE

Unit ( 61 )
Assignment (project Design, implementation and

Date:17 /6/2018

Created by: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

I am a civil engineer in ARANER Contraction Company I will choose a
Residential Building project to build it in the lower time, money, and the beast

:The first project

Hospital project in Jerash area where the value of the tender was 4 million and
.a fixed time of 15 months

there were several advantages for the project, including that the project value
of the tender amount is relatively high and appropriate and after the
calculation of quantities and matters related to the materials were the profits
of 400 The amount is also suitable for the project and was suitable for the
status of materials and quality, but the disadvantages of the project was that
the time to finish it is very few as the area of the plot 4 acres and the hospital
was 3340 square meters The building was several floors so it was not enough
.time for him and you Find a fine on each day delay so the project was rejected

:The second project

House in the Marj Al-hamam it was a big home in marj Al-hamam the area of
the land is 550 metes

It is a big home to live in it and the cost of project is 1500,000 JD, the duration
of this project is one year

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

The advantages of this project: this home have many of advantages, have nice
look like

Nice paint and nice shape, in front of the home it has a garden for flowers and
some animals shelter

Also, it’s located in the middle of the city where it’s near to all supermarkets
and building materials supply shops. also, government Ministries

where all of these make the work more easy for us and make the house more

The disadvantages of this project are and the solution

This home does have a lot of accurate work to do at customer's request and
our company can do it but we are not qualified. So after a lot of effort and work
.to do it right it will take a lot of time and money too

So we well work on to improve our selfies but in a smaller projects that has
.high specification

The third project:

Residential building in Abu Alanda it was built on a land of half a dunam.
As it was one of the best projects offered to us because it was a tender worth
400000 dinars.
The advantages of this project: the time needed to finish the project was 8
months while the contract was agreed to 11 months and the project was in a
vital area where The services are available in terms of the number of workers
in the region and the number of services available in the region. Transport is

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

also available in that region. The contract was approved for the quality of the
required materials and a good profit for the company.
The disadvantages were that building was surrounded with three building
thereby narrowing the workplace.

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

General specification:

Area 601m
Type of building Residential Building
Duration 8 month
Cost 400000 JD
The number of floors 5
Type of bricks (Buzlana) brick We will use in the project by the company
or concrete bricks from Manaseer and we will choice for several
manaser company reasons, and for them it is light weight and
heat insulator and fire-resistant and
moisture-proof and soundproof and
strength and toughness and durability, and
a friend of the environment and the cost is
not high
Type of stone we use in the We use more than one type of stone like
building (Mfjar stone and Tubza stone and
Msamsam stone) and we use it in building
because it is cheap and have high strength
Type of cement We use Manaser cement because it is have
high strength and high durability but the
cost is more than other types of cement
Quality wood doors Oak wood for doors The main
apartment and rooms Doors made of m

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

d f added to the outside of the oak

Decorations Gibson Board in all the apartments and
the entrance to the architecture and we
will use the paint Marocopolo in all
apartments and painted white paint in
the staircase for floors 1, 2 and 3 and
the entrance to the architecture we will
use Wall tiles
Quality Emergency Doors Fire resistant doors
Bathroom Sets & Accessories Italian high quality manufacturing kits
and accessories
Protection of windows Iron protectors will be installed for all
windows and gear doors
Number of emergency exits 2

The area The area

288.54m Basement
288.54m Ground floor
288.54m first floor
288.54m second floor
288.54m Third Floor

:Approximate cost
Total cost of the project: 400000 JD

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

The cost of excavation: 5%

The of cost of the basemen: 17%
The cost of the ground floor: 17%
The cost of the first floor: 17%
The cost of the second floor: 17%
The cost of the third Floor: 17%
Profit Ratio: 10%

Available resources:
These materials will be needed by the company and provided to finish the
project as soon as possible and the best quality such as the availability of
cement and iron and the availability of workers in the land of the project
and transportation and services and availability.
A) Worker: in this project we need specific worker in the field of decoration
not any one because the client looks for the view and the best quality.
B) The location: its important point because in Abu Alanda not any one can
built home and live in it.
C) The kind of material: in some causes you can’t find the specific material
and you go the supplier in another country and take the materials.
D) The environment: you must save the environment from the rubbish and
the load noise
Goals and limitations

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

Worker: The workers will be taken after testing them in several aspects
such as health, safety and quality of work that will be given to them from
the first day and then their work will be evaluated and will they work with
us in the rest of the project or not?
The materials: The project has been agreed on the materials that will be
used in the highest quality because the client wants to be a luxury
architecture and wants to have the materials used in the legislator high
quality because if the buyer wants to sell in the future wants to do not harm
building quality materials
The tools: We need advanced tools to finish the building such as dredger,
rake and bulldozer
Agree roles and allocating responsibilities



Quantity engineering safety Site

consaltant contractor
surveyor design officer engineer


1- civil engineer:

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

study of the project contract and the terms and conditions of Business .1

in-depth study of the schemes.2

mode or contribute to put the timetable for the implementation of the project work .3
depending on the duration of the project

4.put tables showing the technical manpower and regular work teams, materials and
equipment needed in each stages of implementation and the harmonious and compatible
with schedule

:project manager -2

The person who is responsible for the project implementation process and follow up on its
work since his initial perception and even executed him, and highlighted the duties and
responsibilities of the project manager that the full supervision of the projects and follow
them step by step, in that it specifies the nature of the relationship that will govern the work
of the parties, which in turn involved in implementation of this project, in addition it shall
take all necessary measures and actions necessary to secure all start implementing the
project requirements within the budget available to him, along with organized business that
is unique to everyone working on the project with the permanent coordination between

:Quantity surveyor -3

Quantity surveying mission begins refute terms of the contract and review the amounts very
precisely and then department pricing

On-site be important amounts or quantities engineer is reviewing chub drawing maps and
calculate the quantities required by the construction phase and work requests for such

During the project work is a computer task quantities are evaluating the work of engineers or
subcontractors based on the daily achievement

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

And determine the percentage of the principal done to them for the issuance of work

After completion of the project will be the task of a computer is the ultimate quantities to
.add increases to the contract with the owner

:engineering design -4

Study and analysis of the needs and requirements of the customer accurately and deep .1
.study of his taste

.Construction work plan and visualize site so that it displays the measurements .2

To select the desired workers and materials such as furniture and building materials and .3

4.Organizing and supervising the site through the division of labor and arranged between
staff and supervisors to work on the site.
:safety officer -5

The duties and responsibilities of the supervisor

Supervisor is a liaison between management and the workers (occupational safety) is located
on the Duties and Responsibilities big task is directly linked to the life and property safety of
workers is an observer and port and Musharraf on the application of safety and report any
.shortening procedures and duties

Site engineer -6

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

The engineer overseeing the implementation of the project work in all its details, and on an
.ongoing basis and that

In order to ensure that the implementation of the business being in conformity with the
drawings and specifications and conditions of the project contract and the technical assets of
assessments for the implementation of those actions and accepted, and according to the
schedule adopted for the conduct of business be sure to follow safety and prevention, public
health, roads in the implementation supervise the mobilization of the models used in the
project keep a permanent record missionaries and invoices for supplies that reach for the
.project. All the daily and weekly payroll workers

:consultant -8

the general supervision of the proceedings and all related administrative and technical .1

Follow-up to receive all incoming transactions of the company and whose organization and .2
.guidance are viewing on the employer

3.guidance on transactions that do not need to be presented to the employer and guidance
to transmit them to the concerned authorities.
Sort transactions and reviewed after graduating from the employer and make sure .4
.informed by the employer, guidance and follow-up referral to the authority concerned

:contractor -9

Carry out tasks assigned to its execution in the contract, and not to be assigned to .1
subcontractors or waived when the contract before obtaining written approval by the owner

Take responsibility for the project site from the time of receipt and even handed over at .2
the end of the owner

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

Make observations on the work assigned in the case existence of technical errors in, and .3
so it guarantees a construction project for a period of ten years from any defects in the
.implementation of the business

Implementation of agenda items according to the specifications and conditions contracted .4

for and provide all materials, labor, tools and equipment to carry out business in an optimal

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

P1.1 B

The project land is located in Amman, Abu Alanda.

The plot No. 740

The area of the land is 600.9 M

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

In the figure shown above it shows the construction plan for foundations. As shown we
used single footing and in the end we will explain the single footing.

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

In the figure shown above, it shows the construction plan of the ground floor. As
shown in the plan we used ribbed slab because it has many advantages and in
the following we will talk what is the ribbed slab and their advantages.

Ribbed slab: also made of ribs are usually evenly spaced by columns. They are
either one-way systems covering the polygonal tile. This form of construction
is not common. A thick 120 mm pad with a minimum of 125 mm rib thickness
is required for continuous wear to achieve a two-hour fire rate. The rib
thickness of more than 125 mm is usually required to accommodate tensile
strength and shear. Polished panels are suitable for medium to heavy loads
can stretch reasonable distances, are very tough and particularly suitable.

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

Advantages of ribbed slab:

1. Savings on weight and materials.
2. Long spans.
3. Attractive soffit appearance if exposed.
4. Economical when reusable formwork pans used.
5. Vertical penetrations between ribs are easy.

In the figure shown above, it shows the architectural scheme of the

leveling floor. This plan can show you an apartment and it’s parking lots.
also, the plan can show you levels such as rain level and tile level.
The plan can show you windows and doors position and space for the

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

The above figure shows the architectural layout of the ground floor.
This plan can show two things. We have three bedrooms, one of them
are main rooms, we have three bathrooms, one kitchen, living rooms
and two balconies for each apartment. The plan can also show you
levels such as the lateral level of the building and the level of rainwater.
And you can see in the window plan and door position.

The licenses that we need in our project:

1.License from the ministry of works.
2.License from greater Amman municipality.
3.Approval from Jordan engineer’s association.

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

The above figure shows an example of one footing used in our project
as it named F1 at the plane of project.
This footing was used in the middle of the building and because of it’s
size it can hold the most load from the building.
The dimensions of this footing is 3.4x2.5 m and it’s the biggest footing in
this plan.
There is 5 kind of footing presented in the plan named F1,F2,F3,F4,F5.

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

The above figure shows an example of one beam used in our project as it
named B1 at the plane project.

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

This the face elevation of our project as it appear the building is

decorated with stone and vertical glass going up with the stairs.
The elevation of the building from the right is rising 2.4 from the
base elevation and from the left it’s decrease 1.8 from the base
elevation considering the topographic photo for this area.
This building consist from 4 floor above the ground and the
basement with the garage under the ground.
The ground floor apartments have a balcony in the front and
although there is a stairs lead to them.

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

1 The general timescale of the project (overall period of time

Name of work Early start (days) Early finish (days )

Plans 0 50
Excavation 51 75
Retaining wall 76 91
Blinding 92 94
Reinforcement 95 106
Timber 107 117
Foundation 118 149
Columns 150 160
Hollow blocks 161 169
Asphalt 170 184
Slab 185 207
Finishing 208 233
bleaching 234 239
Water 240 243
electricity 244 248
Ceramic Tiles 249 253

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

Mosaic tiles 254 261

Doers 262 266
widows 267 271
painting 272 292
Total 292days

The materials that are entered into the project were subject to the
Jordanian standards and standards. All the samples that were entered
into the project were examined to ensure that the samples and materials
entered are in good condition. We have put in place a test for the
workers who must be employed in the project. Be with the necessary
experience workers and all plans on the project and building must have
a Jordanian standard to done work (5) Resource implication
Organizations compete with each other in the industries on the basis of
access of the resources in the business environment. An organization
which possesses a quality human resource can achieve competitive
advantage over other organizations which do not have access to the
quality human resource. Similarly, resources such as financial
resources, access to raw material, relationship between suppliers and
distributors play an important role in providing firms competitive
advantage over other firms. Any problem in getting access to any of the
resource can cause adverse implications to the firm and hence cause
firm losing its market share in the industry.

lines of communication:
means what is the line of communication between engineers and what is each one

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

responsibility lets says the site manager he is the one who manage the site and what is going
on there if any problem happened in the site he is the one who is responsible for it,, then
comes the safety officer who is responsible for the safety measurements in site and if anything
happened to workers due to lack of safety he is responsible for that

these are examples so how the line of communication works it’s like if the worker had
problem he contact with site manager if the site manage couldn’t solve it he contact with the
contractor which means the contractor doesn’t contact with the workers and the workers
doesn’t contact with the contractor directly

target and aim

the target and aim of the project is that the contractor make his profit from this project and the
client gets what he wants as long as the project is delivered as planned and on time with the
agreed payment.
The procedures to make that happen are making an appointment schedule for the client to
visit the project area to be reassuring that the work goes as the plan and if he wants to add
something or change it. Also, making sure the payment goes as planned to accomplish the
work easier and faster and there is no delays.

We used two Technique

1-Monitoring progress.
we used this technique to keep the progress on schedule and to avoid any expected mistakes
we kept the site manager 24hr on site also the contactor and the safety officer have to go to the
site delays to check that everything is okay

we used the time scale that I provided above its studied in details so with the monitoring
progress and timescale I don’t think that there is any mistakes will appear

1) Lines of communication:
This infers who in the errand is responsible for whom in the work, for instance, the
impermanent laborer accountable for the security and wages and task of the subcontractor in
the endeavor and the person responsible for the prosperity of workers in the site is accountable
for prosperity and open prosperity and is accountable for making sensible courses of action

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

and prosperity measures to keep up The prosperity of the experts in the advancement site must
be a notice of dangerous places and general prosperity observes. It should work for care
freebees and check the masters already starting work. The events and issues that the
impermanent laborer and the legally binding laborer should discuss should be inspected with
the authorities who work for him in my venture the contractual worker speak with customer
additionally with subcontractor, and the subcontractor speak with specialist

2) Targets and aims:

This point suggests taking a look at the goals of the contracting association and the
The goals of the association look like whatever is left of the associations as we will probably
win the best measure of money and incredible reputation of the association and finish the
endeavor with the most insignificant time and the best idea of materials and devices that are
familiar with the wander and through the reputation of the association is bringing diverse
exercises at an engaged cost and awesome

The end is the motivation for the association and the association's motivation was to finished
the errand as fast as time licenses and with the most insignificant mishaps to start the
accompanying endeavor
1) Timescales: The time and division is remarkable in addition to other things that give the
legally binding laborer to focus and comfort or quicken the culmination of the endeavor as it
gives the brief specialist the measure of time anticipated that would accomplish the errands
with the best quality and speediest time
2) Quality assurance systems and quality plans: While ensuring the idea of the materials in
the wander, the speed of the brief laborer will increase and the amount of hindrances standing
up to the legally binding specialist will be less, for instance, the landing of materials to the
supply association for the puzzle of conclusions with materials passed on to the assignment

Final resources Place Percentage

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

Materials Landscape 35%

Workers Landscape 15%
Land price Landscape 20%
Excavation Landscape 25%
Design Office design 3%
profit Landscape 2%

Construction material Type of material Where we use it

Building Concrete use in beams and footing and

skeletons slaps and columns

Finishes Blocks use it behind bricks and use in


Finishes Thermal Bricks use in wall and home from out

side for decorating

Constructing Rips Use it under ripped slap

Constructing Steel use in columns and footing and

beams and slap

Formworks Wood use it when we cast the

column and beams and slaps
also doors

Component Water use it in many place in project

like mix the cement and
aggregate and sand to make

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5


Finishes Glass use it in windows

Finishes Tiles use it in the home

Finishes Paint use it to paint the wall

Mechanical PVC pipes use it to connect water and

works electricity to home

Finishes Aluminum use it in window and some


Man power Who we need it He is work in site or structure

to draw the plan on AutoCAD
5 Civil engineering He draw the plan for project
1 Arctic engineering They work in project from we
start in project until we finish it
50 worker He is responsible about several
things like
subcontractor for
excavation he is
responsible to finish the
excavation for contractor
3 subcontractor He is responsible about
everything in project
1 contractor He is responsible about safety
in the project
1 Safety officer He is work in site or structure
to draw the plan on AutoCAD

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

Equipment Type of machine Where we use it

3 Excavator We use excavator to dig the
soil and finish the cut and fill
1 Roller To compact soil
60 Concrete Mixer To transport concrete to
50 Water tank We use it to transport water
to project


1) Organize the steps of the project from start to end this point is already
explained in P2.2
2) Analyze these steps and the outcomes from them by showing the relations
between them also this step is explained in P2.2
3- I will show the points of delay, higher cost, money squeeze that happened
to us in the project actually we had two problem and because of the good
management we have solved it lack of money to pay for workers that work
on the earth equipment and for maintaining the machines , some of the
biggest fears to our team is that one of the earth equipment break down this
problem could cause the project to stop and effect the time schedule of the
project or maybe they just run of fuel or another problem because of the bad
management the workers that work on the earth equipment's don’t get paid
on the right time and this cause them to stop of leave the site,,,, the first one
was because of no maintenance to plants and the second one was because of
lateness in payments but we solved it by paying from our own money but we

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

paid small amount just to keep workers ,, working

1) Use of appropriate techniques for generating solutions:

I'm going to talk about some unforeseen problems event in the project
 Rainfall, resulting in delayed work.
Solution: Increase the number of workers to accomplish tasks faster.
 High costs a few materials.
Solution: The arrangements of the temporary worker have a warehouse loaded on a part of the
material, and therefore the materials are obtained at high costs. The contractual discharge of
the contract workers must be checked for intermittent costs so as not to take a bullet in
marking. The agreement demands loss of cash. Contractor relationships or contractors must
be with providers to be inside and outside the country to ensure best tool decisions and low
cost that point is mostly focused on temporary workers in Jordan due to high and low costs
SQL activity on the supply of non-existing materials in the agreement, prompting the
separation of materials, in this way resigned from work
Solution: We tried to identify it by taking examples of materials and inspecting them by
testing the research centers, and in this way, we rejected any load subject to what is in the
agreement and work well on the provider without charge planting contract.
2) Monitoring development against the agreed project plan:
One of the observing techniques I used to do was to put a director on the laborers. In the event
that I didn't work in the venture, I would likewise put a fine on individuals who did not
consent to the guidelines. I likewise put wellbeing officer in the undertaking with the goal that
the work done by the laborers
1) Maintaining and adapting project plan where appropriate:
The project has been finished through a few techniques that helped us to complete it
well, including the solid administration of the undertaking, if there is a successful
correspondence between the workers, including that the customer was managing the

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

contractual worker just and the subcontractor manages the temporary workers likewise
utilized propelled machines in the task So that it is ended moderately rapidly.

We have become late in the stairs work when the engineer forget to put the steel for it and
none have pay attention for that so we had dig a holes according to the steel diameter and
put a martial called (epoxy) so we can go up again and that cost us money, time and

1) Organize the steps of the project from start to end and 2) Analyze these steps
and the outcomes from them by showing the relations between them (precedence
diagrams as in: start to finish, finish to start, start to start, and finish to finish, or
Gantt chart).
I do it in p1.2 and p2.2
3) Then interpret the result of the steps by showing the points of delay, higher
cost, money squeeze and so on
We are late in some works like plans and foundation it is take a lot of time and
money and we were want money from the client and he doesn’t has money so he
delayed on our company and the result is reduce the time in some works by put

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

more temporary workers to finish the work by time and these like Building bricks
and other finishing works

We will set the dates of the processes that caused the changes in the base schedule and
the cause of these delays.
1 Bring the 2 16/3/2016 17/3/2017 16/3/2016 3 18/3/2016
equipment to
the project.

There were
delays in
bringing the
equipment to the
site because the
suppliers were
working on
maintenance of
the equipment
prior to the

2 Excavation 12 18/3/2016 30/3/2016 19/3/2016 17 3/4/2016

As the nature of
the soil of the
project rocky,
this has made it
difficult in the
operations and
occurred late in

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

of operations and
during the
drilling where
the drilling
operations were
disabled until the
equipment was

3 Building wall 3 19/4/2016 21/4/2016 20/4/2016 4 23/4/2016


the delay of
suppliers in
bringing the
and late
workers in the
of the
installation of
4 floor tile 31 25/11/2016 26/12/2016 25/11/2016 35 30/12/2016
The delay of
workers in the
of work because
of the weather
conditions where
the workers were
because of the

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

difficulty of
access to the
site and work

the delays that were caused by these operations were processed, the work hours were
worked on and the work time was reduced for some operations so that no delays in the
delivery of the project occurred. I will explain these procedures.

NUMBER operation Duration ES EF ACTUAL duration Actual

( time) finish
1 Design and 6 1/4/2016 6/4/2016 4/4/2016 4 9/4/2016
implementation of
In order to process
the delay in the
implementation of the
operations, the
company increased
the number of
workers during the
implementation of the
stages of the
foundations, so that
the acceleration of
the implementation

2 level concrete 3 11/4/2016 13/4/2016 14/4/2016 2 15/4/2016

To increase the
number of workers
where the company
transferred workers
from other projects
to this engineering
project in order to

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

speed up the
implementation of
the work

3 Installation of 5 22/4/2016 26/4/2016 24/4/2016 3 26/4/2016

wooden wrenches
and iron.

work was done to

increase the working
hours of workers at
the site and make two

4 Doors and windows 11 27/12/2016 7/1/2017 1/1/2017 7 7/1/2017

An increased fee has
been paid for the
company which will
be installing the
doors until the
completion of the
installation of the
doors is completed
until the completion
of the project in time

The project is done built and is in use the client has asked for
an evaluation meeting with the built team to compare the end results with the
original plans

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

The (aranar) team and me are asked to use the following techniques to

1- Detailed analysis of results:

So after the calculations we have done and after all the resource have been
calculated from materials ,steel ,concerted and labor we found that we were
going in the right direction and we didn’t have any mistakes in our
calculations also we did not need and addition labor or materials because of
the studied plan we have done before we start the project for example I will
put the time table we have set and I will put the changes we have done to it
during the process of building the project,, I will put the once that we did
change on it only

Reinforced 28 days + 3
concrete for slab ,
beams and
Steel bars all Placing them in
dimeters for slab 3 days
and beams
Plastering interior 3 days + 2
three layers
Ceramic tiles for 3 days -1
Ceramic tiles anit- 5 days - 2
slip for kitchens
and and wc and
all over the
Interior paint 7 days – 1
three layers and

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5


2- Use of appropriate evaluation techniques

so how we did monitor the work and we kept our plan going on progress ,,
and how we did evaluate our engineers and labor during the build process of
the project basically through tight visiting to the project from our contractor
and the site engineer had to stay in site in all the periods of work also we
were making weekly meetings with the heads that are holding the project
and monthly meetings with the client to keep him advised of what is
happening in the project and also in case of an emergency situation like if we
need to change something in the project we make an instant meeting also the
site manager were giving the contractor daily reports of what have been done
in the project I will put a chart that shows how we did manage the whole

3- Opportunities for further studies and development

as long as we are keeping our plan the same ( I did explain the plan before )
we will grow bigger I will but a small graph the shows how we will grow as
long as we stick with this plan

Here I will show you the changes that happened to any dimensions or design
of the project I will only put the changes that we have done to the project
and its good for us there is no major changes that we have done here

F1 1.4*2.7*0.75 2.835M^3
F3 2.05*2.55*0.75 3.659 M^3

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

Since we changed the dimensions of footing F1 and its thickness we also had to
change the thickness of footing F3 because they are connected with the same tie
beam ,, and the reason why we did all that ,, because we found that there is an
extra load is applied to that area , also we put steel bars 7 ϕ 16 instead of 6 ϕ 16

also we changes the blinding concrete it was all over the ground area of the
building and it was 47.66M^3 now we decided to make it on the size of the
footing only so we will need much less quantity


I will put some recommendations that may or may not help the company in its

1-Application of project results; as in how to make sure the shortcomings are not
repeated and maintained well as we said in this project there were not a lot of
mistakes and to avoid such a thing you must stick to your plan and develop it ,,,
like our plan which is increasing the company profit and reputation and if any
mistakes happened you must find solution to them after the project finish this is
what’s important in this step

2- Implications; as in how any changes done to the plan will affect the purpose of
the building,, since we hadn’t major changes so the purpose of the building hadn’t
change so I can’t say much of recommendations about this point because I hadn’t
had experience with it yet but properly it may lead to a change in the contract with
its own

3- Improvements; as in what could be done to minimize the effect of the

shortcomings we must put labors in precaution in case of an emergency or lateness
Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah
Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

also if we don’t need them at all we can land them to other company in case that
they needed ,, also we can make big maintenance to all the plants after each
project to make sure they don’t fail us in the next project ,, also we may change
them in case that they start to make a lot of problems ,, we can hire new engineers
and labors ,, and supervisors and site managers when the company comes bigger
because we will be working on more than one or two projects

all the drawings , calculation , plans , documents , and process , they are found
above which I’m sure you have read them before you reach here.

Project 1:
The project was far away from the material suppliers, so we decide to rent a
container that can save the materials in it.
But the cost will high and some materials will be disposed so we had to choose
another project.
Project 2:
The project need to much time to accomplish and we need time and money and
workers to work another project in the same time.
We had to choose a project has less time more actual works, so we can handle it
with another project at the same time.
This the project that we have chosen to work.
It’s located in the middle of the neighborhood, so we can’t work comfortably
because of the neighbors.
So, we had to deal with the neighbors with financial compensation.
Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah
Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

The slab steel diameters are 14, 18, 12.
The stairs steel diameters are 16, 20,14,12

lines of communication:
I will use the procedures of lines of communication means what is the line of communication
between engineers and what is each one responsibility lets says the site manager he is the one
who manage the site and what is going on there if any problem happened in the site he is the
one who is responsible for it, then comes the safety officer who is responsible for the safety
measurements in site and if anything happened to workers due to lack of safety he is
responsible for that these are examples so how the line of communication works it’s like if
the worker had problem he contact with site manager if the site manage couldn’t solve it he
contact with the contractor which means the contractor doesn’t contact with the workers and
the workers doesn’t contact with the contractor directly.

target and aim

the target and aim of the project is that the contractor makes his profit from this project and
the client gets what he wants as long as the project is delivered as planned and on time with
the agreed payment.
The procedures to make that happen are making an appointment schedule for the client to
visit the project area to be reassuring that the work goes as the plan and if he wants to add
something or change it. Also, making sure the payment goes as planned to accomplish the
work easier and faster and there is no delays.

Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

we used the time scale that I provided above in p2.3 its studied in details so with the
Monitoring progress and quality plans and timescale I don’t think that there are no mistakes
will appear.

2-Monitoring progress:
The MQP must include a number of control measures to manage, monitor and communicate
the project activities and deliverables. This section shall specify the use of plans, the
production of reports that help to measure and monitor project progress, and the controls and
measures adopted to ensure the success of the project.
All the subcontractors that the supplier intends to use in performing its obligations on the
project must be listed here. This list shall specify the name and address of the subcontractor
organization, the nature of the products or services that it will provide as a part of the
project, the contact person and the start / end dates for the requirement.
The supplier, as prime contractor, has full responsibility for the products or services provided
by the subcontractor. Below is a list of the subcontractors to be used.

Subcontractor Nature of Services Provided Contact Person Date Required

Organization Starts Ends

The project has multiple benefits for all the participants that are sharing different
benefits from the project and these benefits are (financial, morale, reputation or
experience) for my situation my benefits from the project are financial and that for
Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah
Date: \ \
The Engineering Department /General Engineering
Level 5

finance the other project that the company are attending to accomplish, and for
taking more experience and for reputation this customer has many investors that
want to invested in big projects, but on the other hand the customer has a moral
benefits and that because he will use the project for trading but he will has more
financial benefit when he decide to rent the apartments.
On the other hand, the government is using these projects for tourist it could be
more attractive for the people who comes from outside the country so maybe it
would to invest in many projects in Jordan.
So, this project makes the land and the region more valuable by the time and by
more constructing in that area and this make also, the government makes a hostels,
Water station, electricity station, supermarkets and malls.


Student Name: Abdullah Jalal Tanatrah

Date: \ \

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