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Flammability, Smoke Emission & Toxicity ‘The following excerpt is a generic set of flammability criteria Intended for passenger transit rail vehicle specifications. The requirements are based on a combined set of criteria from NFPA 130 - 2014, the current 49 CFR 238.103, and Appendix B to Part 238, and industry informal standards such as Boeing BSS-7239, and Bombardier Transportation SMP 800-C. All materials used in the vehicle shall comply with the flammabil herein. ity; smoke emission, toxic gas, and fre retardation requirements specified Materials used inthe construction ofthe vehicle shall meet 238, and NFA 130 - 2014 he requirements contained in this section, 49 CFR 238.103, Appendix 8 to Part ‘Should a conflict exist between the NEPA and Federal requlrements anc requirements Isted elsewhere in these provisions, the mare restrictive shall govern, Note: the FRP smoke requirement has been mocifed to @ mote restrictive value to improve smoke characterstes for tunnel operation, Materials used inthe construction ofthe vehicle shal! be selected to minimize the total combustible material content of the vehicle. “The Contractor shall furnish a comprehensive listing of materials used in the vehicle in matrix form (fammabilty matrix). The flammability matrix snall include the fllowing Information as @ minimum: + Matera application (component cescription, part/4rawing number, and location) 1 Matera supplier (fll name of material manufacturer) {+ Materal description (actual material name anc trace name) {Matera part number, formula number, o compound number {+ Nateral weight (both density and total weight in vehicle) + Rammabilty data as applicable: Flame spread / flammability © Smoke generation Heat value per pound © Heat release rate 5 Total heat released © Flashpoint / autoignition temperature ® Toxic content in combustion products ‘esting laboratory (Fullname of Independent testing entity) Submittal latter (letter number(s) submitting test reports and material specifications) Response Letter (Ieter(s) diepastioning the latest suamission of data) ‘Approval status (current approval status of tne speciic material) ‘The Contractor shall submit laboratory test results forall materials, forall tests specie, including a technical data sheet, for approval. The flammability matric shal contain sufficient information to pasttively Identify each maternal listed [CDRL Requirement] The material cescription used by the contractor shall be Identical in every place it appears; test report documentation, technical data sheet, crauings, ill of materials, lammabilty matrix, and other related references. Ths cacumentation must be directly traceable between the technical documentation, test reports and flammability matrix, tothe applicable Contractor drawings without amblgutty. Copies of prior test results showing that proposed materials have complied with the specified standards and te approval if the test reports are no more than tree years ele. Assurance may be required that the material present ig the same composition as that previously tested ts may be submitted for Being considered for use Flammability And Smoke Generation Criteria Function of Material ancton of Materi Test Procedure Performance Criteria 1,535 Avril materia & components exceat as B, (2.8) $ 100, 0, (4.0) = erwise noter ASTM 162 200 (Wall Panels, Celing Panels, Partition Panels, Rome cen {to exclude polyester resin Windscreens, Fiberglass, Plastics, Diaphragms, Non- sealing Elastomers, etc) (1, 2,9, 12) FRF, use the following: Dy (1.5) s 100, 0, (4.0) s 165) HVAC Ducting ‘ASTM E 162 1,825 G2) ASTM E 682 B, (4.0) 100 LUghting oittusers/ Plastic Glazing ASTM E 162 Bee rnay NES Pe a8 ASTM € 662. Be (2.5) # 100, Ds (4.0) = . 260 “Thermal and Acoustical Insulation ‘ASTM E 162 1, $25 a2) ASTM E 662 B, (4.0) « 100 Flexible Cellular Foams. ASTM D 3675 15 25 D, (2.5) s 100, D, (4.0) = (2 4,8) ASTM E 682 ost Function of Material [rest procedure erformance Criteria Tass Gera abet ors Lok pss asic siz Bp) 2 100.0. 4) ¢ zo, ba {oom (4.8, miu Elastomers - Other gaskets or seals. ASTM C1166 fore peru ay fete 5) 100, 2) = astm 662 os 53s dhesves and Sealants asm 162 6,08) «200, 0,40) = 260 ‘Serra — Ploy, Rook as (0 Minutes minimum (16, 17, 18) ASTME 119 endurance at AW3 loading) CRF > 0.5 W/em? (SkW/m?) For Cover asta e648 (12, 13) 8 ASTM E 662 Ds (1.5) $ 100, Dg (4.0) = ie Seok csns trees as 0 3095 Se oame (A, 2, 3,4, 5, 6 7, 8) (ASTM E 662 's (1.5) $ 100, Ds (4.9) < ts G35 Sea Frame, Seat Shroud asta E162 Seats asre 162 8, (5) 5 100,05 (4.0) 5 3 ie 14 CFR (FAR) 25.853 Flme Time = 10 sec, Upottey oocrceEtenest | GemeTine = 19st0, Cee 2) eee Bur Lent 150. (6 TEMP ose : We rsltin egurerents fr Wing ond NFPA 130 - 2014 (1,2, 18) Electrical Insulation Note: The previous requirement for wiring flammabilly was per IEEE Std 383 - Flammebilty. The 2014 NFPA 130 criteria cites a number of sources for wiring flame and smoke performance too numerous to repeat the Ist here Note: More History: The smoke density forthe wiring was listed as ASTM Ds (4.0) < 50. Ths is much ess than previous values of ASTM Ds (4.0) = 75(NF) and ASTM Ds (4.0) + 200 (F) used on other prier projacts. The everall trends a ganeral reduction In smoke generation Numbered comments are based upon NFPA 130, and 49 CFR Appendix B to Part 238, These comments have been either ‘quoted, combined from both, or adapted/edited to passenger transit applications. 1) Materials tested for surface flammability shall not exhibit any flaming running or dripping unless an appropriate fie hazard analysis 's conducted and approved by the Transit Authority. 2) The ASTM E 662 maximum test limits for smoke emission (specific optical density, D,) shall be measured in both the flaming or non-flaming mode, values shall be provided for both cases. The maximum smoke density, Dm, shall also be provided for information. 3) Testing of a complete seat assembly (including cushions, fabric layers, upholstery) according to ASTM E 1537 using the pass/fail enteria of Calfornia Technical Bullet 133, and testing of a complete mattress assembly (Including foam ‘and ticking) accorcing to ASTM & 1590 using the pass/fal ertera of Calfornia Technical Bulletin 129 shall be permitted Inle of the test methods prescrioed herein, provides the assembly component units remain unchanged or new (replacement) assembly components possess equivalent fre performance properties tothe original components tested. ‘Testing shall be at 50 kW/m? applied heat flux with a retainer frame. i fire hazard analysis must also be conducted that ‘considers the operating environment within which the seat or mattress assembly will be used in relation to the risk of vandalism, puncture, cutting, or other acts which may expose the individual components ofthe assemblies to an ignition source. The requirements of Notes 5,6, 7, and 8 shall be met 4) Testing is performed without upholstery 5) The surface lammabilty ané smoke emission characteristics shall be demonstrated tobe permanent after dynamic testing according to ASTM D 3574, Test Ip (Dynamic Fatigue Test by the Roller Shear at Constant Force) or Test 13, (Dynamic Fatigue Test by Constant Force Pounding) both using Procedure 8, except that the test samples shall be 2 minimum of 6 inches (154 mm) by 18 inches (457 mm) by the thickness of the material in its end use configuration, or ‘multiples thereo, If Test 13 s used, the sizeof the Indentor Geserived In paragraph 96.2 shall be maified to accommodate the specified test specimen. 66) TThe surface flammability and smoke emission characteristics shall be demonstrated to be permanent by washing, i ‘appropriate, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommenced procecure. Ira washing procedure 's rot provided by ‘the manufacturer, the fabri shall be washed In accordance with ASTM E 206i, Annex A, 7) The surface flammabilty ané smoke emission characteristics shall be demonstrated to be permanent by dry-cleaning, iF appropriate, according to ASTM D 2724 8) Materials that cannet be washed or cry-cleaned shall be so labeled and shall meet the applicable performance tntena after being deaned as recommended by the manufacturer 9) As @ minimum, all combustible materials used anywhere in the vehicle (except as noted in 10) are required to be testes including interior, cab components as well as exterior components, Combustible signage shall nt be required to meet flame spread or smoke emission requirements if (a) the actual thickness ofthe signage Is na greater than 1.5 mm (0.060 in.; (b) the aggregate area of combustible signage does not exceed 10 percent ofthe wall area of the car, including windows; and (c) no single sign is larger than 0.47 m? (5.0 ft2), Items that cannot be made compliant cue to other dominating engineering requirements may not be required to meet the flammabilty or smeke emission erformance criteria specified, but stil must be tested to establish the relatve risk and evaluates, and waived, by the Transit Authonty 10) Materials used to fabricate miscellaneous, discontinuous small parts (such as knobs, rollers, fasteners, clips, ‘grommets, and small electrical pars) that will not contribute materially to fire growth In end use configuration are exempt from flammability ana smoke emission performance requirements, provided that the Surface area of any Invidual small pat is less than 16 square inches (100 cm?) in end use configuration and an appropriate fie hazard analysis is conducted which addresses the location and quantity of the materials used, and the vulnerabilty ofthe ‘materials to ignition and contribution to flame spread. 414) Ifthe surface area of any individual small part is less than 16 square inches (100 cm) in end use configuration, materials used to fabricate such 2 part may be tested in accordance with ASTM E1354 as an alternative to both (a) the ASTM E 162 flammabilty test procedure, or the appropriate flammability Lest procedure otherwise specified inthe table, ‘and (b) the ASTM E 662 smoke generation test pracedure. Testing shall be at SO kW/m? applied heat flux with a retainer frame. Materials tested In secordance with ASTM & 1354 shal meet the folowing performance ertera: average heat release rate (qo) less than or equal to 100 kW/m? and average specific extinction area (sf) less than or equal to S00 rm?/kg over the same 180-second period 112) Carpeting used as a wal or ceilng covering shall be tested according to ASTM E 162 and ASTM E 662 and meet the respective cnteriaof Is less than ar equal to 35 and D, (1.5) less than or equal to 100 and D, (4.0) less than or equal fo 200, Notes 1 and 2 apply. 413) Floor covering shall be tested with padding in accordance with ASTM E 648, ifthe padding is used in the actual instalation 114) Fer double window glazing, only the interior glazing is required to meet the requirements specified herein. (The ‘exterior glazing is not required to meat these requirements) 115) Average flame propagation shall be less than 4 inches and no specimen shall be completely consumed. 116) Penetrations (duets, access openings, et.) shall be designed against acting as passageways for fire and smoke and representative penetrations shall Be Included as part of test assemoles. 117) A structural flooring assembly separating the interior of a vehicle fram its undercarriage shall meet the performance criteria during @ nominal test period as determined by the ralroad. The nominal test peried must be twice the maximum fexpectes time period uncer narmal circumstances for a vehicle to stop completely and safely from its maximum ‘operating speed, plus the time necessary to evacuate all the vehicle's occupants to 2 safe area, The nominal test period ust not be less than 30 minutes. Only one specimen need be tested. A proportional reduction may be made in the dimensions of the specimen provided it serves to truly test the ability of the structural flooring assembly to perform as @ barrier against uncer-venicle fires. The fire resistance periog required shall be consistent with the safe evacuation of 3 {ullload of passengers from the vehicle under worst-case corsdtlons 118) Portions of the vehicle bocy which separate major ignition sources, energy sources, or sources of fue-load from vehicle interiors, shall have sufficient fire endurance as determined by a fire hazard analysis acceptable to the railroad which addresses the location and quantity ofthe materials useo, as wel as vulneabilty ofthe materials fo lgniton, lame spread, and smoke generation. These portions include equipment carying portions of a vehicle's roof ang the Interor structure separating the levels ofa bi-level car, but do not include a flooring assembly subject to Note 17. 419) Testing shall be conducted in accordance with ANSI/IEEE Standard 1202, with the additonal requirement that circuit integrity fer fire/smoke warning and supression equipment shall continue fer'S minutes after the stat of the test 20) Testing of cured materials shall be condctes on materials that are completely cured as stated by the manufacturer's speciation, Toxic Content Limits In Combustion Products ‘The maximum toxic gas concentration in the combustion products of any materials used in the construction af the vehicle shall not exceed the folowing values: eee anne sup soa) Maximum Concentration Carbon Monoxide (CO), 3500 ppm Hydrogen Fluoride (HF), 200 ppm ‘Nitrogen Diexide (NO2), 300 ppm Hyeragen Chloride (HCL), 500 ppm Hydrogen Cyanide (HCN), 150ppm Sulfur Dioxice (S02), 300 pom

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