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cost of Items p25

cost of armor p24

Spells never work when wielding 2-hand weapons or medium/heavy armor.

Encumbrance- STR+8 normal sized items.

Max Encumbrance- (STR+8)x2 normal sized items = -2 to STR/AGL
Negative HP= Dead
Zero HP=

1-4. Dead
5. Lost left eye. Can't act for 1 rounds, then return with 4 HP.
6. Broken left arm. Can't act for 3 rounds, then return with 2 HP.
7. Broken right arm. Can't act for 2 rounds, then return with 1 HP.
8. Severed right hand. Can't act for 3 rounds, then return with 4 HP.
9. Severed left leg. Can't act for 4 rounds, then return with 4 HP.
10. Severe bleeding, death in 1 hour unless treated. Tests are DR18.
11. Bleeding, death in 2 hours unless treated. Tests are DR16, then DR 18.
12. Hit vein, death in 2 hours unless treated. Tests are DR15, then DR 17.
13. Hit artery, death in 1 hour unless treated. Tests are DR 16, then DR 18.
14. Gut wound, death in 2 hours unless treated. Tests are DR 16, then DR 18.
15. Fall unconcious 1 round, return with 4 HP
16. Fall unconcious 2 rounds, return with 3 HP
17. Fall unconcious 3 rounds, return with 2 HP
18. Fall unconcious 4 rounds, return with 1 HP
19. Fall unconcious 1 round, return with 4 HP
20. Fall unconcious 1 round, return with 4 HP

d6 1-3 Enemies go first.

Melee Attack: STR DR12

Ranged Attack: PRE DR12

Critical Hit: Double damage, Armor Sundered (d6 becomes d4 becomes d2 becomes

Critical Defence: Opportunity Attack!

Critial Miss: Weapon lost

Critical Defence Fail: take Critical Hit

One Round= Six seconds

Short Rest= Restore d4 HP

Long Rest= Restore d6 HP
Rest cannot happen if starving. After two days of starving, lose d4 HP per starving

Infected: No benefit from Rest. Lose d6 HP daily.

NPC Reaction Table (2d6)

2-3 Hostile
4-6 Angry
7-8 Indifferent
9-10 Almost Friendly
11-12 Helpful

Morale (2d6)
Leader Killed
Half of group dead
only single bloodied enemy remains

Rolling GREATER than Morale value= either flee or surrender

Gain TREASUREd6: 0-3 nothing 4 3d10 silver 5 unclean scroll 6 sacred

Gain d6 HP (as long as HP is less than 6d10)

Abilities from -3 to +1 gain one.

All other abilities, roll d6. If equal or greater than ability, gain one. If
less than ability, lose one.

PRE+4 Every morning= Power Points. Cast Spell costs 1 Point and PRE DR12.
Fail= take 1 HP damage and cannot cast spells for 1 hour, roll on Arcane Failure
table for Unclean scrolls.

Spells never work when wielding 2-hand weapons or medium/heavy armor.

1. Saint's Grace- d2 creatures regain d10 HP
2. Sinner's Grace- +d6 to one roll for any creature
3. Whispers at the Gate- Ask three questions to a dead creature
4. Aegis of Sorrow- 2d6 Temporary HP for 1 minute
5. Awaken- Dead no more than a week= awakened with terrible memories
6. Bestial Speech- Speak with animals for an hour
7. False Dawn/Night's Chariot- Light or Darkness for 3d10 minutes
8. Hermetic Step- Instantly travel 60ft in any direction
9. Archon's Glare- d4 creatures lose d8 HP each
10. Gnochian Syntar- One creature blindly obeys a single command

1. Southern Seal- ball of fire hits d4 creatures for d10 damage each
2. Tongue of Eris- d2 creatures attack friends for 10 minutes
3. Luminous Compunction- Move any object 60 feet for 5 minutes
4. Levitation- Hover for d20 rounds.
5. Daemon of Capillaries- d4 creatures suffocate for d6 rounds, losing d6 HP
per round
6. Unknot the Storm- d4 lightening bolts deal d8 damage each
7. Metzhutol's Blindness- A creature becomes invisible for d8 rounds or until
damaged, attacking/defending with DR 6.
8. Foul Psychopomp- Summon d4 skeletons or d4 zombies
9. Eyes Blind the Mind- d8 creatures fall asleep for 1 hour unless they
succeed DR 14 test
10. Death- All creatures within 30 feet lose 4d10 HP

Get 2 at the end of every Long Rest
Use to:
Reroll Any Die
Deal max damage with one attack
lower damage delt to you by d6
Neutralize Crit or Fumble
Lower one test DR by 4


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