English Task Analyze The Discussion Text: Name: Gusti Dhika Zafira Class: 12 MIA 3 A. Choose The Best Option

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English Task

Analyze The Discussion Text

Name : Gusti Dhika Zafira

Class : 12 MIA 3

A. Choose the best option

Internet has been the most outstanding invention in the history of mankind. With internet,
out earth has become a global village. Yet, like many other human made technologies, it has its
own advantages and disadvantages.
There are plenty of software that can entertain us or help us to communicate with our
beloved ones. In a mere second, we can chat for hours with a person who is sitting at the other
parts of the world, read our e-mail in our smart phone or listen to our favorite radio broadcast by
streaming it on our table.
With its easy access, internet also has its disadvantages . one of them is children may be
exposed to violence and explicit contects that only suitable for adults. There are thousands of
such inappropriate contents on the internet which can be easily found. It is a very serious issue
and may harm children well-being. Although, internet can create havoc and destruction, its
advantages are more important than its disadvantages.

1. What is one disadvantages of the internet?

A. It exposes children to violence
B. It helps us chat with our beloved ones
C. It helps us communicate from faraway
D. It streams our favorite radio broadcast
E. It sends to our e-mail from our smart phone

2. The main idea of paragraph 2 is ....

A. The use of internet can be very fatal
B. Internet has some advantages
C. People should not use internet
D. Internet can make us lazy
E. Internet brings more harm than good

3. From the passage we can assume that, children should be …. By their parents while they are
using the internet.
A. Taught
B. Watched
C. Seen
D. Accompanied
E. Observer
B. Discussion about PSBB Transition in Jakarta. (Pro vs contra)

Transitional PSBB
A deciding chapter for Jakarta’s new normal

Less than a month since the central government’s first call to “co-exist” with the coronavirus, Jakarta is
among the first provinces in Indonesia to ease restrictions and begin the transition to the new normal.
Governor Anies Baswdan said the move to ease large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) was necessary as
the capital was suffering from an economic downturn. It experienced an unprecedented 45 percent fall in
tax revenue, leading to drastic cuts in spending. Anies extended the PSBB, also known as a partial
lockdown, for the third time, on June 4, announcing that the month would be Jakarta’s “transition” period,
after research data showed that the epidemiological trend of news cases and deaths had declined.

The transitional PSBB period will serve as an early chapter of Jakarta’s new normal that Anies said would
only apply to strategic sectors with manageable risks, in line with Jokowi’s directive to reopen the
economy carefully and gradually. The Jakarta administration also vowed to push stronger enforcement
and public compliance.

 Pro

Many people think this decision is a good thing to do. Considering that the Corona transmission rate in
Jakarta is still so high. Not to mention, as stated by Governor Anies, the Corona isolation bed is predicted
to be full on September 17 if the transmission of COVID-19 cannot be controlled. According to them, the
move by the DKI Jakarta Governor to re-implement the total PSBB on September 14 is the right step.
Because, out of 34 new DKI Provinces that meet the standard, the number of citizen specimens
determined by WHO is one in 1,000.

 Contra

Meanwhile, there are also many people who argue that the PSBB policy will again have an impact on the
economy, starting from their businesses that are threatened with less turnover to cutting wages again.
Some even think that the Jakarta PSBB policy is no longer effective in reducing the spread of Corona in
DKI Jakarta.

Apart from that, the ministers also did not agree with and criticized the policies taken by Anies
Baswedan. The three ministers are Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, Trade
Minister Agus Suparmanto and Minister of Industry Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita. The Minister of
Economy even said that the statement issued by Anies Baswedan regarding the total PSBB caused the JCI
to decline.

On the other hand, according to Airlangga, Anies' decision to withdraw the emergency brake greatly
affected the economy. Because, according to him, economic performance is not only influenced by
fundamental conditions, but also public and public trust.

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